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Rest In Peace Muttley.......


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I enjoy keeping myself reasonably fit by doing alot of cycling.

I usually keep to the bigger roads as that means less hassle from dogs running out at you and trying to take chunks out of my legs.

However on my favourite route I am/was regularly bothered by a particularly nasty mutt.

A cross between a rotweiler, cerberus and the filth hound of hades.

It really was an evil looking creature and it was only the part of it that must have been crossed with a Jack Russel that kept its legs short enough to mean it couldn't keep up for long when I put a sprint on.

My usual route meant that it usually attacked from the nearside on my left.

Just lately I reversed the route so that it meant filth hound had to cross the road to get at me.

This morning he must have been dozing as he started his run at me a little late and crucially for him didn't notice the Dmax coming the other way.

I heard his pitter patter on the road so put on my usual sprint then the squeal of brakes and the thump of impact as the Dmax caught him a good'un.

I looked back and saw muttley twitching his last in the middle of the road.

Previously I had seen who I presume was the owner just stand and watch at it rushed at me.

Didn't seem to care in the least and certainly never kept the property gate closed to prevent it happening.

Well now he has lost what must have been an awesome burglar alarm/deterrent.

Shame that he like most people here don't take care of their dogs.

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Yes that was bound to happen to it someday. I'm pretty sure most members here can relate to this story. I used to be attacked everyday by this big nasty looking dog at the bottom of my soi until one day I just stood outside the owners house shouting at them to come out. I told them that if the dog bites me I will go to the police. After that it was usually kept inside the large gates of the house.

I'm also pretty sure that a lot of animal lovers who are new, or have never been to Thailand will not share your lack of compassion about the animals untimely demise. However after living there for a while and having your daily activities (not to mention sleeping patterns) totally ruled by these creatures, it is sometimes hard to be sympathetic.

At least it didn't suffer too much, and now you are free to jog in peace, at least until the next one comes along !


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Yes that was bound to happen to it someday. I'm pretty sure most members here can relate to this story. I used to be attacked everyday by this big nasty looking dog at the bottom of my soi until one day I just stood outside the owners house shouting at them to come out. I told them that if the dog bites me I will go to the police. After that it was usually kept inside the large gates of the house.

I'm also pretty sure that a lot of animal lovers who are new, or have never been to Thailand will not share your lack of compassion about the animals untimely demise. However after living there for a while and having your daily activities (not to mention sleeping patterns) totally ruled by these creatures, it is sometimes hard to be sympathetic.

At least it didn't suffer too much, and now you are free to jog in peace, at least until the next one comes along !


hes a cyclist.........although maybe he wants to start jogging now dog is dead. :D

its a shame about the dog as he was only doing what is natural to him......i dont like it if the owner is aware it is doing this as should not have a dog if not going to take care properly,but im afraid this is thailand :D

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On one of my regular off road rides there is a pitbull type monster living in a house beside a lake. I could take a detour to avoid the house but i prefer to be chased. It gives a surge of adrenaline and an excuse to really push hard when i am feeling tired. Not all rabid denizens of doggie hel_l are bad :o

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I had an almost identical experience on my cycle run in Jomtien a few months ago.

What I found interesting was the fact that it was a motorbike with a fairly fat man and equally fat lady on board that went bump, bump over the unfortunate cur and even though it was obvious that its owners saw what happened, the motorbike folk just kept going as if nothing had happened. Even though the brute had been going for me - as it frequently did - I imagine I felt more compassion for it than the people who did it in.

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its a shame about the dog as he was only doing what is natural to him......i dont like it if the owner is aware it is doing this as should not have a dog if not going to take care properly,but im afraid this is thailand :o

It is a shame about the dog, as is often the case, an unruly or aggressive dog is so because of his owners.

Our neighbors had a dog that used to chase me on the motorbike as I drove by. One day, I stopped the bike, shouted at the dog, and picked up a big rock and threw it at the dog. He never chased me again. Usually, it is as simple as that.

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I think cyclists here have about a 2% higher survival rate on the roads when compared to local soi and pet dogs. I feel more sorry for the street sweeper (who incidentally also have a very low road survival rate) who has to clean it up.


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I had an almost identical experience on my cycle run in Jomtien a few months ago.

What I found interesting was the fact that it was a motorbike with a fairly fat man and equally fat lady on board that went bump, bump over the unfortunate cur and even though it was obvious that its owners saw what happened, the motorbike folk just kept going as if nothing had happened. Even though the brute had been going for me - as it frequently did - I imagine I felt more compassion for it than the people who did it in.

what are the Thai laws concerning your responsibilities when hitting an animal. where I live in the US, not only is it good form to stop to aid the animal, its the law.

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what are the Thai laws concerning your responsibilities when hitting an animal. where I live in the US, not only is it good form to stop to aid the animal, its the law.

If you hit an animal in the US and stopped to check/aid the animal, are you likely to be attacked by another dog? If yes, is it possible that the second dog could be diseased, even rabid? I think not. I don't think the odds are quite the same in some parts of Thailand.

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I had an almost identical experience on my cycle run in Jomtien a few months ago.

What I found interesting was the fact that it was a motorbike with a fairly fat man and equally fat lady on board that went bump, bump over the unfortunate cur and even though it was obvious that its owners saw what happened, the motorbike folk just kept going as if nothing had happened. Even though the brute had been going for me - as it frequently did - I imagine I felt more compassion for it than the people who did it in.

what are the Thai laws concerning your responsibilities when hitting an animal. where I live in the US, not only is it good form to stop to aid the animal, its the law.

I think I'm right in saying that in the UK it is the law that if you run over a dog you have to report the fact to the police within 24 hours. No similar requirement for a cat though. Maybe something to do with dogs being licensed - or supposed to be licensed!

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The inhabitants of the glorious "Land 'O Thais" are sorely lacking when it comes to the responsibility of raising a dog to behave. They will feed a soi dog until it is so fat it can barely stand, yet they will not train their own dogs, and will chain them up or let them run free rather than teach them to stay in their yard..

There is what can only be described as a wild Pomeranian that lives down my Soi. The lady who owns it lets it totally run amok all the time. I have kick launched it into the air several times (sometimes quite far actually as poms are quite aerodynamic) as it ran at me. The owner will stare like an idiot yet do nothing, although sometimes she would ramble at me in incoherent thai. The pom now leaves me alone preferring to just growl and glare at me with its beady eyes, but other passers by are harassed daily by the growling, snapping fur ball. The other thai inhabitants of the Soi go on with business as usual, in the typical thai 'not my business' manner.

Where is the Soi dog round up truck that catches them and sells them to the dog eaters when you need them?

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I had an almost identical experience on my cycle run in Jomtien a few months ago.

What I found interesting was the fact that it was a motorbike with a fairly fat man and equally fat lady on board that went bump, bump over the unfortunate cur and even though it was obvious that its owners saw what happened, the motorbike folk just kept going as if nothing had happened. Even though the brute had been going for me - as it frequently did - I imagine I felt more compassion for it than the people who did it in.

what are the Thai laws concerning your responsibilities when hitting an animal. where I live in the US, not only is it good form to stop to aid the animal, its the law.

I am not even sure it is required if you hit a little old lady in Thailand...

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On one of my regular off road rides there is a pitbull type monster living in a house beside a lake. I could take a detour to avoid the house but i prefer to be chased. It gives a surge of adrenaline and an excuse to really push hard when i am feeling tired. Not all rabid denizens of doggie hel_l are bad :D

if you enjoy your adrenalin surges...cycle to house,park bike......start jogging past the house (great surge for sure) ....u might have to see if its a better swimmer than you too......i think they call this perfect triathlon training.sorted :o

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On one of my regular off road rides there is a pitbull type monster living in a house beside a lake. I could take a detour to avoid the house but i prefer to be chased. It gives a surge of adrenaline and an excuse to really push hard when i am feeling tired. Not all rabid denizens of doggie hel_l are bad :D

if you enjoy your adrenalin surges...cycle to house,park bike......start jogging past the house (great surge for sure) ....u might have to see if its a better swimmer than you too......i think they call this perfect triathlon training.sorted :o

If i was fast enough to be able to out-run this beast of Satan i would be a world class athlete instead of working for a living!

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I for one love dogs and have three of them myself, but they are trained and are kept indoors or at least the garden at all times.

I do think this story is great though, one I think the dogs owner got what he deserved, a stiff mutt....... maybe next time he will keep the dog in the garden with gate closed. but I doubt it very much.

two, the dog really did have a bit of a darwin death. and all because you changed your route............ thats funny man.

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Interesting reading.

In our previous residence there were two dogs that the Thai owners let out late at night all the time.

One night coming home, one of them attacked my wife whilst she was on the motorbike. It spooked the missus and she dropped the bike on her side injuring her shoulder quite badly for months and months.

The little bustards tried the same thing to me. So I stopped the bike turned around and went straight for them. One had brains enuf to duck down a side soi, the other was so <deleted> scared that it ran the length of the road, constantly looking over it's shoulder and running into things. It soon ran out of road and obviously fearing the worst, took a leap of faith into the bush and the rice field beyond the Moo Baan.

Neither dog bothered us again and as soon as they ever heard our bike, they were up and off.

I'm an avid dog lover, but enuf was enuf.

Big P.

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OzziePaul, that is precisely the way to deal with aggressive dogs that like to chase motorbikes (or bicycles). Stand your ground and be aggressive in return. Speeding away faster only encourages their chase instinct.

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I agree with this, because I had to put this to the test when I had no other choice. I was attacked by a loose rotweiller, but not in Thailand but in Amsterdam. The irresponsible owner let the dog roam outside the gate at night, and I had to pass through the small street on my bicycle. The thing charged at me, and I fell off of my bicycle. As it was charging closer, I sat up on my knees ready to fight to what I thought was my death. I screamed as I kneeled up, and at the last minute the sucker made a slight turn and charged off in another direction.

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I love dogs but I've no qualms to helping it on its way to the next life if it comes into unwanted and agressive contact with me, my wife, especially my baby daughter or my property. Whether that be by truck or other method doesn't bother me.

The owners don't care and you can't wait for the authorities to act as they won't and you'll still have to off the little bugger.

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I enjoy riding my bicycle for exercise, usually with no problems, however yesterday was a different story. I was riding fast, and suddenly a dog came at me from the left rear, with teeth a few inches from my bare leg. I sped up and tried to maneuver away from it, and found myself in the oncoming lane with a motorcycle and pickup coming at me. Not a good feeling.

I am now constructing a good pipe club to hang on the old bicycle, and am going to do my best to stop and bash in the head, of the next critter that comes at me. :o

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