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  • 2 months later...

I've known plenty of people back in the USA who took clen to lose weight (it's very popular in LA). None of them did a yo-yo or had ill side effects. The key, I was told, is finding the correct dosage and taking the drug correctly.

Of course if you lose the lbs and go right back to eating crap and not exercising, you will gain it back. It was a lifestyle choice for them and years later, they are all fine.

I've known plenty of people back in the USA who took clen to lose weight (it's very popular in LA). None of them did a yo-yo or had ill side effects. The key, I was told, is finding the correct dosage and taking the drug correctly.

Of course if you lose the lbs and go right back to eating crap and not exercising, you will gain it back. It was a lifestyle choice for them and years later, they are all fine.

I have used clen too, i sure did loose weight but its not a mild drug. The side effects are tremors and excessive sweating and you can get cramps (real nice if you strech in the morning and a cramp gets in your calf muscle)

It worked for me though.. but i was not happy using it. And you use it 2 weeks up and 2 weeks off.. but with everything you need to eat the right food while doing it and working out would not be bad either.

  • 1 month later...

I have tried to find Meridia / sibutramine/ reductil at a few pharmacies here but can not. Is it really that easy to find OTc in LOS?

I am in Phuket. Boots didn't have it.


The net is jammed with hundred of articles on Clenbuterol - how did you guys decide on the cycle to take it in? There are so many conflicting pieces of advice, how did you decide on the dosage? or schedule?

Also, what's your take on the quality avaliable in LOS? all the Nana pharmacies sell generic brands, like LA Pharma, do you think they are safe?


The net is jammed with hundred of articles on Clenbuterol - how did you guys decide on the cycle to take it in? There are so many conflicting pieces of advice, how did you decide on the dosage? or schedule?

Also, what's your take on the quality avaliable in LOS? all the Nana pharmacies sell generic brands, like LA Pharma, do you think they are safe?


Got my advice from a bodybuilding board now after having tried it a few times i know how to use it.

Still this drug is useless unless you adjust your diet too and do some training. Plus its not something you should take without knowing about it and having read a lot about it. Its not candy.

  • 7 months later...

I lift weights 4x weekly, do some HIIT cardio, eat a low carb, high protein, medium fat diet (with weekend carb ups). I was on a restrained bulk to try and gain muscle, but have cut the calories back as I was adding a little too much fat for my liking. I have lost fat, but I still have a stubborn bit around my stomach and lower back. I don't really want to cut back more on calories as I would be then be potentially losing muscle also, or at the very least not adding it from my training.

After some reading I decided that an ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin stack may be the answer - effective fat burner but minimal sides and anti-catabolic to a certain extent. However ephidrine is a no-no over here I believe.

Any suggestions for a similar fat burner? I have read a little about Clen, but that's a step up and I would need to read a lot more about it. Is it even available here?

What about the fat burners from the new Naiharn gym online store (Mitotropin from Gaspari Nuitrition was mentioned previously). Any feedback on it?



Did you ever see footage of fat survivors of Belson and Aucshwitz? I think you can maybe do the math ...:huh:

What relevance has your comment? Read my post again. I asked for info on something similar to an ECA stack to help lose some stubborn fat, whilst retaining muscle. How does starvation help?

Using Holocaust victims to make a smart arse comment. Classy <_<

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hmm ok everyone's here have different opinion but like what should I cut?

I take2-3 meals a day ( usually it is Thai food from a restaurant and then cut into smaller portions 3 meals out of 1 meal, like some here said mostly yams, meat and soups with 1/3 portion of rice) I feel quite ok not hungry at all.. no food after 7pm, just water when I feel thirsty. I drink more than 2liters of water , but not less thatn that since I buy 2*1L everyday when I go to the gym, and I go the the gym EVERYDAY ( ok yesterday was my son's birthday so I took a day off ( that's a day in 2 weeks at most ) I do 1 groupX where I use maximum of my abilities, clothes fall of me wet as if soaked, I don't drink alcohol at all, no fizzy drinks at all and to all of tis I lost nothing in 2 months.

Sure I will be looking into something to help me move the fat faster.....thinking of HYDROXYCUT...they say it helps if you work out....

wow sounds like you're doing all the right things, are you sure you're not losing fat and putting on muscle? How are you judging your progress, by weight or by size (clothes etc.)?

Normally it's advisable to take at least one day a week off exercise. to give your muscles time to recover and grow.

Or maybe you just need to give it a bit more time, I noticed I always put on weight when I start vigorous exercise, but it comes off later on.

  • 1 month later...

Frankly, I'm amazed at this!

Eat LESS, eat HEALTHY, avoid JUNK food, try - goddammit - EXERCISE! Nothing too frenetic, mind you (as if you could!).

Want to know why you have a weight problem?

Lifestyle, mate. Attitude. Laziness, even.

If you want something enough, you'll find a way.

No kidding? The man asked for a drug to aid his/her weightloss. I am sure they have heard your dribble a 1000 times before.

Frankly I am amazed when when people ask a civil question and they get a pompus & pious reply.

I am also frankly amazed at the ignorance of those self pro-claimed health experts that never had to deal with the issues they

so selfrightously preach about.


What a load of &lt;deleted&gt; people are writing here.

Only a couple of people have got it right.

Lifestyle choices.

You have gained it long term due to inappropriate choices.

if you lose if quickly, it will come straight back on at the end of your drugs/diet - normally with a bit extra.

Lose 18kg in 6 months?

Why the &lt;deleted&gt; would you want to?

You like stretch marks?

I was 105kg - now 79. over 20 months

Done through changing my daily routine

1/. Cut back on alcohol, BIGTIME. If you have to, smoke, walk, or swap for sex.

2/. Don't buy fast food. Buy Thai or cook fresh fruit, veg, meat and seafood

3/. Cut back "bad" carbs (read: sugar, bread, potato). Increase GOOD carbs (read pulses, whole grains, brown rice etc)

4/. Drink a lot of water

5/. walk a little. 30 minutes a day is good.

6/. Don't freak out and "start a diet" " start diet drugs" or "change". Just commit to minor, achievable changes that over 6-12 month will have a major, and almost irreversible impact.

It's F*CKING hard, but do it gradually, and without pain, and don't be in too much of a rush - and in a year or two you will have self esteem, a sense of achievement and the admiration and support of those who know you.

DON'T go the loser route of tummy tucks, pills, diets, gyms and ab-machines from TV.

Weight loss is a suckers game and a growth industry in these hard economic times, and you owe it to yourself to resist these wanke_rs and Charlatans and it really is as easy as a 10% positive change in lifestyle and eating/drinking habits to make a massive difference without parting with your cash or dignity.

msg me if you need to know more.

I have been this route myself.

Pills can be VERY dangerous as mentioned, as well as expensive and ineffective.

You can die or have major emotional / sexual / physical side effects.

Oh - and avoid the "veggie" tips.

Go for a balanced diet. Google food pyramid.

vegetarians are like religious freaks - zealots out touting for converts.

If you don't have a moral or psychological issue, &lt;deleted&gt; try and enjoy a balanced diet.

For me, being in Thailand and eating fresh local (inexpensive) food (with water, instead of softdrinks or beer\) is ALWAYS a reliable way to lose weight.

best of luck

This was the best and most sane post I have yet to read.

I am a retired Criminal Investigator, I was also an amature weightlifter I was 186cm and 160kg

Now 186cm 126kg still losing slowly. I gave up smoking, Drink only red wine. No sugar (Hard to do in Thailand) No beer, No booze. (Girls are OK ;) ) No bread, No pasta , a little red wine I walk 3.2- 4.5k 6 days a week. Takes 40minutes to 1 hour don't worry about speed records. start walkingf if only 15 min a day or 10in 2 - 3times a day

I am at 160kg in the photo.



I am now taking fish oil capsules and will ad CLA to my diet too for promoting fat loss.

However the biggest part of loosing the weight is waking up and doing 40 min om an exercise bike plus 3 to 4 times a week lifting heavy weights. Of course im cooking my own food and making sure i eat mainly whole foods and loads of proteins.

I was on a nice weight however my routine was broken and i lapsed back. Its not about how quick you loose weight (though it is nice) but you have to stay consistent.

If my current program wont work.. but it should i might ad clenbuterol again. But i would hate doing that as i really don't like the side effects. They main one is cramps real bad ones and cramps and training wont mix.


MM asked: 'SO what is the recommended dosage for SERC if you are not using it for Vertigo." From the enclosed pamphlet:"The dosage for adults is 24-48 mg divided over the day. ...individually adapted according to the response."

'It may take a few weeks and best results are sometimes obtained after a few months.[Referring to Vertigo]'. A Pack of 60 tablets each of 16mg costs 515Baht on 2011.03.01. The tablets also are sold in 8mg packs. Cheers

  • 3 weeks later...

You should buy l carnitine

you can find in bangkok for 600 bath 60 capsule

they have many brand MRM, Dynamtize

i try both and also play hard fitness and it is going well .

  • 2 months later...

A friend is losing weight with Apidexin (add .com to find the site). She was starving during a recent diet attempt so researched to see what was available. After taking Apidexin she's started losing with no appetite and no side affects. I came in here to see if it was listed... and no, I don't know where or if you can even get it in Thailand. Weight loss drugs and I don't get along so I found her progress interesting.

  • 2 weeks later...

I am a little bit into bodybuilding and I've been on cycles of cutting and bulking.

For people who would like to lose weight, I think the same methods that work for me whilst cutting should also work.

For supplement (I'd like to call it supplement, not "weight loss drug"), I find Xenadrine RFX to be very effective. It boosts your metabolism through raising your heart rate and give you extra energy (how? caffeine). Basically you'll be completely excited to go to the gym and you'll also have lesser appetite.

What I can say though is that losing weight is 80% about eating and 20% exercise. Make sure you eat healthy and clean, something I find a little difficult to do in Thailand as we have a little bit of a problem with food labels and the way raw materials are being prepared or farmed.

I can bring down 19% of my bulking bodyfat to 6% in 60 days with this rule:

- Eat very often to make sure your body is always metabolizing (smaller portion, separate per macronutrient, protein one meal, fat another)

- Chicken is the safest and the cleanest to eat especially chicken breast which is full of protein

- For my case, I eat red meat too as I lose weight through eating keto diet (high fat, high protein, as little carb as I can)

- Carb, I limit it to below 50 grams per day. My carb only comes from veg. No fruits due to sugar contents. Complex carb only.

- No milk (carb content).

- For meals you cannot be bothered with, stick with protein shakes

- Always use spray cooking oil

- Stay away from street foods in Thailand (high in hydrogenated oil, carb)

- If your stomach is empty at any point, fill it up with very small portion of foods. Pack boiled chicken breast or almonds with you all the time.

Most effective workout for fat loss: low intensity cardio first thing in the morning on empty stomach. (30 minutes minimum).

Good luck guys.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Does any one know if HCG Ultra can be bought in Bangkok and if so where? Heard from a friend in Scotland that they'd been using it for 30 days and lost 3 stone. Would be interested to test that out.

  • 7 years later...

Pills won't work in the long run... and they are unhealthy and can have serious side effects.  You need to change you diet and activity level.  


Don't be lazy... just eat less calories and do some moderate exercise... you will loose weight.  No shortcuts sorry.




watch what you eat and exercise daily. 


that way the weight stays off, you feel better and you are not taking a bunch of garbage every day to mess with your body.

  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry to be blunt but weight loss drugs are a very poor strategy for shedding excess body fat.  At best, it's only a short term solution, and any of them that will really result in fat loss (i.e.: Subutramine, for instance) can have serious negative and irreversible effects on your health and well being. 


Don't do it!


Likewise, going on some crazy fad diet is not going to be effective in the long run either.  Statistics clearly show that most people who embark on a caloric restriction diet without a long-term nutritional strategy will only succeed in short term weight loss, and then gain all the weight back. 


The ONLY effective solution to shedding excess body fat is to change your nutritional habits.  Your own body knows what it needs and what it does not need, and communicates that to you if you're attuned to what your body is trying to tell you.


Learn to "listen" to your body!  It's far smarter than your cognitive brain!


If you go to McDonalds and pig out on a Big Mac, large Fries, and a Supersized Coke, it may taste good going down, but afterwards, your body will let you know, in no uncertain terms, that what you just did was a BIG mistake.


For most people, simply cutting down on processed foods, particularly those loaded with sugars such as high fructose corn syrup (which is found in nearly all processed foods), and limiting your intake of food only to meal times will result in a successful outcome of body fat loss. 


When it comes to losing weight, most people believe it's all about cutting calories but it's not!  It's true that you must have a caloric deficit to lose body fat, but it's also true that your metabolic hormonal balance plays a huge role in obesity, and if it's not addressed, even a diet low in calories will not result in excess fat loss.


A good strategy for quickly getting down to a proper body weight is to limit carbohydrates from your diet as much as possible.


Why carbohydrates? 


Excessive carbohydrates, particularly those from processed foods result in extremely high levels of the hormone insulin.  "Grazing" on food from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to bed keeps those insulin levels high. 


In simple terms, Insulin is the "on/off" switch that determines whether your body stores body fat or burns it.  As long as abnormally high insulin levels are maintained, you will NOT be able to burn excess body fat. 


Excessive carbohydrates essentially keep that switch activated to store body fat.  If you don't cut carbs to keep insulin in check, in addition to cutting calories, you will not lose body fat.  It's as simple as that.


Of course I am not a doctor but my advice to anyone seeking to lose excess body fat would be to read up on the actual science of how our bodies use food, and don't pay attention to fad diets or "health gurus" who advocate them, and don't look for easy solutions like using pills to lose weight. 


It's really not rocket science, and it's not that difficult to shed excess body fat and maintain a healthy nutrition lifestyle if you do it the right way.


Having a healthy nutritional lifestyle should be the goal, not just losing body fat for reasons of vanity.  There is more and more science everyday that supports the notion that many disease states, particularly in older people are caused by poor nutrition. 


As the saying goes, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”

  • Like 2

I should also mention that not all carbs are necessarily bad.  While it's true that of the three main macronutrients (protein, fats, and carbs), carbs are actually not essential to survival, carbs provide short-term energy for the body and brain to function efficiently, so you need some for your body to work efficiently. 


Carbs found in fruits and vegetables (in moderation) will not adversely affect insulin.  Basically, carbs found in nature (as opposed to those that are man-made like high fructose corn syrup) can be well tolerated if loss of body fat is the goal.  The key is "in moderation".


The reasons why carbs from fruit (which are very high in sugar) do not adversely affect insulin to the degree that processed foods do, is being studied but is still not clearly understood by scientists yet.  Some believe pectin plays a role in mediating effects on insulin; some say it is the fiber content. 


All that's important though is keeping carbs low enough so that insulin is not adversely affected, and to get those carbs from natural sources like fruits and veggies, not from processed foods.


Read up on it from reliable sources to learn more.  It's actually fascinating to see how much more we now know about nutritional science, compared with only a few years ago!

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