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Can Foreigner Work/earn Money In Vn?

Kaoboi Bebobp

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A question to the expats in VN:

If you live in VN as a foreigner, can you work there? That is, is a foreigner allowed to earn some cash there directly? Of course, foreign companies will have some nationals on staff and pay them. But can a plain Joe Tay earn some extra cash -- unlike Thailand?

I'm going to put the query to the VN embassy here in Canada, but wanted to ask this of expats who live there. I'll be staying in VN for a good part of six months later this year and thought about trying to get some work while there.

Thanks very much.

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As already advised the answer is yes provided you have the skills necessary. A colleague of mine has worked direct for PetroVietnam and other companies generally in a consultancy role. The route is quite involved starting with temporary residency then police clearance (from your home country), then a medical (which is best got in country) then you get your work permit. Depending on how keenly your company "applies the rules" depends on how many of those stages you attain, I've been here six months and so far nothing and some colleagues have been here a year with same result but we are working indirectly for PetroVietnam.

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As already advised the answer is yes provided you have the skills necessary. A colleague of mine has worked direct for PetroVietnam and other companies generally in a consultancy role. The route is quite involved starting with temporary residency then police clearance (from your home country), then a medical (which is best got in country) then you get your work permit. Depending on how keenly your company "applies the rules" depends on how many of those stages you attain, I've been here six months and so far nothing and some colleagues have been here a year with same result but we are working indirectly for PetroVietnam.

Thank you SoCal and Phil.

The VN embassy here says I can convert my 6-month tourist visa to a business visa while in country. But lady who answered the phone sounded so harried I didn't have the guts to ask more questions. But I will call again. Actually, I'm shocked anyone answered the phone. Last fall I called and called and left messages and got nowhere and all I wanted to know was how much a tourist visa costs on this side of the Big Pond. I'm sure there's more to this visa conversion than the lady let on and you guys have provided that little crack of light that I'm looking for.

To SoCal's query, what would I want to do: I work in the news world. All I was thinking of doing was to see whether there would be the odd shift person needed to cover sick days/holidays, etc. The companies (Western) I'm thinking of would do everything above board. But there seems to be other English-language opportunities, non-Western.

Long story short, looking for part-time work to deal myself in for future considerations, especially since I've got 25 years with an industry giant here at home, am still working here but I am assessing, well, possible alternative live/work arrangements, to put it clearly. Which is more than you'd like to know, but there it is.

So onward to that sliver of light and thanks again for your input.

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Visas are really no issue in Vietnam. Just get in the country, and see a travel agent that handles visas once you are in here.

I would think you could get a job with a publication. There are a couple of english newspapers here (Thanh Nien, Vietnam News) as well as other western publications. Vietnam is always looking for good people, so if you are qualified, it should just be a matter of finding the right opportunity.

Are you thinking HCM or HAN, or somewhere else?

Good Luck

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The answer is yes but extremely difficult to obtain work.Im in the process of trying to get work myself in Vietnam but unless you are very well qualified or offer a skill not readily found here which given that there is a population of over 85 million is also nigh on impossibile you will struggle.

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Visas are really no issue in Vietnam. Just get in the country, and see a travel agent that handles visas once you are in here.

I would think you could get a job with a publication. There are a couple of english newspapers here (Thanh Nien, Vietnam News) as well as other western publications. Vietnam is always looking for good people, so if you are qualified, it should just be a matter of finding the right opportunity.

Are you thinking HCM or HAN, or somewhere else?

Good Luck


Very likely be HCMC. I was in Hanoi two years ago and I think I prefer HCMC. But that's based on very little substance, frankly. :o I just get a sense of more going on in HCMC both businesswise and funwise. If I might ask, what's your take on the two cities? And the two papers?


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Totlanh- You are in Hoi An. What do you expect? Just think the odds are better in HCM or HAN. What are you wanting to do?

KB- HCM & HAN are very different, and intriguing in different ways. Which one is better? I really don't have a firm opinion. If I didn't have to work, I would live in Vung Tau, but that's just me. Both the papers I mentioned above have web sites. You should check them out. Vietnam News has been around a long time. Thanh Nien is a Vietnamese paper that just started publishing in english. Personally think Thanh Nien is a little more substantial.

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