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Penang To Impose Stricter Rules When Issuing Tourist Visas

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<snip>The changes concerning visa runs came about because people were obviously abusing the system.

I am not sure what this means, "abusing the system." Does it mean anything at all? It sure sounds pretty terrible, though, I must admit. Like beating your wife and locking your kids in the root cellar, and making them eat rats and stuff!.

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Abuse, abuse, abuse! Burn witch, burn! :o

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Just out of curiousity - why is the Thai Gouvernment so "Anti Long Stay Tourist" ...... I know alot of guys that work in the UK / Europe for 6 months during srping / summer, save up alot of cash, then go to Thailand for the autumn / winter (6 months) and spend all that cash...... I'm talking like 10 grand...... as in half a million Baht..... surely that is a good thing for the country? I can understand why they would want to stop foriegners buying up land & houses, pushing up prices etc., but what is wrong with people hanging around spending what is locally a hel_l of alot of money..... this money is filtering back up the entire country one way or another..... the typical long stay tourist is not exaclt a burden on the state?

Just seems pointless to me........... could some one fill me in?

I suspect that the Thai authorities feel insulted.

For the circumstances that you detail a Non -Immigrant O visa is available. Typically it is easy to obtain.

It does require some effort and money.

I think this proposed 'loophole filling' is more than reasonable

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Visa applications are a little like loan applications. When the criteria become too loosely enforced you end up with a subprime crisis.

What crisis? There is no crisis here. How's the weather in Stockholm?

It's easy to see why you have 4260 posts in 15 months.

I'd explain the analogy to you, but then you'd probably run up to 5000 posts before the weekend.

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With so many tickets being electronic these days, what's to say the print-out itinerary you bring to the officer couldn't have been whipped up in Microsoft Word in 5 minutes? Does the Thai consulate have a hotline to the airline reservation system? Wouldn't the guys selling fake-everything on Khao San Road just add "fake onward ticket" to their repetoire? Seems all too easy to get around.

Actually this does effect me, I'm studying Thai and have no visa sponsor after my course finishes in June. I've had no luck finding a job that uses Thai, and don't plan to stay in Thailand if my only option is teaching English (nothing against it, just doesn't sit right with me). I'm willing to chalk up this year as a waste of time (and someone elses' money) and start over in a different country in the region where there are more opportunities, but I still wanted a chance to travel around Thailand. This would actually prevent me from getting a legitimate tourist visa, since I'm planning on staying in the region for a few years I wouldn't have a ticket out of Southeast Asia when I went to apply for the visa. :-\

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Visa applications are a little like loan applications. When the criteria become too loosely enforced you end up with a subprime crisis.

What crisis? There is no crisis here. How's the weather in Stockholm?

It's easy to see why you have 4260 posts in 15 months.

I'd explain the analogy to you, but then you'd probably run up to 5000 posts before the weekend.

I understand your analogy perfectly well. I just find it stupid. The people of Thailand benefit from long term tourists. The government here clearly doesn't care about the people. The harm is non-existent. Thus no crisis now. No crisis in the making. The minority of criminals among the group can be caught for their specific crimes and deported.

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DO THAIS IN HIGH PLACES EVER READ THESE POSTS? If they did then maybe they might learn how to run a country properly not run it into the ground. MOST POSTS ARE NOT BAISED against thailand but sighs of exasperation...IF farangs are working illegally in entertainment areas then the police can stop them..i know they don't want to as somehow they bebifit in their back pocket.You have only to look in walking street in pattaya where russian women ply the oldest trade in the world at the window in full view of everyone.yea the police are having a drink at the top of the stairs. So perhaps then we all know the rules ref. visas make no sense at all to us but somehow they matter to a few looking to empire build within government...IF THEY GIVE A VISA for a 3 month stay then why not a year? After all they check our passports on the computers which are linked to our countys if we are bad then kick us out.WHY WASTE OUR MONEY which we would spend in thailand by making us fly back to our own countrys to get a visa? Why waste our money making us leave the country to go to another IE 500baht entrace fees into burma. If they want they can charge us 300 bahr at the border and give us a extension.The money could be used for schools or hospitals etc...WHEN WE GO TO THE BORDER OUR PASSPORTS ARE CHECK so if we have been up to no good then kick us out...we can talk in circles for ever because here the visa rules make little sense..I live in the north, now its really quiet on the tourist front and has been since the change in the visa rules last year what with the army taking over, the bombs , the sunami, the sars outbreak,bird flu, the plane crash, the war on drugs with all the extraditial killings who really wants to come anymore?

I live here and have done for 6 years. I HAVE a o visa as i have a wife and child and no the new visa changes have not stopped me staying here but they do not make sense to people who love thailand want to stay and contribute more per month to the the thai economy than the average thai family.After all we all only give to the economy not take .OK a few are bad but not many and the police are there to sort that out not more and more changes to the visa rules which FINANTUALLY PENALISE THE MAJORITY....so if you can and want to stay then stay..If you cannot then good luck in laos cambodia vietnam or the philipennes .IT SEEMS thailand will get a lot poorer in many ways before things change for the better..

SORRY if i waffled a bit but hey i retired early!!!!!

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Whilst there must be some people who are or may be unfairly treated by this apparent new rule (like early retired at 49 etc )it seems to me there are far too many bums, dead-beats, and assorted other foreign losers staying in Thailand indefinitely probably living on welfare handouts from their own countries who we can really do without here.Those of us here legally and long time get exasperated by these people who are trying to stay here indefinitely like on extended tourist visa's and just make it bad for the rest of us.

So thank you Thai Immigration and please get rid of these undesirables as quickly as possible!

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Thailand wants to do this to feel like they have a better control over their immigrant population and that is their right to do. There is no other benefit to it, and it isn't going to chase off drunk tourists or other bad people... just people who didn't want to or weren't able to get "proper" visas... like me.

But seriously: No hard feelings, Thailand.

Bingo! Go to the head of the class!

Really understanding this makes most of the posts in this huge thread beside the point. Note emphasis on your word fee. They want to feel in control.

The only problem is that unless a gov employs very draconian enforcement measures, it is simply not going to gain mass compliance from people who regard laws ("regulations" actually more apt here) as biased, unfair, irrational, pointless and especially unenforcable. It is just not going to happen, not outside of a Taliban state.



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WHY WASTE OUR MONEY which we would spend in thailand by making us fly back to our own countrys to get a visa? Why waste our money making us leave the country to go to another IE 500baht entrace fees into burma.

The money could be used for schools or hospitals etc...

I agree. If they want to chase off the "right" people, why not just make 3-month visa extensions at Immigration available for 20,000 baht? Costs about the same (or slightly less) than a visa run to Penang, and the Thai government gets all the money. I'd pay that with a smile on my face.

Well, as I said earlier in this thread: This isn't about getting rid of bad people as much as it is Thailand wanting to have more control over their immigrant population; wanting to be more like Europe and North America with their immigration policies; and wanting to be seen as less of a place where "anybody" can go and live.

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thanks about the tip about the 16 months tourist visa...do i apply for it at home? best. frank.

No, you don't apply for it at home. You just go to any Philippine Immigration office with the same stamp that you got when you arrived at the airport, and ask for a 2-month extension. (Dress nicely.) The cost is, I believe, 3000 pesos (2700 baht) for a 2-month extension, and you can repeat this for up to 16 months.

(I haven't confirmed all the details yet, but I'm about 95% sure of what I just wrote. Anybody reading feel free to correct or clarify.)

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That is hitting the nail directly on the head. The Thai government has been trying to stop illegal working for years and may have just found a way to do that. They want the tax revenue for folks who have been running dive shops, bars and mini-marts illegally and been living on a VOA for years. These folks for the most part have not been paying their share into the Thai coffers.

Well... in any country, the government wants to enforce the law. In Thailand, certain people might be exempt in one way or another, e.g. rampant corruption, but the farangs working here are not amongst that group (*).

You won't hear any European government say "but they may be spending a lot of money here..." when talking about illegal workers. Why should Thailand do so?

I agree that Thailand wants to crack down on illegal workers, but not necessarily as a means to maximize tax revenue. More likely just because that's what governments are supposed to do.

(*) It may be time to set up a pro-farang lobby group though... :o

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If they do, then even more reason to tighten the rules. There's no finer place than here to see what low end visitors are up to.

Hmm. Interesting way of putting it: "Low-end visitors." I wonder how you define that? I assume that since I'm one of the people staying long-term in Thailand on a tourist visa, I qualify as one of your "low-end visitors", but are you referring to poor people (I'm rich), or criminals (I'm not), those who don't integrate (I speak Thai quite well), or just scumbags in general?

Your comment exhibits the same short-sightedness that the Thai government is exhibiting: Namely, that tightening visa rules will only effect one type of foreigner, and either you have a very limited knowledge of what the expatriate population is like in Thailand, and its diversity and reasons for being here;

***inflammatory post removed***

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We need to put this into context relating to rules and regulations and face reality.

This is Thailand and if we wish to live here, the only way to do so is to abide by the rules / immigration laws.

We can all argue our cases and provide what appear to us, are just enough reasons to be allowed to stay.

Their are many members who have not only invested money here but the futures of not only ourselves but our families.

It is not just about money.

To all those of you who are using x amount of cash / investments, legal or otherwise as justification to stay.

When we have invested in human terms and have committed ourselves to providing our dependants with all that is required, education and welfare to name but two of many, do not have any security in real terms, how can you expect otherwise / special considerations regarding the requirement of an international air ticket, ect.

You are lucky to have an option to move on and if you are not happy then it is your right to do so.

We do not and while we may not be happy / find it difficult with the demands on staying here, we are here for the long haul and are more than willing to abide by the rules, as and when they change and do so willingly.

All you guys have to worry about is doing one of two things.

1) Provide an international return ticket as required and get your visa.

2) Move to a new country / return to your home base.

It,s a tough life, i know, but at least you knew the rules when you came here and at the end of the day you made a decision to do whatever you have done.

Enjoy your freedom and move on because many who have family obligations cannot leave our loved ones behind.

I,m pretty sure, Immigration, who will be reading all your observations will continue to act as they read the laws to mean, we in turn must respect the requirements and what they ask of us.

This is their country after all and when it all boils down to it, we in turn are lucky with what we,ve got as it could be a whole lot worse.

IMHO as always.


"Immigration who will be reading all your observations" I,ve met at least 10 "Immigration Officials" and not one could speak or understand English ! Please send a list of the fluent officials.

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<snip> wanting to be more like Europe and North America with their immigration policies; and wanting to be seen as less of a place where "anybody" can go and live.

I was going to bow out of this thread figuring that I had annoyed enough people for one day . . . However, you're joking, right? More like North America??? America estimates up to 12 million (!!!) illegal immigrants, or whatever you prefer to call them, and the southern border is still an open floodgate. Many ordinary people are terrified and repulsed and enraged by this. The gov, Republicans and Democrats, are considerably more ambivalent and pragmatic about a very complex situation. Without the public outcry--largely whipped up by conservative media such as Fox News--they probably would not do much of anything. Even Mr. Bush (not one of my favorite guys) pragmatic and intelligent attempt to "bring the illegals into the system" was roundly shouted down. Both Republicans and Democrats are stymied by the impossibility of the situation. So the illegals are neither "dealt with" nor provided with a path to legal status of some kind. So, the situation worsens, not much happens, and everyone is getting more and more pissed off.



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<snip> wanting to be more like Europe and North America with their immigration policies; and wanting to be seen as less of a place where "anybody" can go and live.

I was going to bow out of this thread figuring that I had annoyed enough people for one day . . . However, you're joking, right? More like North America???

I said "immigration policies", not "immigration practices" or "immigration accomplishments".

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<snip> wanting to be more like Europe and North America with their immigration policies; and wanting to be seen as less of a place where "anybody" can go and live.

I was going to bow out of this thread figuring that I had annoyed enough people for one day . . . However, you're joking, right? More like North America???

I said "immigration policies", not "immigration practices" or "immigration accomplishments".

OK. But what good is a "policy" if you can't implement it? The only point of a policy is if you can effect something, and in the process not end up makings things worse rather than better.

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Just out of curiousity - why is the Thai Gouvernment so "Anti Long Stay Tourist" ...... I know alot of guys that work in the UK / Europe for 6 months during srping / summer, save up alot of cash, then go to Thailand for the autumn / winter (6 months) and spend all that cash...... I'm talking like 10 grand...... as in half a million Baht..... surely that is a good thing for the country? I can understand why they would want to stop foriegners buying up land & houses, pushing up prices etc., but what is wrong with people hanging around spending what is locally a hel_l of alot of money..... this money is filtering back up the entire country one way or another..... the typical long stay tourist is not exaclt a burden on the state?

Just seems pointless to me........... could some one fill me in?

I work for my American company on the internet, and pump several million baht into Thailand every year. That's more than any tourist I know of... more than any several tourists I know of. I was willing to do the "fly-to-Penang" thing 4 times a year for the priviledge of living here, but hey... if Thailand doesn't want people who do that living here no matter how much money they put into Thailand, that's fine. Either Philippines or Cambodia will bend over backwards for people to come and contuously pump money into their economy.

The way I see it, Thailand is just too prickly about people coming here and living a good life when other countries (Europe, North America) make it so difficult to do the same thing.

If you do that what keeps you from setting up a company and getting a workpermit with an other visa ?. Then your here legit with no problems you do have to pay taxes.

I didn't do that least of all because my employer asked me not to. More importantly, I never made the decision to live forever in Thailand... I was going to move on eventually to other places (When you work on the internet, why not see the world?), so I didn't feel it necessary to "put down roots." The Thai government more or less made up my mind for me.

It's no problem for me to move on, and I'm not bummed out about it — and I will be back to visit often — but I think this is a case of over-reaction on their part.

I won't argue that I most certainly could be defined as one of the people Thailand is aiming to chase out of here: I'm an American making a pile of money on the internet, and not paying any Thai taxes, and I don't begrudge Thailand the right to ask me to leave — or make it too difficult for me to stay — and I'm perfectly happy to move on, but other than the Thai government feeling like they are somehow more in control of their immigrant population, I don't see how this benefits Thailand in general.

%^&*#$@! 'em. I'm in a similar situation as you. My work is over the Internet for an American company and doesn't involve Thailand or Thais whatsoever (except using TOT for Internet). I'm not making money in Thailand and I'm not taking work from anyone. On the other hand, I inject more money into the Thai economy than I would if they forced me to move elsewhere. I have no plans on putting down roots either so am not interested in setting up companies, etc. I'd rather move to The Philippines, Cambodia or somewhere else that appreciates my money.

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<snip> wanting to be more like Europe and North America with their immigration policies; and wanting to be seen as less of a place where "anybody" can go and live.

I was going to bow out of this thread figuring that I had annoyed enough people for one day . . . However, you're joking, right? More like North America???

I said "immigration policies", not "immigration practices" or "immigration accomplishments".

OK. But what good is a "policy" if you can't implement it? The only point of a policy is if you can effect something, and in the process not end up makings things worse rather than better.

Ha. "What good is a "policy" if you can't implement it?" That is pretty much the definition of politics. Thai people want a "first world" (for lack of a better word) immigration policy to make themselves feel better, more modern, more "first world."

What? You mean you think Thailand wants an immigration policy that is effective first and foremost? Surely you know Thailand and its desire for keeping up appearances better than that.

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%^&*#$@! 'em. I'm in a similar situation as you. My work is over the Internet for an American company and doesn't involve Thailand or Thais whatsoever (except using TOT for Internet). I'm not making money in Thailand and I'm not taking work from anyone. On the other hand, I inject more money into the Thai economy than I would if they forced me to move elsewhere. I have no plans on putting down roots either so am not interested in setting up companies, etc. I'd rather move to The Philippines, Cambodia or somewhere else that appreciates my money.

Come, come, now. Don't be like that! You could always teach English for 28K per month. They are quite happy to let you do that! Or marry a "rich " Thai lady and use her 35K per month income as the basis of your visa application.



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I'll be waiting for the rest of you to show up.


Not me mate , I,ve got a taste of Cambodia ......... and it tastes pretty dam good :o

I have been planning on retirement in Thiland so much that its very disppointing to read all your mail. Could Madcow and Callipposhots provide some info about Cambodia and the Phills please?

If you are planning a retirement in Thailand these jokers shouldn't be allowed to put you off. I'm here retired and have no problems with the rules. I read this site and tremble at the knees a little each time Visa renewal time comes around but never a problem. Meet the criteria, keep your head down and enjoy your retirement.

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Just out of curiousity - why is the Thai Gouvernment so "Anti Long Stay Tourist" ...... I know alot of guys that work in the UK / Europe for 6 months during srping / summer, save up alot of cash, then go to Thailand for the autumn / winter (6 months) and spend all that cash...... I'm talking like 10 grand...... as in half a million Baht..... surely that is a good thing for the country? I can understand why they would want to stop foriegners buying up land & houses, pushing up prices etc., but what is wrong with people hanging around spending what is locally a hel_l of alot of money..... this money is filtering back up the entire country one way or another..... the typical long stay tourist is not exaclt a burden on the state?

Just seems pointless to me........... could some one fill me in?

I work for my American company on the internet, and pump several million baht into Thailand every year. That's more than any tourist I know of... more than any several tourists I know of. I was willing to do the "fly-to-Penang" thing 4 times a year for the priviledge of living here, but hey... if Thailand doesn't want people who do that living here no matter how much money they put into Thailand, that's fine. Either Philippines or Cambodia will bend over backwards for people to come and contuously pump money into their economy.

The way I see it, Thailand is just too prickly about people coming here and living a good life when other countries (Europe, North America) make it so difficult to do the same thing.

You allege that you are working and pumping millions of baht each year into Thailand, so why not apply for a non immigrant visa?

If you are not registered as working in Thailand (so why are you here?) or not enough income or the company cannot meet the required imposed structure to qualify for a non immigrant visa, than you are a tourist and have no reason or wanted in the kingdom for more than 6 months.

You quoted the same in a forum some time ago and I gave the same reply, but you are still here.

I have long awaited the end for the visa runners in Thailand and hope that the reliable source is that RELIABLE and the mentioned new rules are imposed.

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If you are planning a retirement in Thailand these jokers shouldn't be allowed to put you off. I'm here retired and have no problems with the rules. I read this site and tremble at the knees a little each time Visa renewal time comes around but never a problem. Meet the criteria, keep your head down and enjoy your retirement.

Obviously a retirement visa is a completely different subject, and has completely different requirements than a tourist visa... but my best friend is here on a retirement visa, and (although I can't remember specifically) he is always grumbling about how it is getting more and more difficult to maintain his retirement visa. (Something about the bank balance requirements, I think.)

A very large number of people here in Thailand (I mentioned before that I know two very rich Europeans specifically) are turning to the "Malaysia My Second Home" program and moving to Langkawi. (I don't remember the details of the program, but it is something like "buy a 2-million Ringgit home, and get a 10-year renewable visa".)

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Just out of curiousity - why is the Thai Gouvernment so "Anti Long Stay Tourist" ...... I know alot of guys that work in the UK / Europe for 6 months during srping / summer, save up alot of cash, then go to Thailand for the autumn / winter (6 months) and spend all that cash...... I'm talking like 10 grand...... as in half a million Baht..... surely that is a good thing for the country? I can understand why they would want to stop foriegners buying up land & houses, pushing up prices etc., but what is wrong with people hanging around spending what is locally a hel_l of alot of money..... this money is filtering back up the entire country one way or another..... the typical long stay tourist is not exaclt a burden on the state?

Just seems pointless to me........... could some one fill me in?

Having been in thailand for 8 yrs and spending millions of baht on both house building and rental,general shopping and living costs,helping various poor families and not so poor families get a relatively good life started,and on top of this, giving no one a hard time,BUT only helping the general economy and still not understanding what the hel_l is wrong with this place they call THAILAND,(LAND OF SMILES)and why they are allways wanting to find ways to get us the (farangs )out as soon as possible, it has all turned to bullshit for me, ,LAND OF SMILES ,,MY ASS,,it seems to me that if you are not from another asian country ie:korea.japan.china(and any of these nationals can work or stay as long as they want) you really are not welcome here anymore. I only wished i knew why. but as of midnight 2008 i really have given up caring about the thai way of ripping us europians off and have decided on a move to a much friendlier country,the philippines,where the girls are just as sexy/friendly/giving and to top it all, speak english with gusto<< where the visa laws are with you,not against you and where a man can work and live without the fear of getting shut out at the turn of a hat from some wanna be PM ,or government worker trying to make a name for himself in the local party.( i know i sound like i am very upset and bitter and that many of you are saying that if you dont like it mate, then go away, well as i said before, im going, i just am very very sad that thailand has turned its back on the help given by the european thourists in the means of millions of dollars,over the last twenty or so yrs,its almost like,,, now we got your money, go the f--- away.well im out of here, see ya ,,,and good luck on getting japs.koreans and chinese to marry whats left of the girls in what was once the greatest place in the world for adult entertainment,but today is one of the worst.and is openly laughed about in other countries.(sorry ladies) but i think you really need a new strategy, THE ( HELLO SEXY MAN ) way of doing things is over.so from one long termer to someone looking to be filled in, sorry mate, i cant help. but if you do get a answer, please forward it to me.

cheers, have a great time in thailand.

well, parmi, i am 100 percent with you...so what destination you suggest?

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You allege that you are working and pumping millions of baht each year into Thailand, so why not apply for a non immigrant visa?

(1) Because I never planned on staying here forever, and didn't feel it necessary to go through the process of getting a long-term visa.

(2) Because my American company asked me not to, because they didn't want to know about, or get involved in what effect it would have on my tax status, disability, et cetera.

(3) Most simply, because, before, I could stay in Thailand for a long time on a tourist visa.

If you are not registered as working in Thailand (so whay are you here?) or not enough income or the company cannot meet the required imposed structure to qualify for a non immigrant visa, than you are a tourist and have no reason or wanted in the kingdom for more than 6 months.

I'm here because I'm on vacation... a very long vacation. I work on the internet while I'm on vacation. Also, because as long as I'm not in America, I qualify for the Overseas Tax Credit, which basically makes me tax-exempt.

I have long awaited the end for the visa runners in Thailand and hope that the reliable source is that RELIABLE and the mentioned new rules are imposed.

What? Were you abused by a visa runner as a child? Are you afraid that if you spend too much time around visa runners, you might become a visa runner too? Perhaps you should just pray to God for visa runners to give up their sinful ways, eh? Perhaps you could set up an ex-visa-runner ministry to bring them out of the darkness.

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Deja vu. In september 2006, when the limit on visa exempt stamps (or at least the limit on the number of days you can stay on them) was announced everyone was in panic, leaving the country empty apartments, crumbling Thai economy and so on.

Most people replaced the exempt stamp with a paid tourist visa to stay year round in Thailand. But yet they are still tourists not residents. Thias love to see tourists, and apparently they love to see them go as well.

I find it surprising that this announcement from Penang only comes now, would have expected such a thing much earlier, accompanied by an actual limit on them as well. I guess other embassies in the neighborhood will follow suit.

Anyway back in 2006 the writing was on the wall, so for all these people who might be affected now, I feel sorry for you, but you had plenty of time to come up with a more permanent solution, and you might find a way around this one too. But ask yourself this simple question:

Does Thailand as a society welcome me.

Nuff said.

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Just out of curiousity - why is the Thai Gouvernment so "Anti Long Stay Tourist" ...... I know alot of guys that work in the UK / Europe for 6 months during srping / summer, save up alot of cash, then go to Thailand for the autumn / winter (6 months) and spend all that cash...... I'm talking like 10 grand...... as in half a million Baht..... surely that is a good thing for the country? I can understand why they would want to stop foriegners buying up land & houses, pushing up prices etc., but what is wrong with people hanging around spending what is locally a hel_l of alot of money..... this money is filtering back up the entire country one way or another..... the typical long stay tourist is not exaclt a burden on the state?

Just seems pointless to me........... could some one fill me in?

I think it's simpler than many perceive. Penang gets a lot of visa requests. The authorities there think it's too many. They look for a way to lessen the tide of apps. They add another hoop to jump through.

I don't think it's about farang taking Thai jobs. And the Thai authorities reckon if a person is rich, then they can figure a way to get their visa situation squared up.

It's a simpler equation altogether: The Thai authorities want to assert their control. They want farang to constantly be cognizant of having the privilege of staying in Thailand. And reminding farang that they'll always be 'foreign' and never for a moment will they be Thai. The Thais want less farang overall, and the ones that get through - should be high-end tourist types - because money rules here.

There's also the nebulous factor of Thais worrying that their pristene culture is being tarnished by western influences. That's a whole other topic in itself. Of course, Thais (especially youngsters) are doing it to themselves, but don't expect them to cop to that.

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I guess the party had to end sooner or later...

For people like me who apply for a 12 month Non imm 'o'type of visa in my country of origin it's no problem. But I'm not blind enough to expect this to carry on for too long. In a year or two this will probably be tightened and restricted further.

For the poor dudes who have no home to go to to apply for visas 'in-country' it's a shame but expected given the grim governments that make a lot of us long for the heady days of the 1990s.

To be honest a lot of my friends in LOS used to be the expats who live in LOS and can't just fly on a whim to get the decent visas back home. The result is that it's a case of 'Bye-bye Thailand, Hello Cambo/PI! :)'

So I think in about a year and a half the expats that are left in LOS will be the 'stay-at-home/farm' dudes and struggling teachers. The independent money dudes like ourselves will of moved on by then.

The legendary nightlife is a shadow of it's former self and will likely be a back-water of no significance and as boring and dull as ditchwater.

Thankfully PI is still flying the flag for adult nightlife and how LOS used to be before the TRT etc shut the partying down. I'll see some of you out there soon :o

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I think the Visa Laws should be even stricter than they are, anyone that has a ticket can arrive in Thailand and mooch off to some place to engage in unlawful activities.

I would suggest that all visitors have to get a Visa for Thailand in their own countries,no more 30 day stamps, that would be reduced to 14 days, as in times before, you wanna stay longer than that on a Holiday, then get a Tourist Visa in your own country before arriving in Thailand.

Those who wish to stay in Thailand and meet the requirements, carry on as usual.

All who think it's OK to border hop, maybe you're right, but I would suggest means testing those that do this, if a Border Runner does not have xxx ammount of money to show in Thailand, then a 7 day stamp should be issued and then you're out!

Luckily it's the Thai's that make these rules and not your Fellow Farangs, cos the rules would be a whole lot tougher if Farangs made them..... :D

I have a long term visa BTW . :o

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