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Test Of Forum Notifications


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A-ha! Got one.

I think I know the problem. I checked in my list of subscriptions and they were all on "Delayed Email Subscription". I changed this one to be "Instant Email Notification" and now I got a notification after PeaceBlondie replied.

I think it is because nearly all of my subscriptions are set because when I reply to a topic, I have the "Email notification of replies" box automatically ticked when I do so. I very rarely click the "Track This Topic" option.

I think this auto-subscribing method sets the subscriptions to Delayed by default; that's what mine was set to anyway, I've now changed this by going to "Email settings" under "Options" in my control panel and set the option illustrated in the attached image.


Edited by dantilley
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It works for me.

Pattayatoni posted at 2008-02-17 07:42:40 (Swiss time, ie GMT+1). I received email notification of it at 07:42:44. ie four seconds after he posted.

post-21260-1203233138_thumb.png post-21260-1203232380_thumb.png

Note: you do not get email notification of your own posts, nor should this obviously be necessary.



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VERY CURIOUS.... Thanks to this post below, I went and checked my own account settings, and much to my surprise, found they were set to receive NO e-mail notifications.

But, I'm certain I never made that change, because I had been receiving e-mail notifications ever since becoming a member, until those stopped a month or so ago. And I never went back to fiddle with my settings after originally setting them upon becoming a member.

Given that others were similarly dumped out of receiving e-mail notifications, makes me wonder whether a system or software upgrade sometime on ThaiVisa might have broadly reset that setting on some range of people's accounts.... I'm sure I did not!!!

A-ha! Got one.

I think I know the problem. I checked in my list of subscriptions and they were all on "Delayed Email Subscription". I changed this one to be "Instant Email Notification" and now I got a notification after PeaceBlondie replied.

I think it is because nearly all of my subscriptions are set because when I reply to a topic, I have the "Email notification of replies" box automatically ticked when I do so. I very rarely click the "Track This Topic" option.

I think this auto-subscribing method sets the subscriptions to Delayed by default; that's what mine was set to anyway, I've now changed this by going to "Email settings" under "Options" in my control panel and set the option illustrated in the attached image.


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Jfchandler, I am happy to see you found the problem and sorted it out. Who knows, perhaps your settings got undone during a software upgrade at ThaiVisa. The important thing is that you got to work again now.



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Hmmm... well... I changed the setting...but still no reply notices after 24 hours, and I am subscribed to a fair number of different threads...

I see that while I subscribed to just one specific topic (when in the topic, click Options, Track this topic), your setting is to get automatically subscribed to any topic you start or reply to (My Controls, Options, Email Settings). I have now set up my notifications the same way to see how it goes.




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So what's this about? does this mean I don't get any notifications now???

The topic can be found here:


Please note that if you wish to get email notification of any replies to this topic, you will have to click on the "Track this Topic" link shown on the topic page, or by visiting the link below:


Edited by wilko
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Oops, I see that while I thought to have selected immediate Email notification for my setting to get automatically subscribed to any topic you start or reply to the screenshot I posted shows not “No Email Notifications”. I have changed the my setting now and made sure to click on the button “Amend my email settings”

So now I have to start all over again with replies to topics to test if my new setting works. I'll try to get a couple of replies in before lunch.



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Now I can confirm that also the email notification with automatic subscription to topics I reply to works on my computer. At 12:15 Swiss time I posted in the topic "Type `o` Departure Info" and went off for lunch. At 12:48 somebody replied in that topic and at 12:45 I received the email notification. Checking my current list of subscribed topics I see that it now has two topics, both marked for immediate email notification. One is the aforementioned topic, the other is a topic in which I posted but no new post has been made since then, for which reason I have not yet received a notification for this topic.

post-21260-1203354940_thumb.png post-21260-1203354950_thumb.png



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Now that I replied in this here topic it has also promptly been added automatically to my list of subscribed topics:


Therefore, as soon as another member makes a post here I should be getting an email notification.



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