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Grumpy Old Tv Posters


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Someone said somewhere that if I and markt, taxexile, and other dinosaurs etc., etc. read the recent offerings on TV we would not be inclined to participate as the present quality leaves a lot to be desired...how true that is.

We presently have soap operas, the brutally inane and billions of bar girl discussions that have not been edited/deleted by our mighty moderators. What gives Dr PP, George an the rest? Gone to sleep or just giving the rest what they want? I say censor the bastards in the name of good taste and a tastefull TV website. Banishment is an honor for those of us lucky enough to be so honored...too good for them. A simple 'tut, tut...tutsi and the others would not approve' would suffice.

What is all this bar girl shit? Someone said that a separate topic category should be started and I wholly approve. If all the dumb threads were to be lumped together then we could easily count how many are attracted to the topic and who they are. I married a bar girl as have many others here and to dispell prurient speculation spoke about my dedication to her when she joined me in the UAE and became ill and ended up in hospital. Bargirl or not she is my wife and her health and safety is my responsibility. My heart was broken...I was powerless to prevent the gastritis that laid her low. But do people want to hear about a real issue like that??? Nooooo. They have polls to determine falang depravity by measuring the age difference between thai girl and falang husband.

And there useta be serious issues discussed here. My declaration that the US support of Israel and the associated insult to arabs everywhere was vigorously debated with Georgie with assistance from Boon Mee. Fireworks, bombs and verbal abuse hurled to and fro in the name of serious discussion. Don't see nothin' like that around here no more (just boring old farts talkin' about how they would like to buy outrageous motorcycles and parade about with lovely young thai women attached...). Disgraceful.

Moderators...protect us from mediocrity and self indulgence...

Power to the people!

Reply...if you dare....

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All is in hand tutsiwarrior, all is in hand.

From now on, Distasteful threads will be locked (look at the lastest dozen or so locked threads) and members will be warned, in the first instance, and out right banned after that.

We hate to have to stamp down hard on things, but if people abuse our free service by posting crap like this, we have very little choice.

When people learn to play nicely, then so will the moderator team.

Hope this helps make this forum a better place to hang out.

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Someone said somewhere that if I and markt, taxexile, and other dinosaurs etc., etc. read the recent offerings on TV we would not be inclined to participate as the present quality leaves a lot to be desired...how true that is.

well said that man , i have hardly posted over the past few months although i have logged on most days to see what is happening.

its all gone to the dogs , marathon rantings by social inadequates about whether bar girls and transvestites are better than non-bar girls and non transvestites,

a soap opera about a lonely man and his totally unsuitable partner that would have even made oprah winfrey vomit with embarrassment,luckily she buggered off to sleep with her father or something and saved us from another few months of drivel that wouldnt even make the letter pages of the most downmarket schoolgirls magazine. look how she turned one of the more interesting posters on this forum into an obsessive bore. get well soon.

and other pathetic offerings by saddos all related to prostitution. the guilt trips and inner turmoil these people must be suffering as they ponder whether to bang that bargirl or not must be hard for them to take.and if they should fall in love with a bargirl then get married to her, whats the big deal,it will either work or it wont. stop dithering and analysing, and get on with it.

where has all the sarcasm, the bile,the humour, the informed comment and the intelligence gone.

many thanks to whoever padlocked all those bargirl threads , if that is all there is these days to discuss then these are dark days indeed. its all been discussed before,( by the dinosaurs,) and it made better reading than the trash that has been posted of late.

come on moderators..... maintain your standards.....

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the owner of pattaya people forum has just criticised me because i made a remark about the quality of posts on the members forum,

the post was a guy enquiring about where to find girls that would let the guys spray their business all over the girls faces.

I said "another quality post that will help the forum" and got told my humour was'nt welcome, personally i don't really care, in some parts its not a bad forum but it is riddled with dirty stuff.

It would be a crying shame to let this forum go down that path.

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Yes a tad boring it is, but is it becuase we have all the anwsers now? The Thai edge is gone? who knows, but I wish those wingnuts posting the tranny/bar girls type threads would head to Bangkok chat.

I also think, having more people with something to say - without being censored, would be a lot more real. I still cant understand why a thread like "wart of the ring" was banned (long time ago, but relevant), as it was a funny thread with all the regulars having a laugh. That is banned, but how to hook a transvestite is appropriate.

The VIP room also hasnt taken off, due to segregation I guess - but I realise you need to segregate to have a VIP room at all :D:D

Who knows? Its just what it is and nothing more I guess. :o

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Someone said somewhere that if I and markt, taxexile, and other dinosaurs etc., etc. read the recent offerings on TV we would not be inclined to participate as the present quality leaves a lot to be desired...how true that is.

well said that man....

.... its all been discussed before,( by the dinosaurs,) and it made better reading...

:o:D:D So really, you're just bored 'cause all the BG threads have been discussed by yourselves already.

Look at the "view" numbers on these two BG and ladyboy threads:

Ladyboys: 25,848

I've finally found her: 12,174

- streets ahead of other threads. It's just human nature (coupled with a good search engine!)

Thaivisa needs to make money by getting viewed. My own thread on Ladyboys got 312 views in 17 1/2 hours before it was locked. And I only started it to see how many hits a thread with the word "Ladyboy" in it, would get :wub:

Come on you old dinosaurs, let the new soon-to-be dinosaurs have their say. :D

P.S. Taxey - when you gonna put back your "Titties" avatar - it was the best! :D

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Someone said somewhere that if I and markt, taxexile, and other dinosaurs etc., etc. read the recent offerings on TV we would not be inclined to participate as the present quality leaves a lot to be desired...how true that is.

well said that man....

.... its all been discussed before,( by the dinosaurs,) and it made better reading...

:D:D:D So really, you're just bored 'cause all the BG threads have been discussed by yourselves already.

Look at the "view" numbers on these two BG and ladyboy threads:

Ladyboys: 25,848

I've finally found her: 12,174

- streets ahead of other threads. It's just human nature (coupled with a good search engine!)

Thaivisa needs to make money by getting viewed. My own thread on Ladyboys got 312 views in 17 1/2 hours before it was locked. And I only started it to see how many hits a thread with the word "Ladyboy" in it, would get -_-

Come on you old dinosaurs, let the new soon-to-be dinosaurs have their say. :D

P.S. Taxey - when you gonna put back your "Titties" avatar - it was the best! :wub:

Like most things from the dinosaurs age....

It has been Censored for the good of the board :o

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What is all this bar girl shit? Someone said that a separate topic category should be started and I wholly approve. If all the dumb threads were to be lumped together then we could easily count how many are attracted to the topic and who they are. I married a bar girl as have many others here and to dispell prurient speculation spoke about my dedication to her when she joined me in the UAE and became ill and ended up in hospital. Bargirl or not she is my wife and her health and safety is my responsibility.


Moderators...protect us from mediocrity and self indulgence...

Power to the people!

Reply...if you dare....

Hey Tuts

It is just the market forces in action.

A HUGE percentage of Thai tourists are sex tourists and therefor the interest. Now some of these sex tourists have moved on from tourist and assimilated into the sexpat community and may or may not be interested in the BG stories.

Sex tourists, sexpats are keenly interested in visa issues for sure and here they post on TV. They are "the people" of whom you speak.

"Power to the people!"? Actually, "The people" have the power when it is not censored so maybe "Power from the people!" may be more fitting.

Chookdee na


To avoid any controversy a sex tourist, when used above, is anyone who has come to Thailand and at any time taken a TG from a bar or paid for sex. It is a lifetime Title. Naturally your definition may vary.

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the post was a guy enquiring about where to find girls that would let the guys spray their business all over the girls faces.

I've been a fairly prolific poster in "bargirl" threads since Day One, but I've always tried to be mindful of the gender and age of those who might read what I wrote.

I would have reported such a post to the moderators ... whether or not one considers the act itself disgusting, I would consider the post disgusting on thaivisa.

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From now on, Distasteful threads will be locked (look at the lastest dozen or so locked threads) and members will be warned, in the first instance, and out right banned after that.

I probably sail closer to the "banning" wind than most posters.

I've had posts censored and deleted, and an entire thread arbitrarily deleted.

I'm a prolific "pro bargirl" poster.

I'm a prolific "anti Radical Islamic Terrorism" poster.

I say "<deleted>" a lot ... but only for impact ... never gratuitously.

I'm a Fallen Buddhist Angel on the comeback trail ... sometimes jokingly irreverent, but never disrespectful towards the Lord Buddha.

I can remember when bargirls (as opposed to prostitutes) were unknown in Thailand. Now they're an integral part of Thai society, and ignoring them and banning them as a forum topic won't make them go away ... but I doubt that the bargirl topic per se brought about the ban ... the never-ending schoolyard "Bargirls are all dirty conniving sluts / No they're not / Yes they are" bullshit was enough to make me want to see the topic taken to the cleaners.

Now that the Thai Government has come out and sided with Kofi Anan and other limpdick Islam-leaning peaceniks and asked the world to refrain from continually linking terrorism with Islam (how could anyone not link terrorism with Islam when virtually 100% of terrorist atrocities in the past three years have been committed by Islamic fundamentalist loonies ?) I imagine it would not be politically prudent for thaivisa's owners to have me posting my murderous vengeance-seeking responses to the resident Islamic apologists. I'm probably more acceptable to Soldier of Fortune.

I understand "why" those topics were banned. I would have preferred to see them continue in "moderated" mode, but human nature being what it is, they would have quickly become shitpits again.

I just hope the member and topic bannings won't start an avalanche that sees blind one-legged HIV-positive Muslim lesbians named Hairy Palms as the only godbothering posters allowed on thaivisa.

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Just a comment re. new teachers on the board [including myself]:

1. I doubt that HP is really a teacher- never seen any evidence of it that he hadn't copied and pasted from somewhere else.

2. I doubt that most of the (new or old) TEFL teaching posters here are backpackers.

I think this recent strictness is a reaction to "the ones who spoil it for everyone else" having gone overboard as they always do. Nothing exceeds like excess.

But I doubt that benign censorship is really an answer- when you've eliminated non-Thai political topics (as apparently happened here sometime before I joined) and eliminate sexual topics, you've wiped out a large part of what people really want to discuss on forums. I can only recommend that moderates moderate in moderation! :o


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the post was a guy enquiring about where to find girls that would let the guys spray their business all over the girls faces.

I've been a fairly prolific poster in "bargirl" threads since Day One, but I've always tried to be mindful of the gender and age of those who might read what I wrote.

I would have reported such a post to the moderators ... whether or not one considers the act itself disgusting, I would consider the post disgusting on thaivisa.

the problem is its the sites owner who replies to this crap. :o

As i said before it is'nt a bad site but its riddled with <deleted> perverts. :D

They can ban me, I don't give a toss. :D

I try to be polite on this forum because i like it, but the people who post this stuff on the pattaya forum ARE the kind of people that will <deleted> pattaya up. (the trouble is most of them don't live here and only care about their sex holidays and not the expats who live here). :D

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Someone said somewhere that if I and markt, taxexile, and other dinosaurs etc., etc. read the recent offerings on TV we would not be inclined to participate as the present quality leaves a lot to be desired...how true that is.

well said that man....

.... its all been discussed before,( by the dinosaurs,) and it made better reading...

:D:D:D So really, you're just bored 'cause all the BG threads have been discussed by yourselves already.

Look at the "view" numbers on these two BG and ladyboy threads:

Ladyboys: 25,848

I've finally found her: 12,174

- streets ahead of other threads. It's just human nature (coupled with a good search engine!)

Thaivisa needs to make money by getting viewed. My own thread on Ladyboys got 312 views in 17 1/2 hours before it was locked. And I only started it to see how many hits a thread with the word "Ladyboy" in it, would get -_-

Come on you old dinosaurs, let the new soon-to-be dinosaurs have their say. :D

P.S. Taxey - when you gonna put back your "Titties" avatar - it was the best! :wub:

Like most things from the dinosaurs age....

It has been Censored for the good of the board :o

Here we go again huh ? Doesn't Europe suit you either ?

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Its not whether you should, but whether you want to. :o

Well stroll, I had so many head butts with doc, i would actually like to meet him.

Kinda to see the face behind the Name, (or names, in my case :D )

We might just do that then. Names ,,, jeez you have more than the New York phone book. :D

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Someone said somewhere that if I and markt, taxexile, and other dinosaurs etc., etc. read the recent offerings on TV we would not be inclined to participate as the present quality leaves a lot to be desired...how true that is.

We presently have soap operas, the brutally inane and billions of bar girl discussions that have not been edited/deleted by our mighty moderators. What gives Dr PP, George an the rest? Gone to sleep or just giving the rest what they want? I say censor the bastards in the name of good taste and a tastefull TV website. Banishment is an honor for those of us lucky enough to be so honored...too good for them. A simple 'tut, tut...tutsi and the others would not approve' would suffice.

What is all this bar girl shit? Someone said that a separate topic category should be started and I wholly approve. If all the dumb threads were to be lumped together then we could easily count how many are attracted to the topic and who they are. I married a bar girl as have many others here and to dispell prurient speculation spoke about my dedication to her when she joined me in the UAE and became ill and ended up in hospital. Bargirl or not she is my wife and her health and safety is my responsibility. My heart was broken...I was powerless to prevent the gastritis that laid her low. But do people want to hear about a real issue like that??? Nooooo. They have polls to determine falang depravity by measuring the age difference between thai girl and falang husband.

And there useta be serious issues discussed here. My declaration that the US support of Israel and the associated insult to arabs everywhere was vigorously debated with Georgie with assistance from Boon Mee. Fireworks, bombs and verbal abuse hurled to and fro in the name of serious discussion. Don't see nothin' like that around here no more (just boring old farts talkin' about how they would like to buy outrageous motorcycles and parade about with lovely young thai women attached...). Disgraceful.

Moderators...protect us from mediocrity and self indulgence...

Power to the people!

Reply...if you dare....


I used to get sucked into these anti-bargirl threads, until I realised that those who were writing them are merely inexperienced youths with a complex and are unable to cope mentally with Thailand.

I have come to realise that I think I have chosen wisely with my ex-bar girl wife. She has an experience of mankind that would put most of us to shame, yet she can maintain a childlike approach to life that keeps me young at heart and in spirit. She, like your wife, I'm sure, is dedicated to me and we don't let the rantings of the aforementioned posters spoil that for us, do we.

Don;t let them get you down, they're just inexperienced, as we once were.

Lets sink a beer together one day :o


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Agree that the "General" & "Farang Food etc" forums are a pale shadow of what they once were but every once an a while, there's a new guy on the block - DJ Pat, who comes up with some interesting stuff. Like the Soi Dogs thread. I learned a couple things reading that one - like the water bottles placed along side the car to keep them from pissing all over your vehicle.

Try getting into the "Language" thread. You stated a while back one of your ambitions was to learn Thai? :o

คุณ ชอาน

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Its not whether you should, but whether you want to. :D

Well stroll, I had so many head butts with doc, i would actually like to meet him.

Kinda to see the face behind the Name, (or names, in my case :wub: )

We might just do that then. Names ,,, jeez you have more than the New York phone book. :D

Well it's not that bad doc :D let's say i've had around 0.01 % of your member quota :D

Sure we might, i heard you speak the same native language as me, Don't know if it's true though.

You sure are a misterious man Doc :o

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