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Scampy's Diary

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Everything. Altogether. Don't you agree it's better that he wants to concentrate on his real life?

Yes of course but i do like his post's I don't know him as well as you do but I will miss him :D I wish him the best of luck and please tell him i said hello he asked me to go out and get a beer with him but i told him i couldn't since i do live in the states. :o

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What a waste of my keyboard's lifespan. How childish of him to run off and sulk. Most of the posts here have been kindly, including mine.

In the same way a good businessman will create a market for the product he has, Scamp has created an audience for his VERY ordinary life....

.... I'm still wearing out my keyboard, aren't I?!

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Why so negative? Why is it necessary that his silence means he's running off and sulk? WE just thought it would be better for now that he gets on with his life, tries to make things work, after some certain posts that could turn into a war. He's got enough on his mind already. I don't really think he needs to get into a war. So here comes the silence. And now.. he's become an ungrateful, childish bastard that didn't appreciate your advices. Oh boy...

As I said before, he's been reading all your comments. He's thinking about it all. He knows that if he's tried his best and it still doesn't work out for him, he's on his way back to England. But at the end of the day, it's him who has to make the decision. Still... Never satisfied I would guess?

PS to Scampy; I know you told me you understood if I didn't want to get involved with this. But well.. you know me.

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Why so negative? Why is it necessary that his silence means he's running off and sulk? WE just thought it would be better for now that he gets on with his life, tries to make things work, after some certain posts that could turn into a war. He's got enough on his mind already. I don't really think he needs to get into a war. So here comes the silence. And now.. he's become an ungrateful, childish bastard that didn't appreciate your advices. Oh boy...

As I said before, he's been reading all your comments. He's thinking about it all. He knows that if he's tried his best and it still doesn't work out for him, he's on his way back to England. But at the end of the day, it's him who has to make the decision. Still... Never satisfied I would guess?

PS to Scampy; I know you told me you understood if I didn't want to get involved with this. But well.. you know me.

Well said.

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Time spent away from the forum whilst trying to assimilate a survival plan sounds like common sense , especially if your every move has been documented(Albeit self-imposed)

I think GS realises this ( s not z :D and wish him all the best , would like to see a post when things take a more positive turn)

IMO Flummoxed has offered the best advice , if I were GS I would have perhaps emailed him with some utterance of appreciation.


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What a waste of my keyboard's lifespan. How childish of him to run off and sulk. Most of the posts here have been kindly, including mine.

In the same way a good businessman will create a market for the product he has, Scamp has created an audience for his VERY ordinary life....

.... I'm still wearing out my keyboard, aren't I?!

There is a diary of a Thai Girl on the web "Voice of a Thai Girl" I was reading it the other day and was saddened to say it just ended, No new entries Last one was from earlier this year.

I understand scamp needs time to sort things out

I just looked at the voice of a thai girl site and she has updated it with a new paragraph sorry folks if anyone was interested in looking don't want to give wrong info :o

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Why so negative? Why is it necessary that his silence means he's running off and sulk? WE just thought it would be better for now that he gets on with his life, tries to make things work, after some certain posts that could turn into a war. He's got enough on his mind already. I don't really think he needs to get into a war. So here comes the silence. And now.. he's become an ungrateful, childish bastard that didn't appreciate your advices. Oh boy...

As I said before, he's been reading all your comments. He's thinking about it all. He knows that if he's tried his best and it still doesn't work out for him, he's on his way back to England. But at the end of the day, it's him who has to make the decision. Still... Never satisfied I would guess?

PS to Scampy; I know you told me you understood if I didn't want to get involved with this. But well.. you know me.

tha big sisters turned up now to sort all you big bad bullies out :D

Watch it, shes got a mean left hook :o

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IMO Flummoxed has offered the best advice , if I were GS I would have perhaps emailed him with some utterance of appreciation.

Hi chonabot,

Scampy has been in touch on PM oafter my initial advice. I don't think he is sulking right now. Whish him the best of luck even if myself i don't like timesharing sellers :o . Just hope he makes it out there.


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Why so negative? Why is it necessary that his silence means he's running off and sulk? WE just thought it would be better for now that he gets on with his life, tries to make things work, after some certain posts that could turn into a war. He's got enough on his mind already. I don't really think he needs to get into a war. So here comes the silence. And now.. he's become an ungrateful, childish bastard that didn't appreciate your advices. Oh boy...

As I said before, he's been reading all your comments. He's thinking about it all. He knows that if he's tried his best and it still doesn't work out for him, he's on his way back to England. But at the end of the day, it's him who has to make the decision. Still... Never satisfied I would guess?

PS to Scampy; I know you told me you understood if I didn't want to get involved with this. But well.. you know me.

I will have a further say regarding "the scamp" as I have received PM's about it..

I notice you say 'WE" in your post LC, well this is one of HIS big problems. He seems to always need a prop to lean on - It will not help him in the end!

He needs to stop getting "comfortable in other peoples lives" and get his very own.

I, like most guys on this forum, came here and made it on my own - yes I was steered in the right directions by fellow expats - but at the end of the day, it comes down to helping yourself and respecting the people that helped you out along the way.

When you meet Scampy for the first time he comes across as a "young lad" with all the right ideas and seems like he wants to take on the world.

After that initial first few meets, he becomes a whinging, feel sorry for me type bloke that has no plan other than what he can be offered on the day.

At 30 years old, you must formulate some type of plan, otherwise what are you working towards? GET A PLAN!

Here is an actual event - he was broke, so myself and another TV member lent him some money, so he could do his Visa run and go to Hua Hin to collect his stuff. On his return his first mutter was how broke he was and he only had 4000 baht left.

I said to him - "well thats 4000 more than you had last week", "your up, so whats the problem". My point is, how ever much you help him, he only has a "glass is half empty" approach.

I have had my say regarding him and he has obviously not liked it - tuff sh!t, truth hurts!

I hope he gets his life together as he does have a brain and he is capable.

IMHO, he needs to FOCUS, as the free rides run out very quick. He should leave the bar girls, Ning, huge mobile bills, Thaivisa and the good times alone, until he is on his feet.

last word from me on this lad - If my earlier post hasn't made him more determined to achieve - nothing will!

To some of you posters who have made a snide remark - I have helped him, have you? :o

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IMHO, he needs to FOCUS, as the free rides run out very quick. He should leave the bar girls, Ning, huge mobile bills, Thaivisa and the good times alone, until he is on his feet.

Thats probably the soundest peice of advice in this entire thread. :o

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IMHO, he needs to FOCUS, as the free rides run out very quick. He should leave the bar girls, Ning, huge mobile bills, Thaivisa and the good times alone, until he is on his feet.

Thats probably the soundest piece of advice in this entire thread. :D

Was there any other... ? :o

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tha big sisters turned up now to sort all you big bad bullies out :D

Watch it, shes got a mean left hook :D

Speaking from experiences? :o

Torny honey... I used "We" because I rang him up and I suggested him and he agreed with me. Hence, the We. I don't want it to turn into yet another war. I'm just being selfish. I'm not well. And I don't have enough energy to follow all the wars no matter how much I want to. :D

The post you quoted was my response to a complaint that he was running away and sulk after all these. I was trying to make my point why I think it's better for now that he spends more time to focus on more important things, not a forum. When he was too active on the forum, people said he had no life and everything. When he was quiet trying to sort himself out off TV, people said he's running away etc etc.

Oh well, he's put his life on the air. What else can one expect? (I always thought it was a bad idea!) :D

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last word from me on this lad - If my earlier post hasn't made him more determined to achieve - nothing will!

To some of you posters who have made a snide remark - I have helped him, have you? :o

As I told him before, he is most welcome to stay at my place when he visits Bangkok.

But you are right, Tornado, he has to focus a bit.

And I know it is not easy when you are in Thailand and you are young.

But he is smart and I'm sure your posting will help him.

Do not worry so much, Elsie.

He took the first step in the right direction, he'll make it... :D

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tha big sisters turned up now to sort all you big bad bullies out  :D

Watch it, shes got a mean left hook  :D

Speaking from experiences? :o

Torny honey... I used "We" because I rang him up and I suggested him and he agreed with me. Hence, the We. I don't want it to turn into yet another war. I'm just being selfish. I'm not well. And I don't have enough energy to follow all the wars no matter how much I want to. :D

The post you quoted was my response to a complaint that he was running away and sulk after all these. I was trying to make my point why I think it's better for now that he spends more time to focus on more important things, not a forum. When he was too active on the forum, people said he had no life and everything. When he was quiet trying to sort himself out off TV, people said he's running away etc etc.

Oh well, he's put his life on the air. What else can one expect? (I always thought it was a bad idea!) :D

yibberdy yeep.. and thank yer mother for the rabbit :wub:

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Ok, I'm ready to speak.

I've spent the past half hour wondering what to say and where to start, and the past week too afraid to post - believing that the man who had invited me here and taken me under his wing had turned into a psychopath and written me off his Christmas card list.

I can now see from Tornado's most recent posting, which is more valid than it's forerunner, that he is giving me a wake up call.

The catalyst for all this was something that happened between us in a bar on Monday night. I won't go into the details without his permission but in short, I thought all this had transpired from a drunken lesson in self defence which had got out of hand and had resulted in me going home in shock with a few bruises.

I awoke in pain the following morning but made myself get up and dressed to meet the boss of the man I had gone to meet in the bar before it all went tits up with me and Torn.

Reading that first post the following day really unnerved me, but it didn't work as required as it was unfairly exaggerated and I was tempted to reply to defend myself and state that I was not a scrounger, neither was I suicidal or regarded as the local lunatic, but I had to bite my tounge.

I had been warned in advance of the posting but it didn't hurt as much as I'd expected because very little of it was true, though I'll admit to being immature at times... I am a bloke after all.

Reading Tornado's latest post had the desired affect and hit the spot more than any fist could.

I do like the company of others because I often think too much when I'm alone and get restless... Being social feels normal and comfortable, but I should learn to enjoy my own company, granted.

I do have a plan of sorts but I don't believe it's possible as it's been so hard to get on my feet all the time. I stand by the fact that I am not the luckiest bloke in the world by a long shot, but I have to learn to say the glass is half full even if it is only half empty.

For a while I've had to admit to myself that I may be a manic depressive, either on an up or a down with little middle ground.

Tornado once said on a previous thread "We'll have to change that mate" in response to me proclaiming that I lacked optimism.

I'll have to change it, if not, learn to live with it and keep it hidden - though I've discovered this week that a good nights sleep on a belly full of carbohydrate can work well towards a positive outlook - and to help this I've invested on some Pharmeton multivitamins which pushed my budget but will be worth it.

I'm using my phone less and have spent less time in internet shops, Ning is out of the picture anyway and the bar girls in question are a local girl and her sister who I have joined for dinner a couple of times, they have also lent me good luck charms for what they're worth, I'm willing to try, but my point is I have woken up alone for nearly two weeks which is a pisser, but beggars can't be shaggers.

last word from me on this lad - If my earlier post hasn't made him more determined to achieve - nothing will!

Your earlier post did nothing of the sort, but this one did.

That defemation of character almost made me give up on Thaivisa altogether, knowing that some of the decent people who didn't know me would possibly believe it and that there was little I could do. The only way that would have helped is by helping me give less of a shit what people think, but I do care what decent people think.

Mate did you really think I would kill myself? You've only ever heard me whinging, if I'd been on the phone to you in tears I would understand - that's not to say I haven't to friends in the past... Maybe that's the way you saw me going which is fair enough, but when I've been really down in the dumps it's because I know I never could end my life - it's really also because I also sleep restlessly and let myself go hungry to the point of starvation before eating... Not good, I need more routine.

As I said to LC on the phone earlier - to kill myself would be to throw myself away, and a better idea would be to re-cycle myself - re-invent myself... Maybe I'll just kill Scampy off and start a new nick when I'm back on my feet - with permission of course.

As for this job, well Timeshare has a bad reputation and is in the process of re-inventing itself, and I'm only training at the moment, I'm not earning.

At the end of the day it's all I have at the moment so I'll take it, but i'll also add that I've been convinced buy an outsider that it's not the con it was in Spain in the late 90's and I doubt Tornado would let me get into something that would hinder my residence.

To wrap it up, all in all I feel a bit embarrassed at the stir I've caused - but hey, I started it, and although I've spent to much time online as a result of (take note) -as a result of a need for a creative outlet, it's time, as it always was, to concentrate on the job in hand which is staying here, putting some money in my pocket, paying some back and having some sort of life here - I'll entertain you lot later.

Now piss off... Haven't you got better things to do than watch TV? :D:o

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I almost forgot to say thanks to Flummoxed among others...

You sound like a good bloke but I don't want to have to go to Aylesbury unless I really have to - but I hope very much you can make it to Phuket someday and that I can buy you a cold one. :D

IamMaiC, Tots, MaiSonJai, LC, FatterThanHarry, blimey let's stop right there - this is sounding like an Oscar speech.

I appreciate very much that faceless names and members met give a toss about my welfare, I can only assume it's because I'm a good bloke.

This time yesterday I never thought I'd be saying this but TIME WILL TELL if Tornado has changed my outlook on life.

I thank him all the same now I know there was method in his madness and hope that I don't let myself down by letting myself get down.

What I have to go on isn't much, but it's more than I had last week.

Torn, if it comes to anything I owe you a beer and a punch in the ribs. :o

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