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Reporting every 90 days?

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I have a new non-B visa with multiple re-entry permit. The last time I had this visa I didn't bother reporting to immigration every 90 days 'cuz I didn't know it was required, that is no one told me. I didn't have any problems either, with renewals, etc.

I let the original lapse and am on a new one, and this time immigration stapled a note to my visa page saying I have to report to Thai immigration every 90 days. I don't object to this at all, OK maybe it's a little inconvenient sometimes.

However the next time I'm supposed to report is mid September. I'm going to Mexico in mid August on holiday and won't be back till mid November. What to do, since I won't be in-country on or even near the reporting date. Should I report in a month early to let 'em know I'm going away for 3 months?


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If you depart Thailand in less than 90 days you do not have to report.  Your new 90 days count will start when you come back so just remember to report again 90 days after your new entry card date.  If you keep leaving in less than 90 days you will never have to report. :o
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Just for the record,

You say that previously you didn't know about

the 90 days requirement ...

- But it is on the TM.6 Card that you complete

every time you enter the Country.

It is item No. 5 - go take a look at the one you

should now have in your passport


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But it is on the TM.6 Card that you complete

every time you enter the Country.

Unfair. ::o:

But this was not required in practice until the last couple of years and the other item on the TM.6 about tax papers has not been required for over a decade.

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Any ALIEN who fails to comply with, will be punished with a fine not exceeding 5000 baht and with an additional fine not exceeding 200 baht for each day which passes until the law is complied with.



Visa extensions are not notifying your stay longer than 90 days, which I did not know. When applying for my one year extension, I was handed a small paper with the above NOTICE. Even though I was way over 180 days of not reporting my address to ROOM 401, the fine was only 2000 baht . Paid the fine and received a stamp in my passport that I was a bad boy and life goes on.

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Two envelopes and two 2baht stamps, thats 6 baht every three months .

Those living in Bangkok, where it may take hours to get to immigration, are not given that option AFAIK.  Also believe you are supposed to be using registered mail and don't forget the copy fees. :o

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Anyone know from which date they actually start counting the 90 days? I've been in and out of the immigration offices with every time a 1 month or 2 month extension, as is normal when applying for a workpermit, but it's been been a lot more than 3 months since I filled any form. However, it's only 2 months after I got my final 1 year (only 6 months left) stamp in my passport, so should I go in a month from now or am I a couple of months late and should I try to get a re-entry and do a border jump?
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Anyone know from which date they actually start counting the 90 days?

should I try to get a re-entry and do a border jump?

From the last entry into thew Kingdom.

A border jump with reentry permit might be cheaper than paying the fine, yes!

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So they got me again! :D  I knew it had been too long (2 months) since I had to cough up some more of those grey bills. They've been checking my papers over and over again and never brought up the fact that I should be report on the 4th floor as well, in any of the 13(!) visits. I'm not at all surprised that there is so little complaining about the fees hike, because between the 4 or 5 monthly workpermit extension payments and their "pong-dor 1" extra taxes (50 baht for Thais, so 5% of salary for Farrang), these new fees are hardly worth mentioning..   ::o:

A Phonecall to Soi Suan Plu ended as follows: "Sorry, but Visa department and reporting address dept. are separate..You have to come and pay today"

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