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Can anyone tell me how long it takes for Andriol to take effect?

It would also be interesting to hear from the original poster? How did your treatment go? How are you now?

I'm 51 with a 352 ng/dl Testosterone level. I started taking andriol testocaps at 2.5x the recommended dose and felt an immediate! difference in well being, in the bedroom, in the gym, speeded up my recovery after the gym. I'm not a bodybuilder looking for huge gains.

But then I read how 'mild' it is...

What are the brand names if the injectable testosterones to ask for here?

Which ones are the longer lasting ones (half lives)?

I'm not in Pattaya or BKK.


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Well there is a thing about using above recomended dose. The initial boost feeling will go away. You cant continue using a cure indefinatly. You natural production will suffer resulting in side-effects when you get off the treatment. This is when your brain will start messing up since that feeling of well being is gone, and might even be replaced with a full blown depression and risk of joining the free fall club. Use these things only with medical supervision.

Well there is a thing about using above recomended dose. The initial boost feeling will go away. You cant continue using a cure indefinatly. You natural production will suffer resulting in side-effects when you get off the treatment. This is when your brain will start messing up since that feeling of well being is gone, and might even be replaced with a full blown depression and risk of joining the free fall club. Use these things only with medical supervision.


My post was answer to the previous post about how long to feel effects.

I read that these caps are very mild, for extended TRT at the recommended dose and basically can be used indefinitely, and unlike injections, do not produce side effects in those that are using them for TRT at the recommended dose.

My question, still, is about the brand names of the injection T (long acting as well as other choices) that can be purchased in pharmacies here in LOS.


My question, still, is about the brand names of the injection T (long acting as well as other choices) that can be purchased in pharmacies here in LOS.


That's a pretty simple question which deserves a simple answer.

The gold standard of injectable Testosterone in Thailand is "Testoviron Depot" manufactured by Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Berlin, Germany. Its chemical name is "Testosterone Enanthate". Its claimed the duration of action is approximately 2 - 4 weeks. The reason it is so popular is because it can be injected once every 2 or 3 weeks. It is far cheaper than the oral Testoviron testacaps and more effective.

There are other choices of injectable testosterone available too. Some are black market, some are copies and some could be fake or of poor quality.

You don't start on injectable testosterone and then stop. There's no point to that. You do it for life, or you don't do it at all, and you only do it if your natural production is below normal...which in fact is the case for most over 50's anyway. It is part of a "Hormone replacement therapy" (HRT) for older men.

There is an abundance of information about this product on the Internet, so Google and learn. It seems to be the drug of choice for HRT or TRT in Thailand. They stock it at Fascino and I believe it is over-the-counter, but I may be wrong, so you can go in and ask. Their price is usually higher than what you find at hole-in-the-wall pharmacies around town.

There is a cheaper Thai copy of this product which is also readily available.

There is a cheaper Thai copy of this product which is also readily available.

Did you mean cheaper than/better than "Andriol Testocaps" ?

What would you expect the price difference to be for both the real and the copy products - at a small pharmacy?

Assuming my doctor isn't interested in administering HRT for me (claims my levels are fine and/or has other motivation) or can't recommend a doctor, do you have any suggestions if I don't want to do it myself?


There is a cheaper Thai copy of this product which is also readily available.

Did you mean cheaper than/better than "Andriol Testocaps" ?

What would you expect the price difference to be for both the real and the copy products - at a small pharmacy?

Assuming my doctor isn't interested in administering HRT for me (claims my levels are fine and/or has other motivation) or can't recommend a doctor, do you have any suggestions if I don't want to do it myself?


It should be quite easy to find a clinic to administer TRT for you here in Pattaya. Best to do your own research and decide if it's for you or not.

I was refering to copies of Testoviron Depot for injection. Best prices I've seen for the German made is 3000 for a box of 20 x 250mg. The Thai copy sells for about 1000 baht less.

I've never seen copies of Andriol testacaps. Fascino will give you the best price on that. It's definitely the safest and most unintrusive way to boost your testosterone levels with the least side effects.

My question, still, is about the brand names of the injection T (long acting as well as other choices) that can be purchased in pharmacies here in LOS.


That's a pretty simple question which deserves a simple answer.

The gold standard of injectable Testosterone in Thailand is "Testoviron Depot" manufactured by Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Berlin, Germany. Its chemical name is "Testosterone Enanthate". Its claimed the duration of action is approximately 2 - 4 weeks. The reason it is so popular is because it can be injected once every 2 or 3 weeks. It is far cheaper than the oral Testoviron testacaps and more effective.

There are other choices of injectable testosterone available too. Some are black market, some are copies and some could be fake or of poor quality.

You don't start on injectable testosterone and then stop. There's no point to that. You do it for life, or you don't do it at all, and you only do it if your natural production is below normal...which in fact is the case for most over 50's anyway. It is part of a "Hormone replacement therapy" (HRT) for older men.

There is an abundance of information about this product on the Internet, so Google and learn. It seems to be the drug of choice for HRT or TRT in Thailand. They stock it at Fascino and I believe it is over-the-counter, but I may be wrong, so you can go in and ask. Their price is usually higher than what you find at hole-in-the-wall pharmacies around town.

There is a cheaper Thai copy of this product which is also readily available.

My local pharmacy has Testoviron Depot for 1,800 baht and I don't need a prescription.

My test was 350 ng/dl with a "claimed normal" range of 71-622 for my age (50+).

  • 2 months later...
You obviously know far too much about this Tropo. Rather than discussing the cost, tell the man what it does.

If you're going to play around with injectables for HRT, you can never know too much. Jessy nailed it in a post above. With HRT you're seeking to normalize dwindling testosterone production as you age...it's as simple as that.

I have no idea why anyone is asking about injectables for HRT. A much better and safer, although more expensive option is Andriol Testacaps. It's a very mild form of testosterone supplemenation delivered through the lymphatic system (bypasses the liver) which will have very little to no effect (depending on dose) on the HPTA (the bodies own testosterone production). What this means is that if a person discontinues using them, they still have all of their own natural production to fall back on. If a person injects testosterone (Sustanon etc), their own production will cease and the testicles will shrink due to non-use.

When using Andiol Testracaps there will also be no conversion of excess testerone to estrogen as is usually the case with injectables...mainly because the dose is so mild that there will not be any excess testosterone left in the system. When one injects 250 mg of testerone, there is an immediate surplus of testerone which will shut down the person's own production and start converting to estrogen. This will possibly lead to fat gain, gynecomastia (growth of breast tissue) and other feminizing characteristics.

These can be bought over the counter in Thailand and 1 or 2 caps per day is usually enough. The best price in Thailand is 13.3 baht per cap, so that would be 26.6 baht per day for an average dose. IMO this is the perfect solution to HRT and very safe.

What is a TYPICAL dose of Testoviron Depot for HRT? (no guessing please!)

How does a single injection of 1ml (250mg) compare to Andriol Testocaps : how many caps would be required for an equal raise in T blood serum level.

(again - no guessing!) If you don't know, that's okay!

And yes I will see dr oliver, but right now I am seeking specific info


thanks in advance

What is a TYPICAL dose of Testoviron Depot for HRT? (no guessing please!)

How does a single injection of 1ml (250mg) compare to Andriol Testocaps : how many caps would be required for an equal raise in T blood serum level.

(again - no guessing!) If you don't know, that's okay!

And yes I will see dr oliver, but right now I am seeking specific info


thanks in advance

You're asking for a "typical dose" yet you say "no guessing please".

There's is only one way to find out exact "non-guessing doses", and that is getting blood tests to see how you respond to various doses of any testosterone supplement (oral of injectable).

This can be a complicated and expensive task in Thailand because the tests are not very thorough here.

Most people and doctors just guess here.


I wouldn't trust any of these injections with a barge pole.

You should try natural methods first and foremost.

Lose weight, get fit, do weight bearing exercises, eat well and take supplements.

Tribulus is a good supplement to take as others have mentioned. Garlic also works , saw palmetto has positive effects do some research into other natural substances.

If you are over a certain age your testosterone drops off anyway.

Even into my mid to late forties i could and did shag a few times a day after 50 my testosterone dropped down. I still enjoy shagging but am not interested in shagging mulitple times a day. That is part of the aging process that you may need to resgn yourself to this fact. There is a male menopause. We do slow down as we get older. I would only think about sythenthic solutions after investigating all other avenues and even then probably not go down that route.

Worked for my sister - she now has a beard and can drink 10 pints no problem :)

Was that before or after you took the vibrator away for chipping her teeth????

I wouldn't trust any of these injections with a barge pole.

You should try natural methods first and foremost.

Lose weight, get fit, do weight bearing exercises, eat well and take supplements.

Tribulus is a good supplement to take as others have mentioned. Garlic also works , saw palmetto has positive effects do some research into other natural substances.

If you are over a certain age your testosterone drops off anyway.

Even into my mid to late forties i could and did shag a few times a day after 50 my testosterone dropped down. I still enjoy shagging but am not interested in shagging mulitple times a day. That is part of the aging process that you may need to resgn yourself to this fact. There is a male menopause. We do slow down as we get older. I would only think about sythenthic solutions after investigating all other avenues and even then probably not go down that route.

We all have choices. Some people prefer to live in the dark ages, others make sensible use of modern developments in medicine.


Pattaya definitely seems to be the centre of narcissistic steroid abusers.

Sadly a guy I knew a few years ago was extolling the virtues of injecting growth hormones into his body, saying it made him look younger (which it did) and made him feel healthier.

Tragically, (and perhaps unrelatedly - who knows), he was dead less than two years later, riddled with inoperable cancer.

Pattaya definitely seems to be the centre of narcissistic steroid abusers.

As opposed to what? Non-narcissistic steroid users?

It has been done to death already, but if you want to discuss steroid using bodybuilders perhaps you could start your own thread.

This thread is about HRT or TRT. That means supplying an aging body with the same amount of testosterone that a younger body produces naturally.

I wouldn't trust any of these injections with a barge pole.

You should try natural methods first and foremost.

Lose weight, get fit, do weight bearing exercises, eat well and take supplements.

Tribulus is a good supplement to take as others have mentioned. Garlic also works , saw palmetto has positive effects do some research into other natural substances.

If you are over a certain age your testosterone drops off anyway.

Even into my mid to late forties i could and did shag a few times a day after 50 my testosterone dropped down. I still enjoy shagging but am not interested in shagging mulitple times a day. That is part of the aging process that you may need to resgn yourself to this fact. There is a male menopause. We do slow down as we get older. I would only think about sythenthic solutions after investigating all other avenues and even then probably not go down that route.

We all have choices. Some people prefer to live in the dark ages, others make sensible use of modern developments in medicine.

HRT for women was touted as a magical way to bypass the aging process yet it has been found after years of usage that there were many nasty side effects including cancer, heart conditions etc

The fact is for many men they could naturally boost their testosterone by better living habits without the need to go down the path of unproven potentially dangerous synthetic options.

Be careful; In November 2006 an Irishman named Denis Anthony Leahy stabbed a bar girl to death in Jomtien. He stabbed her 15 times in the body, 3 times in the face, then slit her throat from ear to ear and fled on a motorcycle.

He later admitted to the crime citing; quote: "that muscle enhancing drugs made him crazy".

How must the 24 year old girl's family feel? He was deported back to the Republic of Ireland after just a few months in Thai prison.

I'm sure she had nothing to do with his instanity.

There is a reason he stabbed her to death and not a random person on the street. Drugs made him crazy, OK, but he was OK enough to put a plan together.

I wouldn't trust any of these injections with a barge pole.

You should try natural methods first and foremost.

Lose weight, get fit, do weight bearing exercises, eat well and take supplements.

Tribulus is a good supplement to take as others have mentioned. Garlic also works , saw palmetto has positive effects do some research into other natural substances.

If you are over a certain age your testosterone drops off anyway.

Even into my mid to late forties i could and did shag a few times a day after 50 my testosterone dropped down. I still enjoy shagging but am not interested in shagging mulitple times a day. That is part of the aging process that you may need to resgn yourself to this fact. There is a male menopause. We do slow down as we get older. I would only think about sythenthic solutions after investigating all other avenues and even then probably not go down that route.

We all have choices. Some people prefer to live in the dark ages, others make sensible use of modern developments in medicine.

HRT for women was touted as a magical way to bypass the aging process yet it has been found after years of usage that there were many nasty side effects including cancer, heart conditions etc

The fact is for many men they could naturally boost their testosterone by better living habits without the need to go down the path of unproven potentially dangerous synthetic options.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to list cancer and heart conditions as side effects of HRT. I don't think this requires too much elaboration. Just think about it.

HRT makes a lot of people feel better. The evidence is overwhelming....but as you say, they should be careful because they may die one day.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to list cancer and heart conditions as side effects of HRT. I don't think this requires too much elaboration. Just think about it.

HRT makes a lot of people feel better. The evidence is overwhelming....but as you say, they should be careful because they may die one day.

Maybe a good idea to read this link then.Of course you gonna say it is not true but maybe take notice that the url ends on .gov.Maybe a bit more credible then most of those juice selling sites.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to list cancer and heart conditions as side effects of HRT. I don't think this requires too much elaboration. Just think about it.

HRT makes a lot of people feel better. The evidence is overwhelming....but as you say, they should be careful because they may die one day.

Maybe a good idea to read this link then.Of course you gonna say it is not true but maybe take notice that the url ends on .gov.Maybe a bit more credible then most of those juice selling sites.

can someone start a new thread for people who are interested in the positive effects of HRT and have useful questions/answers instead of a "fight club" thread?

Then the haters can continue on in this forum with their vast knowledge ....

Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to list cancer and heart conditions as side effects of HRT. I don't think this requires too much elaboration. Just think about it.

HRT makes a lot of people feel better. The evidence is overwhelming....but as you say, they should be careful because they may die one day.

Maybe a good idea to read this link then.Of course you gonna say it is not true but maybe take notice that the url ends on .gov.Maybe a bit more credible then most of those juice selling sites.

can someone start a new thread for people who are interested in the positive effects of HRT and have useful questions/answers instead of a "fight club" thread?

Then the haters can continue on in this forum with their vast knowledge ....

You mean starting a thread where is only written what the readers like to hear.I thought the use of a forum was to start a discussion of the pro's and contra's fronm a certain subject.Clearly you are not from the same opinion.

You don't happen to be involved in some business regarding such a product do you. :)

You mean starting a thread where is only written what the readers like to hear.I thought the use of a forum was to start a discussion of the pro's and contra's fronm a certain subject.Clearly you are not from the same opinion.

You don't happen to be involved in some business regarding such a product do you. :)

No I don't mean that. No, forums are not ONLY for debates, and you can see examples all over thaivisa.com.

There's forums for help on where to rent, etc, but this one is degenerating into a name-calling debate.

Now you're questioning a motive for starting a more "helpful" thread - that's a first.

I don't have a business selling the stuff, why would I be asking questions?



Enough of the arguments already.

Even though this is a 2 year old thread it seems to be generating a lot of interest, So I'm going to move into the health forum where all the experts hang out.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Some flaming posts have been deleted. Keep the discussion (or debate, if you must) civil.

HRT for women has indeed been shown to increase the risk of some serious conditions, at least in the formulations that have commonly been used. There is some research underway to see if for example using natural progesterone rather than a synthetic progestin would eliminateo r reduce these risks but it will be some time before this is known. As it is, took decades of prospective longitudinal studies to determine the effect on women's health of the standard HRT preparations.

I am not aware of any simliar research on testosterone supplementation in men. We simply do not know what its long term effects might or might not be.

What is known is that use of testosterone by men with cancer iof the prostate may greatkly accelerate growth of the tumor, so anyone planning to use testosterone supplmenetation should be sure to have a manual prostate exam and PSA first and then periodically (actually all older men should do this anyhow)


What hasn't been mentioned are the potential (and serious) health risks of an abnormally low testosterone level. (By low, I mean the condition of Andropause - the male menopause). Perhaps the most serious side effect is osteoporosis - brittle bone disease, which can affect elderly men who have had an abnormally low testosterone level in the previous 10 or so years.

My father had osteoporosis because he had Andropause, and I also have an abnormally low testosterone level for my age, (as checked over the past 10 years). Happily, I am young enough to counter these effects by taking Calcium/Vitimen D supplements.



Simom43 do more reserch just taking calcium and D3 may not be enough. Some other bone producing stuff you need are magneisum, boron, vit.k.

Check out International Hormone Society website and then request the names of the Thai Drs who attend there courses from Dr. Theriy Hertoge the founder and President. My girlfriend is a student of his and has had Thai Drs. in his classes.

Do not play around with HRT until you have the blood work done. Your problem could be thyroid and not testosterone or both.

if you take any kind of testosterone replacement check your dht levels as well before and after also take saw palmento for prostate health.

HRT can be your friend and correct alot of age related health issues but it can be your worst enemy if not monitored and adminstered correctly.

Tropo you mentioned earlier that the adroil didn't go thru the liver but was delivered via lymph system I would like info on how that is done and what the process is is there a website . Thanks

Do not play around with HRT until you have the blood work done...

Indeed - I was first diagnosed with abnormally low testosterone levels 10 years ago, and had initial HRT treament at that time. I'm well aware of the importance of blood tests etc prior to treatment.

I prefer to trust my doctor's advice re suitable treatments. My comments were about osteoporosis and other side effects caused by Andropause



One thing to consider if you have low testosterone is your cholestrol levels. With the mantram of lower ones cholestrol at all cost one of the side affects is lower testosterone levels as well as some other nasty things memory loss, muscle pain, and death.

I suffer from low cholestrol levels and I take no medication. I have low testosterone and memory loss as well. Have your blood work done before embarking on a HRT replacement plan.

  • 11 months later...

Can someone talk about how they feel after the injections? I read in a few forums that Sustanon did not work for them, and this Testoviron Depot requires some kind of aromatase inhibitor as much will be converted to estrogen, and if too much, will cause tits like women and it is irreversible. And how long is the effect? Some said 2 and some 4 weeks? Quite confusing! For people who had done it, please show some light here.


Lawley Pharmaceuticals...an Australian Company....have Testosterone Cream for Men..maybe worth a look at their web site....just an alternative suggestion...they will post to here. You can download a lot of information from their web site..they will even send you a CD.

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