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"Those who cause fatal road accidents by water splashing may be arrested and charged, Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said Sunday."

Have just seen this news item in today's nation newspaper.

Why on earth doesn't Samak's edict cover those causing ANY accident, and why MAY they be arrested and charged? Surely anyone deliberately causing an accident, whether the results are fatal or not, must be arrested and deserve the harshest penalty available!

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I am SO, SO, SO fed up with the smart mouths that KEEEEEEPPPPP saying accept Thai ways, live like the Thais or go home when they are ONLY referring to us behaving and living like the Thais who break they OWN laws

Many of the things many of us "moan" about are the ILLEGAL activities under THAI Law - NOT all the other Thai ways and customs and culture

Don't the smart mouths understand enough English to get that yet!!!

What the smart mouths are really advocating is that "they want to be like the Thais who break their countries Laws because they want to as well and then they pretend they are integrating.

Yes you are integrating with the Thai criminal (be it petty criminal in most case) element in this country and we decent Expats don't want YOU here.

Most of your sort like Thailand purely because you can get away with it, have been doing so for years and wish to continue to do so (and you have enough money to try and bribe your way out of trouble when you don't).

You abuse and foul mouth those who wish to live here according to the laws of the land and who want others to do the same.

You pretend you have so much respect for Thailand and its people and you understand Thai so well, but you have respect for no one. You are afraid Thailand's law enforcement will get it act together one day and that your days of riding roughshod over everybody decent will be gone

We however, have NOTHING fear -except being victims to the likes of you sooner or later due to your lawless ways.

I am SO, SO, SO fed up with the smart mouths that KEEEEEEPPPPP saying accept Thai ways, live like the Thais or go home when they are ONLY referring to us behaving and living like the Thais who break they OWN laws

Many of the things many of us "moan" about are the ILLEGAL activities under THAI Law - NOT all the other Thai ways and customs and culture

Don't the smart mouths understand enough English to get that yet!!!

What the smart mouths are really advocating is that "they want to be like the Thais who break their countries Laws because they want to as well and then they pretend they are integrating.

Yes you are integrating with the Thai criminal (be it petty criminal in most case) element in this country and we decent Expats don't want YOU here.

Most of your sort like Thailand purely because you can get away with it, have been doing so for years and wish to continue to do so (and you have enough money to try and bribe your way out of trouble when you don't).

You abuse and foul mouth those who wish to live here according to the laws of the land and who want others to do the same.

You pretend you have so much respect for Thailand and its people and you understand Thai so well, but you have respect for no one. You are afraid Thailand's law enforcement will get it act together one day and that your days of riding roughshod over everybody decent will be gone

We however, have NOTHING fear -except being victims to the likes of you sooner or later due to your lawless ways.

Well said Dave.

Throwing missiles at moving cars and motorbikes is illegal and stupid and should be treated as such.


If we wouldn't be here, they would live in harmony as farmers, fishermen or whatever.

Yeah everything would be wonderful and peaceful utopia without foreigners and technology :-) Go smoke some more dope, hippy.


Fully agree with GDMH. I reasonably try to be law abiding. I even try to follow the speed limit--if there is one--but only to the extend that I won't get completely run over by extreme speeders. If I ride a motorcycle, I wear a helmet--provided one is available.

I have the proper visa and do the other things that are the law. But I continuously run into people who thing this is stupid and doesn't matter. Why have laws if nobody is going to follow them? They are set up to protect everyone--at least in theory.

So now there are too many deaths, so they are considering banning alcohol next year--now that's a solution, but it's a law I don't really want to have to follow!

It IS all very, very sad.

Unfortunately each holiday we read comments from the authorities that their target and hope is to have less deaths than the previous year.

If they manage that they consider it somewhat of a success but at what cost. It is merely a statistical success because an enormous number have still died.

We are told 86% who have died so far are motorbike riders and a huge number of deaths are drink related.

I would like to see how many of these died of head injuries and were NOT wearing helmets who may have survived otherwise (very many I bet).

The Thais mostly do not want to wear helmets and are willing to accept being occasionally caught. The Thai law however says they must wear helmets (like them or not)

How to enforce??

It is not good using the UK system of points on the driving licence, or license confiscation because 46% do not have license (or insurance). BUt they all have ID Cards and their record can be recorded in Police computer databanks.

The answer is VERY simple increasing and stiff financial penalties. The drivers understand that one AND the traffic police need as policy to try and stop ALL they see (and not only during "road block purges).

I KNOW it would take up a huge amount of police time INITIALLY (and at first many would escape penalty due to volume of numbers) BUT, as in other countries, once the riders realized they were not getting away with it and increasingly they were being pulled up (anywhere and not only at road blocks) and were having to pay huge amounts in fines they would soon obey the helmet laws (even if for the wrong reasons). This would cause a drop in necessary policing on this issue quickly and the remaining "die hards" would be easy to identify and deal with.

At the same time the police should always check for valid driving licenses and confiscate motorbikes of rider not able to show a valid driving license and ONLY release the bike when one can be shown BY THAT rider. It does not matter (unless stolen) who owns the bike, because bike owners would soon make sure only licensed driver used or borrowed their bikes if they faced confiscation.

Some may feel that harsh but harsh penalties are already in place under Thai law which permit fines AND a maximum prison term of 1 month. Its just that nobody thinks the police and authorities will impose the maximum penalty and they do not - so there is no real deterrent to driving without a license. The truth is, too many Thais do and are allowed to do what they want and not what their own laws demand for theirs and others protection.

Regarding the lack of driving licenses It should not be forgotten that most without a license have never learned the highway code, correct riding techniques, knowledge of road signs or safe handing and road positioning of their motorbikes (hence why nearly every bike rider heavily cuts the corner when turning right AND they have no insurance to pay for damage to others property or medical bills (or their own).

My wife was told by a friend (who asked why she bothered to learn to drive and take her test last week - my wife passed :D ) and I quote

"Oh I did my test 3 times and failed each time.It was so stupid I did not waste my money any more - I know I can drive well and I don't need the license most do not have them anyway".

I think that sums up the attitude.

Lets face it. The driving tests in all countries do not even mean you are a good safe driver but that you have satisfied the MINIMUM levels of competency to be allowed to drive on the roads with a full driving license. Clearly my wife' friend is a danger to herself and everybody else (and uninsured) her driving test failures PROVE that . Her complacent attitude is almost as dangerous.

May you and all families and friends have a safe and happy remainder of Songkran.



This could so easily have been written by me. Accidents will always happen, but it is necessary to ensure that they are minor ones and not major ones.

After every Songkran and New Year for the past 20 years, this being the time I have been in Thailand, successive governments set up committees to find out what went wrong and how to avoid the tragedy the following year. NOTHING EVER HAPPENS!. We are told that everyone must have valid licences and insurance, (which means no kid on motorbikes), helmets must be worn by drivers and passengers, checkpoints will always be set up to stop drunk drivers and speeding, but very little ever happens.

Kids still ride motorbikes year round (some as young as 10) and are allowed to drive them into schools often with 2/3 of their classmates aboard , helmets are rarely worn in rural areas, and most village people do not have driving licences. When caught by police (mainly at the end of the month!) fines are usually 100/200bt, and a blind eye is always turned to the kids driving. Add to all these problems the stupidity and toleration of water throwing and its a wonder the numbers of accidents and fatalities are not even higher.

My village has a checkpoint just before the road enters a major highway. The main town has a checkpoint set up at a traffic light controlled intersection. On the several occasions I have passed these during the past 3 days, the personnel are just sitting around talking, drinking soft drinks, and no doubt waiting for Songkran to finish when they can claim their pay. For what? They seem to do NOTHING!

You will never totally eliminate accidents, but they can be drastically reduced with full law enforcement, and harsh penalties - why not 5000bt for starters, to be doubled upon each additional infringement.

And totally ban water throwing except in public parks etc between consenting adults and children.


I am getting sick and tired of reading post after post, written by expats or tourists or whatever, complaining and criticising the Thai police, the Thai traditions and the resident Thai citizens for behaving in a manner 'they' deem unaceptable. Sure, should that Thai erson/cop/politician person behave like that in the the foreigner's home country then they would be given a good flogging and sent to jail forever, BUT YOU ARE NOT IN YOUR HOME COUNTRY!!!! For gods sake, you are an expat living in a foreign country, get with the program and accept that things happen differently over here. That means differnt rules, different standards and different, well everything. If you can't come to terms with kids driving motorbikes and cops taking backhanders and all the rest of the stuff that goes on in Asia generally, then please bugger off back home and stop anoying the rest of us, who actually quite enjoy it over here.

Please, PLEASE, stop using this site and simlar to vent your phobias, missunderstandings and other culture shock related fears - we know it can be anoying sometimes, and yes, it is confusing and often frustrating, but it's still better than crappy weather, 34% income tax (my backet anyway) and 17.5% VAT.

Incidentally, I went out yesterday in Koh Phangan, on a motorbike, with my 1 year old son. The thais did not throw water in our faces, nobody crashed into us and I didn't get stabbed or shot of done by the police. However,some Thai people did respectfully splash water over us with my blessing (shock horror!!!).

The only people who did throw water in my face as I was driving (slowly and sobely) along were the pissed tourists hanging out of the girly bars in Baan Tai.

I know, sir, I am not in my home country, and yes, I know things go different here, and yes, I like it here too.

But I think venting your shock about a lot of Thai things in this site is exactly where this site is for.

Because of the comments and threads one can get an insight into the differences.

Including your rather st***d comment.

More or less illustrated by taking your 1-year old son on the motorbike with you.

While nobody will ever listen to the comments of a farang, what else have we got to ventilate our frustrations but ThaiVisa?

Happy Songkran everybody, and please go on with all comments!

I couldn't agree more with the anti-"your in Thailand" accept it bunch. This may be their country but no one has to lose all sense of proportion just because we are residing here for a while. Going bush doesn't mean you have to give up.

I stood around for hours with the kids throwing water on a busy slow moving road in an upcountry city. Everything was great and everyone had an absolute ball. The only dangerous activity in the whole event was idiot, drunk youths on motorbikes weaving in and out of traffic showing off at high speed. For a country where consideration for others has it's own coloquialism it is astonishing.

Everyone can see the danger except the riders themselves. I love this country dearly, but would have to have a labotomy to believe that since I am in Thailand, I am to close my eyes to the dangers that driving brings here and go with the flow "man". I have imported car seats, my kids wear seatbelts, and yet to this day I see tripped out Honda Jazzs with modifications worth hundreds of thousands with dad holding the baby infront of him on the drivers seat. I see BMW's and MERC's with kids standing in the passenger foot well.

The cost involved to this country in road accidents is astronomical and invariably wipes out the young. When will Thailand do something to improve the quality of it's driving? I won't hold my breath. Until then, the hippies can go with the flow. I certainly will not.


Well put GDMH

We had a great time over Songkram in Maharat. Saturday afternoon went to the wat and bathed all the monks and all the elders in the village, fair bit of water getting chucked about afterwards in the grounds of the wat.

Sunday went to a takew tournement, where we'd sponsered a team, then headed into Ayutthaya. Had a ball, slow/crawling traffic going aroung the island and only a few total nutters on bikes.

Monday had to play in a football knockout, thought i'd die, then went to Loburi for some water chucking. Again nothing mental going on there just good fun.

Now back down at Ban Chang to find it kicking off down here, think I'll stay clear of patters though.

Happy Songkram

A cynic might say that that as Thailand does not have a war to fight, this is Mother Natures way of culling the population. I read today also that the Interior Minsiter is considering banning alcohol at Songkran next year, that would make it like a 7 day election and kiss goodbye to even more tourists. Let's face it, whatever we say or think, nothing will change because the Thais seem to LIKE risking their own lives and that of others with lunatic behaviour. I feel truly sorry for the loss of life incurred thus fare and for what is still to come. Happy Songkran, stay at home!

Right mate.

What else to say.

The 20 years (very promising and educated) old brother of my to be daughter in law lost his live because he joined a lunatic drunken driver after a party. He himself didn't drink. What a shame. Hope I wil not lose one of me kids if they join a drunken driver. My brother in law (thai) and a teacher turned over his car while driving under the influence. Hope less.icon8.gif


I am getting sick and tired of reading post after post, written by expats or tourists or whatever, complaining and criticising the Thai police, the Thai traditions and the resident Thai citizens for behaving in a manner 'they' deem unaceptable. Sure, should that Thai erson/cop/politician person behave like that in the the foreigner's home country then they would be given a good flogging and sent to jail forever, BUT YOU ARE NOT IN YOUR HOME COUNTRY!!!! For gods sake, you are an expat living in a foreign country, get with the program and accept that things happen differently over here. That means differnt rules, different standards and different, well everything. If you can't come to terms with kids driving motorbikes and cops taking backhanders and all the rest of the stuff that goes on in Asia generally, then please bugger off back home and stop anoying the rest of us, who actually quite enjoy it over here.

Please, PLEASE, stop using this site and simlar to vent your phobias, missunderstandings and other culture shock related fears - we know it can be anoying sometimes, and yes, it is confusing and often frustrating, but it's still better than crappy weather, 34% income tax (my backet anyway) and 17.5% VAT.

Incidentally, I went out yesterday in Koh Phangan, on a motorbike, with my 1 year old son. The thais did not throw water in our faces, nobody crashed into us and I didn't get stabbed or shot of done by the police. However,some Thai people did respectfully splash water over us with my blessing (shock horror!!!).

The only people who did throw water in my face as I was driving (slowly and sobely) along were the pissed tourists hanging out of the girly bars in Baan Tai.

Your absolutely right mangostays with what you are saying, but who could we complain about if we couldn't complain about the foreigners who complain

I think those foreigners are unfortunately are part of this country to. Thanks Thailand by not making it to easy for foreigners to live here.



I applaud gdhm and others who pointed out that those of us who complain do so because we CARE, not because we're unappreciative or don't like living here. We (I'm speaking for myself and hopefully others) would like to see some aspects of living in this great country improve. Those changes also coincided with Thai laws and seem to be desired by many Thais, including the government. The senseless loss of life due to irresponsible driving habits is simply not acceptable for those of us who TRULY CARE! We don't (speaking for myself again) want to see Thailand turn into the countries that we left.

Keep complaining guys and gals... this is a possible avenue for change :o

I applaud gdhm and others who pointed out that those of us who complain do so because we CARE, not because we're unappreciative or don't like living here. We (I'm speaking for myself and hopefully others) would like to see some aspects of living in this great country improve. Those changes also coincided with Thai laws and seem to be desired by many Thais, including the government. The senseless loss of life due to irresponsible driving habits is simply not acceptable for those of us who TRULY CARE! We don't (speaking for myself again) want to see Thailand turn into the countries that we left.

Keep complaining guys and gals... this is a possible avenue for change :o

No, sorry. You do not love everything about Thailand unconditionally. Home you go. :D


I am usually an apologist for Thai behaviour, but on this subject, I am one of those "disrespectful" farangs that says I wish the festival would revert to its religious basis and return to being a joyous peaceful festival where people show concern and not an intent to maim, damage or otherwise harass. I think you will find that my views are shared by many religious Thais. There is a big diff in getting splashed by a friend with a genuine smile than a drunken tard firing tigerbalm laced pisswater from a speeding pickup.

I applaud gdhm and others who pointed out that those of us who complain do so because we CARE, not because we're unappreciative or don't like living here. We (I'm speaking for myself and hopefully others) would like to see some aspects of living in this great country improve. Those changes also coincided with Thai laws and seem to be desired by many Thais, including the government. The senseless loss of life due to irresponsible driving habits is simply not acceptable for those of us who TRULY CARE! We don't (speaking for myself again) want to see Thailand turn into the countries that we left.

Keep complaining guys and gals... this is a possible avenue for change :o

No, sorry. You do not love everything about Thailand unconditionally. Home you go. :D

Very curious attitude.

To wish to protect good people from harm in some way disqualifies a person from being in Thailand. Thailand does not exist in an untouchable bubble that prevents it from becoming better.

Whether that is in a Thai way or not, improvement is improvement and wishing that fewer people died during Songkran would appear to be a immutably good belief wouldn't it or a foreigner do you believe that I am not to have an opinion? I don't want nor believe that Thailand should or ever will become overly westernised, but to want to protect life of those around you is a basic human trait, not exclusive to Thailand. Do you not think that the families of those killed during the last few days are suffering, and even a small percentage of them believe that it was unavoidable?

Maybe we should ban motorcycles and cars since they were after all the internal combustion engine was a foreign invention.


When will something be done to stop this Songkran madness.

I have just got back home from a shocking experience in Kanchanaburi.

I felt that I was running a gauntlet as I rode my Phantom through the frenzied crowds of water and powder chuckers.

One time I was bought to a halt by a young girl, she must have been 16 or 17, no more who proceeded to douse me with water and smear powder on my face.

She was clearly aroused in some way as her nipples were very visible through her cotton vest. What was worse she seemed also not to be wearing a bra.

After riding past I decided to turn around just for confirmation of the shocking scene.

However, now because I was on the opposite side of the street I could only see her slim little behind barely hidden by the small soaking shorts she was wearing.

I rode on, too shocked for words.

Was this scene for real, I had to turn back once again just to confirm my worst fears.

The same girl doused me again, laughing at the fun. Her small pert breasts confirmed that yes she was wearing no bra.

Shocked beyond words I rode on only to stop once again a short distance along the road.

I had to turn back. The scene was too compelling to leave.

The same girl, the same soaking clinging clothes.

How many times I rode past I lost count but all too soon my motorcycle ran out of fuel.

Is there some guardian of Thai morals I can write too? I think they should be told.

When will something be done to stop this Songkran madness.

I have just got back home from a shocking experience in Kanchanaburi.

I felt that I was running a gauntlet as I rode my Phantom through the frenzied crowds of water and powder chuckers.

One time I was bought to a halt by a young girl, she must have been 16 or 17, no more who proceeded to douse me with water and smear powder on my face.

She was clearly aroused in some way as her nipples were very visible through her cotton vest. What was worse she seemed also not to be wearing a bra.

After riding past I decided to turn around just for confirmation of the shocking scene.

However, now because I was on the opposite side of the street I could only see her slim little behind barely hidden by the small soaking shorts she was wearing.

I rode on, too shocked for words.

Was this scene for real, I had to turn back once again just to confirm my worst fears.

The same girl doused me again, laughing at the fun. Her small pert breasts confirmed that yes she was wearing no bra.

Shocked beyond words I rode on only to stop once again a short distance along the road.

I had to turn back. The scene was too compelling to leave.

The same girl, the same soaking clinging clothes.

How many times I rode past I lost count but all too soon my motorcycle ran out of fuel.

Is there some guardian of Thai morals I can write too? I think they should be told.



Edwinchester You have the correct notion for Songkang! Thats what we should remember is one of the Joys of the festival, the rest can spinkle a splash of water on their grannies. Just give me the shirt ripping jet fire hose of the truck anyday, but never at the face! LOL

And remember the idiots on the motorcycles! you don't think they don't know whats going to happen when the go out on the bloody things? or is it just the stupid farang popping to the 7/11 for a packet of Wonder reds and another four pack of Elephant piss has forgotton its that time of year?

As for boy racer with his super slim micro tyres, drilled out exhaust and dropped handlebars, isn't he doing his best to show off to the folks and pull! don't worry he will get his admirers! (You seen what they look like when have come off and rolled down road a few hundred feet and do the party trick, feet facing opposite way to head! Clever!)

When will something be done to stop this Songkran madness.

I have just got back home from a shocking experience in Kanchanaburi.

I felt that I was running a gauntlet as I rode my Phantom through the frenzied crowds of water and powder chuckers.

One time I was bought to a halt by a young girl, she must have been 16 or 17, no more who proceeded to douse me with water and smear powder on my face.

She was clearly aroused in some way as her nipples were very visible through her cotton vest. What was worse she seemed also not to be wearing a bra.

After riding past I decided to turn around just for confirmation of the shocking scene.

However, now because I was on the opposite side of the street I could only see her slim little behind barely hidden by the small soaking shorts she was wearing.

I rode on, too shocked for words.

Was this scene for real, I had to turn back once again just to confirm my worst fears.

The same girl doused me again, laughing at the fun. Her small pert breasts confirmed that yes she was wearing no bra.

Shocked beyond words I rode on only to stop once again a short distance along the road.

I had to turn back. The scene was too compelling to leave.

The same girl, the same soaking clinging clothes.

How many times I rode past I lost count but all too soon my motorcycle ran out of fuel.

Is there some guardian of Thai morals I can write too? I think they should be told.

Bloody hel_l mate- you should have given her one!

It is ok Lah, if you die in accident it had to happen, this is called faith.

No worry maybe in your next Thai life you will be a LB as you have been having sex with other girls then your wife.

Mai pen rai.

Please believe me, most Thai people do not care about anything.

They just live day by day.

This is exactly the kid of biggoted horse c**p I'm talking about. How the hel_l can you say that 'most Thai people do not care about anything' ? Sure, sonkran is can be dangerous and a minority of people (both foreign and Thais) go mental and act like idiots, but how does this compare to our so called civilised westen countries on new years eve when certainly in the UK, by entering the vast majority of city pubs is quite simply suicidal.

Thaivisa is a great site, the info is superb, but the forums are full of the twisting rantings of bitter old European sexpats prowling the board for any post they have any issue with to launch a tirade of abuse at. Personally, I find this a bit tedious.

Open your minds gentle people and get with the program.

It is ok Lah, if you die in accident it had to happen, this is called faith.

No worry maybe in your next Thai life you will be a LB as you have been having sex with other girls then your wife.

Mai pen rai.

Please believe me, most Thai people do not care about anything.

They just live day by day.

This is exactly the kid of biggoted horse c**p I'm talking about. How the hel_l can you say that 'most Thai people do not care about anything' ? Sure, sonkran is can be dangerous and a minority of people (both foreign and Thais) go mental and act like idiots, but how does this compare to our so called civilised westen countries on new years eve when certainly in the UK, by entering the vast majority of city pubs is quite simply suicidal.

Thaivisa is a great site, the info is superb, but the forums are full of the twisting rantings of bitter old European sexpats prowling the board for any post they have any issue with to launch a tirade of abuse at. Personally, I find this a bit tedious.

Open your minds gentle people and get with the program.


When will something be done to stop this Songkran madness.

I have just got back home from a shocking experience in Kanchanaburi.

I felt that I was running a gauntlet as I rode my Phantom through the frenzied crowds of water and powder chuckers.

One time I was bought to a halt by a young girl, she must have been 16 or 17, no more who proceeded to douse me with water and smear powder on my face.

She was clearly aroused in some way as her nipples were very visible through her cotton vest. What was worse she seemed also not to be wearing a bra.

After riding past I decided to turn around just for confirmation of the shocking scene.

However, now because I was on the opposite side of the street I could only see her slim little behind barely hidden by the small soaking shorts she was wearing.

I rode on, too shocked for words.

Was this scene for real, I had to turn back once again just to confirm my worst fears.

The same girl doused me again, laughing at the fun. Her small pert breasts confirmed that yes she was wearing no bra.

Shocked beyond words I rode on only to stop once again a short distance along the road.

I had to turn back. The scene was too compelling to leave.

The same girl, the same soaking clinging clothes.

How many times I rode past I lost count but all too soon my motorcycle ran out of fuel.

Is there some guardian of Thai morals I can write too? I think they should be told.

I am so happy you confirmed what you saw. I for one would have joined her and offered her a warm shower :o

When will something be done to stop this Songkran madness.

I have just got back home from a shocking experience in Kanchanaburi.

I felt that I was running a gauntlet as I rode my Phantom through the frenzied crowds of water and powder chuckers.

One time I was bought to a halt by a young girl, she must have been 16 or 17, no more who proceeded to douse me with water and smear powder on my face.

She was clearly aroused in some way as her nipples were very visible through her cotton vest. What was worse she seemed also not to be wearing a bra.

After riding past I decided to turn around just for confirmation of the shocking scene.

However, now because I was on the opposite side of the street I could only see her slim little behind barely hidden by the small soaking shorts she was wearing.

I rode on, too shocked for words.

Was this scene for real, I had to turn back once again just to confirm my worst fears.

The same girl doused me again, laughing at the fun. Her small pert breasts confirmed that yes she was wearing no bra.

Shocked beyond words I rode on only to stop once again a short distance along the road.

I had to turn back. The scene was too compelling to leave.

The same girl, the same soaking clinging clothes.

How many times I rode past I lost count but all too soon my motorcycle ran out of fuel.

Is there some guardian of Thai morals I can write too? I think they should be told.

I am so happy you confirmed what you saw. I for one would have joined her and offered her a warm shower :o

Now I got thinking about this and I was not very compassionate in any way - so what I mean is--

The money she could have earn't would have gone to some extent to give her a new G string and nit noi padded bra (so to speak).

I feel better now!!! :D

I stay in Pattaya last Songkran with my Australia husband, and I see drunk tourists everywhere throwing water and some times bucket loads at people as they walk past or ride a bike, also the girls in the bars want to look smart so the join in to impress their Farang boyfriends

This year I go to Songkran in Australia where respect is shown, and no one is drunk or throw water

So as a Thai I say ban all drink in the bars, and drinking in public places, and if we loose drunk tourists I not care

Maybe then more good farang will come to Thailand, and we have respect for our holidays

I never will come Thailand again in April

well done.

passing through los angeles( largest thai community in u.s. ) mostly commerce, 1 set of girls splashing ( by hand) w/ respect.

i believe as it was meant to be.

i love los for what it is.

try living in mexico................................ :o it makes thailand seem like ..................... well.....................................you'd rather be in thailand. MAS MEJOR PUES!!!!!!! the things we do for surf.

Back to the more serious side of the thread....

Final count was 276. Much more than the previous year. Sad

Ooops, looked at an older newspaper...

+320 lives!! Appalling is the word that comes to mind.... And the word sanuk is far removed from the families grieveing. As previously stated, I really enjoy being out in the sticks and off larger roads during Songkran.

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