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Good Bottled Water? Are Any Without Fluoride Available?

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I found this whole topic very interesting. I have also always wondered if the filtered water I drink which comes out of the coinop water machine in my condo is safe and well filtered enough to drink. Certainly the water that comes out of the tap in my condo it full of sand and other junk. I also started having some back pain recently for no apparent reason. I noticed though when I travel outside of Bangkok for a few days to somewhere else in Thailand that my back pain diminishes by about 70% overnight, literally. So I started to think about the 2 things which are not constant between when I am in Bangkok and when I am outside of Bangkok and which potentially could be affecting my back. The two suspect areas are bed and water. So I started Googling about drinking water and back pain and found something on freedrinkingwater.com which is very interesting about things in drinking water that can lead to back pain. Sorry, this site wont let me post the exact link. Meanwhile, it is apparent form what I read that that high levels of fluoride and other things in the drinking water can lead to back pain, bone, and kidney problems. As a result, 2 days ago I started buying those big bottles of drinking water form 7-11. Green label and is the 7-11 house brand called "Cooly Fresh" (love the name).

I am not sure what 7-11 (owned by CP Group) filtering standards are like and what the fluoride levels are in this brand of water, but what I can say is that in just a matter of 2 days I have already seen the same decrease in back pain that I experience when I leave Bangkok.

I am not sure if it is coincidence or not, and I need to give it a bit more time I guess to really see, but it does seem likely that the water I was drinking from the machine could have something to do with my back pain.

The idea of using one of those carbon filter bottles seems like a good idea as well. I think I will look for one at Big-C or Lotus to filter the water from 7-11 one more time just to be sure.

I will also probably try and choose Nestle brand drinking water when I can anytime I am outside.

Does anyone know if those carbon filters also remove fluoride from the water in case there is too much in the water source?


  • 10 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Hey guys, great thread :-)

Im currently on holiday in Thailand, found this thread looking for water without flouride. At home i use a water ionizer, i dont know if it removes flouride(the water there is not flouridated) but it changes PR and ORP(antioxidation) values in water, and i love that machine, i have felt notably better all round since i started using it, i highly recommend it.

But this flouride issue blows my mind, i cant fathom that they add it to the drinking water all around the world, even though all this knowledge is all out in the open, and the "people" at the top must be aware of this and yet they pursue flouridation. So it must be important to them to make people sick and stupid. That is the only logical conclusion, why do they want people sick and stupid? My guess is that a sick and stupid population is easier to control and manipulate. Sad..

  • Thanks 1
  • 1 month later...

I am surprised no-one has mentioned the Berkey Water Filter. I bought one approx 3 years ago shipped from the US. Offers optional fluoride removal filters which I included. Worked great, tastes great, I felt better, brain fog mostly disappeared in a few weeks. Gravity feed so no power required.

+1 year later we moved into a house with what seemed like a good quality in-house charcoal filter system so I stored my Berkey away with a set of new filters for possible future needs. Mostly USA dealers from what I could find, search "berkey water filters".

Here is where I ordered mine (not a recommendation, but all went smooth) https://www.bigberkeywaterfilters.com/

This below is from the website but do your own research....


Top 3 Ways Berkey Water Filters Benefit Your Life
1. Drink To Your Health - Berkey Water Filters Remove the Bad, Leave the Good
  • Berkey water filter systems are far
    superior to other filtration systems because they remove harmful
    pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, and unhealthy chemical
    contaminants such as Chlorine to levels higher than 99.99%, while at the
    same time leaving in the essential minerals your body needs.
  • Did you know that over 60% of US municipal water is fluoridated?
  • Berkey water filter systems also
    distinguish themselves from many other filtration systems by having the
    capabilities to significantly reduce fluoride and arsenic via the "PF"
    line of filters.

2. The Affordability - Berkey Water Filters Provide a Great Return on Investment
  • Each durable Black Berkey Water filter
    will last up to 3000 gallons (6000 gallons per set of 2). This is much
    longer than the majority of water filter solutions on the market.
  • At 10 gallons per week, this equates to more than 11.5 years of healthy clean drinking water!
  • Put another way, 1 gallon of Berkey water costs you just 1.7 cents!
  • ncluding fluoride and arsenic reduction, 1 gallon of Berkey water costs just 7 cents!
  • Stop and think how much money you
    could save by the simple reduction in bottled water purchases by
    regularly using water filtered by your Berkey water filter.

3. The Versatility - Berkey Water Filters Purify Both Treated and UntreatedWater
  • Berkey Water Filter systems
    are capable of purifying both treated water (municipal/city water) and
    untreated raw water from such sources as remote lakes, streams, stagnant
    ponds, and water supplies in foreign countries.
  • The micro-pores within the self-sterilizing and re-cleanable Black Berkey water filter purification elements are so small that pathogenic bacteria are simply not able to pass through them.
  • Due to the fact that the Berkey water
    filters do not require electricity and are portable, they become a
    lifesaver during times of flooding, loss of electricity, and other life
    threatening emergencies.
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