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This sh1t really winds me up. 2 of my friends were hit last low season, and it won't be long before someone is killed again.

10 policeman is a joke - I wonder what percent of their time on duty is spent protecting the local citizens, compared to time spent in local karaoke bars and the likes collecting tea money.

I would have no problem driving over one of these would be thieves if they tried pulling something on me or my family.



This came up last season, I tried to organise a complaint for all embassies and consulates but got met with abuse and indiference, it seems the old guard here won't accept what is going on and the rest don't want to rock the boat.

Platitudes galore when peolpe die but no real concerted action.

I was told don't rock the status quo as it will f things up [that was by redted though].

There is no point in posting these things here unless you are willing to get off your arse's and say enough is enough.

If you want to do something U2U me it might be a start.


I hear and heard you, stuandchris. Agreed.

Anyone knows who the other victim is?

Where is the concern and compassion for emergency cases at Bangkok Phuket Hospital? Long wait for insurance payment verification? He could have bled to death.

BTW, at Bangkok Phuket Hospital, there are two prices, one for Thai and one for foreigner. MRI for Thai is 9000baht, for foreigner, it's 12,000baht.

I hear and heard you, stuandchris. Agreed.

Anyone knows who the other victim is?

Where is the concern and compassion for emergency cases at Bangkok Phuket Hospital? Long wait for insurance payment verification? He could have bled to death.

BTW, at Bangkok Phuket Hospital, there are two prices, one for Thai and one for foreigner. MRI for Thai is 9000baht, for foreigner, it's 12,000baht.

Bangkok Phuket Hospital are bunch of thieves, a money making factory. They stole 100.000 baht from me and my wife and wouldn't let me go, had make serious waves before getting out. The doctors are always doing every possible test but strange enough the last test in the row seems to give some results. They prescribe bulk loads in antibiotics and their diagnosing abilities are equal with a first year medical student. The BP hospital blows up the bills at maximum what they think to get away with.


Buddy got mugged at gun point a couple of nights ago in Patong.. 10 stitches under the eye and 5 above, knocked out cold and worked over then left at the side of the road.

On the half built road between sai nam yen and phra baramee.. He says hes the 3rd person we know of thats been hit there in recent week.. Be aware on that stretch.


it makes me sick to hear more of these stories. i see no reason in pointing the finger at any particular race (which, yes, i know...nobody here has done...yet) but the common denominator is that they all happen on phuket.

to be shot for 300thb is disgusting. to be shot for 100,000thb is also disgusting. the fact that these thugs are carrying guns is a major concern. i really dont know what can be done about it, but all i can say is that you must be so careful when traveling in phuket at night. traveling by motorcycle is getting more and more dangerous at night time and i have to agree with choppychugger and stuandchris on this.

stay safe people. lock your doors at night, travel by car when possible (with the doors locked at all times) and dont let the bastards win.

i see no reason in pointing the finger at any particular race but the common denominator is that they all happen on phuket.

you might as well say that the common denominator is that they have all happened at night , on planet earth.

the fact is that thais ( there ! i've mentioned a race) have mugged non-thais ( there ! , i've mentioned a whole bunch of races) .

these muggings have been done by thais , why cant that be mentioned.

the article makes a point of saying that the victim was non -thai.

(which, yes, i know...nobody here has done...yet)

well , it has now!


i was actually meaning that it will be blamed on the burmese, not thais. THATS what i was getting at tax.


So he chose to go to the gov't hospital after finding out the more expensive treatment costs at Bangkok Phuket Hospital, a lot of people seem to be under the impression that private hospitals are "public" facilities. IMO you should always carry your insurance card with clear payment instructions, even when you can pay for any conceivable treatment in cash, just in case you need to be admitted when you aren't in any kind of shape to discuss financial issues when you are brought in.

Glad he made it though.


i was actually meaning that it will be blamed on the burmese, not thais. THATS what i was getting at tax.

i thought it was a plea for political correctness in a thread about locals attacking foreigners.


I am told 125 police are stationed at the circle police station or Ha-yak. If they would do a motorcycle beat up and down the roads every hour or so the crime would drop all over this area. The problem with the method the Thai police is they always wait until after the fact. So if a crime is committed they will sometimes try to solve it after its happened. They have NO preventative policing in Phuket except to check licenses and helmets now and then.


If they would do a motorcycle beat up and down the roads every hour or so the crime would drop all over this area.

i was told by a policeman not so long ago that they have to buy their own petrol , this might account for their reluctance to get out and about.


bangkok hospital wont even give you morphine after surgery, only tylenol...

then they make you pay 10000 baht for 3 days of tylenol.


This came up last season, I tried to organise a complaint for all embassies and consulates but got met with abuse and indiference, it seems the old guard here won't accept what is going on and the rest don't want to rock the boat.

Platitudes galore when peolpe die but no real concerted action.

I was told don't rock the status quo as it will f things up [that was by redted though].

There is no point in posting these things here unless you are willing to get off your arse's and say enough is enough.

If you want to do something U2U me it might be a start.

Enough is enough ? More will come.

For a very basic reason : economy. The situation is getting worse.

Sure, not all the poor people, even in total despair, are not going to rob, shoot and stab other people. But there is direct link though.

Inflation is starting to ruin litteraly people.

More crime to come. It's obvious. Complains won't change the situation.


Just spoke with a guy who was kicked off his bike last night (friday). Exactly the same area, theatened with a knife and robbed. Surely it can't be to hard to find the offender and deal him some of his own.


I noticed the other week that the lights that they installed coming down the hill from the back road to Kata are all out. NOt working!

Maybe it costs too much money to keep them on? Maybe it takes a murder or violent mugging to get them turned back on.

Anyway, I went to BAngkok Phuket hospital once when i first arrived here. Very beautiful place with pretty girls working there. But yes, you get charged for all of that.

Hospitals are in the business of making money (most of them) If people stop going there, maybe they'll change their ways, aye?

I noticed the other week that the lights that they installed coming down the hill from the back road to Kata are all out. NOt working!

Maybe it costs too much money to keep them on? Maybe it takes a murder or violent mugging to get them turned back on.

Anyway, I went to BAngkok Phuket hospital once when i first arrived here. Very beautiful place with pretty girls working there. But yes, you get charged for all of that.

Hospitals are in the business of making money (most of them) If people stop going there, maybe they'll change their ways, aye?

i was driving my motorbike around 3-4am 2nights ago and the lights were on at that exact spot..

But there was a bunch of what seemed to be poor thais around a small thai frontyard turned into a 'friend and family' bar which tried to grab me , had to kick him off.. that might be it.

edit: i thought it was one of those crazy drunk gay guy trying to hug me while im going 40km/h at that time.. not a mugger

Just spoke with a guy who was kicked off his bike last night (friday). Exactly the same area, theatened with a knife and robbed. Surely it can't be to hard to find the offender and deal him some of his own.

We don't have any rights here, so we can't legally carry 'weapons'. But, what about a long screwdriver, a wrench, pruning shears, etc? Self-defense is sometimes (unfortunately) the only option. I would prefer to be in trouble with the courts than fighting for my life in a hospital. I think that in light of so many violent acts against foreigners, the courts might not be as one-sided as some of us might think.

We're targets, so we've got to use our brains as much as possible, but if it goes too far... protect yourself. :o

it makes me sick to hear more of these stories. i see no reason in pointing the finger at any particular race (which, yes, i know...nobody here has done...yet) but the common denominator is that they all happen on phuket.

to be shot for 300thb is disgusting. to be shot for 100,000thb is also disgusting. the fact that these thugs are carrying guns is a major concern. i really dont know what can be done about it, but all i can say is that you must be so careful when traveling in phuket at night. traveling by motorcycle is getting more and more dangerous at night time and i have to agree with choppychugger and stuandchris on this.

stay safe people. lock your doors at night, travel by car when possible (with the doors locked at all times) and dont let the bastards win.

Ummm, what about being shot for 1 million baht. Is that disgusting?

Just spoke with a guy who was kicked off his bike last night (friday). Exactly the same area, theatened with a knife and robbed. Surely it can't be to hard to find the offender and deal him some of his own.

We don't have any rights here, so we can't legally carry 'weapons'. But, what about a long screwdriver, a wrench, pruning shears, etc? Self-defense is sometimes (unfortunately) the only option. I would prefer to be in trouble with the courts than fighting for my life in a hospital. I think that in light of so many violent acts against foreigners, the courts might not be as one-sided as some of us might think.

We're targets, so we've got to use our brains as much as possible, but if it goes too far... protect yourself. :o

It's sad but true, (and it's the same most places now), don't be out on a motorbike at 4 am in the morning.


Oh for gods sake, I don't know about muggings elsewhere on the island but I know and everyone else does who is doing it in Rawai. There are a group of youths up the Soi from Nikitas and they have formed themselves into a little mafia.

The police have been told many times but they don't care, it is only white man after all.

There is one way to stop this, stop posting how awful these things are, write to your consulate in person or do a petition, these guys do f all but love the kudos, make the gits work for a living.

I have said before I am happy to compile a petition but got shot down in flames, if one of these are next there will be hundreds of sympathy threads but nothing will get done.

I understand no-one really wants to pop their heads over the parapet but I will, I need some names and add's though.

I will kick ass up to the foreign office in my country if anyone can be really bothered to u2u me and give me ammo.

Until then these how awful another hurt farang threads wil leave me cold as most people here seem to look after number one.


Bangkok Phuket Hospital? Why would you even think of going there? (GORY DETAILS TO FOLLOW)

My best friend went in there with a kidney stone just outside the kidney in the Urethra. They had to go in using a catheter (help me Geri...) to grab it with a basket. The Urologist made an attempt to grab it, and failed to get it, but pushed it up back into the Kidney. I am no surgeon, but this makes it worse, I am told.

They left a stint inside him, and told him to go home with the stint for 10 days. A stint is long like a coffee straw, and has to curly ends on each side. One end is inside the Kidney and the other inside the bladder. It is supposed to dilate the Urethra and help the stone pass.

With the botched attempt and 2 days in a 2 person room, they made him pay 156,000 ThB.

His wife's C-Section at Phuket International was 45,000 in a VIP room for 6 days.

Sorry for the gory details, but that place (BPH) should be burned to the ground.

Of course, when he asked for a discount. They gave him 5% off.

I think this should be a whole new thread...


i was actually meaning that it will be blamed on the burmese, not thais. THATS what i was getting at tax.

….mmmm….nope, I couldn’t make out the cipher either, so maybe you help out the viewer’s by stating that you are using code in your posts, maybe with a prize for the winner who correctly guesses what you may or may not be inferring.

Shouting down Tax after he had made a reasonable and coherent post about a very serious topic was childish and showed a considerable lack of professional judgement. I sincerely hope that the day never comes when anybody close to you is touched by the incidences mentioned in these topics.

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