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i wasnt using code, billythehat. i did explain it in a later post and will do so again for those hard of hearing:

usually the burmese are blamed for so many crimes on phuket. i think it is unfair to point fingers at them.

got it?

i did not 'shout down' tax.

i do have a friend who has been attacked by these people.

if you think i am childish, then you are entitled to that opinion. i was never making light of these crimes. i think that these little pricks should be locked away and taught a lesson.

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chubbychucker, first off all THATS a GREAT Avatar.....kind of art, isnt it :o


As a german who lives in Rawai area I just wonder how the response of the rest of the (tourism) world is. There is NONE.

Thesedays people have to be kicked in their OWN as_es BEFORE they start complaining thought.

We got a small Thairestaurant just 200m away from where the accidents happend at Sayuan Road and I see some of these youth gangs on tuned motobikes without lights and breakes every day while the police (if there is some) do NOTHING, not even stop them and checking id papers......only at Chalong circle, because its saver for them.....dont forget, Police men are just people too :D

wonder if the same things are happend in GERMANY with foreigners, what the newspapers all around the world will write then?

NAZIs start again ???

fuc_k_n germans attack foreigners ???

violence again in f....ng germany against poor foreigners ???



you all seem to think that the main motive behind the attacks is for the cash

robbed for 300 baht etc

its not in my opinion, the main motive is that they get to to knock the crap out of a farang and the money is just the icing on the cake

you all seem to think that the main motive behind the attacks is for the cash

robbed for 300 baht etc

its not in my opinion, the main motive is that they get to to knock the crap out of a farang and the money is just the icing on the cake

This Criminal Bastards can not know how much Money the Victim has on Board.

When they dont want Money,why they take the Wallet? :o

you all seem to think that the main motive behind the attacks is for the cash

robbed for 300 baht etc

its not in my opinion, the main motive is that they get to to knock the crap out of a farang and the money is just the icing on the cake

Perhaps they would thought that farangs would have more than that amount with them.

Ummm, what about being shot for 1 million baht. Is that disgusting?

yes it is. its only money.

I heard nothing in particular of the first victim.....that one was robbed BEFORE Dave.

As I know that the most english speaking foreigners in Thailand read the Thaivisa Forum it should be good if

Dave give us some more details of the evening....bar etc.

and another thing. I waited since some days for a reply from PHUKET GAZETTE regarding my letter to them where I asked

the Editor WHY it is necesary to post that Dave has not paid the first aid bill in Phuket Bangkok hospital...... I personally think, that has nothing to do with the mugging and doesnt belong in a Newspaper.......

Ummm, what about being shot for 1 million baht. Is that disgusting?

yes it is. its only money.

I heard nothing in particular of the first victim.....that one was robbed BEFORE Dave.

As I know that the most english speaking foreigners in Thailand read the Thaivisa Forum it should be good if

Dave give us some more details of the evening....bar etc.

and another thing. I waited since some days for a reply from PHUKET GAZETTE regarding my letter to them where I asked

the Editor WHY it is necesary to post that Dave has not paid the first aid bill in Phuket Bangkok hospital...... I personally think, that has nothing to do with the mugging and doesnt belong in a Newspaper.......

I think,the Bar where Dave was in that night when the Mugging happened is the former Laguna Bar at the Nai Harn Lake,nearly the Reggae Bar,because they have opend the complete Night till Sunrise...


Hello English speaking community,

what do you think about to send some advices about the security problems on Phuket to your embassys in Bangkok and to some of the important tour operators in your country like many members of the Tip-Forum have done already ( http://www.tip-forum.de/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=9730) ?

Here are some email addresses :

USA : [email protected]

United Kingdom : [email protected]

Australia : [email protected]

Sweden : [email protected]

Switzerland : [email protected]

Austria : [email protected]

Germany (webside) : www.bangkok.diplo.de/Vertretung/bangkok/de/Kontakt.html



OMG. I have heard the "pen is mightier than the sword" rap before, but seriously. IMHO, Writing to your Embassy is a waste of time. What are they going to do? Send in the Special Forces and extract you from your home?

Get real. I say fight violence with violence.

If you are going to drink into the wee hours and drive home, (not that I condone drinking and driving) but if you are going to ignore all warnings and drive home anyway, why not drive home in a truck. That way, they won't hassle you, and if they do...

run there skinny <deleted> over


I think that drinking until 4am is


. Driving home after drinking like this is even more


. If you can't get your head around your drinking, then you deserve what ever happens to you. We all know the thugs are out there. Yet, for some reason, when someone forgets about them, and goes wandering into there turf, we all go to bashing on the thugs. We should be bashing someone else...

I often go swimming in the ocean. If I got eaten by a shark(s), and you all heard about it, knowing I chose to swim with sharks, would you be mad at the sharks?

Call a spade a spade. Ask yourself why these robberies happen at night at 2-4am. Why not at noon?

I am sorry, but you swam with sharks, and you got bitten. My heart is bleeding for you.

If people (who live here) don't know this by now, I feel zero pity for them.

Pay your bill, and change your watering hole!



amanda 76...

Well said. I completely agree with you. Drive a m/bike alone in the wee small hours, on a quiet road.... !! Can't believe the stupidity of those people .

...... Writing to your Embassy is a waste of time. What are they going to do? Send in the Special Forces and extract you from your home?

Sorry, but I not agree with you - I don´t know what your embassy in BKK is doing, but the German embassy or better the German foreign office set travel warnings about Patong already :

( http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/de/La...tshinweise.html :

"In letzter Zeit sind deutsche Urlauber in Phuket (Patong) wiederholt Opfer von Banden geworden, die - offenbar im Zusammenwirken mit korrupten Polizeibeamten - Touristen Bagatelldelikte (Diebstahl von Uhrenimitaten etc.) unterstellen, um danach Geld zu erpressen. Wird diese Forderung abgelehnt, wird Anzeige bei der Polizei angedroht. Es wird dringend geraten, in diesen Fällen unverzüglich telefonischen Kontakt mit der Botschaft (02 2879000 während der Dienstzeiten und 081-845-6224 Bereitschaftsdienst) aufzunehmen . Nur so besteht die Möglichkeit durch eine entsprechende Intervention der Botschaft ggfls. zu verhindern, dass die Betroffenen wegen nicht begangener Bagatelldelikte evtl. in lange Untersuchungshaft genommen werden und überhöhte Kautionszahlungen verlangt werden, bzw. korrupte Anwälte durch die Polizei "vermittelt" werden. Sollte eine Kontaktaufnahme mit der Botschaft nicht gelingen, sollte bei einer evtl. Inhaftnahme darauf bestanden werden, dass die Botschaft durch die Polizei unverzüglich unterrichtet wird.")

Why not about Rawai too ?

It´s easy less security, less tourists, less income, less taxes etc.

Shure the Thai officials have to get knowledge about such warnings, what will be the easiest part.

If someone want´s to stop me with my pickup, may be he will have the problem I not see hin at the moment ......


amanda 76...

Well said. I completely agree with you. Drive a m/bike alone in the wee small hours, on a quiet road.... !! Can't believe the stupidity of those people .

So you mean only the Victims doing wrong?

And the f......criminal bastards doing very well?

Some TV Members are stupid too... :o

Bangkok Phuket Hospital? Why would you even think of going there? (GORY DETAILS TO FOLLOW)

My best friend went in there with a kidney stone just outside the kidney in the Urethra. They had to go in using a catheter (help me Geri...) to grab it with a basket. The Urologist made an attempt to grab it, and failed to get it, but pushed it up back into the Kidney. I am no surgeon, but this makes it worse, I am told.

They left a stint inside him, and told him to go home with the stint for 10 days. A stint is long like a coffee straw, and has to curly ends on each side. One end is inside the Kidney and the other inside the bladder. It is supposed to dilate the Urethra and help the stone pass.

With the botched attempt and 2 days in a 2 person room, they made him pay 156,000 ThB.

His wife's C-Section at Phuket International was 45,000 in a VIP room for 6 days.

Sorry for the gory details, but that place (BPH) should be burned to the ground.

Of course, when he asked for a discount. They gave him 5% off.

I think this should be a whole new thread...


Wow, at those prices, kind of makes you wonder if health insurance even exists

Where is the concern and compassion for emergency cases at Bangkok Phuket Hospital? Long wait for insurance payment verification? He could have bled to death.

Have a look at the news story again;

He was given initial emergency treatment including cleaning of his wounds, a tetanus vaccination and intravenous drip. He was also given an ultrasound and chest X-ray to determine the extent of his injuries, she said.

As David had eaten just before the attack and his condition was stable, doctors there decided to wait the standard 6 hours before surgery, she said.

What part of the story supports your assertion of "missing" concern and compassion? The hospital followed standard ER protocol. Where is the basis to claim the hospital's actions could have caused the patient to "bleed to death"? Had Bangkok hospital undertaken invasive procedures, the likelihood is that the patient would have vomited and aspirated the stomach contents, or there could have been a perforation of the stomach during the procedure. Had this occurred, all the medical experts in here would be raging about negligence. The patient went to another hospital while in a stable state. Over all, still better care then the typical Thai receves.


off topic posts have been removed and member(s) pm'd.

if anybody wishes to have a personal dig at me, please do so by pm.

her ladyship. :o


Thank you for your expertise, GK.

I was not clear on my comment.

Is it common then for the bill/insurance coverage to be ensured of payment before surgery even when the patient has a gunshot wound in the leg and a knife wound in his side?

And according to the article, upon arrival at Vichira Hospital, they had to operate immediately. Does that sound like a fairly close call?

I am not a medical field expert and will defer to your expertise.


i have had a few hospital stays in thailand and they wanted payment up front for all of them from memory. at least, they took a guess and then either refunded or charged me when i was discharged.

a friend of mine was admitted in a very bad state. she was not about to die, but it was certainly an emergency case. the hospital did ensure that someone would be responsible for payment of her bill upon check out.

amanda 76...

Well said. I completely agree with you. Drive a m/bike alone in the wee small hours, on a quiet road.... !! Can't believe the stupidity of those people .

So you mean only the Victims doing wrong?

And the f......criminal bastards doing very well?

Some TV Members are stupid too... :o

Clearly the criminals are the cause of then problem, and should be rooted out by the police ... :D

Perhaps 'stupidity' was a bit strong. But people should consider their own safety at all times, anywhere in the world. It's not just here on Phuket Island, it can be anywhere, any country, any city, that danger lurks around the corner ... if people wander into a bad neighbourhood, alone, dark area, maybe a bit drunk ... what do you they expect :D

.....Perhaps 'stupidity' was a bit strong. But people should consider their own safety at all times, anywhere in the world. It's not just here on Phuket Island, it can be anywhere, any country, any city, that danger lurks around the corner ... if people wander into a bad neighbourhood, alone, dark area, maybe a bit drunk ... what do you they expect :D

I agree so far, but in this area it wasn´t the first incident, the officials know about the "problem", even know the members of these "motorbike gangs" but do almost nothing against it !

The members of TV reading the threads about the muggings now know about what not have to do by night in this area or on Phuket, but what about tourist visiting Phuket the first time ?

They read about Phuket in the catalog, that it´s a safe paradise in Thailand - nobody told them about all these incidents - that´s why the embassies have to give out a warning and you all knowing about the danger have to report your embassy about !

Not only waist your time to write about all this in TV or somewhere else, but send a message to your embassy (exept Armanda76, she better calls SWAT :o )

The German embassy in BKK sent one Tip-Forum-Member a answer on his message already (within 1 day !!!, can be seen here http://www.tip-forum.de/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID...amp;whichpage=2).

The consul informed him, that there is a discussion about the security problems with the colleagues from some other embassies in BKK and the Thai officials already !

So send your advices to your embassy to impel these efforts !


So send your advices to your embassy to impel these efforts !

Complete waste of time IMHO ....

With this kind of thinking (better do nothing than waste time...) you shure never will have success ! :o


OMG. I have heard the "pen is mightier than the sword" rap before, but seriously. IMHO, Writing to your Embassy is a waste of time. What are they going to do? Send in the Special Forces and extract you from your home?

Get real. I say fight violence with violence.

If you are going to drink into the wee hours and drive home, (not that I condone drinking and driving) but if you are going to ignore all warnings and drive home anyway, why not drive home in a truck. That way, they won't hassle you, and if they do...

run there skinny <deleted> over


I think that drinking until 4am is


. Driving home after drinking like this is even more


. If you can't get your head around your drinking, then you deserve what ever happens to you. We all know the thugs are out there. Yet, for some reason, when someone forgets about them, and goes wandering into there turf, we all go to bashing on the thugs. We should be bashing someone else...

I often go swimming in the ocean. If I got eaten by a shark(s), and you all heard about it, knowing I chose to swim with sharks, would you be mad at the sharks?

Call a spade a spade. Ask yourself why these robberies happen at night at 2-4am. Why not at noon?

I am sorry, but you swam with sharks, and you got bitten. My heart is bleeding for you.

If people (who live here) don't know this by now, I feel zero pity for them.

Pay your bill, and change your watering hole!


You do realise phuket is known for its late night drinking and the buddist community which is very passive. therefore the crime rate should be way lower and much less violent.

Plus its kind of hard to be scared around here when most thais do not weight over 100pounds

and hmmm, some people work during the night, including me. not everyone wakes up at 7 in the morning and boes to bed a 9. theres more excitement to life than waking up, making breakfast cleaning the house, watching thai tv and going back to bed

Thank you for your expertise, GK.

I was not clear on my comment.

Is it common then for the bill/insurance coverage to be ensured of payment before surgery even when the patient has a gunshot wound in the leg and a knife wound in his side?

And according to the article, upon arrival at Vichira Hospital, they had to operate immediately. Does that sound like a fairly close call?

I am not a medical field expert and will defer to your expertise.

vichira employees are not qualified to be working in an hospital

i went there 3weeks ago. first i was overcharged, they charged me 11000baht for xrays which i never took.

the nurses had no idea how to take blood or put the iv on, my mom is a nurse and ive had them done to me a ton of times.. i know a non-trained nurse when i see one and those nurses where NOT trained. my arm still hurt from the infection 3weeks later.

The guy who pushes the wheelchair was a total racist.

the doctor was quite retarded, i came with thai paper stating exactly what i had, with bloodtest/piss test proof yet he still dares to try to find if im sick by hurting me and asking me the same stupid question that were answered the paper he just read...

I still have to check the surgery when i get back to my home country in 2months but im pretty sure they fuc_ked it up aswell.

OMG. I have heard the "pen is mightier than the sword" rap before, but seriously. IMHO, Writing to your Embassy is a waste of time. What are they going to do? Send in the Special Forces and extract you from your home?

COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME ?? for sure not. We have to get them where it really hurts, on their balls. The balls is the TourismINDUSTRY here. If some Embassys publicise the incidents on their pages and tourists intended to travel to Thailand....the land where it is save even nightimes....read about it, maybe they change their destination.....and that means

less money for phuket.......Except some of us old Expats here, which like it in offseason more as in highseason, nobody wants

decreasing tourist numbers! agree? :D

S.W.A.T. :D:o


the biggest PROBLEM I see here is that the most members of our english speaking community only start crying if it hurts them PERSONALLY......as long as it hurts only the f.....g neighbor, we talk and have another beer. :o

If somebody here wrote ....the victims are stupid to run around nightimes..... I came to Phuket because it WAS a save place here ten years ago. In the meantime I had 3 times burglars in my house, and I know personally about 40 people in Rawai Nai Harn and Ban Konti area who had same. Even in my hometown I can sleep without steelbars in front of my window, here I can not sleep even with a window open.....and now YOU tell me it's NORMAL :D

i have had a few hospital stays in thailand and they wanted payment up front for all of them from memory. at least, they took a guess and then either refunded or charged me when i was discharged.

a friend of mine was admitted in a very bad state. she was not about to die, but it was certainly an emergency case. the hospital did ensure that someone would be responsible for payment of her bill upon check out.

Isn't this direct copy of the good old american system where your options are...

1. Insurance

2. Credit Card / Cash

3. Clinic run by 'save the donkeys' in the slums....


The consul informed him, that there is a discussion about the security problems with the colleagues from some other embassies in BKK and the Thai officials already !
And they also said their influence in these matters is limited.

I really don't like the name calling BTW in the TIP thread, if you don't agree with what somebody writes, at least have the guts to write about that in the thread or by PM, and don't do that in another forum.

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