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Japanese Man Found Dead At Bangkok Condo Along With Thai Girlfriend


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Japanese man found dead at Bangkok condo along with Thai girlfriend

BANGKOK: -- A Japanese man fell to his death from his room on the fifth floor of a Bangkok condominium.

Police also found the body of his girlfriend inside the room of Fushita Manabu, 31, on the ground at Nana Condominium on Soi Sukhumvit 4 at 3 pm.

His girlfriend, Juthalak Khamluechai, 26, was apparently killed from severe wounds on her face and head, police said.

A condominium resident told police that she saw the Japanese man and Juthalak walking together to their room at 7 am and did not see them again until the man fell to his death.

-- The Nation 2008-05-24

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Why assume that there is a Thai BF? It is just as plausible that this was a murder suicide. I know it may come as a shock to some people, but there are bad people in other countries. When they visit Thailand, they often behave badly.

Or it could be any other reason. How about we let some more facts be revealed before the conspiracy games begin?

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Yes - isn't the idea that he killed her then killed himself by jumping? Maybe not but perhaps re-read the post. She's insife dead - he's down on the ground dead. Weird about 7 am though..I'm sorry for both of them.

Edited by thaigene2
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Yes - isn't the idea that he killed her then killed himself by jumping? Maybe not but perhaps re-read the post. She's insife dead - he's down on the ground dead. Weird about 7 am though..I'm sorry for both of them.

I wonder if the door was locked from the inside...often a good indication as to who did what

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According to the "talk" at Nana, the "girlfriend" was a dancer from Rainbow 2 at Nana Plaza. Very sad for all concerned.

According to The Daily News, her friend, who also worked at Rainbow 2, said the couple had known each other for 5 years; the Japanese guy had tattoos in the Yakuzi gangster syle and he made frequent trips from Japan to visit the Thai girl, being 'stuck' on the girl as it were.

The friend said she last saw the Japanese man at the lift on the ground floor,drunk waiting for his girlfriend. When she arrived, drunk too after going to the market in Sapan Kwai, the pair were joking and laughing, there was nothing to suggest anything amiss.

Later the girl ordered food by phone from the room from the minimart downstairs.

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According to the "talk" at Nana, the "girlfriend" was a dancer from Rainbow 2 at Nana Plaza. Very sad for all concerned.

According to The Daily News, her friend, who also worked at Rainbow 2, said the couple had known each other for 5 years; the Japanese guy had tattoos in the Yakuzi gangster syle and he made frequent trips from Japan to visit the Thai girl, being 'stuck' on the girl as it were.

The friend said she last saw the Japanese man at the lift on the ground floor,drunk waiting for his girlfriend. When she arrived, drunk too after going to the market in Sapan Kwai, the pair were joking and laughing, there was nothing to suggest anything amiss.

Later the girl ordered food by phone from the room from the minimart downstairs.

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From the photo of this guy's tats in the Post yesterday, anyone would have know he was associated with the Yakuza. Probably likely that she wanted to break it off and he lost the plod and killed her and jumped. Happens all the time in LOS and just goes to show that Japanese guys really do have emotions and can loose it just like ting-tong farangs :o

No mention of any Japanese girlfriend in the Post story, however. That throws a new twist into it.

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:o reading the various posts.....I think it must have been the food from the minimart that they ordered .

Also......Rainbow 2.....is that a bar...sounds gayish....what it really a girl or a katoey......maybe its because he found out....lol!

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^ At the risk of labels, the Rainbow group have provided female entertainment focused on a Japanese clientèle for many years.


PS 2 individuals death's hardly seem a reason for laughter.

Edited by A_Traveller
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Or someone killed him - then her. No witnesses. He was, apparently, a gangster. Pretty easy to settle scores this way and no one back in Japan would be able to know for sure whetehr it was a lovers' thing - or otherwise (but you can bet they may at least suspect that). Whatever, the girl is definitely victim number one - and this guy either a suicide or a crime victim too.

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Somehow I don't see a hardcore guy like that be so upset that he jumps, even if he killed her by accident...

Ahh, but if he was drunk?

Alcohol can unleash some odd demons in even the most hardcore of thugs.

As was mentioned earlier - remorse.

The older a hardened criminal is, the more likely he is to end up weeping like a baby when an event finally pushes him into the abyss of emotional turpitude.

On the other hand, go go dancer + Japanese (alleged) gangster +seedy bar + city of naughtiness = pulp crime story at all of its sordid best.

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3pm sounds like a typical time a pair would awake after arriving home at 7am. If it was a third person, why not earlier, or later. I think 5yrs with a prostitute is definately enought to drive anyone mad. This guy probably loved her very much or obsessed with her, and she would have been doing what prostitutes do best: ripping him off entirely for every baht she can, and drowning him in emotional blackmail at every juncture. If she liked him, she wouldn't have still been working after 5 yrs but living in that condo full time. I have seem a number of guys contemplating suicide from falling for a bar worker after only 6-12months. Really, he had it coming to him but she was only the catalyst of a probably pretty depressed person from the start. Just shows, the bar girl can't win everytime, and there is a risk to this type of customer.

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Condolences to the family and friends of the victims.

Whatever speculation people want to make, and I for one, find it interesting, there are still family and friends to whom these people were significant and important.

Now back to the potential 'causes.'

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Condolences to the family and friends of the victims.

Whatever speculation people want to make, and I for one, find it interesting, there are still family and friends to whom these people were significant and important.

Indeed, and as we've seen earlier this year, often family and friends will search the internet for news relating to the tragedy, and find a topic running on ThaiVisa (I know of 3 different cases of that so far this year at least).

One must remember that there are more people involved than just the victims. Regardless of the their pasts, or their presents, these people most likely have parents, perhaps siblings, maybe even children, who are all going to be affected by this.

It's too bad that we often don't get enough hard evidence or pertinent details with these stories. Without those, what is there to do but speculate on the causes and circumstances ? When doing so though, one should keep in mind that there may be people reading these posts that have a personal interest in the matter.

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This blog seems genuine and, although understandably emotional, sheds some light on the tragic incident (and on the life of Bangkok working girls).


Posted by Lalida , Reader : 78 , 16:47:38



I believe you all have read the news about the Japanese who murder a Thai lady. She's my friend and will always be even she’s gone now. I’m writing this Blog is to clear her name before any unpleasant speculations about her being killed cause of money matters. This is the least I could do for her and I’m writing this in tears with my heart broken into pieces. Every single word is true in this blog of what I was told by my friends who was there. Do forgive me if the content of this blog appears with many spelling mistake or whatever. I am writing this in anger and in pain. I see her infront of me everytime I close my eyes, couldn't forgive myself of not being there for her. I could have saved her life.

Her nick name is called “Bill”, a small woman at age 25 been working in the sex trade for many years and got to know this Japanese guy (Will call him as “F” in this blog) 5 years ago. She’s from Mukdahan (e-san) with a sick mother back home, her father left the family and married with someone else at her early age. Till the time of her death she was still working in the sex trade even though she’s been with this “F” for the last 5 years and with his knowledge of it, I was told she had many times went back to work with bruises all over her and complains nothing. She never say anything unless she is pushed. One of her close friend told us everytime when this “F” is drunk, He sits on her with her hands tieded beating up her face, she was ask, told to leave this “F” billions of times but again and again refused by “Bill” claiming things will change, “SHE KNOWS” she said. If anyone of you thinks she’s a con being with this “F” because of money. You’re Fxxking wrong. This “F” doesn’t even have enough to keep himself alive. He flies back and forth being fed by “Bill”. There are even times that “Bill” has to pay for his plane ticket back to Japan. She gave everything she could for the reason of True “LOVE” and what she gets in return was brutality and abuse, she stayed on believing things will change and end herself up to date. This is the trust and beliefs she gave in to the love of her life. She complains nothing and at the end she still protect this 'F', How can anyone in this world be as crazy for love as this.....How can...???????????


At 7am on that day, Bill called all her friends including me and asked us to go see her because she felt lonely and wanted someone to talk to saying she had a fight with her boyfriend, I didn’t go as I was occupied with my personal matters, the rest went. They got there and saw her been beaten up already, bruises all over both of her eyes and face and believe it or not, that “F” was there with only his boxers on with no shame or of any guilt, Many of them wanted to call the police and try to pull her out away from him but she refused and say everything is fine, it’s ok, it’s just a misunderstanding, everything it’s clear now and she just wanted to talk to her friends, some asked what happened to her she told them she got hit by the hanging Clock, it's was out of misunderstanding. Some went over to the “F” trying to give him one but was stopped by “Bill”, some try to call the police and was once again stopped. Somehow a few sensed there was something wrong already but nothing they could do. After a while when “Bill” chatted with everyone she gave each and everyone a rose before they leave saying she will always be in their hearts and ask them not to worry, everything is fine. So they left but still having query in their heads. Later In the EVENING, we heard she got murdered. It didn’t come as a surprise but blame ourselves not doing anything more aggressively at that moment when we had a chance. I’m even angrier at myself of not being able to be there for her. Everyone that knew her got this SMS BEFORE SHE DIED “Rao jak mai plak jak gun” meaning “WE WILL NEVER BE PARTED”. I couldn't hold my tears now with this sms nor do I think anyone could in this world, I was going to call her when I received this sms but I was too busy to take some time off to do it. Some friends went to see her after they got the sms and that was when the maid entered the room and some went after they heard the news came out and told us she couldn’t even be recognized by looking at her face except to identify her with the Tattoo she’s got. Some police friends told them, she was killed by constant hitting on the head and face, she was not murdered by any weapon or strangle. In another words she was beaten to death.

Now the part of this “F”. HE DID NOT KILL HIMSELF OF GUILT, her friends suspected he fall off TRYING TO GET AWAY when the maid tries to get into the room after obtaining the room key. The maid heard “Bill” calling for help and bang on the door to get in, but nobody answer and quieted down, Probably one way or another this “F” silenced her already. The maid than went to the office to get the room key to enter and when she got in there, the floor was cover with blood with “Bill” lying there. We were also told from some Japanese who knew them that this “F” also call his friends before he died (have not heard what the conversation was about yet) the news is now spread in Japan by the honest Japanese who knew them.


If anyone of you try to make any comment or blogs to twisted the fact of this inhumane murder or anymore defamation of these ladies of this trade, YOU HAVE LALIDA HERE TO DEFEND FOR THEM, JUST GOD dam_n TRY AND UNLESS YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO DO WHAT THEY DO AND READY TO ACCEPT HOW THE SOCIETY SEE YOU, THAN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO COME AND TELL ME I'M WRONG.

I will update this blog with every new info that I received.

P.S. I apologize if in any way I have offended anyone, but at this very moment is how and what I felt. Please, I do not want to debate anything in this blog. It's a tribute to my friend and with this blog I hope she could rest in peace and if heaven do exist, I hope she will be there. This is the least I could do for her, I am unable to post about her funeral as Thai people do not keep the body when they're murdered or unnatural death, she is being cremated today back in her Home Town.

I have requested the Nation to put this Blog up on the front page so people will know the truth of this inhumane murder and to tell you all there's a true side of these women who worked dangerouly for merely a bit more for the sake of their personal reasons. I'm not asking you to pity any of them but I'm asking you to at least pity and give your condolence to this crazy woman 'BILL' who gave out her true love and life to this so called 'MAN' who brutally murdered her.'


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I assume some farang wrote it for her? "she gave each and everyone a rose before they leave"...how melodramatic isn't it?

This blog seems genuine and, although understandably emotional, sheds some light on the tragic incident (and on the life of Bangkok working girls).


Posted by Lalida , Reader : 78 , 16:47:38



I believe you all have read the news about the Japanese who murder a Thai lady. She's my friend and will always be even she’s gone now. I’m writing this Blog is to clear her name before any unpleasant speculations about her being killed cause of money matters. This is the least I could do for her and I’m writing this in tears with my heart broken into pieces. Every single word is true in this blog of what I was told by my friends who was there. Do forgive me if the content of this blog appears with many spelling mistake or whatever. I am writing this in anger and in pain. I see her infront of me everytime I close my eyes, couldn't forgive myself of not being there for her. I could have saved her life.

Her nick name is called “Bill”, a small woman at age 25 been working in the sex trade for many years and got to know this Japanese guy (Will call him as “F” in this blog) 5 years ago. She’s from Mukdahan (e-san) with a sick mother back home, her father left the family and married with someone else at her early age. Till the time of her death she was still working in the sex trade even though she’s been with this “F” for the last 5 years and with his knowledge of it, I was told she had many times went back to work with bruises all over her and complains nothing. She never say anything unless she is pushed. One of her close friend told us everytime when this “F” is drunk, He sits on her with her hands tieded beating up her face, she was ask, told to leave this “F” billions of times but again and again refused by “Bill” claiming things will change, “SHE KNOWS” she said. If anyone of you thinks she’s a con being with this “F” because of money. You’re Fxxking wrong. This “F” doesn’t even have enough to keep himself alive. He flies back and forth being fed by “Bill”. There are even times that “Bill” has to pay for his plane ticket back to Japan. She gave everything she could for the reason of True “LOVE” and what she gets in return was brutality and abuse, she stayed on believing things will change and end herself up to date. This is the trust and beliefs she gave in to the love of her life. She complains nothing and at the end she still protect this 'F', How can anyone in this world be as crazy for love as this.....How can...???????????


At 7am on that day, Bill called all her friends including me and asked us to go see her because she felt lonely and wanted someone to talk to saying she had a fight with her boyfriend, I didn’t go as I was occupied with my personal matters, the rest went. They got there and saw her been beaten up already, bruises all over both of her eyes and face and believe it or not, that “F” was there with only his boxers on with no shame or of any guilt, Many of them wanted to call the police and try to pull her out away from him but she refused and say everything is fine, it’s ok, it’s just a misunderstanding, everything it’s clear now and she just wanted to talk to her friends, some asked what happened to her she told them she got hit by the hanging Clock, it's was out of misunderstanding. Some went over to the “F” trying to give him one but was stopped by “Bill”, some try to call the police and was once again stopped. Somehow a few sensed there was something wrong already but nothing they could do. After a while when “Bill” chatted with everyone she gave each and everyone a rose before they leave saying she will always be in their hearts and ask them not to worry, everything is fine. So they left but still having query in their heads. Later In the EVENING, we heard she got murdered. It didn’t come as a surprise but blame ourselves not doing anything more aggressively at that moment when we had a chance. I’m even angrier at myself of not being able to be there for her. Everyone that knew her got this SMS BEFORE SHE DIED “Rao jak mai plak jak gun” meaning “WE WILL NEVER BE PARTED”. I couldn't hold my tears now with this sms nor do I think anyone could in this world, I was going to call her when I received this sms but I was too busy to take some time off to do it. Some friends went to see her after they got the sms and that was when the maid entered the room and some went after they heard the news came out and told us she couldn’t even be recognized by looking at her face except to identify her with the Tattoo she’s got. Some police friends told them, she was killed by constant hitting on the head and face, she was not murdered by any weapon or strangle. In another words she was beaten to death.

Now the part of this “F”. HE DID NOT KILL HIMSELF OF GUILT, her friends suspected he fall off TRYING TO GET AWAY when the maid tries to get into the room after obtaining the room key. The maid heard “Bill” calling for help and bang on the door to get in, but nobody answer and quieted down, Probably one way or another this “F” silenced her already. The maid than went to the office to get the room key to enter and when she got in there, the floor was cover with blood with “Bill” lying there. We were also told from some Japanese who knew them that this “F” also call his friends before he died (have not heard what the conversation was about yet) the news is now spread in Japan by the honest Japanese who knew them.


If anyone of you try to make any comment or blogs to twisted the fact of this inhumane murder or anymore defamation of these ladies of this trade, YOU HAVE LALIDA HERE TO DEFEND FOR THEM, JUST GOD dam_n TRY AND UNLESS YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO DO WHAT THEY DO AND READY TO ACCEPT HOW THE SOCIETY SEE YOU, THAN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO COME AND TELL ME I'M WRONG.

I will update this blog with every new info that I received.

P.S. I apologize if in any way I have offended anyone, but at this very moment is how and what I felt. Please, I do not want to debate anything in this blog. It's a tribute to my friend and with this blog I hope she could rest in peace and if heaven do exist, I hope she will be there. This is the least I could do for her, I am unable to post about her funeral as Thai people do not keep the body when they're murdered or unnatural death, she is being cremated today back in her Home Town.

I have requested the Nation to put this Blog up on the front page so people will know the truth of this inhumane murder and to tell you all there's a true side of these women who worked dangerouly for merely a bit more for the sake of their personal reasons. I'm not asking you to pity any of them but I'm asking you to at least pity and give your condolence to this crazy woman 'BILL' who gave out her true love and life to this so called 'MAN' who brutally murdered her.'


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Well, another case for many people to speculate without any knowledge ... and rise their state. :o

About the case: RIP.

P.S. Maybe somebody mind about the plane crashed in Brussels last weekend?

Edited by Sturbuc
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I know all too many girls who work in 'the trade' in NEP. Some work for the Rainbow Group of bars. That group of bars caters almost exclusively to the Japanese clientele; to the point foreigners who aren't obviously Asian are ignored by the dancers and service staff alike. The bar she worked in; Rainbow 2 isn't as bad as the others in that regard, but then they employ over 200 dancers at any given time. Even at the best of times it's difficult to run herd on that many girls, not to mention the service and wait staff.

From talking to girls in the bar who knew her, many said she'd known that customer for a long time, and often came to work with bruises after being with him. I have no knowledge of this personally and am relating it as second hand info. It could be true it may not, but I see no reason for other dancers to lie about a dead girl.

While some poster's cynical, acerbic, and denigrating comments about her or the trade she worked in may make them feel superior; believe me doing that godforsaken job day in and day out is most definitely a "tough row to hoe". (Absolutely NO pun intended)

At the end of the day it boils down to a young girl losing her life in an attempt to better her socio-economic position in a piss poor third world developing country by using what ever means she had available.

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