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Looking For A Cheap Protein Source In Thailand


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Because i work out a lot i need a lot more protein (im not going to discuss the merits of it) when i lived in Holland i ate a lot of curd (dutch call it kwark)

Here in this country i cant find it or it might be here at a real high price.

Id like to know if anyone has a suggestion for protein rich thai foods, to make it even harder i dont eat any fish. I eat tuna at times but i cant say i like it i only eat it for the nutritional value and eating to much of it migh cause me to get too many heavy metals in my body.

I am not looking for protein powders because i know where i can get those they are not too expensive and i use them too but i prefer getting my proteins from real foods.

Does anyone have an idea ?

- chickenbreast

- tuna (that i dont really like)

- ....

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Couple of years ago when I was trying to bulk up after a session i would have 2-3 egg whites/non-fat milk/bannana shake, tasted ok too although my GF used to freak out because she thought i would get bird flu from raw eggs but the whites are an excellent source of protein and i find eating them raw is easier than cooked.

I also eat tuna pretty much daily (in water) which can be eaten in several ways -- fried in olive oil, tuna omelette, tuna salad, tuna spaggetti bolongase, noodles and tuna, tuna sandwich/roll, tuna soup. Other than that all meat/seafood/egg white is a good source of protein

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Tuna is a crappy source of protein compared to eggs. It's highly process and environmentally speaking it's horrible. Health-wise tuna can't be compared to eggs unless you're eating fresh tuna, not out of a can.

Eggs are cheap and very high in protein. Powder is expensive and processed. Raw egg whites won't give you bird flu, but it will deplete your body of B6. Cook the eggs. You're not losing anything by cooking them... unless you think Rocky was a nutrition guru :o

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Tuna is a crappy source of protein compared to eggs. It's highly process and environmentally speaking it's horrible. Health-wise tuna can't be compared to eggs unless you're eating fresh tuna, not out of a can.

Eggs are cheap and very high in protein. Powder is expensive and processed. Raw egg whites won't give you bird flu, but it will deplete your body of B6. Cook the eggs. You're not losing anything by cooking them... unless you think Rocky was a nutrition guru :o

i eat tuna because its conveniant and I like it ... as I also enjoy canned sardines or mackaral in tomato paste , obviously not everyones cup of tea.

I was under the impression that you could get Bird-flue from eating undercooked chicken or eggs ??? (if the bird has it ) also how does raw egge white deplete your B6 (BTW what is B6 ??). I find eating cooked eggs hard work as opposed as just gulping them down with some milk.


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I am already eating 3 eggs a day and i boil them. I would not eat them raw. Tuna, i eat it for proteins not because i like it. I bought some Tofu but i know its not a real high quality source of protein. I really miss curd from holland they were good to eat cheap and high in protein.

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Rob; one thing you can do to increase protein intake overall is making your side dishes more protein rich. I have switched (when at home) from rice to muang beans myself. Cheap and much higher in protein as well as other nutrients.

Tofu I would not eat for protein. Depending on how it's made it can have high fat content, and try to google soya+testosterone+men and you might not eat it much either.

So yeah - you are left with milk-products, chicken/pork, eggs and canned tuna+protein powder when looking at the cheaper options.


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I am not looking for protein powders because i know where i can get those they are not too expensive and i use them too but i prefer getting my proteins from real foods.

Does anyone have an idea ?

- chickenbreast

- tuna (that i dont really like)

hard-boiled egg whites are cheap. The protein metabalization from egg whites is very quick, if it matters to you.

I used to hard-boil 7 eggs, remove the yokes of all but one, and eat them

Tuna: watch the mercury in tuna. I only eat 1 can per week (7 days).

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I was under the impression that you could get Bird-flue from eating undercooked chicken or eggs ??? (if the bird has it ) also how does raw egge white deplete your B6 (BTW what is B6 ??). I find eating cooked eggs hard work as opposed as just gulping them down with some milk.


Hi Will-O,

B6 is also known as Pyridoxine and it's part of what's called the B Complex. Check out this page or simple search Google for something like "raw eggs deplete B6". You'll get plenty of info.

Yep, it's certainly easier eating eggs when they're in their snotty state! :o:D

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Low in protein and full of sugar (at least the yogurt they sell here). They dont have liter packages like in Holland for instance.

To the other poster about the insects.. I doubt that i am able to do that they dont look appetizing.

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Dont forget vegetable protein, which when eaten with rice (for the amino acids) work effectively to promote tissue growth and maintenace. Do not eat them without rice, bread or grains however as if the amoino acids aren't present the protein will just be burned as fuel or used as fat.

Beans are an excellent source of protein, as are nuts and seeds.

The veg with the highest proetien content are broccli, asparaugus, spinach, all dark green leafy veg etc. All these are very cheap and plenitful here in Thailand.

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Because i work out a lot i need a lot more protein (im not going to discuss the merits of it) when i lived in Holland i ate a lot of curd (dutch call it kwark)

Here in this country i cant find it or it might be here at a real high price.

Id like to know if anyone has a suggestion for protein rich thai foods, to make it even harder i dont eat any fish. I eat tuna at times but i cant say i like it i only eat it for the nutritional value and eating to much of it migh cause me to get too many heavy metals in my body.

I am not looking for protein powders because i know where i can get those they are not too expensive and i use them too but i prefer getting my proteins from real foods.

Does anyone have an idea ?

- chickenbreast

- tuna (that i dont really like)

- ....

you could try askin the Billi Boys down on the beach in Patong - they have a plentiful and cheap source of protein, and it obviously works cos they are bigger than all the other chicks. Good luck to you sir

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Because i work out a lot i need a lot more protein (im not going to discuss the merits of it) when i lived in Holland i ate a lot of curd (dutch call it kwark)

Here in this country i cant find it or it might be here at a real high price.

Id like to know if anyone has a suggestion for protein rich thai foods, to make it even harder i dont eat any fish. I eat tuna at times but i cant say i like it i only eat it for the nutritional value and eating to much of it migh cause me to get too many heavy metals in my body.

I am not looking for protein powders because i know where i can get those they are not too expensive and i use them too but i prefer getting my proteins from real foods.

Does anyone have an idea ?

- chickenbreast

- tuna (that i dont really like)

- ....

you could try askin the Billi Boys down on the beach in Patong - they have a plentiful and cheap source of protein, and it obviously works cos they are bigger than all the other chicks. Good luck to you sir

Im pretty sure you are pulling my leg. But i am not in Phuket im in BKK. But do eplain who or what are the Billi boys.

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peanuts (can make your own peanut butter in a blender)


beans of various types -dried is cheapest. 500 Gm red kidney beans in Big Co are about 40 Baht, enough for 5-10 dervings. Soak in water ob\vernight (they will double in size) and then boil.

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Spirulina (type of algae) has a high quality high protein content 60% or more. It doesn't taste too bad.

I know of it in tablet form, i have heard of it in bulk powder. They also use it for fish food, it is cheap in that form. but not sure if that is suitable for human consumption.

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peanuts (can make your own peanut butter in a blender)


beans of various types -dried is cheapest. 500 Gm red kidney beans in Big Co are about 40 Baht, enough for 5-10 dervings. Soak in water ob\vernight (they will double in size) and then boil.

Thanks i will try the beans. Its not like i need the real cheap stuff. But because I will eat it a lot the idea was for it to be not overly expensive. I do consume protein powders too but i like to keep them as a supplement not as the main source of protein. Other then that i was looking for a way to cut the carbs (not all of them) in my dieet thus increasing proteins and something like beans sounds ok to me. They are easy to prepare and that is needed for i am not a good cook.

I have no idea what lentils are, peanuts i have seen here on the streets but they boil them.. i really dont like them boiled.

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Low in protein and full of sugar (at least the yogurt they sell here). They dont have liter packages like in Holland for instance.

To the other poster about the insects.. I doubt that i am able to do that they dont look appetizing.

mix one cup of yoghurt with 1 lier of milk and you will have an excellent yogurt after overnight standing. Then put it in the fridge and eat the next day.

Putting it into cups might be easier.

Alternatively.... buy a yoghurt maker, I took one from Europe as I also hate the sweet thai yoghurt.

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