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Security Tightens At Government House To Block Anti-govt Protesters


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I see Nick's argument, but he got so many facts wrong that I don't know where to start. Nuclear plants were proposed long long before this administration.

Bicycle lanes cannot be build overnight and you can't expect the whole country to switch to bicycles in four months.

Some say people drive less now, I can't see it from my daily commutes - Thais had cut on their driving long time ago, after the first price hikes a few years back.

Surely bad economy helps PAD in a sense it gives them more ammunition, but their main driving force is fight against Thaksin. When they first took to the streets, almost three years ago, the economy was doing quite ok.

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I stand by my analysis of the situation.

all these current problems seem to be arising from financial problems that started with the rise in oil prices. the previous coup leaders couldn't resolve the problem because it is out of their hands. thailand does not control the oil prices. the current PPP leadership (if you can call it that.) hasn't been able to do anything about it too - BECAUSE once again it is out of their hands. THAILAND DOES NOT CONTROL THE OIL PRICES.

if I recall, people in the PPP during the past few months have suggested a number of solutions to the oil crises, and the thais basically laughed it off. REMEMBER the talk of the bike paths? remember the call to ride bicycles? so, what happens? NOTHING! the thais still drive their stupid cars on the streets causing traffic jams like there is no problem with oil.

in the past few months, the price of oil has increased dramatically. as a result, the farmers, the truckers, EVERYBODY is complaining about it. and expecting the PPP government to resolve the problem. so, the PPP comes up with the idea of building nuclear plants. the people still complain. they want a solution to the energy problem NOW!

so, the protests start up again. and NOW - NOBODY is working to resolve the oil crisis. both parties are busy fighting each other.

IS this going to resolve the oil crisis? the way things are going, nothing is going to get resolved. the truckers will still have the problem with oil. the farmers will still have the problem with oil. and the stupid people (I won't say who.) are still driving their cars down the street like nothing is wrong.

...let's look at it another way.

if there were no oil crisis, do you think the truckers would still go on strike? would the farmers be asking for the government to help them with their loans? would the workers in bangkok be asking for salary increases to help them out with INCREASING food prices?

if people had all their basic needs taken care of, would they still be as mad as they are now against the PPP?

my guess is - no.

..you would be busy having fun. like the way it was BEFORE the oil crisis.

And so corruption, attempting to change the constitution without referendum, alledged vote buying, incompetence, only passing 1 bill in 4 months and alledgedly acting as a proxy for Thaksin have nothing to do with the current protests then??? :o:D:D

Totally agree, PAD have been waiting for a good excuse to demonstrate it so happens that the Oil crisis came when it has the best excuse they could have. Not that I am against them as the government in place might as well be Thaksin as they are all his people.

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Gents I am not a moderator and this may be a little off topic but WHY DO A LOT OF POSTERS COPY (QUOTE) VOLUMES OF PREVIOUS QUOTES & INCLUDE them in their ENTIRETY WITH THEIR own TWO OR THREE LINES ? No one and I mean no one reads & reads these repeated quotes often it leads to missing the meaning of the new posters message & wastes space which is $'s Happy Easter :o

Samran: Taken care of......

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Gents I am not a moderator and this may be a little off topic but WHY DO A LOT OF POSTERS COPY (QUOTE) VOLUMES OF PREVIOUS QUOTES & INCLUDE them in their ENTIRETY WITH THEIR own TWO OR THREE LINES ? No one and I mean no one reads & reads these repeated quotes often it leads to missing the meaning of the new posters message & wastes space which is $'s Happy Easter :o

Samran: Taken care of......

Nothing personal intended.

Some find them useful for immediate reference, others find them annoying, me i just read what i want to within a post and ignore what i do not.

Just my take on a situation that is referred to from time to time.

A middle road, simple solution to suit everyone.

There are also some who get upset when capitols are used, me i don,t bother unless it,s accompanied by insult, bad jibes and it,s personal, which in your post, for me, it is not.

No problem for me M24 and that,s the truth on either point.

Merry Christmas

marshbags :D

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Oh no, not the gorilla photo again. Younghusband will have a fit of political correctness. White people cannot compare any Asian to a gorilla, only to pigs.

He raised such a stink that the mods had to remove the offending photo.

Make this reference " Photo,s " plus.

It was all the more funny as there where several different expressions.

I liken him more to a Gorilla than a Pig from now on.

For anyone offended..... stay cool and lighten up a bit, we all suffer comparisons of a non to complimentary kind from time to time.

Believe me, i,m a Yorkshire man and proud of it :o


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History shows when demonstrations of this kind build up as they seem to be inevitably there will be trouble. Despite the PAD saying it will be a peaceful march there will be those that want to cause trouble and once it starts the ending is always the same as the police have no choice but to do something. I hope it doesnt happen but that would contradict everything that has happened before.

Romania, If I remember right, they went into Parliament behead the Dictator and got democracy......

If PAD want to remove the government maybe they should do it at the ballot box like civil members of a democratic society.

I may not like or agree with Samak et al but I would not condone viloence or a coup like small minded men

Agree with you Khun Prakanong, sometime it seems that Farangs have tooooo much sparetime for sticking their heads in things they dont should. Maybe the Thai Government should allow Farang to work in Thailand and it will solve the problem of too much leisure time. :o

However, Samak was elected and it should not concern the foreigners how Thailand get rid of him if they want too.

Wonder anyway what the several member HERE expect if the government change again in Thailand, do you expect any changes for YOU as a Farang?

let we change foreigners our governments ?

Maybe the faces of the politicians change but never the politics by itself.....

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Re quotes:

I've written a small javascript that shows/hides those annoying long quotes.

If you use Opera, copy the code below and paste it in some new file with .js extension. In Opera preferences click on Content/Javasctipt Options and Browse to the directory where you saved you file. Ideally you should create something called "userJS" folder in your Opera/Profile for all your custom javascrtips.

PM me if something doesn't work.

If you use Firefox, you can install Greasemonkey addon to add custom scripts.

As far as I understand, you can select "New User Script" from Tools/Greasemonkey menu and paste the code over whatever is there already. I'm not a heavy FF user, google for help if there are any problems.

Source code for Greasemonkey is here:


Source code for Opera:

if( location.hostname.indexOf('thaivisa.com') != -1 ){

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", toggleQuote, false);


function toggleQuote(){


















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if you have plenty of money in your pocket to spend, food on the table, plenty of pretty girls to look at, and many friends to hang out with, would you even bother? would you even care? :D:o:D:D:D

surely the same could be said about people that post political views on internet forums, why do you bother?

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if you have plenty of money in your pocket to spend, food on the table, plenty of pretty girls to look at, and many friends to hang out with, would you even bother? would you even care? :D:o:D:D:D

surely the same could be said about people that post political views on internet forums, why do you bother?

you made a good point there. ..a very good point. :D

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BREAKING NEWS: Reports Indicate that Police Will Disperse PAD Rally at Noon

UPDATE : 25 June

News 1 has reported that it has recieved information that police are gearing up to disperse the PAD protesters who are gathering in front of Government House at the Chamai Maruchet Bridge. It's been reported that there have been suspicious movements of a large number of police force since early this morning.

(nice work Plus - will give the script a try later)

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BREAKING NEWS: Reports Indicate that Police Will Disperse PAD Rally at Noon

UPDATE : 25 June

News 1 has reported that it has recieved information that police are gearing up to disperse the PAD protesters who are gathering in front of Government House at the Chamai Maruchet Bridge. It's been reported that there have been suspicious movements of a large number of police force since early this morning.

(nice work Plus - will give the script a try later)

but, but the police said they wouldnt disperse it and the interior minister gave his word and and ........ so surely this wont happen

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It's a good thing for Thaksin that he has a battalion of lawyers serving his wishes...with several of them thrown into the brig for trying to bribe the Supreme Court, his other squad is busy filing yet another one of his infamous gazillion baht lawsuits, that never seem to do anything except waste the court's time and energy until they are thrown out.

Ex-PM Thaksin to file 100 Million Baht lawsuit for defamation

BANGKOK, June 25 (TNA) -- Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has decided to file a 100 Million Baht lawsuit for defamation against each leader of the anti-government coalition who had earlier accused him of attempting to replace Thailand's constitutional monarchy with presidential rule.

Vichit Plangsrisakul, legal adviser to Thaksin, said Wednesday that the ex-premier had assigned him to file the lawsuit for libel seeking 100 Million Baht compensatory damages from each of the three core leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) -- Sondhi Limthongkul, Somkiat Phongphaibul, and Praphan Khunmee -- because they had publicly charged during their anti-government protests that Thaksin had the intention and the desire to replace the constitutional monarchy with presidential rule.

Vichit said he had compiled taped speeches containing such accusations earlier made by those persons for use in court and planned to lodge the libel lawsuits against each of them Friday.

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I see Thaksin is back to his old tricks. Thailand seriously needs to reform their anti defamation laws. The law as it is is a serious impediment to free speech, it serves to protect the corrupt and the criminal and has a serious chilling effect on those who would seek to expose them.

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Nampueng, what do you mean?

We MUST answer what's going on "on the ground" at 6AM before we can continue posting in this thread?

If you really want to know, ASTV live is on the Internet 24/7. Help yourself.

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Nationalistic puppets

Ultra-nationalism fans anger and hatred while strengthening the false sense of self - everything Buddhism frowns upon.

The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) boasts of many people well-versed in Buddhism. Yet they have chosen to whip up ultra-nationalism through the Preah Vihear controversy to oust Thaksin Shinawatra's crony government. Why? Because it works like magic.

That does not speak well of the PAD, given its claim to be fighting for democracy. Nor of our society.

More here: http://www.bangkokpost.com/topstories/tops...s.php?id=128521

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after various requests on http://www.thailandoutlook.tv/ own "have your say", TOC agreed to rerun the very good program "HEADLINERS" (when do we get to hear good politicians speak in Thailand??) with the Democrats K. Korn

(the should be Finance Minister).

I was since various times, quite impressed by him.

If you want to hear some clever political opinions don't miss it TODAY:

Watch here online:


(25/06/08) at these times; 18.00 and 2.00 (26/06/08)

Go Khun Korn and Khun Abhisit! Go! The main current political hope for Thailand's recovery.

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Nationalistic puppets

Ultra-nationalism fans anger and hatred while strengthening the false sense of self - everything Buddhism frowns upon.

The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) boasts of many people well-versed in Buddhism. Yet they have chosen to whip up ultra-nationalism through the Preah Vihear controversy to oust Thaksin Shinawatra's crony government. Why? Because it works like magic.

That does not speak well of the PAD, given its claim to be fighting for democracy. Nor of our society.

More here: http://www.bangkokpost.com/topstories/tops...s.php?id=128521

A few more excerpts fronm the piece which is a damning commentary on Thai society:

Admit it. Our parliamentary democracy has been reduced to a ballot box game governed by money politics. The bureaucracy has become an autocracy. The judicial process is too long and costly. The laws are written to serve the powers-that-be. Political decentralisation is in fact local mafia rule. The mainstream media favour state and business interests. What choice do people have but to take their causes to the streets?


Knowing that justice and human rights talk will get their anti-Thaksin protest nowhere, the PAD has chosen to speak the language which mainstream society understands - nationalism and royal nationalism - accusing Mr Thaksin of undermining the monarchy and national sovereignty to strengthen his political and transnational business empires.


Grounded or not, the accusations effectively play on the deeply programmed messages in our heads. Brainwashed by our education system, we believe that we are the greatest race in the region


That is a high price to pay for being trapped in the frenzy of nationalism. We are paying a dear price now in the deep South. Restoring peace will remain difficult unless we tackle the false belief of superiority in our heads.

Read the whole thing. Excerpts cannot do it justice.

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Though nationalism plays an important role in Phra Viharn issue, I insist that dyplomatically Thailand should have kept its line.

Cambodia needed Thailand to list the temple, Thais should have got everything they could from having the upper hand.

Under Surayud Thais simply refused to talk about it as they had nothing to lose - there's no way Cambodia can list the temple without Thai support in one form or another and there's no reason to abandon this traditional MO.

There are plenty of other issues between two countries, and I suspect Noppadon got something in return for his support for Cambodian bid anyway, but not for Thailand in general. If he didn't, it would have been double stupid.

Cambodians can laugh all the way to the bank now - they got investments in Koh Kong and they got Thailand's support for the listing, and they got Thai Foreign Minister by the balls.

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Though nationalism plays an important role in Phra Viharn issue, I insist that dyplomatically Thailand should have kept its line.

Cambodia needed Thailand to list the temple, Thais should have got everything they could from having the upper hand.

Under Surayud Thais simply refused to talk about it as they had nothing to lose - there's no way Cambodia can list the temple without Thai support in one form or another and there's no reason to abandon this traditional MO.

There are plenty of other issues between two countries, and I suspect Noppadon got something in return for his support for Cambodian bid anyway, but not for Thailand in general. If he didn't, it would have been double stupid.

Cambodians can laugh all the way to the bank now - they got investments in Koh Kong and they got Thailand's support for the listing, and they got Thai Foreign Minister by the balls.

I've tried to address those issues for you here.

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Though nationalism plays an important role in Phra Viharn issue, I insist that dyplomatically Thailand should have kept its line.

Cambodia needed Thailand to list the temple, Thais should have got everything they could from having the upper hand.

Under Surayud Thais simply refused to talk about it as they had nothing to lose - there's no way Cambodia can list the temple without Thai support in one form or another and there's no reason to abandon this traditional MO.

There are plenty of other issues between two countries, and I suspect Noppadon got something in return for his support for Cambodian bid anyway, but not for Thailand in general. If he didn't, it would have been double stupid.

Cambodians can laugh all the way to the bank now - they got investments in Koh Kong and they got Thailand's support for the listing, and they got Thai Foreign Minister by the balls.

Of course the Surayud government did nothing. It was a caretaker government. I think that Koh Kong is only one piece of the deal. But there will be a nice street. What about the oil (or was it gasfields)?

just read the topic the Thai Airways boss was sacked and replaced with Thaksins classmate.....

How many classmates does he has???

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Meanwhile, now we even have protesters in Thaksin's hometown... over the beleaguered rice subsidy scam. This is their 2nd time around protesting and most likely are less likely to fall for government lies like the first time...

Protesting farmers block road

About 300 rice farmers blocked the Chiang Mai-Phrao road in Chiang Mai's San Sai district yesterday to demand overdue payments worth 16 Million Baht from millers who bought their rice last month. The farmers from San Sai, Mae Rim, Mae Taeng and Phrao districts set up tents occupying one lane of the road. They demanded millers and state agencies pay the outstanding amount. The farmers sold their unhusked rice to the millers at a government-guaranteed price. The rice stock is kept at mills selected by the government. Some millers, however, were late making their payment, claiming they had difficulty securing loans from the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) to pay the farmers. This is their second time out on the roads. Earlier protests by the farmers in Chiang Mai were called off after they were promised prompt payments. But the millers fell behind on payments again this week, so the farmers renewed their protest. They say they will stay put until they get paid.

Other farmer protests around the country continued here:


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Wifes just come home from her monthly check up ect.at Udon hospital.

There was lots of trouble yesterday in Nong Prajak Park between rival supporters of The PAD and some of Thaksins lot.

Apparently the first group where having show of support for Chamlong, Sonti ect. and the paid for thugs started causing meyhem, sadly it ended in violence.

Thaksins local Puyia got wind of it and organised a similar thing in the town before diverting them to the park

The same is happening today and the Doctors at the hospital have been going back and forth to kep an eye on the situation.

They are, by the way, all in support of the PAD and are openly criticizing the governments lack of achievements over the last few months and the health related effects they are having.

My wifes heart specialist in particular is very angry as he deals with the hardship of patients who as a consequence are suffering related health problems caused by the additional stress.

Of course this view on the reality of what has and still is taking place is sadly missed by the supporters of Thaksin, why ???, is beyond me as they live among these people, many of whom, must be related in some way.

A few baht has an amazing effect on these uncaring B*S*A*DS !!!!!

Mind you they have some right role masters at the top level so what else can you expect from the no brainers.

marshbags :o and still :D

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PAD Leaders Lash out at MPs for Voting in Favor of Embattled Ministers

UPDATE : 27 June 2008 - THAILAND OUTLOOK - 22.20 PM -

The PAD leaders criticized government coalition members for voting in support of Prime Minister and 7 other Cabinet ministers in the no confidence vote today. They also expressed disappointment of the Thai parliamentary system in dealing with corrupt government. Samsak Kosaisuk says the Samak administration only has 7 more days left in office.

Got a feelin' he may be right.

Lame duck governments don't normally hang around for long.

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PAD Leaders Lash out at MPs for Voting in Favor of Embattled Ministers

UPDATE : 27 June 2008 - THAILAND OUTLOOK - 22.20 PM -

The PAD leaders criticized government coalition members for voting in support of Prime Minister and 7 other Cabinet ministers in the no confidence vote today. They also expressed disappointment of the Thai parliamentary system in dealing with corrupt government. Samsak Kosaisuk says the Samak administration only has 7 more days left in office.

Got a feelin' he may be right.

Lame duck governments don't normally hang around for long.

Not so sure myself but the old quote meister Thitinan hasd a piece in the post saying they have only a few weeks left. And what did Thaksin say about July 2?

Certainly a bit unpredictable.

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Just been watching ASTV and there's a tremendous atmosphere down there at the protest stage, great that Thais can speak out more or less freely. I pray nothing goes wrong and that it all ends peacefully :o

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