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Security Tightens At Government House To Block Anti-govt Protesters


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Is is possible to read anywhere what is alleged to have been said ?

There do seem to be a lot of lese majeste cases flying around at the moment. It could be that it is too easy to bring one of these, and the potential outcome is that virtually anyone who tries to move thai politics forward in a direction that someone else doesnt like will be accused of it to take them out of the picture.

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On her first night in a cell, Da Torpedo was allowed to take pain and anti-depression medication. She suffered jaw ache before being arrested and appeared stressful.

The jaw ache is from her performance (a semblance of a possessed Linda Blair in The Exorcist) while she spews her verbal garbage in public.

When will doctors be held accountable for lying for these scumbags when they land in jail? Never fails.

Double the sentence for those and ban them from practicing for life.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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As I said, Bangkok Pandit has links.

Hi Plus,

i must be missing something obvious here, but i have searched on Google, and also within the News Cliipings Forum for 'Bangkok Pandit', and apart from your posts and some about a Thai Airways bloke, i am drawing a blank.

Can you provide a link to a link ? Or say how i should search for the relevant posts / links.


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On her first night in a cell, Da Torpedo was allowed to take pain and anti-depression medication. She suffered jaw ache before being arrested and appeared stressful.

The jaw ache is from her performance (a semblance of a possessed Linda Blair in The Exorcist) while she spews her verbal garbage in public.

When will doctors be held accountable for lying for these scumbags when they land in jail? Never fails.

Double the sentence for those and ban them from practicing for life.

I have limited sympathy for the offender since she showed at very minimum indiscretion and bad manners.However as the deeply disturbed post above shows there is a witch hunting mentality at work very reminiscent of seventeenth century Europe, encouraged by some with political motives.Civilised people including I suspect one very prominent one will ignore this silly woman.

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I won't repeat what she said... but it was the worst language used I've heard that warranted the charge and it's easy to why they want to hold her in protective custody. Her words would upset every conceivable niche of Thai society from rich to poor, old to young.

She is typical of her UDD/DADD co-horts like Jakrapob (who also has the same charge), and the current government's other PTV and riot co-leaders like PPP MP Jatuporn and the Government Spokesman NUTTha and the other bloke, the TRT Party-banned executive Veera. Together these guys are running the double shows on PBS and NBT with their spewage....they are in great company with the likes of this Da Torpedo. Perhaps they can have her as a special guest on one of the Veera Propaganda Show, your political party government television show...

Still, she'll feel less discomfort in prison as there are many of her persuasion currently incarcerated in the female penal system.

Edited by sriracha john
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I won't repeat what she said... but it was the worst language used I've heard that warranted the charge and it's easy to why they want to hold her in protective custody. Her words would upset every conceivable niche of Thai society from rich to poor, old to young.

She is typical of her UDD/DADD co-horts like Jakrapob (who also has the same charge), and the current government's other PTV and riot co-leaders like PPP MP Jatuporn and the Government Spokesman NUTTha and the other bloke, the TRT Party-banned executive Veera. Together these guys are running the double shows on PBS and NBT with their spewage....they are in great company with the likes of this Da Torpedo. Perhaps they can have her as a special guest on one of the Veera Propaganda Show, your political party government television show...

Still, she'll feel less discomfort in prison as there are many of her persuasion currently incarcerated in the female penal system.

Few dispute she is a foolish woman but your remarks don't make a lot of sense.Most Thais are far too sensible to give a toss one way or the other about what one silly woman says, and attempts to politicise the issue (take my word for it UDD/DADD are not matters bandied around Thai breakfast tables) are pointless.In terms of bringing key Thai institutions into disrepute there are far worse offenders.

Incidentally neither you nor I nor anyone else can speak for every niche of Thai society, so let's not get carried away.

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PAD supporter killed, 20 others in political violence in Udon Thani

Udon Thani - A supporter of the People's Alliance for Democracy was killed and 20 others were injured when PAD-led protesters clashed with their opponents in this northeastern province Thursday afternoon.

Police said about 1,000 anti-PAD people armed with sticks, machetes and iron bars, stormed into try to demolish the stage of the PAD at about 1:30 pm.

PAD guards tried to fight back and the man was killed in the clash.

The injured people were sent to the provincial hospital.

The Nation

Link: http://nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/r...newsid=30078902

I see that the pro-government forces are doing what they do best...provoking violence, attacking people with views different from their own, and even killing them! What a dam_n shame they allow those violent pro-governmen forces to try and dictate how this society should be.

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Sondhi has reportedly already been bailed out on lese majeste charges. Boy, that was quick! Let's hope it put a muzzle on him for a few hours... he'll no doubt be spouting drivel by noon tomorrow.

Better than you expected, he was on stage tonight, undefiant but just as determined.

Brought to you by the good folks at ASTV.

The death of the PAD supporter and the injuries received by 20 some others is reminescent of TRTs attack on a Democrat stage a few years ago, and many other violent attacks from that camp under different names. A known PAD figure, Garun, was also injured. The same idiots finally managed to kill someone.

Shame on them all and especially Thaksin, The Little Emperor or Coward the Great for the monster he created.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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The Nation printed only a small inset paragraph, basically repeating the breaking news story, though there might be some more in Xpress.

So far they appears to be at a loss on how to deal with it - first blood, first live lost.

Now the end is truly near, but we haven't seen the worst of it yet.

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It looks like everyone is in shock. There's nothing to report yet, only the incident itself.

Nation entry said "clashes still occuring last night".

The response will be unpredictable. I think everyone in power is working overtime to prevent hot heads from taking over.

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I am lowering myself by responding to you Sunrise but just take a hike would you, , you are of no use to this discussion

Typical right-wing bullying tactic. We anticipated as much from a PAD supporter!

I take it that you naively assume that Sondhi doesn't want some PAD protesters to die for his cause?

Edited by sunrise07
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