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What Most, If Not All, Farang Cannot Give A Thai Girl


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Females are social creatures and almost all care about having a social network. So... a farang can be handsome, rich, smart etc, but he is almost never the life of the party, and he very rarely has many true Thai friends who are not just being nice to him but actually understand and respect him. Obviously, there are many Thais who have lived overseas, speak fluent english, so this will be easier if you are apart of a more inter social crowd.

Now I have read many posts on the internet of Farang claiming to have many close Thai friends who are like their brother, so perhaps this is the case, but I have never witnessed it in real life. As my Thai language gets better, I do not really feel like I am making more or truer friends. Everyone is of course nice to me and I am happy but I do feel that almost all Thai women, the exception being those who have spent time overseas, would perfer a Thai man (assuming he was as equally rich, handsome, and smart as me) over me.

This does not really bother me. Its the way it is, but I do think it sheds light on the age old question "Why don't smart, educated Thai girls from good familes date farang?"... The answer, imo, is not that they will upset their parents or that they don't want to be mistaken for a lady of the night, but rather that farang do not offer them a partner in a social network: we are boring to take on double dates.

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It's hardly some kind of mystery that needs unravelling. Opposites attract, but like in many places in the world, most people choose those who they have many things in common with.


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Its the way it is, but I do think it sheds light on the age old question "Why don't smart, educated Thai girls from good familes date farang?"... The answer, imo, is not that they will upset their parents or that they don't want to be mistaken for a lady of the night, but rather that farang do not offer them a partner in a social network: we are boring to take on double dates.

Not sure what you are smoking...the reason I don't wanna go on 'double dates' (surely it's called 'couple dinners' when being married for many years) with my wife from a decent family and any of her Thai friends is because it doesn't matter how well educated they are, I find them fairly boring. I'm however never boring if I do indeed go...(I'm just bored).

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Odd thoughts,

Well I have a hard time explaining to guys that Thai girls around my area Poor or rich are not for sale or don’t want to date western, and they really beg to differ. CRAZY!!! they don’t show any rudeness towards me and some have become good friends. It’s the same in the west I guess as I would need to add some effort in to it if I wanted to go for a single date. But no thanks anyway.

I don’t know about Thai guys thou. I think there just kind people and can have a few dinks with. But cant share a conversation or add your full trust in them. Just my opinion anyway. Most of my mates in BKK are from other Asian Country’s and A few half Thai half western guys and girls around my age.

I am half anyway so im not sure if this matters at all to you.

I think those friend networks are for girls anyway! And all we need is good mates to drink with.

Don’t be a woman. Unless you are one

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Odd thoughts,

Well I have a hard time explaining to guys that Thai girls around my area Poor or rich are not for sale or don't want to date western, and they really beg to differ. CRAZY!!! they don't show any rudeness towards me and some have become good friends. It's the same in the west I guess as I would need to add some effort in to it if I wanted to go for a single date. But no thanks anyway.

I don't know about Thai guys thou. I think there just kind people and can have a few dinks with. But cant share a conversation or add your full trust in them. Just my opinion anyway. Most of my mates in BKK are from other Asian Country's and A few half Thai half western guys and girls around my age.

I am half anyway so im not sure if this matters at all to you.

I think those friend networks are for girls anyway! And all we need is good mates to drink with.

Don't be a woman. Unless you are one

Well said that man.

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Also, it seems to me that Thais are fairly closed people when it comes to other cultures. They have their way of doing things and aren't very open to change.

I'm American and, generally, we're the same way. How many Americans (in America) do you see eating foreign food? I'm not talking Mexican or Italian. I'm talking Thai, Indonesian, Japanese. Yes, it's trendy for some of the hipper folk, but by and large, Americans eat western food.

Thais eat Thai food. And watch Thai TV. And read Thai books. List to Thai music.

How many farangs watch Thai TV and listen to Thai music with their girlfriends?

In conclusion, I think the question should be what most Thai women and Farang men cannot give each other.

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IMHO most farangs do not even scratch the surface of the "real Thailand"

and many do not want to.

Unless you speak the language and really make an effort you will never achieve it.

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Also, it seems to me that Thais are fairly closed people when it comes to other cultures. They have their way of doing things and aren't very open to change.

I'm American and, generally, we're the same way. How many Americans (in America) do you see eating foreign food? I'm not talking Mexican or Italian. I'm talking Thai, Indonesian, Japanese. Yes, it's trendy for some of the hipper folk, but by and large, Americans eat western food.

Thais eat Thai food. And watch Thai TV. And read Thai books. List to Thai music.

How many farangs watch Thai TV and listen to Thai music with their girlfriends?

In conclusion, I think the question should be what most Thai women and Farang men cannot give each other.

I couldn't disagree more.

America probably has the most diverse availability of foods on the planet.

Well, the cities that is. I could be wrong if we are talking Hick , Oklahoma.

As to Thais , even royals have been known to socialise (and much more) with foreigners.

I think you just need to open your eyes to both societies.


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I'm American and, generally, we're the same way. How many Americans (in America) do you see eating foreign food? I'm not talking Mexican or Italian. I'm talking Thai, Indonesian, Japanese. Yes, it's trendy for some of the hipper folk, but by and large, Americans eat western food.

not in NY- it is the most multicultural city in the world but i suppose it isn't really like the rest of america (which is why i love it). i actually think americans and thais are the most difficult of pairings- our cultures are just so opposite. i have been in thailand 8 years and have found it very difficult making close thai friends (i have none) as we just are coming from totally different perspectives. still, to get back to the OP's point, i think thais on the whole are very social, but that's not always the case, and i know some are perfectly happy living a more isolated life with their farang partner. so i suppose it depends on who you meet.

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I couldn't disagree more.

America probably has the most diverse availability of foods on the planet.

Well, the cities that is. I could be wrong if we are talking Hick , Oklahoma.

As to Thais , even royals have been known to socialise (and much more) with foreigners.

I think you just need to open your eyes to both societies.


Well, most of the people here are exceptions. Anyone living away from their home country is. The vast majority of Americans have never left America (as most Thais with Thailand). And there are many more people living in Hick, Oklahoma than in New York.

And the next time you go into one of those restaurants, pay attention to the clientele. Do you see any white families? Very few. You'll see yuppies with their international colleagues and some couples. These are not places where people have their "meals." These are exotic places to have a night out.

As a "foreigner" living in America (I'm Korean/American), I paid attention to these things.

It's not that Americans (or Thais) aren't open to new things intellectually. But they're sort of closed emotionally(?) - meaning deep inside. You can get an American to try sushi (sometimes), or a Thai to eat lasagne. But only a very small minority will make it a part of their standard meal choices.

And, finally, do you listen to Thai popular music? Watch Thai TV programs? Would you expect your Thai girlfriend to watch your programs and listen to your music?

Either you watch and listen and expect that your gf would too, in which case good for you and maybe I'm completely mistaken.

Or you don't and you expect her to, or you don't and don't expect her to. Either way, that would say that someone is not open to integrating other cultures.

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Why don't smart, educated Thai girls from good familes date farang?

They do. Do your socialising outside of Patpong/Pattaya/etc you might meet a few.

Sure anything is possible but they are not following the trend of dating westerners, they don’t wake up and think oh I hope I meet a nice western guy today. If any of you guys came in to my area of bkk and said hey baby want to pai teow you will get snubbed so hard. As I have seen it a few time. Or you offer money for there company you will get slapped or stabbed. Believe it. you will need to be just as charming and nice as back home if you had interest. People have blank looks on there face and some say BS, when we tell tourist or expats this.

What this has to do about making new friends, I have no idea!!!

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Why don't smart, educated Thai girls from good familes date farang?

They do. Do your socialising outside of Patpong/Pattaya/etc you might meet a few.

Why don't smart, educated Thai girls from good families in Patpong/Pattaya/etc. date farang?


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I'm American and, generally, we're the same way. How many Americans (in America) do you see eating foreign food? I'm not talking Mexican or Italian. I'm talking Thai, Indonesian, Japanese. Yes, it's trendy for some of the hipper folk, but by and large, Americans eat western food.

not in NY- it is the most multicultural city in the world

With each culture living in their own little area, mixing with other cultures only when necessary.

Birds of a feather flock together Thais are no different.

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Why don't smart, educated Thai girls from good familes date farang?

They do. Do your socialising outside of Patpong/Pattaya/etc you might meet a few.

This is a cliche, is it not? Next you will be telling me how internet dating changed your life once you realized there were females in this country without numbers pinned to their chests.

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It's hardly some kind of mystery that needs unravelling. Opposites attract, but like in many places in the world, most people choose those who they have many things in common with.


Well, nobody around here agrees with you, or my, apparently obvious point, I guess.

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not in NY- it is the most multicultural city in the world

With each culture living in their own little area, mixing with other cultures only when necessary.

hmm. off topic but that is not true at all... everyone mixes in NY.

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Odd thoughts,

Well I have a hard time explaining to guys that Thai girls around my area Poor or rich are not for sale or don't want to date western, and they really beg to differ. CRAZY!!! they don't show any rudeness towards me and some have become good friends. It's the same in the west I guess as I would need to add some effort in to it if I wanted to go for a single date. But no thanks anyway.

I don't know about Thai guys thou. I think there just kind people and can have a few dinks with. But cant share a conversation or add your full trust in them. Just my opinion anyway. Most of my mates in BKK are from other Asian Country's and A few half Thai half western guys and girls around my age.

I am half anyway so im not sure if this matters at all to you.

I think those friend networks are for girls anyway! And all we need is good mates to drink with.

Don't be a woman. Unless you are one

I'm with you on that one.

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In my 8 years of being here I have made 1 Thai friend (Excluding my wife), and he has helped me on ways that I will not repeat in republic, having really put his neck and or reputation on the line for me.

With regards to what farangs can offer Thai girls that Thai men can't: Well asides from considering myself to be a moral person (Not suggesting that Thai men aren't), I think that maybe I offer my wife something 'different'.

Edited by globalj
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I think generally the culture/language/life-experience/rich-poor gap is much bigger then people realize.

In many respects this does not have to be a problem, in some respects you can never fully understand each other and a farang will always stay an outsider.

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