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Someone's watering down our rain parade  :Dhttp://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=33208

There is but ONE rain thread, all others are wet behind the ears :D

(Singing and dancing heartily encouraged here also;)

PS: it was raining like kittens and poodles in lower suk a while ago...

Nah... this thread is impossible to water down... :o

They're only singing about it... :D

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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Nah... this thread is impossible to water down...  :o

They're only singing about it...  :D

Sounds nuts but this thread is like an old friend...after a hectic day jumping puddles of late, it's a great stress reliever... may it never be doused :D


Hey, it rained twice during the 3 weeks I was in Pattaya this time (up to 16 May) ! I think each time it lasted a whole 30-45 seconds, kind of disappointing really, as we have no water in our building and I was looking forward to a warm shower !

Hey, it rained twice during the 3 weeks I was in Pattaya this time (up to 16 May) ! I think each time it lasted a whole 30-45 seconds, kind of disappointing really, as we have no water in our building and I was looking forward to a warm shower !

That's the siprit kerryd, jaidee etc- Now what about our tom, ozzy, crossy, harry et al, playing for the 'other side' splashing water in our faces as it were? Get out of that shower gents and sing us tune for a rainy day here...or is the 'other' thread some kind of sinister h2o overthrow plot....hmmm? :o

Hey, it rained twice during the 3 weeks I was in Pattaya this time (up to 16 May) ! I think each time it lasted a whole 30-45 seconds, kind of disappointing really, as we have no water in our building and I was looking forward to a warm shower !

That's the siprit kerryd, jaidee etc- Now what about our tom, ozzy, crossy, harry et al, playing for the 'other side' splashing water in our faces as it were? Get out of that shower gents and sing us tune for a rainy day here...or is the 'other' thread some kind of sinister h2o overthrow plot....hmmm? :o

Thought this thread was about Rain, not the ego, schoolyard competitiveness of mine's longer than yours?

(oh p*ss, sh*t, d*mn, I've contributed one more posting to their thread - smack, smack!)

No rain in CM and hot enough to boil a monkeys bum.

Do you have a recipe for this delicacy?

Quote from Monty Python when touring Australia and talking to the Queen.It wasn't raining then either. :D

HM or were they in Sidney?

Dunno. :D You cld try a search on google 'monty python bruce wine australia' probably best to leave out 'rain' though. :o

Can't be buggered. Anyway its pouring down with rain in this part of the UK and I've got to buy some beer for the wife.

I'm going to get wet and COLD. You remember cold, don't you? :D

Thanks for the info Ajarn....  Looks like we might get wet on Monday... :D

Ah well it just gives me another excuse for a bad round!

Not an Adventure Travel Kind-of-guy? :D

Gotta watch that lightening on a golf course, though, huh?

Wow, that really could be an adventure :D

Not a golf player, but as a former biker, some of my best memories are from sitting in a roadside sala during a downpour.... A great part of life here, in my book.

Only two things smell worse than wet leathers Ajarn. :o

I don't really have a book

Thanks for the info Ajarn....  Looks like we might get wet on Monday... :D

Ah well it just gives me another excuse for a bad round!

Not an Adventure Travel Kind-of-guy? :D

Gotta watch that lightening on a golf course, though, huh?

Wow, that really could be an adventure :D

Not a golf player, but as a former biker, some of my best memories are from sitting in a roadside sala during a downpour.... A great part of life here, in my book.

Only two things smell worse than wet leathers Ajarn. :o

I don't really have a book

Anybody's butt, and.......??

Even though I grew up in San Francisco, leather has never been my thing... :D

No rain in CM and hot enough to boil a monkeys bum.

Do you have a recipe for this delicacy?

Quote from Monty Python when touring Australia and talking to the Queen.It wasn't raining then either. :D

HM or were they in Sidney?

Dunno. :D You cld try a search on google 'monty python bruce wine australia' probably best to leave out 'rain' though. :o

Can't be buggered. Anyway its pouring down with rain in this part of the UK and I've got to buy some beer for the wife.

I'm going to get wet and COLD. You remember cold, don't you? :D

Just in case you have forgotten: Cold is that feeling you get when it's pissing down and you are facing 15 animals across a muddy cow patch, who the last time you played them beat you 60-nil; their pack is at least 20 stone heavier than yours, the ref has got his whistle to his mouth to start the game, and you realise you forgotten to put your jock on - that's COLD!

Just in case you have forgotten: Cold is that feeling you get when it's pissing down and you are facing 15 animals across a muddy cow patch, who the last time you played them beat you 60-nil; their pack is at least 20 stone heavier than yours, the ref has got his whistle to his mouth to start the game, and you realise you forgotten to put your jock on - that's COLD!

never played against a smaller pack and I'd never forget my jock :o

however, it's really warm in CM, with little chance of rain today :D

No rain in CM and hot enough to boil a monkeys bum.

Do you have a recipe for this delicacy?

Quote from Monty Python when touring Australia and talking to the Queen.It wasn't raining then either. :D

HM or were they in Sidney?

:D:D I was in Melbourne once when there was a gay parade :D . You think there are some weirdos in LoS? :D There's no competition! :o

Anway, backontopic3pu.gif , not much rain today in Phuket, but the well's full so wtf0xq.gif

This thread is longer than War and Peace...

and at least twice as entertaining! :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

  • 2 weeks later...

I prefer the rain in Thailand to the rain in England.

In England it spits pathetically all day, but in Thailand it all comes down with no mucking about and stops dead after a while.

I much prefer a heavy shower to a light one. (Don't start Doc) :o


Pissing down in Bkk right now, 19.04

Thunderous clouds brewing, I guess I'm stuck here for the night.

We need a HOT TOPIC??????????

A moderate amount of precipitation, thunder and a smidgen of lightning in Chiang Mai right now. :o

About 3 drops here. No real rain at my house for nearly a week... Still, it looks so green and beautiful out of town.. :D

It's drizzling here in the Uk.

I've just looked outside, and it looks like someone turned the colour off on the TV.

An old lady walked past with a headscarf and a tartan wheel bag. I smiled and she just looked away. The neighbour opposite was watching through his window as it happened. I looked at him, and he pretended to inspect his curtains, then walked off with his head down.

I've been leaving in this flat for the last 11 years and I still don't know my neighbours living next door, I only know there is an old lady in a wheelchair....maybe is the same lady? :o

It's drizzling here in the Uk.

I've just looked outside, and it looks like someone turned the colour off on the TV.

An old lady walked past with a headscarf and a tartan wheel bag. I smiled and she just looked away. The neighbour opposite was watching through his window as it happened. I looked at him, and he pretended to inspect his curtains, then walked off with his head down.

I've been leaving in this flat for the last 11 years and I still don't know my neighbours living next door, I only know there is an old lady in a wheelchair....maybe is the same lady? :o

Move immediately to Thailand,or at the latest after the pathetic attempt of a summer, don't continue that dreadful alienated existence that so many people are subjected to in the U.K.


It's ten oclock at night and the heavens have just opened up. It's absolutely hissing down . I'm at home, but I hope the pubs full of punters that can't :o


midnight in kanchanaburi and a gently splattering still falling, with a plip plop effect added from the roof overhang! Ahh hang on..... sorry the plip plop effect was the bathroom tap, there was i getting a poeticy feeling from it too. :o


The end of a Rainy Season in Kan

written in 2003 by kayo

I have come looking for a Rainbow.

'early days' : Sunrises


What peace, what beauty in this area.

The river Kwae flows discreetly in front of the house.

Frogs and crickets and gecko's practise their symphonies in the background of darkness.

My angel sleeps peacefully as I sit here in the garden with my notebook.

It's almost morning.

Time drifts by as gently as a leaf from a tree caught on a warm breezy day.

The world floats.

I don't know much, but ###### does this all feel so right.

Someone, somewhere dreams of life in paradise, love, liberty.

Spinning through empty voids, as a clock tick tocks in the distance,

a boat gently bobs on the River Kwai a lonely lad sits and wonders what will happen in his life.

Two long tail boats speed across the gentle waters, breaking the waves of silence, and I watch the ripples gently flow and softly fade.

New music plays to the tune of a thousand birds, and ten thousand insects find some shade as the first rays of sunshine burn the earth.

This place of a hundred thousand dead generations.

The tranquillity that has come to rest here is one of respect, love and memories.

This river once streamed red.

Kwae is a beautiful slowly meandering river, at this point about a hundred meters across.

Many parts of the water are covered with water lilies and lotus like plants. A old Thai man picks from these green plantations in his little wooden dinghy, and across the way a farmer herds his buffalo into the water.

A baby plays in this morning calm, quietly adding to the fluttering songs of the world.

Across the banks I see the green trees and dusty banks recently cleared of overgrown shrubbery.

Farther off in the distance my horizon is broken by the foothills and mountains that mark the border with Burma.

Today my angel and I would part company.


'middle earth': Sunsets.

The winds have turned these past few days.

The mountains on the horizon have now faded to black shadows, resembling cloud banks, though waver they do not.

A long-tail boat drifts gently by, engine extinguished as it's pilot raises a rain shelter to protect the two fa-rang customers. The rains, playing their first encore before the season ends, have been fairly consistent and one day has become a week has become ten days.

I have travelled more than five hundred kilometres by motorcycle in the last two or three days and seen some of the most beautiful sights I have seen in a long long time, including the Erawan waterfalls, only to return to Kan.

The air does not move and the days are the same.

The locals and I have taken to each-other immensely.

On any given day I sit with backpackers and local 'respectable' men and women. A teacher from BKK whom I have known for almost two years, since I left Koh Chang, joins and a couple of off-duty bar-girls too.

An interesting mix of acquaintances and friends and a lingering loneliness at my angel's absence.

The long-termer ex-pats have been friendly and accepting of a young lad who begins to be aware of his place here, in this land of smiles and chilli's and dogs and children and gold leaf and, and, and... (squat toilets, ice in your beer, rum called whisky and whisky called rum, pork called moo).

This is my home.

This is my country.

The five tones that are central to the structure of the language confuse most of us to start with. Two is quite sufficient for me at the moment. Seeing some of the ex-pats speak the language well, in some cases within a year and a half, is highly encouraging, however.

I have already pleasantly surprised myself with the level of bare basics I can manage.

The innumerable tones of a lady's mind I can positively confirm is the same regardless of cultural differences, although perhaps more nuanced here in the land of smiles, and I have been learning this the hard way.

The winds have turned these past few days.

They have turned.

A million miles of nothing.

Smells left on pillows in distant lands refresh the shutters of memorable moments.

The river Kwai flows more briskly on this day. The rains of the past days have raised the water level slightly, and the recently cleared dusty banks across the way are slowly regaining their colours as new life gorges itself on freshly watered soils.

Mai pen lai. One of my favorite sayings in Thai. No worries, no problems.

Mai pen lai. We sit and we watch the world go by. It is a fascinating world. It is a great place to be.

Next time you see me sitting in a bar somewhere, please remind me I don’ t have to be doing anything. I don’ t have to be speaking.

Please remind me that I can just be.

Remind me that I can just sit and watch the world go by.

Come rain or sunshine, we are all under this blue sky.


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