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I've taken a fancy to one of the new houses on sale at Land & House in Chalong and decided to approach the Sales Office to begin purchasing discussions, the conversation was quite remarkable and went something like this:

ME: I like the house but if I were to buy it there are some things I would wish to change before I buy.

SALES: Cannot make changes.

ME: Well, the kitchen cabinets are a bit odd, why don't you not bother building any and I'll buy my own and fit them later, this will save you some time and money and it will make me happier.

SALES: Cannot make any changes, you must have the kitchen cabinets.

ME: Hmm. Well what about the trees in the garden, can you just hold off planting them until we've moved in and had a chance to design a garden of our liking.

SALES: No, the trees must be planted according to the plan, before you move in.

ME: OK, well can you not put wall paper on all the walls, just leave them bare and I'll paint them after we move in.

SALES: No, wall paper must be installed.

And so on and so on, it seems that a purchaser must take delivery of the house in its complete and final form and absolutely nothing can be changed beforehand. I even asked if there was any way I could pay for some of the things not to be done and I was told it's not possible. It seems they have a system of quality control that involves inspections of the final product by three separate people and they seem to be very proud of this fact - every house we sell will be perfect said the Sales lady. Well yes, perfect perhaps from your perspective but what the customers viewpoint? It seems I may have to walk away from this deal and am surprised to see a company such as Land and House being so totally inflexible and not considering for one moment the customers needs.


Our daughter and her boyfriend has bought a house there more than a year ago, can't say anything bad only the water pressure is quit low, stronger pump was needed.

After one year the house was inspected and anything was fixed if needed. Perhaps it's the warranty is the reason that they don't like to change from the plans.


Would have asked to speak to someone higher up the food chain ... pretty absurd attitude and not what I experienced when I talked to L&H a long time ago - didn't end up living there, but staff were helpful back then.


I have friends in the real estate business in Phuket who speculate that L & H might be running an extremely "tax efficient" operation in Phuket and this accounts for thier immovable position. It seems that L & H in Chalong is comprised of two companies, L & H who owns the land and also provides Sales support - a second company that is a part of the L & H group provides construction services. The hand off between the two companies is seamless as long as the basic stock product is sold but if the product is varied this causes accounting problems and exposes the costs associated with the land and the house product. It is for this reason that L & H will only sell their houses in a single transaction and only to a Thai person. Separating out the two components of the sale, such as in the case of a sale of the house AND a lease of the land identifies to the Land Office the true cost of both components. Whether or not any of this true and correct remains unclear but it certainly does seem to be plausible and would account for their odd behavior.

  • 4 weeks later...

I think that Land & house in Chalong is one of the best places to stay in Phuket. The area is secured and the surroundings are nice and clean.

The houses are not only build by land & house. There also private parties who own land and make there own houses for sale and rent.

In area Muntana is land for sale to make your own house.

The houses in Thailand are made almost everywhere with the same quality products, but of course there are exceptions.

If you bought from Land and House, then you'll have guarantee. Try this with other contractors in Thailand. I think you'll miss the boat.

I think for sure that you could make changes in the house. You have to speak with the manager and not with the sales department.

They have standard rules and that is good otherwise everybody do what he wants and then Land and House would look like a Christmas tree same like Patong :D


I think that Land & house in Chalong is one of the best places to stay in Phuket. The area is secured and the surroundings are nice and clean.

I know someone who lives on the estate and they have told me that he knows of at least four burglaries this year.

I agree, it is a nice estate, but, don't fool yourself into thinking that it is secure.


I guess we've been quite lucky. We saw a development in Cherngtalay about 3 years ago and loved the location but not the houses. We got a similar response to the original poster - can't change anything. About 18 months ago we saw that the developers had changed, and we made further enquiries.

The upshot is that we bought the house, having sat down with the architect and the developers and changed it beyond all recognition from the original plans. I'm happy to say that we moved in a couple of weeks ago (just before we had to return to the UK) and are impressed with the quality - including the finishing. We have always been told that Thai finishing is poor etc etc, but this development is wholly Thai (no farang involvement at all) and is outstanding. I hope it stays that way! And the price didn't go up, either.

BTW, we have another house on a nearby development where there is a 49% farang involvement. Quality is no more than ok, numerous attempts at tying us in to overpriced maintenance contracts for everything, and the farang has shown himself to be a liar time and again.


Went to see land and house a few years ago when we first thought of moving here, agree totally, no movement at all on installations and the build quality was unbeleivably bad.

On top of that it struck us as a souless place so ran away asap much to the agents suprise that we walk away from 'Falang heaven'

I think that Land & house in Chalong is one of the best places to stay in Phuket. The area is secured and the surroundings are nice and clean.

I know someone who lives on the estate and they have told me that he knows of at least four burglaries this year.

I agree, it is a nice estate, but, don't fool yourself into thinking that it is secure.

Glad to see someone else saying this. We call that "looks like security". It is the security that exists in 99% of all residential developments and high rise buildings in Thailand. Security is by untrained, unmotivated staff that have no idea how to assess a threat or react to a problem. A facade of security arrangements but nothing that would deter even the most amateur criminals. But it allows the developer/management to put "24 Hour Security" in their advertising. Everywhere we've been, they would more accurately be described as "24 Hour Parking Attendants".

That being said, no one in today's world should depend on anyone but themselves for their home security. Yes, the developers have the obligation to make the grounds within the perimeter safe. But the individual homeowner needs to take control of their property and home, inside and out, to ensure that they and their family are safe.


Said with smile on face whilst rubbing hands together briskly.......

That's a very offensive remark, Sir Burr. Maybe you are expressing what would be your own motivation for your actions but that is not true of me.

I started consulting here only for one reason: I was horrified when the nanny and baby were stabbed to death in a Phuket home about 18 months ago. I knew I had the knowledge and experience to do something positive about it, although it is not an enjoyable or particularly profitable profession.

Advanced security techniques, the need for them, and criminal methodology were things I had left behind many years ago. But when I looked further into the situation in Thailand, I saw an endemic lack of security in almost every home, development and high rise building. I felt that someone had better do something to try to reverse the crime trend before it became irreversible.

When I speak out trying to motivate people to stop whining and start protecting themselves, you accuse me of being mercenary. It is this kind of sarcasm and ego-centric blathering that gives people the feeling that they should laugh at things that can save their lives.

The next time there is an article about someone murdered in their home, a tragedy that could have been prevented if they had good home security, be sure to write a smart ass posting about that too. OK?


Said with smile on face whilst rubbing hands together briskly.......

When I speak out trying to motivate people to stop whining and start protecting themselves, you accuse me of being mercenary. It is this kind of sarcasm and ego-centric blathering that gives people the feeling that they should laugh at things that can save their lives.

The next time there is an article about someone murdered in their home, a tragedy that could have been prevented if they had good home security, be sure to write a smart ass posting about that too. OK?

Here we go again................

Maximum Security's scare-monger tactics, and if you mention something about crime around here you're a "whiner".

Mods-blatant advertising no? Can I use my company's name as my Avatar?

The next time there is an article about someone murdered in their home, a tragedy that could have been prevented if they had good home security, be sure to write a smart ass posting about that too. OK?

I would never make a smart-arse comment about someone who was robbed with violence (I've been a victim myself), but, you're fair game.

So, your motivation is purely altruistic, your time is free and you supply the security equipment at cost?

If a doctor replies to a medical post and makes suggestions as to how one can improve one's health, is s/he mercernary or trying to motivate people to take better care of themselves? If a therapist makes suggestions about how to stop drinking, is that rubbing his hands together in glee or a hope that someone can be helped?

1) I said nothing about hiring me, just that security is terrible and people need to stop waiting for someone else to protect them.

2) We do not sell any equipment or "rent" security personnel. We provide knowledge and advice, so of course we don't do it for free, just like every other professional, ie doctor, lawyer, architect, real estate broker, accountant, business consultant, advertising agent.

3) We already offered free advice to the residents and business owners of Rawai on what needed to be done to stop the motorbike attacks.

4) We donate 30% of all fees to charities of the clients' choice.

Any more accusations?

I started consulting here only for one reason: I was horrified when the nanny and baby were stabbed to death in a Phuket home about 18 months ago. I knew I had the knowledge and experience to do something positive about it, although it is not an enjoyable or particularly profitable profession.

You know that the crime you mention was committed by a blood relative dont you ?? the murderer was the illegitimate 'second son' of the gold shop owner to the mia noi, hence the murder was family based jealousy to remove the other sibling.

So please explain how your security service stops inter family blood fueds please ?? I am all ears.

So, your motivation is purely altruistic, your time is free and you supply the security equipment at cost?

If a doctor replies to a medical post and makes suggestions as to how one can improve one's health, is s/he mercernary or trying to motivate people to take better care of themselves? If a therapist makes suggestions about how to stop drinking, is that rubbing his hands together in glee or a hope that someone can be helped?

Same argument you used the last time around. Dang this gets old.................ever heard the expression "beating a dead horse"?


I would like to thank the Three Wise Men for making it clear to this old fool that ThaiVisa forum is actually a medium for reprobates and malcontents to insult and criticize others, in an effort to mollify their own feelings of inadequacy resulting from having nothing worthwhile, helpful or contributory to say.

For some reason, I thought the idea was to share ideas and concepts that might help improve each other's lives and the general welfare of the community. Finally after all this time in Thailand, I understand that if I want to post on this forum, I must emulate these erudite fellows and express only baseless opinions founded on rumor, heresay or my own deluded self-importance, using accusations and sarcasm rather than facts, education, training, experience and compassion.

Because that's what can really make a difference to everyone in Phuket. I don't know what I was thinking!

I would like to thank the Three Wise Men for making it clear to this old fool that ThaiVisa forum is actually a medium for reprobates and malcontents to insult and criticize others, in an effort to mollify their own feelings of inadequacy resulting from having nothing worthwhile, helpful or contributory to say.

For some reason, I thought the idea was to share ideas and concepts that might help improve each other's lives and the general welfare of the community. Finally after all this time in Thailand, I understand that if I want to post on this forum, I must emulate these erudite fellows and express only baseless opinions founded on rumor, heresay or my own deluded self-importance, using accusations and sarcasm rather than facts, education, training, experience and compassion.

Because that's what can really make a difference to everyone in Phuket. I don't know what I was thinking!

I agree company logos should not be used as avatars


having said that, I think a lot of sense has emanated from "Maximum Security"

Too much knife wielding and gun toting going on;

but it's not just in Phuket

Look at The weekly newspapers from England;

It's a world problem .


personally i would like to hear what people have to say before they are shot down. It is up to the individual to make the choice on whether he is just advertsing his services or scaremongering but eitherways , i would like to hear people out. Personally by reading I learn something from these posts, spare a thought for others...


Without spoiling the thread, I hope that all those thinking of security remember the importance of smoke alarms and battery checks. I was in my friend's place a few months ago to visit his newborn and I didn't see one smoke detector. He's installed a couple now.


In general I don't agree with Maximum Security and think he is scare mongering. But he has a right to say what he thinks and feels, and if he happens to be in the business (probably because of his feelings regarding security), no problem.

  • 6 months later...
I think that Land & house in Chalong is one of the best places to stay in Phuket. The area is secured and the surroundings are nice and clean.

I know someone who lives on the estate and they have told me that he knows of at least four burglaries this year.

I agree, it is a nice estate, but, don't fool yourself into thinking that it is secure.

Glad to see someone else saying this. We call that "looks like security". It is the security that exists in 99% of all residential developments and high rise buildings in Thailand. Security is by untrained, unmotivated staff that have no idea how to assess a threat or react to a problem. A facade of security arrangements but nothing that would deter even the most amateur criminals. But it allows the developer/management to put "24 Hour Security" in their advertising. Everywhere we've been, they would more accurately be described as "24 Hour Parking Attendants".

That being said, no one in today's world should depend on anyone but themselves for their home security. Yes, the developers have the obligation to make the grounds within the perimeter safe. But the individual homeowner needs to take control of their property and home, inside and out, to ensure that they and their family are safe.

I am considering, not in the near term but rather the medium term, a house purchase in Phuket, probably Chalong, Rawai. I have an infant and Thai wife and am concerned about our safety/security at home and whilst out and about.

I would like to what measures are available to enforce our saftey, and how effective they are.

As I say, I am not looking at purchasing anything today, but am interest to know whats available for later.

After reading the articles in the Phuket Gazette recently, and being mugged myself just out-side patong... The more paranoid side of me can picture myself laying awake at night monitoring the CCTV, with a fully automatic slung over my shoulder, and the remote control in my hand to the remotely operated centuries placed at each corner of the garden... The more intelectual side knows I've watched too many movies, but then again this is Thailand....

I would like to thank the Three Wise Men for making it clear to this old fool that ThaiVisa forum is actually a medium for reprobates and malcontents to insult and criticize others, in an effort to mollify their own feelings of inadequacy resulting from having nothing worthwhile, helpful or contributory to say.

For some reason, I thought the idea was to share ideas and concepts that might help improve each other's lives and the general welfare of the community. Finally after all this time in Thailand, I understand that if I want to post on this forum, I must emulate these erudite fellows and express only baseless opinions founded on rumor, heresay or my own deluded self-importance, using accusations and sarcasm rather than facts, education, training, experience and compassion.

Because that's what can really make a difference to everyone in Phuket. I don't know what I was thinking!

I think you are 100% right to get electronic security in your home. This is the only real protection YOU can count on because the thieves aren't very smart and easily run off like the 24 Hour Parking Attendants. My next door neighbor had some sensors on his windows and one early night while he was home someone tried to pry open the widow which the monitor alerted him and he called the police. The cops gave chase but didn't catch them (2).

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