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Things I Find Confusing In Pattaya


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The tangled electrical wiring. It looks like Spaghetti! How do the electricians ever find the wire they are looking for to restore or cut power? Defies explanation.

I've often wondered that too and why aren't they underground aswell so we don't have to look at them.

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The tangled electrical wiring. It looks like Spaghetti! How do the electricians ever find the wire they are looking for to restore or cut power? Defies explanation.

They just pull a new wire. They never remove the old problem/unused wire. In a few years you have the rats nests.

Edited by Phil Conners
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No one has the knowledge of what goes where so when they replace something they daren't cut the old wires cos they don't know what they are doing.

Like all of Thailand, why don't they make the pavements once and do it properly instead of doing a half arsed job and having to re-do it every few years.

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No one has the knowledge of what goes where so when they replace something they daren't cut the old wires cos they don't know what they are doing.

Like all of Thailand, why don't they make the pavements once and do it properly instead of doing a half arsed job and having to re-do it every few years.

cos it would n't be thailand if they did

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The tangled mess I see every time I go there fascinates me , although the night we were having a meal in the Russian type restaraunt (Rasputins I think) in Walking Street & rain water from the leaking ceiling dripped onto the table & the table light & it BLEW was entertaining & a hel_l of an adrenilin rush.

The meal went ahead with a nice Black Circular scorch mark on the Tablecloth.................only in Pattaya??

Then I think of all the Blackouts , Brownouts , Pole Fires ,even a fire causing death we have here in Perth with this incompetent bl..dy Western Power Corp.

In the SWAN Valley , the Wine Tourist area they are still propping up leaning Wooden Power Poles by driving multiple steel stakes into the ground...ya gotta wonder !!


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The tangled electrical wiring. It looks like Spaghetti! How do the electricians ever find the wire they are looking for to restore or cut power? Defies explanation.

What confuses you?

it confuses me that you are confused.

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The tangled electrical wiring. It looks like Spaghetti! How do the electricians ever find the wire they are looking for to restore or cut power? Defies explanation.

I've often wondered that too and why aren't they underground aswell so we don't have to look at them.

it is too dark underground. the electricity might not find its way.

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it is too dark underground. the electricity might not find its way.


That wouldn't be the worst excuse I've ever heard, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually did say something like that !

But Thailand isn't the only place to have such problems. Here are some fine examples fro India:



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No one has the knowledge of what goes where so when they replace something they daren't cut the old wires cos they don't know what they are doing.

Like all of Thailand, why don't they make the pavements once and do it properly instead of doing a half arsed job and having to re-do it every few years.

Erm, in London ( SUPPOSEDLY first world ) they seem to dig up the same roads/ pavements every few weeks.

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No one has the knowledge of what goes where so when they replace something they daren't cut the old wires cos they don't know what they are doing.

Like all of Thailand, why don't they make the pavements once and do it properly instead of doing a half arsed job and having to re-do it every few years.

This applies to building condos as well ! It is ridiculous that a 10 year old condo

block neeeds refurbishing in this country !

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The tangled electrical wiring. It looks like Spaghetti! How do the electricians ever find the wire they are looking for to restore or cut power? Defies explanation.

They just pull a new wire. They never remove the old problem/unused wire. In a few years you have the rats nests.

I live in San Francisco and for most of the 40 years that I've lived here the wires outside my front window also looked like a very ample helping of Spaghetti. Then, a couple of years ago, the powers-that-be came along and removed the excess. They carted off truckload after truckload of wires away !! (I sort of miss them) (sort of)

Yes, when there is a problem with a line they generally just run a new one. Sorting out which one is which is, obviously, a horrendous job.

As to putting wires underground: It is very very expensive. A very rich friend of mine wanted the wires near his house put under ground at his own expense. He was quoted an estimate of $3,000,000. They are still high in the air.

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Obviously (I didn't check), they put the wiring along Beach Road under-ground.

Now they're thinking about taking care of the wiring of Pattaya Klaang, especially with the upper-arm thick power cable for Central Plaza on 2nd Road/Beach Road (under construction) coming up.

BTW, I think that most cables, causing the spaghetti-look, are ToT, TT&T, Sophon and other cables.

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It is confusing to me that the taxi and baht bus service is very easy to use, but it is aimed solely at bringing you into the city.

But, try to get back out and it is a lot more difficult with limited routes and such.

And I always thought that they wanted you to come into the city/spend all of your money, and then get out!!!

Edited by innovator
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  • 1 month later...

What confuses me this month is: Has anyone else noticed the latest LCD TV WASTE Phenomena??

I have recently noticed that it has become trendy for every thai company,office,shop, etc etc to have a large LCD tv installed on the wall and then NEVER TURN IT ON!!

TOT (new offices south pattaya road) has aprox 12 expensive new LCD TV screens that are always OFF)

Some shops in the phone section (second floor Tukom) have now put expensive LCDs in. yes, youve guessed it. always OFF

take a look your self you will see this Phenomena everywhere in Thai owned places,

Every Dentist and Bank now has LCDs also turned off.

Pattaya Imigration also has LCD TVS OFF, and public computers for free internet also OFF and free water bottle despenser with NO CUPS.

Does anyone know why they dont bother to turn the TVs on?

Is it something similar to the "lets keep the Selophane on everything"

Is it just to show off a display of wealth and look modern?

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What confuses me this month is: Has anyone else noticed the latest LCD TV WASTE Phenomena??

I have recently noticed that it has become trendy for every thai company,office,shop, etc etc to have a large LCD tv installed on the wall and then NEVER TURN IT ON!!

TOT (new offices south pattaya road) has aprox 12 expensive new LCD TV screens that are always OFF)

Some shops in the phone section (second floor Tukom) have now put expensive LCDs in. yes, youve guessed it. always OFF

take a look your self you will see this Phenomena everywhere in Thai owned places,

Every Dentist and Bank now has LCDs also turned off.

Pattaya Imigration also has LCD TVS OFF, and public computers for free internet also OFF and free water bottle despenser with NO CUPS.

Does anyone know why they dont bother to turn the TVs on?

Is it something similar to the "lets keep the Selophane on everything"

Is it just to show off a display of wealth and look modern?

Your font is hurting my eyes!

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