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Be Careful With Atms At Paragon


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i do think my card was copied from the machine that day. luckily my bank wrote it off as fraud.

Doubt it, what you experienced was a ATM (machine) reboot, not a skimming-event, as the readers are positioned at the slot-in and read everything it needs on insertion of the card. It goes as quick (as it is the same thing, basically) as when they swipe an credit card in a shops cash register.

ATMs rebooting happens and is nothing unusual.

Most likely your card was skimmed when everything seemed to work fine in another ATM.

(And while most online shops do require CVV2 not everyone does. Less so foreign online shops that manually handle the transaction on their end. It's the automated (integrated) solutions that requires CVV2.)

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Love your posts Girlx! Unlike some of us, whose lives are as predictable as the sunrise, you are out and about. Notice all the people who say "I always..."

I am one of them. If I take a different route anywhere, I get lost!

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why is it, I wonder, that everything that can go wrong in Thailand to anyone has happened to girlx?

maybe i just have a more interesting life than you do bendix... i remember you saying i had a "victim mentality" before and i had to prove you wrong with a newspaper article... don't make me do it again. your assumptions about me are wrong.

i do think my card was copied from the machine that day. luckily my bank wrote it off as fraud.

I am pretty sure the same happened to me in Chiang Mai at a KrungThai bank ATM few days ago. it was on the basement floor INSIDE the GadSuanGaew-Mall ! I always try to avoid ATMs outside on the road. I have no clue how that could happen, but fact is that I hadnt used my card (this time I had to withdraw from a credit-card and not from my regular ATM-cash-card) for 3 weeks before that. on the 7th this month I withdrew money, and on the 9th a "test-transaction" was made from the US, charging 1 Us-Dollar. after that worked fine, someone tried to do several transactions in the US. thanks god my bank in Europe was on the ball as usual and blocked the card quickly. I still dont know all details, but probably there is no damage. except the hassle to wait for a new card to be sent from Europe.

what I want to say with that: such things DO happen, cards ARE BEING COPIED, and often you have no chance to protect yourself.

remember the story a few days ago, where a Malaysian was arrested in Thailand for working for a US-syndicate. they caused a damage of - if I remember that right - 150 Million Baht ? US$ ? sorry dont remember but doesnt matter anyway. they stole data from reputable retail chains such as OFFICE DISCOUNT by hi-jacking the data-transfer.....

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I had my credit card copied at an ATM on Sukhumvit soi 11 about 2 years ago. My bank rang me about 2 weeks after I had returned to Australia, someone had made purchases totalling $14,000 AUD. There were jewellery purchases, TV's, $3000 karaoke bar tabs, someone had a real party with my money. The funny thing was I did some research on all the the items and one was a charge at a clinic called the Sukhonta clinic in Bangkok, an HIV treatment centre, karma I guess.

My bank immediately issued a new card and refunded all the money in full upon me signing a simple declaration however the whole process took 2 or 3 months.

This ATM was located in a very busy area, I wouldn't be surprised at all if these criminal gangs were able to install them in shopping centres.

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I would think that when an ATM malfunctions, a bank employee, not a security guard, would attend to it rather quickly. Unless, of course, someone knows what's going on.

If the ATM, simply needed to 're-boot', I would think they would know and be able to explain this.

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what you experienced was a ATM (machine) reboot,

also it wouldn't seem like it the transaction would go through if it was just a re-boot?

The machine are set to re-boot on critical failure. This can happen during many different stages of the procedure.

It ones happened to me just as I was about to select if I wanted to have a receipt or not. Saw it happen to one machine as the guy just got his card out and the next one was approaching it. Waiting 2 minutes for the machine to come back up online and all was fine.

A card skimmer doesn't affect the machines hardware in any way and so is designed to be un-noticable. If it locked your card inside or forced an odd reboot/freeze, it would be highly noticeable and a very bad solution.

This besides the whole point that to get the data of the card one only needs to swipe it, which is done during the insertion of the card by the reader on the outside...

Edited by TAWP
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I have mostly stopped using ATM's in Thailand. If you are lucky enough and your card doesn't get eaten or copied then the ATM can spit out fake 1000 baht notes to you. The solution to ATM scams and hassles its to simply stop using them.

What I have started doing instead is going to my bank on the first of the month with my passbook and withdrawing all of the cash I think I will need for the month. I also quickly examine the bills at the counter to make sure they have a watermark and are real.

The cash I then keep hidden in a safe place in my apartment to use as I need it. Also, its not a lot of cash because I pay all my big expenses on the day I get the cash from the bank so I am not worried about the cash getting ripped off here. My place is very safe.

It is a relief not to have to deal with ATM's anymore or have to look over my shoulder when i am withdrawing 10 -or 20k.

But the best thing about this is that it has been very helpful as far as helping me to watch my budget. Before, whenever I needed cash I would just get 10k from the nearest ATM and I would lose track of how many times per month I did this or how long the last 10k lasted. Now as I watch the cash go down during the month I am more conscious of my spending habits.

Now on the 15th of the month if the cash money is running low, I stop spending so much. In the old days I would just go to the ATM and withdraw another 10k and not think so much about it.

Using the passbook is better.

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Love your posts Girlx! Unlike some of us, whose lives are as predictable as the sunrise, you are out and about. Notice all the people who say "I always..."

I am one of them. If I take a different route anywhere, I get lost!

Both of you post over 1000 posts a year, are out and about and lost but when do you sleep ?

I mean being out there takes lot of time and all you seem to do is to hang out in TV forums all day..... :o

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I also quickly examine the bills at the counter to make sure they have a watermark and are real.

I doubt you'd get phony bills at a bank counter -- or at an ATM attached to a bank -- as these bills are screened somewhere between receipt and reissue within the banking system. But, I guess, a dishonest clerk could swap out good for bad bills.......

Are there bemused looks as you hold the bills up to the light? Or is everyone doing that these days (I havent' been inside my bank in ages, as I only use their ATM machine)?

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Both of you post over 1000 posts a year, are out and about and lost but when do you sleep ?

I mean being out there takes lot of time and all you seem to do is to hang out in TV forums all day..... whistling.gif

true but i for one work on the internet from home, and take lots of "breaks" :o

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Girlx is so thin ,she could have got her body into the machine via the card slip and retrieved her card . :o

Girlx is so thin

1. How do you know?

2. Why do you care?

You constantly stalk her on TV - Get a life?

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