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Really Insane Things Around Pattaya


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Farangs who visited Pattaya ONCE several years ago who have become Pattaya experts and post on Thai Visa.

Then there are the Pattaya experts who actually live in Pattaya and have become Thailand experts who post on Thai Visa.

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I'll start with:

The pavement slabs with the raised "guides" for blind people that actually lead them directly into power poles!

Zebra crossings that fool new visitors into thinking the cars will stop for them when crossing the road.

When I complain about these things to my Thai wife, she usually replies "It is already good here, you should go to India!", although she has never been to India, I tend to agree :o

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The pavement slabs with the raised "guides" for blind people that actually lead them directly into power poles!

I disagree. The Thai "blind" beggars aren't led directly into power poles...they are led directly into the beer bar where they pester me for money. :o

Ahhhh - the Blind Beggar.

Was OK before it became a tourist attraction.

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Reading this thread has scared me and shown that #1 - maybe I've been living in Thailand for too long or #2 - I definitely need to get out of the country soon and go home for a visit.

Most of the things mentioned here don't seem strange or insane to me right now -- just life as usual in Patters.


Edited by Beacher
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Being stranded in the middle of the road with wife, baby and a pram, no drivers giving way allowing us to cross to the other side. Some drivers even speeding up to reduce gaps in traffic, so that we don't slow 'them' down by crossing in front of them first. Although usually Thai drivers (being the main drivers here of course), an example with a farang just yesterday in his Toyota 4x4 speeding up so that we don't slow him down, but managing to get across first, to which he opened his window and warned in a negative way that I should watch myself as this is Thailand. I know he was warning me to keep out of his way. I know you guys will say this is Thailand and accept it, but where's the common decency in not letting a family with baby cross the road? Would have thought a farang would know better at least. By the way, some Thai and farang drivers have given way, something I acknowledge each time, but are definitely in the minority, sorry to say.

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I bought a Fuji Japanese Restaurant membership card this week which is good for discounts via credit accumulation. They give a temporary paper card while the plastic card is being prepared. I had lunch at Fuji today and was told the temp card is not valid for the credit accumulation scheme. I said to the waitress, "so would you suggest I not eat here until my plastic card is ready?" Silly marketing. My little contribution to Insane Things Around Pattaya.

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Slightly off topic but, - Years back people would come to the Far East and get themselves a nice safari suit and walk around looking like............

Now they shave their heads, get tatoo's and wear vests, anyone want to start a new trend!

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Farang neighbours who buy a great big puppy dog, then leave it alone all day in misery and lonliness. It barks, whines, and howls all day. I don't know much about dogs but I think it just wants attention. It's quiet and wags its tail hopefully if you walk past it, so it's not exactly a guard dog.

They don't care, they're rarely here. I doubt they've bothered to give it any training either so it can grow up into a nice dog.

I would feel sorry for it, other than the fact that we had a huge dog turd on our verandah today (despite walls and a gate - not yet sure how it got in). It would've been bad enough on the garden but a big turd on the tiled verandah just beside the entrance to the house is really too much to have to put up with.

It's insane to get a dog and then treat it like that - and create such a nuisance for the neighbours.

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The motocy drivers that zoom out of a side street onto a main road in front of a fast moving car without even looking.

The car drivers that stop at the junction of a side street to a main road, look, see a fast moving car is coming and then pull out in front of it causing the driver to slow down or swerve even though the road behind is completely clear.

Motocy that drive just the other side of the line in the right hand lane and block progress of cars when the left hand is completely empty.

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Guys, can we please not discuss BGs, as the thread will just get terminated.

Buying two for one packs of stuff in the supermarket that costs more than two of the individual packs


Thank God, I really I was the only one and I didn't dare to talk about it. Isn't it amazing?

A 2-pack of orange juice THB 124.00 or 2 single packs of the same orange; THB 54.00 EACH

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Farang neighbours who buy a great big puppy dog, then leave it alone all day in misery and lonliness. It barks, whines, and howls all day. I don't know much about dogs but I think it just wants attention. It's quiet and wags its tail hopefully if you walk past it, so it's not exactly a guard dog.

They don't care, they're rarely here. I doubt they've bothered to give it any training either so it can grow up into a nice dog.

I would feel sorry for it, other than the fact that we had a huge dog turd on our verandah today (despite walls and a gate - not yet sure how it got in). It would've been bad enough on the garden but a big turd on the tiled verandah just beside the entrance to the house is really too much to have to put up with.

It's insane to get a dog and then treat it like that - and create such a nuisance for the neighbours.

You must be living around my place!!

Chairman of the U.A.D.

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I think it is Soi 1 off of Beach Road where on either side of the Soi are drainage channels for rain water, that exactly don't line up with the drains. They are off-set by about 15cm at every drain point. Either the channel or the drains were installed first - the second set of workmen must have noticed something not quite right but - better not to ask for guidance from the boss isn't it ?

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Farangs that come here and then whine because things aren't like they are "back home". :o

Idiots who defend against any critisism regarding absoulutey anything about Thailand. Usualy flip flop wearing wannabe Thais, who shold be extreminated for denying their own heritage. They can usualy be identified by their willingness to jump at any chance to critizie and condem their own race - traitors :D

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Guys, can we please not discuss BGs, as the thread will just get terminated.

Buying two for one packs of stuff in the supermarket that costs more than two of the individual packs


Thank God, I really I was the only one and I didn't dare to talk about it. Isn't it amazing?

A 2-pack of orange juice THB 124.00 or 2 single packs of the same orange; THB 54.00 EACH

Carrefour -

Single can of Shweppes tonic water = 12 baht

Pack of 24 = 311 baht

Friendship -

Can not buy a can of ginger beer between 2pm and 5pm

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Farangs that come here and then whine because things aren't like they are "back home". :o

Idiots who defend against any critisism regarding absoulutey anything about Thailand. Usualy flip flop wearing wannabe Thais, who shold be extreminated for denying their own heritage. They can usualy be identified by their willingness to jump at any chance to critizie and condem their own race - traitors :D

:D :D

As opposed to those who seem to think that because they have travelled half-way around the world to be here, the locals should change everything to suit them, while still keeping the cheap prices and other attractions that brought those visitors in the first place ?

I don't recall ever denying my heritage, or "condemning" my own race, but then, I look at others as people, not different races.

Oh yeah, any time you want to try and "extreminate" me (or if you prefer a real word, "exterminate"), bring it on. :D

Another thing I do find really insane, is the number of brick walls here. There are far too many walls for the few farangs that enjoy beating their heads against them. :(

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Farangs that come here and then whine because things aren't like they are "back home". :o

Idiots who defend against any critisism regarding absoulutey anything about Thailand. Usualy flip flop wearing wannabe Thais, who shold be extreminated for denying their own heritage. They can usualy be identified by their willingness to jump at any chance to critizie and condem their own race - traitors :D

Tossers that troll the posts so they can make irrelevant 'racism/racist' comments.

The ons that cant spel propelry are relly bad.

(Typos my arse!)

Edited by NanLaew
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Guys, can we please not discuss BGs, as the thread will just get terminated.

Buying two for one packs of stuff in the supermarket that costs more than two of the individual packs

Along these same lines - buying a case of Pepsi costs the same or five Baht more than 24 individual cans.

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The farang cycling about on a push bike all in gold with a big hat who looks like hes lost emu, what's all that about?

I was wondering what happened to WEHO

I can assure you that Weho is alive and well, and still causing fits over the most petty of things. BUt we can't talk too much about Weho or this thread will be closed :o

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The complete lack of new Thai business owners who don't think outside the box. Laundry shop, small market, hair dresser/salon, postal service and internet cafe... Any new row of shophouses that are built will have only these types of businesses - even if there's a hair salon two doors down, someone will open up another hair salon. Here, and Thailand in general is the lack of small, family-owned specialty shops. You have to do to Carrefour, Index or Boonthavorn to find items like these when I would much rather spend a few extra baht and give the money to a small Thai business.

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The complete lack of new Thai business owners who don't think outside the box. Laundry shop, small market, hair dresser/salon, postal service and internet cafe... Any new row of shophouses that are built will have only these types of businesses - even if there's a hair salon two doors down, someone will open up another hair salon. Here, and Thailand in general is the lack of small, family-owned specialty shops. You have to do to Carrefour, Index or Boonthavorn to find items like these when I would much rather spend a few extra baht and give the money to a small Thai business.

I'm not so sure this is unique to Thailand. Believe me, it is even worse in South Korea....

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Sending a present that cost 500 Baht and the recipient being taxed an extra 10 Euro by the Customs Department if he/she wants to receive it.

Paying extra money for everything you buy to get it recollected and processed as garbage when it doesn't work anymore (Recupbel).

Seeing how a serial child molester (Dutroux) and his pals are escaping his guards while reading how he could escape conviction.

Seeing how a speeding drunk guy in a big Mercedes crashes my mother on the doorstep, 6 meters off the road, get back on the road and stops 100 meters further away, and in court my dead mother is declared guilty because "it was evening and she was dressed in dark clothes". Thus the judge convicts the family of the defunct to pay 120,000 Baht in damages to the Mercedes.


I was talking about my own (fuc_king) country ............................

(Look at your own country before complaining about another country.

Loose translation of a well known idiom.)

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I always love it when I see one of the following:

A Thai lady in her early twenties walking down the street with a farang guy in a wheelchair who has an oxygen tank.

A Thai lady in her early twenties walking down the street with a farang boy of about age 13.

How about when you go to a beer bar and all of the girls you saw there a month ago have been replaced by younger ones?

...like shark teeth.

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Sending a present that cost 500 Baht and the recipient being taxed an extra 10 Euro by the Customs Department if he/she wants to receive it.

Paying extra money for everything you buy to get it recollected and processed as garbage when it doesn't work anymore (Recupbel).

Seeing how a serial child molester (Dutroux) and his pals are escaping his guards while reading how he could escape conviction.

Seeing how a speeding drunk guy in a big Mercedes crashes my mother on the doorstep, 6 meters off the road, get back on the road and stops 100 meters further away, and in court my dead mother is declared guilty because "it was evening and she was dressed in dark clothes". Thus the judge convicts the family of the defunct to pay 120,000 Baht in damages to the Mercedes.


I was talking about my own (fuc_king) country ............................

(Look at your own country before complaining about another country.

Loose translation of a well known idiom.)

If I was going to complain about my own country, I'd need about 25 hours to write about all the BS PC crap!

This post wasn't started to COMPLAIN, just to make observations about really insane things.

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The baht bus queue at the corner of Second and South Rd. Rather than passengers getting on the bus that has been waiting longest, wherever it happens to be, they have to get on the one at the back of the queue, and then all the other buses start their motors to move back. Must cause a lot of wasted fuel and wear and tear.

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