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My wife suffers terribly when bitten by mosquitos, gnats, etc, reacts :o with enormous swellings. Are mosquitos a problem everywhere in Thailand at this time of year, or are there actually mosq.free areas? We want to avoid the use of malaria tablets if we can avoid them. Any suggestions?? :D

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My wife suffers terribly when bitten by mosquitos, gnats, etc, reacts  :o with enormous swellings.  Are mosquitos a problem everywhere in Thailand at this time of year, or are there actually mosq.free areas?  We want to avoid the use of malaria tablets if we can avoid them.  Any suggestions?? :D

Never seen a single one in over 3 years. Ekkamai.

Probably - because it's 9th floor.

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The highest Malaria-risk areas are in northern Kanchanaburi (Thunk Yai Naresuan national park) and near the Cambodian border (Trat) so if you stay away from these and deeply forested areas you should be ok, Malaria wise. Rarely use mozzie repelant but if I need to I use the stuff they sell in 7/11 stores over here...forget the name..blue and white container and 37 baht. Works for me. If you over-react to bites, try taking Claritin or another type of antihistamine, but I guess you already know this?

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As Jackr points out you shouldn't need to take antimalarial drugs for visiting 90% of Thailand only the border regions in the north.

"Most travelers to Thailand are not at risk for malaria and do not need to take an antimalarial drug. Travelers to the border areas of Cambodia, Laos, and Burma should take an antimalarial drug.

If travel is to the Thailand/Burma border or the Thailand/Cambodia border, then either atovaquone/proguanil or doxycycline should be used. Mefloquine would not be recommended in these border areas".

CDC Travel Information

I have a similar problem with mosquito bites which come up as large angry red lumps. I use a repellant, the ones with citronella oil work OK, and if bitten I use an antihistamine cream, the one Boots sells works well.

As for mosquito free areas, if you find any please let me know! :o

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1. Make sure the screens on you windows and doors are in good condition.

2. If necesary give the rooms a light spray with mozzie killer in the late afternoon.

2. Look for Sketolene, it is local product and keeps the mozzies away, it also

helps alleviate the itch. Ask you local chemist for a topical antihistamine cream, for use after you get bitten.

3. Do not worry about Malaria, unless you are really out in the border regions.

The drugs used these days are toxic. If you do get a fever and it does not subside in a day or so, then go to the hospital. They know how to treat malaria over here.

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antihistamine cream, the one Boots sells works well.

Do you have a name for the cream???

The Udon city area is not to bad, but it does still have the little critters. Anywhere you have standing water and this heat your going to have soom. Udon city itself does spray so not nearly as bad here a it is in the country areas. The repellent sold locally does work well, as well long pants, shirts, shoes and socks. They are pesky little guys, bit I'm afraid the cost of living in a tropical paradise.

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antihistamine cream, the one Boots sells works well.

Do you have a name for the cream???

I don't have a tube with me to check, but I'm pretty certain it just says Boots Antihistamine Cream, it's their own brand.

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I've no medical basis for this, but the longer I've stayed in Thailand, the less the mosquitoes bother me.

I do get bitten, but it's only irritable for a couple of minutes. People, both Thai and Western, have said that the more garlic and chilli you eat, the less inclined these insects are to come near you.

Also, definitely, don't scratch a bite. Apparantly, that just pushes the anti-coagulant further into your system.

Alternatively, buy lots of gekkos.

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To avoid mosquitos, slip a bounce fabric softener sheet through a belt loop or in a couple of pockets and the mosquitos stay away. Deet is effective too but I would try the dryer sheets first as they generally work and your not having to grease up with a chemical. :o

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Anywhere near Khlong Saen Saeb.

I was between Sukhumvit 23 and there.

Maybe it was because I was near the khlong rather than the filthy air.

I used to stay near the same Khlong but in Bankapi - come to think of it, no memories of skitoes there.

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Those wipes are very good especially when you need to apply quickly eg dusk on Ko Samet.

Ko Samet!! your not kidding, I am in the NE and took a holiday on Samet about 2 months ago, never normally take any precautions against the little pests and I have the same mild irriatation after a bite normally, but Samet, these were massive black things that really hurt and lasted, I still have a red mark on my forearm and it still itches occasionally, weird really I would have thought the breezes would keep them away. For sure cover up well on Samet, evil little barstewards.

One device I would reccommend for the house is an electric zapper mounted near the front door, I swear the mozis know it is a way in and wait by the door for you to open it.

Maybe I should change my handle.


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My wife suffers terribly when bitten by mosquitos, gnats, etc, reacts  :o with enormous swellings.  Are mosquitos a problem everywhere in Thailand at this time of year, or are there actually mosq.free areas?  We want to avoid the use of malaria tablets if we can avoid them.  Any suggestions?? :D

You need logs!2 off good logs....put the mosquito on one and hit hard with the other,mosquito dead,and you can pin on the wall.... :D

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