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Thaivisa.com Statistics


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I have been wondering if anybody ever made some statistics about this forum.

Questions that come to mind are:

The 1% (or maybe 0,1 %) most frequent posters, for what percentage of the posts are they responsible?

People kicking in more than 10 posts a day, how long on an average do they keep up this behaviour?

Many other questions to think of probably.

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I researched a few stats last month when I was bored (and fighting a cold).

A little over 2 years ago, the Top 19 (Advanced Members) accounted for a total of 96,665 posts. (today, the Top 4 Overall Posters have more posts than that !)

Today the Top 19 (Advanced Members) account for 186,070 posts (about 8.5% of the total posts on TV currently)

The Overall Top 20 (including the 9 Admin/Mods) have a total of 286,821 posts (about 13.2% of the total TV posts) !

2 years ago, it took 2,500 posts to break into the Top 50 Overall. Today, you need over 5,400.

9,180 members have 10+ posts, and of that figure, 6,360+ have 20 or more.

Of the members who have joined in the last year, there are 1,205 who have 10 or more posts so far.

I seem to recall having done some other statistical research awhile further back, but can't remember when or where (it was over 2 years ago any ways, so quite out of date)

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Oddly enough, despite being a member for barely 3 months, indeed there are only 6 TV members that have had more profile views than yours.

I was surprised to see that a member that has been here for about 1 1/2 years, and made a total of 41 posts in that time, has almost 6,700 profile views ! Must have been some outstanding posts.

And then there is "interracial". Joined Jan 2007, total posts = 0 (as in ZERO), profile views = 2,618 !

And then there is BambinA leading the pack with over 18,466 profile views, almost more than then next two members combined (george - 11,077 and lazeeboy - 7,485).

And there's wee me, sitting 116th overall. :o

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What satisfaction can be derived from having a lot of readers visit one’s profile? What if I make an outrageously silly post and people go and try to find some indication about my mental health in my profile?

It’s all relative, isn’t it?



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