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Man Dies From Eating Chillies


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Aspiring chef dies hours after making ultra-hot sauce for chilli-eating contest

By Paul Sims

Last updated at 12:16 AM on 29th September 2008

An aspiring cook who challenged his friend to a chilli-eating contest died just hours later.

Andrew Lee, 33, had used a bag of home-grown red chillies to make a super-hot sauce.

The forklift truck driver, who had recently passed a medical at work, dared his girlfriend's brother to eat a spoonful - then ate a plateful himself. Shortly after he had a heart attack and died.

Mr Lee took a jar of the sauce to his girlfriend's house last weekend, where he challenged her brother Michael, his family said.

His sister, Claire Chadbourne, 29, explained: 'They had a contest over who could make the hottest chilli sauce.

'Andrew had used chillies to make Thai dishes before but had never made anything this hot.

'My dad grew the chillies especially for Andrew. The contest was planned and he gave them to him.

'Andrew just ate it with a plate of Dolmio. It was not a proper meal because he had already eaten lamb chops and mash after coming home from work. I don't know if Michael ate the chilli sauce as well.'

But as he went to bed after the contest, Mr Lee, of Edlington, Doncaster, had complained of itching, she added.

The next morning, his girlfriend Samantha Bailey, a mother of four, found him unconscious.

She called an ambulance, but paramedics were unable to revive him. Mr Lee was pronounced dead at the scene.


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We have "suicide" by balcony diving, this may be the next big thing in Thailand, "suicide" by Chilli, guys watch out what ya Mrs is putting in your food..

I don't know about suicide but I can tell you, my maid has tried to kill me numerous times this year............ :o

Your maid is that hot ?? :D

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pwned noob

Is this an acronym?


www.Google.com will answer your question

I found this.

pwned is short for "power owned", and it's a word used by only the biggest noobs who think saying pwned is more of an insult than the regular tried and true...owned.

ps youre a noob.


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We have "suicide" by balcony diving, this may be the next big thing in Thailand, "suicide" by Chilli, guys watch out what ya Mrs is putting in your food..

I don't know about suicide but I can tell you, my maid has tried to kill me numerous times this year............ :o

Your maid is that hot ?? :D

"I can see clearly now the rains have gone ", The news headliner that is ' Well respected Farang gentleman dies of serious heart attack whilst indulging in an oil and herb massage by well endowed maid of 'honour'. It is also reported he looked somewhat like the proverbial Cheshire cat , and a well endowed part of his anatomy had taken on early symptoms of 'Rigor mortis' " "The maid sat demurely by ,clutching her night robe around her body ,whilst the semblance of a tear rolled down her flushed cheeks " The reporter apparantly had asked for a demostration of her special talents , needless to say he was denied the pleasure .

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pwned noob

Is this an acronym?


www.Google.com will answer your question

I found this.

pwned is short for "power owned", and it's a word used by only the biggest noobs who think saying pwned is more of an insult than the regular tried and true...owned.

ps youre a noob.


am not a noob am level 70 warrior with epic gear ohh yeh! zomg!

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We have "suicide" by balcony diving, this may be the next big thing in Thailand, "suicide" by Chilli, guys watch out what ya Mrs is putting in your food..

I don't know about suicide but I can tell you, my maid has tried to kill me numerous times this year............ :o

Your maid is that hot ?? :D

I wish! :D

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I read this story thinking what others have said. I highly doubt chillies were the reason for his death unless he had some type of preexisting and extreme allergy.

I agree. While some chilies can certainly leave you gasping for air and your mouth feel like its on fire, I'm inclined to think there's more to it than death by chili.

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Based on the itching which probably means he had hives, this was most probably an allergic reaction. I had a similar reaction to a bee sting and would have died without emergency medical care. A tv doc just said the same thing. He was probably mildly allergic to chilies but the huge dose did him in. For people with allergies and/or asthma. too many chilies can restrict the airways and cause breathing difficulties and also hives, shock, and death in extreme cases. I am allergic myself and have noticed mild symptoms (asthmatic coughing) after a very spicy meal. This case has made me aware (and other allergic people should note) it might be a good idea to stock some BENADRYL which will usually be enough to calm things down if you are not willing to give up spicy foods. For people who are not allergy prone, I wouldn't give this issue a second thought.

Edited by Jingthing
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