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Thailand Versus Cambodia "war", Which Side Do You Favor?


Which country do you favor in the Thailand/Cambodia "war"?  

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We are violating Cambodia's border and is trying to steal/claim Cambodia's Preah Vihear Temple as their own. If you download google earth and type in Preah Vihear you will see how deep the temple is in Cambodia's border and how far the Thai army have violated the Cambodian border. I am Thai and I can see why Cambodia have a reason to be angry and the Thai army just need to get out of their land and stop claiming things that is not theirs without proof before they lose face and maybe even our land. We even let The Hague decide which country does the temple belongs to and not try to claim it as our again. It turns out to be Cambodia and we still did not keep our word :o and is still trying to claim it as our own even when The Hague said it is not ours. The Cambodians have captured some of our soldiers(surprised they didn't kill them) and we killed 2 or 3 of their soldiers(hopefully we did not kill anyone of them if they surrendered), so I hope we pull back or out of their border and keep our promise and let them have the temple since we let The Hague decided which country it belonged to.

p.s Mr. Sompong Amornvivat is one greedy currupted asshol_e and needs to be impeached!

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To the best of my knowledge the temple and territory belong to Thailand (according to surveys done with help from the American government) if the reverse was true I would support Cambodia in this matter. The big question is how much land does Thailand have to give up to make everyone happy and should Thailand tell Cambodia 'it's ok you can have it' and tells the South 'what the heck go ahead make your own country, we don't need that land' in the name of peace, how much more will everyone else want?

Sorry for my lack of knowledge on this but when did the Americans do a survey on this and why would they do it?

Although I will never be able to find the article again I read the history of the situation on the internet from a legitimate source like News Week or Time. In any event it seems the French drew the Temple and disputed land on their map to favor themselves when Cambodia was colonized (conquered depending on how you look at it) and years later the USA helped to remap the area as 'it should be'. What prompted me to do a little research about this dispute (because I could care less honestly) is I had two Cambodian students in an international program who were being pressed by their parents to return to Cambodia as they felt they were in danger (which I also thought was a joke but offered them to stay with my family).

"Thailand says the dispute arose from the fact that the Cambodian government used a map drawn during the French occupation of Cambodia -- a map that places the temple and surrounding area in Cambodian territory." From CNN http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/07/2...ions/index.html

But this is the gist of what I read you will have to do some searching if you want the full story.

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  • 1 month later...

This dispute has little to do with anything logical or worth fighting over , it is mostly to do with face followed closely by DOLLARS , both sides appear to be too childish of mind to back down , do as the Thais do , let sleeping dogs lie another thousand years . The Cambodians will soon have a half decent entry built on undisputed territory , could even have a cable car system in the not too distant future , take all the tourist benefits for themselves .

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  • 2 years later...

I live in Thailand and have become deeply rooted here; my children are half Thai and we will remain loyal to this King and country even if I have zilch chance of ever becoming a Thai citizen.

Over the years Thailand has treated me well and have no doubts that others are also fairing well here, so in return we could at least give Thailand our support during incidents like these.

I was surprised at some of the votes and opinions, especially from those that are living and working in Thailand.

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This just reeks if an opportunity for both countries to deflect from the respective problems that the powers that be have back home. Nothing like some jingoism to keep the unwashed masses back home happy. Where it does become sad is when some kid wearing its army's uniform gets wasted for this sh*t.

Never a truer word spoken :jap:

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Ofcourse I vote Thailand, if I preferred Cambodia or Cambodians I would live there.

But what I really think is messed up is that so many people think that Thailand should just stand by and let some people in Europe tell them were to drawl their boundary lines. This should have been settled between Thailand and Cambodia a long time ago.

Most of this conflict is due to the meddling of the Europeans anyway and I think they should stay out of it and settle it like they would have in the old days.

And besides, if this is correct, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambodian%E2%80%93Thai_border_dispute

I think Thailand has the better claim anyway.

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