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Atm Non Transaction Passed


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A quick check of the other threads relate to missing deposits or freezes, and that's not the case here. In quick summary;

- Went to Kasikorn ATM branch on Beach Rd, Patong, tried to withdraw 20,000 baht. Tried 2X, each time, transaction froze. Then on 3rd attempt, machine reads transaction cancelled and spits out card, no paper receipt. (it's the ATM towards the McD /Holiday Inn 3 blocks over from Bangla)

- I say to myself, this is too f-ed up and go and check my banking transactions online. Well, there in front of my my panic stricken eyes is the 20,000 B transaction going through as processed. I quickly send off an email to the Western Bank's help center. (The buggers don't open their help center until 10pm Thai Time or 9 am EST)

- Made a call to that 02-888-8888 Kasikorn Bank Call Center (in case anyone needs the number). Fellow tells me, sorry, we can't check but have your bank send us a "document" and we will refund the money.

OK, I say to myself, is this guy playing me for an idiot, like they will cough it up that fast?

So my questions to you experienced hands are as follows;

1. What are the chances of me getting this reconciled?

2. If it can be done, how long does it take?

3. Am I S.O. L?

4. Any suggestions. Should I go to a Kasikorn branch and see a manager, or will that just result in them laughing at me?

Now, I'm sure some of you folks are just waiting to hoist me by my short ones for withdrawing so much at once, but the reason was that I had to pay a bill and I needed the cash.

My solution? I just transferred the balance to my credit card and will draw down on that. However, my credit cards are issued in North America so of course it takes 48 hrs to process crud.

I'm paid in FX, and pay taxes in my home country that's why I keep my accounts where they are, plus I rarely have need of local banking support. Nor, do I live have here fulltime.

Basically, what I'm looking for is some suggestions on how to fix this f.up.

Probably some others have had this happen, but i don't see any threads on it.

Gotta love Thailand's banking systems.

Fun aint it..........


ps. No laughing, cuz that 20K pays for alot of beer and doggie food gifts :o

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I routinely withdraw 20k at a time. Rather do that once every couple of days than withdraw smaller amounts and have to pay more transaction fees.

I would print a copy of your statement showing the transaction and go to the branch where the ATM is located, and see if they can check the machine. There will obviously have to be some paperwork done (won't give you your money back without something on paper I imagine). The machines must have a log that shows each transaction (account #, amount, date/time, etc). Hopefully it will show that there was a problem (should actually be a camera as well, though I'm not sure they all have them, or that they actually work).

I wouldn't say you are S.O.L., but I'm guessing there will some hoops to jump through. Not sure if your bank would be able to cancel the transaction (as they would have no way of knowing if you actually got the money or not).

Good luck !

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This has happened to me in the US (several times) and the UK. Go into the branch where it happened and explain the situation. They should be able to check the amount of cash the machine actually gave out against the electronic record of what it gave out (presumably this is the 'document' the guy on the phone wants). If there's a discrepancy (and it probably didn't just happen to you) it will be easy to trace. Like I said, this was the procedure back in the west and it took around 3-4 weeks for them to sort it all out and the funds to be re-credited. I'd imagine the procedure would be fairly similar here, but please don't quote me. Good luck anyway...

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I have gone through the same thing, and the funny thing is.... I also had an issue over 20K baht at an ATM.

The wife called up the bank and had it cleared up. It took about 3-5 days to get my money back. I did post about this, and a lot of folks flamed me because I was ticked.

So I can honestly say I understand! Also, others posted on my thread that have gone though the same thing, and they seemed to all have goten there money back.

But, the point is, we are in the 21st century.... GET IS STRAIGHT THAILAND

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Thank you for your suggestions and understanding. Apologies for not stating clearly that this was not a branch atm, but an atm next to the kasikorn fx booth on beach rd. I did ask the girl in the booth what to do. She said to call that help number. what I'll do tomorrow is go to the kasikorn branch in Jungceylon with my statement and show them and ask politely if they can help.

Have used it for the past 2 years with never a problem. I note the need to document. I did email my issuing card bank within 15 minutes of the problem and I am a bank customer in "platinum" class whatever that means.

I'll keep folks updated as to what happens in case some other person has this happen.

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I had this happen to me in MBK one saturday, i was then with HSBC uk,.i tried 5 times to withdraw, each time said no go,. i thought there was a banking problem ,but when i rang my bank on the monday moring they said there was no problem and all those transactions had been succesful ! :o ,.2500 pounds ,.this was a current account taken with a debit/visa card with a 500 a day limit, my first question was " how did you approve that on one day ?",. they gave me some story and said they i should ( yes i should ) ask the banks concerned if they were up on the day, of course that brought no joy, so when i returned to the uk a week later i went into the bank and saw my manager, i told him of the circumstances and it was as if i was lying i felt, and they made me feel i had no re course, so i asked him " if i had this money and these transactions were authorised can you get duplicates of the transaction receipts ", he replied they would look into it, now i think to myself, how the hel_l did they authorise that amount on one day when my limit is 500 ?,. so i got pissed off, drew out all my money including 2500 pounds overdraft and went back ,i sat with the manager and told him now WE have a problem as im not returning that overdraft money til they sort this and if they want to make a big deal of it il go to all the papers and internet forums etc,.i swear i never had one letter from the hsbc after that,. what i did learn from all this was to not use atms more than once a day and if possible draw off a credit card or go into the bank with my passport and draw over the counter, .that was a very scary situation,. i was not in control at all and the bank tried to put the blame on me, .

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A quick check of the other threads relate to missing deposits or freezes, and that's not the case here. In quick summary;

- Went to Kasikorn ATM branch on Beach Rd, Patong, tried to withdraw 20,000 baht. Tried 2X, each time, transaction froze. Then on 3rd attempt, machine reads transaction cancelled and spits out card, no paper receipt. (it's the ATM towards the McD /Holiday Inn 3 blocks over from Bangla)

- I say to myself, this is too f-ed up and go and check my banking transactions online. Well, there in front of my my panic stricken eyes is the 20,000 B transaction going through as processed. I quickly send off an email to the Western Bank's help center. (The buggers don't open their help center until 10pm Thai Time or 9 am EST)

- Made a call to that 02-888-8888 Kasikorn Bank Call Center (in case anyone needs the number). Fellow tells me, sorry, we can't check but have your bank send us a "document" and we will refund the money.

OK, I say to myself, is this guy playing me for an idiot, like they will cough it up that fast?

So my questions to you experienced hands are as follows;

1. What are the chances of me getting this reconciled?

2. If it can be done, how long does it take?

3. Am I S.O. L?

4. Any suggestions. Should I go to a Kasikorn branch and see a manager, or will that just result in them laughing at me?

Now, I'm sure some of you folks are just waiting to hoist me by my short ones for withdrawing so much at once, but the reason was that I had to pay a bill and I needed the cash.

My solution? I just transferred the balance to my credit card and will draw down on that. However, my credit cards are issued in North America so of course it takes 48 hrs to process crud.

I'm paid in FX, and pay taxes in my home country that's why I keep my accounts where they are, plus I rarely have need of local banking support. Nor, do I live have here fulltime.

Basically, what I'm looking for is some suggestions on how to fix this f.up.

Probably some others have had this happen, but i don't see any threads on it.

Gotta love Thailand's banking systems.

Fun aint it..........


ps. No laughing, cuz that 20K pays for alot of beer and doggie food gifts :o

I've had this happen with a Kasikorn ATM before , I checked my credit card online a few days later and the reversal had been processed ie: a 20K debit followed by a 20K credit. No problems.

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I had this happen to me in MBK one saturday, i was then with HSBC uk,.i tried 5 times to withdraw, each time said no go,. i thought there was a banking problem ,but when i rang my bank on the monday moring they said there was no problem and all those transactions had been succesful ! :o ,.2500 pounds ,.this was a current account taken with a debit/visa card with a 500 a day limit, my first question was " how did you approve that on one day ?",. they gave me some story and said they i should ( yes i should ) ask the banks concerned if they were up on the day, of course that brought no joy, so when i returned to the uk a week later i went into the bank and saw my manager, i told him of the circumstances and it was as if i was lying i felt, and they made me feel i had no re course, so i asked him " if i had this money and these transactions were authorised can you get duplicates of the transaction receipts ", he replied they would look into it, now i think to myself, how the hel_l did they authorise that amount on one day when my limit is 500 ?,. so i got pissed off, drew out all my money including 2500 pounds overdraft and went back ,i sat with the manager and told him now WE have a problem as im not returning that overdraft money til they sort this and if they want to make a big deal of it il go to all the papers and internet forums etc,.i swear i never had one letter from the hsbc after that,. what i did learn from all this was to not use atms more than once a day and if possible draw off a credit card or go into the bank with my passport and draw over the counter, .that was a very scary situation,. i was not in control at all and the bank tried to put the blame on me, .

So you never got your money back? If so, blames on you for not trying harder.

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First of all 20,000 isn't a lot of money and no need to explain.

Second, I've had something like this happen and Kasikorn bank has been pretty good--it was a long time ago, but I know it got resolved to my satisfaction and rather quickly.

Finally, if I can't get a transaction to work on the machine the first time--and I've done it right, I abandon the machine because it's a problem waiting to happen. When those machines aren't working properly, they can mess up your day pretty fast.

Another thing I try to do is use the ATM in a bank branch (if possible), so you can walk right over to the desk and get some help. I don't know that I would do that on a routine withdrawl, but if I am trying to pay a bill, transfer money and some of that stuff, there's a good chance I'll screw something up and need some help!

Best of luck and let us know if you get it taken care of.

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Saturday last week I had the same problem with an ATM of the bank of Ayuthaya: no money, no transactionreceipt, but when I checked the internet they had withdrawn the money frow my account.

On monday I went to the bank and they told me to inform my own bank and let them contact the bank of Ayuthaya. I emailed my own bank and they immediatly returned the money to my account. They will investigate the case and asked me to send a written report and a copy of my internetaccount.

If the outcome is negative for me I have to pay. So I just have to trust the integrity of the bank of Ayuthaya, who said they controll the ATM's about once a week.

The lesson for me is that I will try to use only ATM's where -in case of trouble- I can immediatly get some help.

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It happen to me with the ATM of the Bangkokbank,I printed my bankstatement and went to the Bangkokbank they send me to another bangkokbank who where in charge of the ATM's and had it cleared up in 15 minutes it took 2 weeks to get it , but they paid the 20.000 bath back plus euro 2.25 cost,for using ATM.

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Hi :o

I had a similar thing, although not with an ATM but instead an electronic purchase (using Visa Electron card). When i received my statement it was shown that this particular transaction (9,900 Baht) was done THREE times, which, AGAIN, makes almost 20k debited from my account without me getting anything for it (20k seems to be a "fraud standard" here???)

I called the bank (UOB) immediately and was told i need to go to "my branch" (i.e. the one where i opened that account a long time ago) and bring "whatever supporting paperwork i got", in this case the receipt for the original purchase, and my passport as well as bank passbook.

So i did the next day (branch is in a really stupid location, but back in 2001 i worked there) and it was quickly found that the transaction was indeed in error (they actually phoned the store where "it" happened) and i was told the money would be credited back to y account "within seven days".

It was back the very next day.

@the guy who said "20k is not much money", if you brag about your wealth like that, how about giving me 20k? because for SOME people it is a LOT of money and losing it HURTS.

Best regards.....


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ThanhBKK; not braggin about wealth for taking 20,000 baht from the ATM. But at the first of the month, when I pay my rent, utilities and other payments, as well as get cash for the month, 20,000 baht isn't a lot to take out of the bank.

Because of problems with ATM's etc. I try to use it as little as possible. Don't like to go shopping for something I need and then have the machine eat my card!

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Old saying about misery loves company.... :o

All these replies have been helpful, if not for the pointers, for at least letting me know I'm not a clown.

As an update, I emailed bank and got a response saying it will take 30 days to resolve, which I understand since the atm amounts have to be verified.

I was able to use my Visa card 1X to take out money, but now all the transactions are frozen on that. have emailed Visa, but of course, it being a CIBC Visa card, no one is available 24hrs. Did get a lovely response saying to call, but the buggers aren't open to call d-oh. Have a feeling it's because it's the FX rates. I have drawn down too much in the time periods. I transact in $CAD and it's gone from par with the US$ to the high70 cents, which means I lost about 5 baht to the dollar in the last year. Ouch.

Lesson I have learned from all of this is to have 2 credit cards & 2 atm cards. Pain in the butt, however, after having lost use of my visa card last month because it was cloned and it took 30 days to get the new card sent to me with the PIN number technology. I note the advise on another thread about keeping one card at a low limit in case of fraud and will follow that advice. Also note the atm recs on 1X per day use, which is right. I maybe use it 1X 5 days, just that I had rentt and bills to pay, just like everyone else.

One good thing about this, is that my friend has come down for a few days and has told me to stop freaking because he'll lend me the money. My insurance policy I guess is having a Thai buddy with some money

And the best part: When I spoke to my parents the other day, I felt like I was 16 again, when I was asked if I needed help . At least they didn't tell me to wear a hat & gloves. :D

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The same thing happened to me a few days ago in Laos.

Tried to withdraw money from one ATM and it didn't work, got a receipt that

had a "Transaction canceled" box ticked.

Went to another ATM and got money.

Back in TH I check my balance online and see that the money has been

deducted from both ATM withdrawals.

I called my bank back home and it sounded like it's gonna be difficult to get it back.

They will send me some papers to fill in.

Let's see what happens.

I have never had problem like that in many years before. I'm wondering that so many

on here had this happen to them.

Edited by Khun Ngo
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A quick check of the other threads relate to missing deposits or freezes, and that's not the case here. In quick summary;

- Went to Kasikorn ATM branch on Beach Rd, Patong, tried to withdraw 20,000 baht. Tried 2X, each time, transaction froze. Then on 3rd attempt, machine reads transaction cancelled and spits out card, no paper receipt. (it's the ATM towards the McD /Holiday Inn 3 blocks over from Bangla)

- I say to myself, this is too f-ed up and go and check my banking transactions online. Well, there in front of my my panic stricken eyes is the 20,000 B transaction going through as processed. I quickly send off an email to the Western Bank's help center. (The buggers don't open their help center until 10pm Thai Time or 9 am EST)

- Made a call to that 02-888-8888 Kasikorn Bank Call Center (in case anyone needs the number). Fellow tells me, sorry, we can't check but have your bank send us a "document" and we will refund the money.

OK, I say to myself, is this guy playing me for an idiot, like they will cough it up that fast?

So my questions to you experienced hands are as follows;

1. What are the chances of me getting this reconciled?

2. If it can be done, how long does it take?

3. Am I S.O. L?

4. Any suggestions. Should I go to a Kasikorn branch and see a manager, or will that just result in them laughing at me?

Now, I'm sure some of you folks are just waiting to hoist me by my short ones for withdrawing so much at once, but the reason was that I had to pay a bill and I needed the cash.

My solution? I just transferred the balance to my credit card and will draw down on that. However, my credit cards are issued in North America so of course it takes 48 hrs to process crud.

I'm paid in FX, and pay taxes in my home country that's why I keep my accounts where they are, plus I rarely have need of local banking support. Nor, do I live have here fulltime.

Basically, what I'm looking for is some suggestions on how to fix this f.up.

Probably some others have had this happen, but i don't see any threads on it.

Gotta love Thailand's banking systems.

Fun aint it..........


ps. No laughing, cuz that 20K pays for alot of beer and doggie food gifts :o

Looking at your date of transaction, it is very common for Thai banks to lock ATM transactions to their own account holders at the end of the month. For example, if I try to use UOB card at a Bangkok Bankok, Bank of Ayudyah at the end of the month, it just spits my card out. It does not even begin to do the transaction and no money is withdrawled from my account. Around the 2nd of the month I am able to using interbank ATMs without a problem

BTW, my Bangkok Bank card never has problems (at the end of the month) like the above so I think they have a deal with other banks.

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A quick check of the other threads relate to missing deposits or freezes, and that's not the case here. In quick summary;

- Went to Kasikorn ATM branch on Beach Rd, Patong, tried to withdraw 20,000 baht. Tried 2X, each time, transaction froze. Then on 3rd attempt, machine reads transaction cancelled and spits out card, no paper receipt. (it's the ATM towards the McD /Holiday Inn 3 blocks over from Bangla)

- I say to myself, this is too f-ed up and go and check my banking transactions online. Well, there in front of my my panic stricken eyes is the 20,000 B transaction going through as processed. I quickly send off an email to the Western Bank's help center. (The buggers don't open their help center until 10pm Thai Time or 9 am EST)

- Made a call to that 02-888-8888 Kasikorn Bank Call Center (in case anyone needs the number). Fellow tells me, sorry, we can't check but have your bank send us a "document" and we will refund the money.

OK, I say to myself, is this guy playing me for an idiot, like they will cough it up that fast?

So my questions to you experienced hands are as follows;

1. What are the chances of me getting this reconciled?

2. If it can be done, how long does it take?

3. Am I S.O. L?

4. Any suggestions. Should I go to a Kasikorn branch and see a manager, or will that just result in them laughing at me?

Now, I'm sure some of you folks are just waiting to hoist me by my short ones for withdrawing so much at once, but the reason was that I had to pay a bill and I needed the cash.

My solution? I just transferred the balance to my credit card and will draw down on that. However, my credit cards are issued in North America so of course it takes 48 hrs to process crud.

I'm paid in FX, and pay taxes in my home country that's why I keep my accounts where they are, plus I rarely have need of local banking support. Nor, do I live have here fulltime.

Basically, what I'm looking for is some suggestions on how to fix this f.up.

Probably some others have had this happen, but i don't see any threads on it.

Gotta love Thailand's banking systems.

Fun aint it..........


ps. No laughing, cuz that 20K pays for alot of beer and doggie food gifts :o

Looking at your date of transaction, it is very common for Thai banks to lock ATM transactions to their own account holders at the end of the month. For example, if I try to use UOB card at a Bangkok Bankok, Bank of Ayudyah at the end of the month, it just spits my card out. It does not even begin to do the transaction and no money is withdrawled from my account. Around the 2nd of the month I am able to using interbank ATMs without a problem

BTW, my Bangkok Bank card never has problems (at the end of the month) like the above so I think they have a deal with other banks.

Ditto. Never have a problem with the BB card in other machines, even during the scramble at the end of the month.

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  • 1 month later...

Please accept my thanks for the suggestions/ guidance/ experience shared.

I immediately contacted my bank 31-Oct when this happened. By Nov. 14, the trace was completed and the 20,000 baht returned. The only thing I am out is the 150baht transaction fee at the kasokorn atm. It might be interac's charge, but I'm not going to complain, since I got my money back.

The lesson I learned from this is to use a bank branch atm as much as possible as per the advice here. I will never go near a kasikorn atm ever again. Another one of them came close to eating my card but it spat it out after a bit, nearly causing me to crap myself.

The responses were a big help, helped avoid stress induced foaming at the mouth and were a relief. Many, thanks.

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This has happened to me in the US (several times) and the UK. Go into the branch where it happened and explain the situation. They should be able to check the amount of cash the machine actually gave out against the electronic record of what it gave out (presumably this is the 'document' the guy on the phone wants). If there's a discrepancy (and it probably didn't just happen to you) it will be easy to trace. Like I said, this was the procedure back in the west and it took around 3-4 weeks for them to sort it all out and the funds to be re-credited. I'd imagine the procedure would be fairly similar here, but please don't quote me. Good luck anyway...

It is also the procedure in Thailand.

The ATM has a full record of all transactions and their outcome,

this can be reconciled with your account.

To be honest I am surprised that the ATM software did not generate an automatic reversal

of the transaction, when it failed to dispense your money.

Go to your branch and complain, politely, showing all the ATM slips that you have.

It may take a day or two, but they should sort it out.

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  • 4 months later...

Here's my wonderful experience today with a K-Bank ATM. Tried to withdrawal 17k and the transaction was approved, when I hear the ATM counting the 1000 baht notes, it halts and then said "not enough bank notes available to process this transaction". The ATM then kicked out my card. So I then went to an Ayudha ATM right next to it and then wham! My transaction was rejected and the screen said to call my bank. So called my bank and they told me that the fraud alert had kicked in. The service agent unlocked my ATM card but there I still have $482 deducted from my account right now even though the K-Bank ATM gave me jack shit. Just last week I used an Ayudha ATM and it shorted me a 1000 baht. I got my bank to refund that with no issues though. Just about had it with using Thai ATMs altogether. Any number of things can and will go wrong with them it seems.

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  • 10 months later...

Happened to me as well for Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) used it in ATM of Royal Bank of Scotland, Pakistan... I withdrew about 10K baht the transaction took some time and then threw my card out (without any slip or Money) ... showing connection error. Inserted the card again got the money and slip. Happily went to my car, checked it online and saw that they deducted 2 times. (which in actual was 1 correct and 1 non transaction)

In 2 hours i was able to Reported SCB Thai, they said they will check and let me know by email and sms.

I checked with the RBS the next morning they said they can check ATM for the balance (if the money came in the ATM), then they reported that this was connection issue had to be fixed by my account bank (SCB Thai)

Came back to thai, called in to check the status .. they told me to wait until 45 days ... still waiting ....

Hope i can get as well...

All the comments helped a lot, I am myself an IT engineer, JUST 1 QUESTION. ... why the hel_l it is so slow, why not 24 - 48 hours ... (as they can connect to the ATM in real time why not check the reconciliation by 24 - 48 hours ) ?

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First of all 20,000 isn't a lot of money and no need to explain.

Second, I've had something like this happen and Kasikorn bank has been pretty good--it was a long time ago, but I know it got resolved to my satisfaction and rather quickly.

Finally, if I can't get a transaction to work on the machine the first time--and I've done it right, I abandon the machine because it's a problem waiting to happen. When those machines aren't working properly, they can mess up your day pretty fast.

Another thing I try to do is use the ATM in a bank branch (if possible), so you can walk right over to the desk and get some help. I don't know that I would do that on a routine withdrawl, but if I am trying to pay a bill, transfer money and some of that stuff, there's a good chance I'll screw something up and need some help!

Best of luck and let us know if you get it taken care of.

Scott, I agree. In the last year I had one machine eat my card when I tried to withdraw 20,000 THB, and that was after a first abort since it said I had entered the wrong code. Well, maybe I did...but to think that I entered the wrong code a second time...I doubt it. For me, from now on, if it doesn't work the first time, on to a different location, and 10,000 baht at a time.

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Happened to me as well for Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) used it in ATM of Royal Bank of Scotland, Pakistan... I withdrew about 10K baht the transaction took some time and then threw my card out (without any slip or Money) ... showing connection error. Inserted the card again got the money and slip. Happily went to my car, checked it online and saw that they deducted 2 times. (which in actual was 1 correct and 1 non transaction)

In 2 hours i was able to Reported SCB Thai, they said they will check and let me know by email and sms.

I checked with the RBS the next morning they said they can check ATM for the balance (if the money came in the ATM), then they reported that this was connection issue had to be fixed by my account bank (SCB Thai)

Came back to thai, called in to check the status .. they told me to wait until 45 days ... still waiting ....

Hope i can get as well...

All the comments helped a lot, I am myself an IT engineer, JUST 1 QUESTION. ... why the hel_l it is so slow, why not 24 - 48 hours ... (as they can connect to the ATM in real time why not check the reconciliation by 24 - 48 hours ) ?

This happened to me 2 months ago, SCB ATM with Royal Bank of Scotland card, I called RBS told them what happened, I was told to wait for 2 days, 2 days later the money was back in my account. I never had to do anything.

The last time it had happened in Singapore I had to fill in a form and send it to RBS, again the money was back in my account within 3 days. Maybe better get on the phone as 45 days seems far to long to wait to get it sorted out.

FD :)

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It would seem that this is quite a widespread problem, it has happened to my about a year ago when I was in Ubon. I tried to withdraw 20k from an ATM and the screen told me to contact my bank, but only after what seemed like a long time, so I guessed something was wrong.

I returned to my house and phoned the bank who issued the card (a middle east bank), they said they were aware that Thai ATMs were not the most reliable and the lady I spoke to said that she would investigate and get back to me. In fact she called me back within 10 mins, agreed that there had been a problem and that my account had been re-credited with the 20k and that it would be available to me the following day.

Service doesnt get much better than that!

So maybe the answer is to contact the card issuing bank as soon as possible.

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Seems to be quite frequent in Thailand. Never had problems in other countries, but recently at Bank of Ayudhya the same thing happened: no money came out, but 20000 Baht drawn from my account.

I had to send a signed letter to my home bank, 3 weeks later the money was returned. In Thailand, the branch next to the ATM said "no can", the main branch in BKK said "no can", they seem to be not interested to do anything about their failing ATMs.

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  • 1 month later...
Happened to me as well for Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) used it in ATM of Royal Bank of Scotland, Pakistan... I withdrew about 10K baht the transaction took some time and then threw my card out (without any slip or Money) ... showing connection error. Inserted the card again got the money and slip. Happily went to my car, checked it online and saw that they deducted 2 times. (which in actual was 1 correct and 1 non transaction)

In 2 hours i was able to Reported SCB Thai, they said they will check and let me know by email and sms.

I checked with the RBS the next morning they said they can check ATM for the balance (if the money came in the ATM), then they reported that this was connection issue had to be fixed by my account bank (SCB Thai)

Came back to thai, called in to check the status .. they told me to wait until 45 days ... still waiting ....

Hope i can get as well...

All the comments helped a lot, I am myself an IT engineer, JUST 1 QUESTION. ... why the hel_l it is so slow, why not 24 - 48 hours ... (as they can connect to the ATM in real time why not check the reconciliation by 24 - 48 hours ) ?

Got back my money after 2 months exactly .. with the transaction fee also, slow process ... but at last got all :)

need to ping the bank frequently; Also on phone .. because the branch mangers cannot talk in English !

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