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Bangkok Zoo


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Although the Bangkok Zoo is worth the 60 baht charged to Thai people it most certainly not worth the 300 baht charged to farangs, and I invite all members to research this judgement if considering a visit or are being invited to visit by a Thai who is not going to pay.

It is a long way out of town and when you get there you might as well pay the money, your Thai host/ess will probably not know the entrance fee in advance.

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Although the Bangkok Zoo is worth the 60 baht charged to Thai people it most certainly not worth the 300 baht charged to farangs, and I invite all members to research this judgement if considering a visit or are being invited to visit by a Thai who is not going to pay.

It is a long way out of town and when you get there you might as well pay the money, your Thai host/ess  will probably not know the entrance fee in advance.

Are you talking about Safari World?

Dusit Zoo is smack in the middle of Bangkok.


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Went to Dusit zoo last week. Paid the same price as my wife, 40 baht, i think . Great value, my only whinge is you have to pay extra fees for some exhibits, eg, Reptile house.

Safari World is in Minburi . Never been there but i have heard that foreigners are charged an outragous price, hence why I have never been :D

Double pricing really gets my gall :o

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You"ll be moaning about pensioners bus passes and disabled parking bays next 350torana..stop being suchm a meanie!!I think you"ll find the average felang visiting bkk zoo will have considerably more wad than their thai counterparts.

Just accept that they can charge us much as they like and if we dont like it we can go somewhere cheaper and more politically correct.

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I accept that they can charge us as much as they like. I refuse to visit any place that has double pricing. All the Thais i know are embaressed by charging someone more money because of the colour of thier skin. I am no fan of politcal correctness but i can imagine the stink that would arise if my home country charged tourists more.

Why doesn't the super rich Thai guy driving the latest model Beamer and wearing more gold than Mr T have to pay more?

I spend about 3 thousand aussie dollars every month here, supporting my partner and child .

I think it gives me some right to complain about it, if this makes me a meanie i don't give a flying toss. :o

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Although the Bangkok Zoo is worth the 60 baht charged to Thai people it most certainly not worth the 300 baht charged to farangs, and I invite all members to research this judgement if considering a visit or are being invited to visit by a Thai who is not going to pay.

It is a long way out of town and when you get there you might as well pay the money, your Thai host/ess  will probably not know the entrance fee in advance.

show your work permit or PR book and you'll be fine.

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Although the Bangkok Zoo is worth the 60 baht charged to Thai people it most certainly not worth the 300 baht charged to farangs, and I invite all members to research this judgement if considering a visit or are being invited to visit by a Thai who is not going to pay.

It is a long way out of town and when you get there you might as well pay the money, your Thai host/ess  will probably not know the entrance fee in advance.

Charging more for a quality product is more acceptable but to provide a thai quality Zoo and charge falng money to get in is the con.

Please confirm what you are talking about as the zoo in Bangkok is called Dusit Zoo and is located in the center of the city.

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You"ll be moaning about pensioners bus passes and disabled parking bays next 350torana..stop being suchm a meanie!!I think you"ll find the average felang visiting bkk zoo will have considerably more wad than their thai counterparts.

Just accept that they can charge us much as they like and if we dont like it we can go somewhere cheaper and more politically correct.

I am absolutely pissed off with the attitude that all foreigners are rich and all Thais are poor. But what hope is there for a change from two-tier pricing when even the government party is called Thai Love Thai. It is racism and greed, and sticking their finger up at everyone who doesn't have the 'privilege' of being Thai.

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It is racism and greed, and sticking their finger up at everyone who doesn't have the 'privilege' of being Thai.

I dont think it is racist. I prefer to associate the policy with "home turf advantage".A racist policy would be "no white people allowed, no blacks allowed etc...". The dual pricing is basically targetted to tourists (not residents or legal workers).Saying it is racist is akin to saying that the immigration arrival hall in your home country is racist (where nationals usual have their own arrival lane.)

And regarding the privilege of being Thai..I take it you dont have a work permit or PR. I am not thai, however I always show my work permit and get the local price.

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Ladies and gentlemen I am sorry if I have been somewhat imprecise and possibly done what might be Bangkoks premier zoo (Dusit) a disservice but I have been referring to the Crocodile farm at Samut Prakarn 30 Kms sth of Bangkok, however my intention was not to start a debate about the morality of prejudicial pricing (it happens), but to enable falangs to have some guidance as to whether or not they should invest in such a visit , in other words have the information with which to make the decision NOT TO GO (for Lady penelopes benefit) how else would they have a clue?

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I accept that they can charge us as much as they like.  I refuse to visit any place that has double pricing. All the Thais i know are embaressed by charging someone more money because of the colour of thier skin. I am no fan of politcal correctness but i can imagine the stink that would arise if my home country charged tourists more.

  Why doesn't the super rich Thai guy driving the latest model Beamer and wearing more gold than Mr T have to pay more?

  I spend  about 3 thousand aussie dollars every month here, supporting my partner and child .

  I think it gives me some right to complain about it, if this makes me a  meanie i don't give a  flying toss. :D

:o I think the guy with the beamer pays more taxes in Thailand to Thailand than the tourist visiting here does. PLUS what about the farmers getting into BKK once in 10 years that live on an income for a month that is less than what you spend on a decent night out? :D

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Well if you show all the particulars that you pay Thai Tax, then you get the thai price.

When you get a real W/P and all that, you get your card that proves you pay tax. If you show it you get in at the Thai price.

Personally I think its fair. If you are a tourist (non-taxpayer) then you can afford to pay the rate......

Last week I went to Baan Kwai, paid the Thai rate, 20B and had a great time, I can recommend it to anyone.

Please be sure, if you go to other parts of the world e.g. India and Egypt, the rate difference is enormous and they also have Camera Fee and Video Camera Fee, only for non-citizens.

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There is no prejudicial pricing system in Thailand. ALL foriegners from all countries are overcharged regardless of their non-Thai nationality. :o

What makes double pricing racist is that it is applied in racially discriminatory way. Malaysians, Filipinos, Indonesians, maybe even other Asians—anyone who looks Thai—if they keep their mouths shut are charged the Thai price. It should be noted that Thais consider themselves as practically a separate race anyway. Hence Tiger Woods can be considered Thai and an American Thai (forgot her name; wasn’t she a look keung, too?) can be a Thai beauty queen, among other examples. “Thai blood,” you know.

Although a case can be made for taxpayer-supported institutions charging foreigners more (but not 10 times more), there seems to be no reason that private businesses should discriminate against non-Thais except for cheating. Though many businesses do practice “equal opportunity cheating,” in many cases, as in admissions to private tourist attractions, it’s clear that it’s non-Thais specifically that are targeted.

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It's at one of these zoo's outside the city that they have a sign that says kids less than 100cm tall are allowed free. For those not sure, they even have a height chart painted on a wall nearby. My 96cm kid measured a whole 125cm on that chart! :o

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Isn't the bottom line that everybody should pay the same price for the same service? What justification is there to do otherwise, except to discriminate against those peope who are asked to pay more. It is discrimination, and it doesn't matter what is is based on. As I've said on another post, I am absolutely pissed off with the local attitude of all foreigners are rich and all Thais are poor. It's bullshit, as everyone knows.

What I would love to see is Thais going to the Tower of London or the Empire State Building or the Eiffel Tower, wherever, and being asked to pay 10 times more than the locals, as exists with the Thai national parks. And while we're at it, make Thais report to the police every three months if they live overseas, as foreigners have to here, as if they are criminals on probation.

One place that 'secretly' charges foreigners a surcharge is the Ghost Town place on the top floor of Garden Plaza in Pattaya. Thai price written in Thai, foreigner price (higher) written in English. They aren't even honest enough to be up-front with their racism.

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