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thanks coventry,since posting i have found a pharmacy that sells an american brand in naturopathic form,60 tabs for 890 baht,not cheap.what did you mean by "make sure you buy it in synthetic form"?
There are 2 forms of the substance. Natural and synthetic. The natural form is not recommended, but is available. It can contain viruses and proteins from the animal it was extracted from. The synthetic form is recommended, due to it's production being closely monitered and more precise. Go to http://www.melatonin-info.co.uk or www.melatonin.com .
thanks coventry,since posting i have found a pharmacy that sells an american brand in naturopathic form,60 tabs for 890 baht,not cheap.what did you mean by "make sure you buy it in synthetic form"?
There are 2 forms of the substance. Natural and synthetic. The natural form is not recommended, but is available. It can contain viruses and proteins from the animal it was extracted from. The synthetic form is recommended, due to it's production being closely monitered and more precise. Go to http://www.melatonin-info.co.uk .

ok thanks for that.

I have been taking 1/2 of a .5 tablet of clonazepam for about 15 years now with no apparent side effects. Note that this is an extremely low dose.

1/2 of a .5 Xanax seems to work as well.

Try to stop taking it for a week and you'll soon know about side effects.



There is an endless amount of negative articles about these poisons. Unfortunately, in Thailand doctors like to hand them out and not get to the root of the problem.

"The story of benzodiazepines is of awesome proportions and has been described [by David Blunkett MP] as a national scandal. The impact is so large that it is too big for Governments, regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry to address head on, so the scandal has been swept under the carpet." - Phil Woolas MP, House of Commons Hansard Debates, December 7, 1999. More Quotations »»


"The biggest drug-addiction problem in the world doesn't involve heroin, cocaine or marijuana. In fact, it doesn't involve an illegal drug at all. The world's biggest drug-addiction problem is posed by a group of drugs, the benzodiazepines, which are widely prescribed by doctors and taken by countless millions of perfectly ordinary people around the world... Drug-addiction experts claim that getting people off the benzodiazepines is more difficult than getting addicts off heroin... For several years now pressure-groups have been fighting to help addicted individuals break free from their pharmacological chains. But the fight has been a forlorn one. As fast as one individual breaks free from one of the benzodiazepines another patient somewhere else becomes addicted. I believe that the main reason for this is that doctors are addicted to prescribing benzodiazepines just as much as patients are hooked on taking them. I don't think that the problem can ever be solved by gentle persuasion or by trying to wean patients off these drugs. I think that the only genuine long-term solution is to be aware of these drugs and to avoid them like the plague. The uses of the benzodiazepines are modest and relatively insignificant. We can do without them. I don't think that the benzodiazepine problem will be solved until patients around the world unite and make it clear that they are not prepared to accept prescriptions for these dangerous products." - Dr Vernon Coleman, Life Without Tranquillisers, 1985. More Quotations »»


"It is more difficult to withdraw people from benzodiazepines than it is from heroin. It just seems that the dependency is so ingrained and the withdrawal symptoms you get are so intolerable that people have a great deal of problem coming off. The other aspect is that with heroin, usually the withdrawal is over within a week or so. With benzodiazepines, a proportion of patients go on to long term withdrawal and they have very unpleasant symptoms for month after month, and I get letters from people saying you can go on for two years or more. Some of the tranquilliser groups can document people who still have symptoms ten years after stopping." - Professor M H Lader, Royal Maudesley Hospital, BBC Radio 4, Face The Facts, March 16, 1999. More Quotations »»


I need to 'wake up' this thread again, sorry!

Can anybody advise me how to get Zolpidem (Stilnox/Ambien) OR Zopiclone (Lunesta) or Sonata----in BKK.

These are all sleeping pills, unlike xanax and ativan (most regular doctors here want to give me ativan, but it's no good for me)

Unlike USA or UK, these brands do not seem common in Thailand. Plus, I don't think that they are cash/OTC (you need Dr letter etc).

Any specific clinics or hospitals? Psychiatrist necessary?

My other query---what about the sites which post them? safe? expensive? which ones?

I don't sleep without these drugs. I know I should have herbs and hypno, but i am past that.

P Ed

You have to go to the doctor to get Stillnox/Ambien... and they will only give you 30 10mg tabs per month (enough for some, but not for others...). Stillnox is so much better than Xanax, but it's about 10x the price and like I said you have to go to the doc... Some days I can blow through 5mg of Xanax and 50mg of Stillnox and still not sleep... it's a bitch. But Nyquil helps for some reason! (I get it sent from the USA - you can't buy it in BKK for some reason - yeah, you can buy Xanax, blow, weed, but not Nyquil... amazing Thailand).

I've got a friend who must go though about 20k THB per month alone on Stillnox... but I must say as far as your body is concerned, it's a hel_l of a lot better than xanax - which can easily land you in the looney bin.... :o Unfortunately, I speak from experience.


if you have a problem sleeping you should address that problem (usually depression or anxiety related) before you start relying on medications to control your sleep patterns. get a good yoga teacher, masseuse, chiropractor, a dog.... learn deep breathing and meditation techniques. sleep medications are a slippery slope.

if you have a problem sleeping you should address that problem (usually depression or anxiety related) before you start relying on medications to control your sleep patterns. get a good yoga teacher, masseuse, chiropractor, a dog.... learn deep breathing and meditation techniques. sleep medications are a slippery slope.

Well said.

But how can a dog help sleep?


ha- my dog too, she would run right after a bath and roll all over that stinky fish paste that my neighbors would leave out to dry. it was like her perfume :o

but little anecdotes like that are why you love them and your spirits lift around them, and combined with something like yoga you have a cure for insomnia.

if you have a problem sleeping you should address that problem (usually depression or anxiety related) before you start relying on medications to control your sleep patterns. get a good yoga teacher, masseuse, chiropractor, a dog.... learn deep breathing and meditation techniques. sleep medications are a slippery slope.
'Melatonin' isn't a "medication". It's a naturally occuring hormone that regulates our sleep. As we get older our bodies slow down and therefore produce less of it. Resulting in people have sleep trouble later in life. Taken as a suppliment it should assist in sleeping better. As per all the other 'products ' mentioned in this thread I believe them all to be forms of medication and should be taken only after advice from a qualified practitioner.

One thing that hasn't been discussed on this thread and that is the effect SEX has on men and women in inducing sleep. Male ejaculation results in a surge in hormones that result in sleepiness and a sence of relaxation. For a woman, just the question of "how about sex" is enough to bring on a feeling of tiredness and the urge to go to sleep. Well it does in my house.

I need to 'wake up' this thread again, sorry!

Can anybody advise me how to get Zolpidem (Stilnox/Ambien) OR Zopiclone (Lunesta) or Sonata----in BKK.

These are all sleeping pills, unlike xanax and ativan (most regular doctors here want to give me ativan, but it's no good for me)

Unlike USA or UK, these brands do not seem common in Thailand. Plus, I don't think that they are cash/OTC (you need Dr letter etc).

Any specific clinics or hospitals? Psychiatrist necessary?

My other query---what about the sites which post them? safe? expensive? which ones?

I don't sleep without these drugs. I know I should have herbs and hypno, but i am past that.

P Ed

You have to go to the doctor to get Stillnox/Ambien... and they will only give you 30 10mg tabs per month (enough for some, but not for others...). Stillnox is so much better than Xanax, but it's about 10x the price and like I said you have to go to the doc... Some days I can blow through 5mg of Xanax and 50mg of Stillnox and still not sleep... it's a bitch. But Nyquil helps for some reason! (I get it sent from the USA - you can't buy it in BKK for some reason - yeah, you can buy Xanax, blow, weed, but not Nyquil... amazing Thailand).

I've got a friend who must go though about 20k THB per month alone on Stillnox... but I must say as far as your body is concerned, it's a hel_l of a lot better than xanax - which can easily land you in the looney bin.... :o Unfortunately, I speak from experience.

Stillnox or Xanax?

It's like Crack Cocaine or Heroin.

They are both terrible drugs.

Never drive a car if you take Ambien.

I need to 'wake up' this thread again, sorry!

Can anybody advise me how to get Zolpidem (Stilnox/Ambien) OR Zopiclone (Lunesta) or Sonata----in BKK.

These are all sleeping pills, unlike xanax and ativan (most regular doctors here want to give me ativan, but it's no good for me)

Unlike USA or UK, these brands do not seem common in Thailand. Plus, I don't think that they are cash/OTC (you need Dr letter etc).

Any specific clinics or hospitals? Psychiatrist necessary?

My other query---what about the sites which post them? safe? expensive? which ones?

I don't sleep without these drugs. I know I should have herbs and hypno, but i am past that.

P Ed

Sheryl has already answered the question on Stillnox. You can get it through a doctor at most hospitals (I have it prescribed at Bamrungrad). Since it is a controlled substance (at least in Thailand) each hospital has their own policy as to how it is dispensed. At Bamrungrad, the doctor can prescribe whatever amount, but you can only get 15 tablets per visit.

I need to 'wake up' this thread again, sorry!

Can anybody advise me how to get Zolpidem (Stilnox/Ambien) OR Zopiclone (Lunesta) or Sonata----in BKK.

These are all sleeping pills, unlike xanax and ativan (most regular doctors here want to give me ativan, but it's no good for me)

Unlike USA or UK, these brands do not seem common in Thailand. Plus, I don't think that they are cash/OTC (you need Dr letter etc).

Any specific clinics or hospitals? Psychiatrist necessary?

My other query---what about the sites which post them? safe? expensive? which ones?

I don't sleep without these drugs. I know I should have herbs and hypno, but i am past that.

P Ed

Sheryl has already answered the question on Stillnox. You can get it through a doctor at most hospitals (I have it prescribed at Bamrungrad). Since it is a controlled substance (at least in Thailand) each hospital has their own policy as to how it is dispensed. At Bamrungrad, the doctor can prescribe whatever amount, but you can only get 15 tablets per visit.

I wouldn't mind having a supply for occasional jet lag problems (melatonin don't work on me). I wonder if the public hospitals can dispense Stillnox? Not really worth paying a doc at Bumrungrad etc., not that big of a deal.

I need to 'wake up' this thread again, sorry!

Can anybody advise me how to get Zolpidem (Stilnox/Ambien) OR Zopiclone (Lunesta) or Sonata----in BKK.

These are all sleeping pills, unlike xanax and ativan (most regular doctors here want to give me ativan, but it's no good for me)

Unlike USA or UK, these brands do not seem common in Thailand. Plus, I don't think that they are cash/OTC (you need Dr letter etc).

Any specific clinics or hospitals? Psychiatrist necessary?

My other query---what about the sites which post them? safe? expensive? which ones?

I don't sleep without these drugs. I know I should have herbs and hypno, but i am past that.

P Ed

Sheryl has already answered the question on Stillnox. You can get it through a doctor at most hospitals (I have it prescribed at Bamrungrad). Since it is a controlled substance (at least in Thailand) each hospital has their own policy as to how it is dispensed. At Bamrungrad, the doctor can prescribe whatever amount, but you can only get 15 tablets per visit.

I wouldn't mind having a supply for occasional jet lag problems (melatonin don't work on me). I wonder if the public hospitals can dispense Stillnox? Not really worth paying a doc at Bumrungrad etc., not that big of a deal.

I understand the cost concerns and suspect that the other hospitals would have it as well, but of course best to check with the one nearest you. Melatonin also doesn't work for me.


Because of my recent articles highlighting the dangers of zolpidem (marketed by Sanofi as Stilnox, Stilnoct and Ambien), "Sleep drug zolpidem facing withdrawal?" "Heath Ledger - another victim of zolpidem?" "Further restrictions on zolpidem likely in Australia" and "Heath Ledgers cocktail - what happened to the zolpidem?" I have been invited to sign a petition titled "Ban Stilnox, Imovane and related sleep medications".

The case for the petition is well presented, and quite compelling. The petitioners have so far collected over three thousand signatures. Here are some unedited extracts from comments attached to the petition. Remember they are anecdotal only, they have not been tested for truthfulness, and the usual quota of "Big Pharma" haters are represented.

I had my one and only blackout after taking this awful drug- during the blackout I unknowingly took another 4 stilnox and had a fight with my then boyfriend.

He went home, took a Stilnox, then walked back past his friends home to the local railway line, waited in a tunnel and killed himself in front of the next train.

....went driving after taking Stilnox the other week and wrote off her car. Luckily she didn’t kill herself or anyone else, and woke up on the couch in the morning without remember a thing....

....sleep walking out of a hotel room - thank god it was into the corridor (albeit locking myself out of my room, in my pajamas), and not off a balcony....

I had one friend who 'came to' at his sink holding a pair of scissors and he had cut most of his hair off.

....my uncle died while using stilnox - sleep driving

My father was taking Stilnox at the time he died by jumping 83 metres to his death at Fitzroy falls, NSW. I would like his death not to have been in vain.

....my partner has been experiencing Stilnox-related parasomnia - manifesting as night-time wandering the streets, night-time bing eating and unknowingly slashing my throat.

He slept walked over his balcony plunging to his death!


As someone who has used stilnox in the past and experienced the 'sleep sex' side effect, I support the ban.

Ex-husband addicted to them. Takes then during the day, and is constantly falling, Hospitalized a week ago due to fall. He suffers memory lapses, abusive behaviour. Frightened what will happen next.

At first, the frantic ironing and making popcorn at 2 or 3am were quite funny; however he had no memory of any of this and he nearly burnt the house down when he melted a plastic comb on the popcorn maker!

I had a frightening reaction to taking this drug. Frightening because I did something that was out of character with my normal behaviour. Fortunately, I was with my family that evening who protected me from myself.

My mother was on stilnox for over 2 years culminating in a severe amnesia episode and permanent memory damage.

....Father died in car accident on the 18/12/07 as he was sleep driving due to Stilnox - Just got out of bed and went for a drive in his sleep at around 4am.

I lost my husband when he rode his motorbike under the effect of stilnox.

Last year we were prescribed Stilnox for a long international flight - 1 whole tablet for myself and husband and half each for our two teens. We had asked our doctor for a VERY MILD sleeping tablet. My husband and I were completely ''Knocked out" and were unable to be woken by cabin staff when our teens started to display unusual behaviour. Our son was crying uncontrollably whilst our daughter was hallusinating with abnesia and completely wet her pants- so much so that we had to throw out her shoes because of the stench!

I recently lost a brother to sleep-driving - he was taking Stilnox!

After taking the drug, my personality underwent a complete change where I ordered all sorts of advertised products late at night, believed I was going to join the fire brigade and more.

....i know someone who put a heater under her doona, only to be caught with her housemate finding her.

I couldn't remember what I've done. I was smsing people and could not recall.

....my body was parallaysed but I wanted to jump out of my bedroom window.

....i had server side effects amnesia, driving problems, unexplained brusing, waking up outside watering the garden....

....my brother's death in December '07 we strongly believe was due to 'sleep driving' while on the drug 'stilnox'

She suffered sleepwalking (smoking while doing so)....

My partner lost two days after taking stilnox on a thursday night.....To this day she still has no memory of the episode

My friend woke up and had lost three days; her car was parked erratically in her drive way and all of the car doors were open

If it wan't for my husband I would have been wandering the streets half naked. My husband stopped me from walking out. He also found me cooking in the middle of the night, naked on the trampoline in my back yard at 2am, stopped me driving off in our car

During taking Stilnox I binge ate at night--knew I was doing it but was unable to control it. Withdrawal was very difficult and I gained 6 kg while trying to withdraw

....Luckily my family were around and brought me inside where I began to have discussions with figures in tapestries that to me were alive.

....the family has fun repeating some of it though. like naked in front yard at 3am trying apparently to organise a party. had 3 baths overnight.

I took stilnox and walked out of my house in my pj's and drove my company car around the suburb and eventually crashed into a parked car. I still have no memory of this. I wrote of my company car and lost my job

....suddenly fell asleep while riding her bicycle. She received extensive injuries when she fell in front of a car....

....i have woken up half naked in the middle of the night km's away from my home. this itself has caused me trauma.shame and the feeling of being crazy.

....a fire started in her apartment due to sleep cooking on Stilnox.

What would you do if you received an email congratulating you on your purchase on EBAY of a motor vehicle which you had apparently successfully bid on several evenings ago, but again you have absolutely no idea of when and why you made such an online bid....

Once I found him outside in his jocks talking to the letterbox I can laugh now but at the time it was very very scary

My wife found me semi-conscious on the kitchen floor after taking it- God only knows how long l'd been there.


the only thing that gives me 6-8 hours uninterupted sleep is xanax. i know its not something you should get used to(maybe hard to get off it)have taken it on and off for 4 years its mainly prescribed for hypertension)but gives a great sleep with no drowsiness in the morning.

Am having some naturopathic stuff sent from australia soon,has trypto something in it to take the place of xanax.


Once again, a number of posts concerning illegal activity (OTC purchase of controlled substances) have been deleted.

Thread closed.

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