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Well I can speak for Australia, and the government is one of the main reasons we will never live there again.

Sounds like you might be complaining about taxes or red tape or such. That is not the same issue as being a failed state.

Mate if you want to talk about 'failed states' check out the political news surrounding the NSW Government(Australia) and you might just get a shock. FAILED STATE = NSW AUSTRALIA.

Beautiful country, politics sending it broke...taxes out of control, i could go on but it sends chills up my spine

LOL and did I forget to mention how quickly it's becoming a POLICE STATE.

Not that I give wikipedia any credibility, but I'm not the only one that sees things the way I do :D


The only sad thing I see about that picture is the fact that those police could be off dealing with some real CRIME, busting some scum bags (which their spineless commanders dont want them to do) instead of babysitty some irrelvant group of grannies not long for this world! The NSW Police Circus is exactly that - A CIRCUS, Full of incompetent commanders who are only so busy trying to get themselves up the chain of command rather than dealing with real issues & I pity those poor police who could be used somewhere much more effectively than this. :o

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No more dysfunctional than australia, the us or anywhere else for the matter.

my point earlier

wow looks like all we need is another bozo agreeing, then we will have a jackpot! this has never happened in Australia, USA or any other first world country, do u think that the PAD would last 4 months in the white house of parliament house in Australia.

There are always 2 or 3 types of people in Thailand, 1. people who have issues in other countries, like debts. 2. bitter and twisted, and cant look at things rationally, and degrade their home countries, (maybe they couldnt make it their), or 3. cant get pussy in their home country......

No more dysfunctional than australia, the us or anywhere else for the matter.

my point earlier

wow looks like all we need is another bozo agreeing, then we will have a jackpot! this has never happened in Australia, USA or any other first world country, do u think that the PAD would last 4 months in the white house of parliament house in Australia.

There are always 2 or 3 types of people in Thailand, 1. people who have issues in other countries, like debts. 2. bitter and twisted, and cant look at things rationally, and degrade their home countries, (maybe they couldnt make it their), or 3. cant get pussy in their home country......

theres been a small group of people camped at parliment house in australia for years.....imagine if you did that? (or did you forget about that little tent city). As for me, I can tell you your theory in points 1,2 & 3 does not apply to me :D stick to your other job..whatever it was (Centrelink receipiant???) :o

No more dysfunctional than australia, the us or anywhere else for the matter.

you must be a comedian..... Australia isnt disfunctional.... just has high taxes.. if you want a quality of life in a country like australia with only 20 Million people, then someone has to pay....

No more dysfunctional than australia, the us or anywhere else for the matter.

I totally disagree on the US. I can't speak for Australia. All you have to do is look at the election of 2000 where a huge number of people passionately felt the election was stolen by the courts. It was accepted. There was no violence. The people realized they would wait for new elections to right the wrongs.

I agree with you Jingthing 1st. how can a country with 600 million people and 6000 airports be compared to one with 60m P and a handful of airports. 2nd. The fact is if the US has one thing going for it, it is order, the rules are clear and consiquences are swift, the PDA stunt would be near impossible in the states. 3. Having said this if an airport or government office was taken over by a mob; 99% of the average joes on the street would have a pretty good idea of what would happen whereas in TLS it seems to be anyones guess

I was unaware that the USA had 600 million people......6,000 airports, you'd have to be joking.

As for Australia being disfunctional....If you drive around with ur head in ur backside & just bob along like a good little brainwashed child, you may be tricked into thinking everything is OK in the land down under. If you did a little deeper, start dealing with the ATO, Courts, Govt Departments, Councils, all the do gooder institutions, red tape, did i mention the ATO, Immigration, Police, Politicians and so forth, you will soon realise how disfunctional the place really is. Did I mention the do gooders, minority groups, courts, health care, educations departments, state of indigenous affairs....CRIKEY the more I think about it the more I LOVE THAILAND !!!

Neverdie, some people will refuse to believe that Australia is less than perfect.


ok ok so 300, 000,000 people and around 2500 airports never the less my point remains the same :o

So as we have all seen over the past week, Thailand is once again showing off how disfunctional it is to the rest of the world. There is NO democracy here, and one wonders if this country will descend into Anarchy. Who is running the country ? The PAD ?

Does anyone know what they are doing.... because I am sure no one really knows what will happen next. Bring Back Thaksin, this counrty was far better off with him at the helm, there was more international respect and financia investment was more robust..

Any thoughts ??????

I couldnt agree with you more mate. It appears to me that if people over there dont get their way, its tantrum time until they do.

As I always found growing up, get slapped enough times on the bum and you soon lean the RIGHT way of going about getting what you want, and if you dont, then grow up and get on with it...maybe a bit of tough love needed over there.....

Well I can speak for Australia, and the government is one of the main reasons we will never live there again.
why? you got deported? :o

Why would I be deported? Both my husband and I were born and raised in Australia. We made our choice to leave more than 8 years ago because things were bad then, and every time we visit we realise just how good we have it not living in Australia..... and believe me, if it wasn't for the fact that I am close to my family in the west and want my daughter to spend some time with them, we wouldn't even bother going there.

No more dysfunctional than australia, the us or anywhere else for the matter.

my point earlier

wow looks like all we need is another bozo agreeing, then we will have a jackpot! this has never happened in Australia, USA or any other first world country, do u think that the PAD would last 4 months in the white house of parliament house in Australia.

There are always 2 or 3 types of people in Thailand, 1. people who have issues in other countries, like debts. 2. bitter and twisted, and cant look at things rationally, and degrade their home countries, (maybe they couldnt make it their), or 3. cant get pussy in their home country......

Sorry to disappoint you ozinthailand but I (nor my husband) fit into your profiling of people who live in Thailand... 1) we have no issue of debts in any country including Australia, 2) i don't think we're bitter or twisted - Fact is that Australia COULD BE a great place to live, but instead of whinging how bad things are there, we left and haven't looked back.... and 3) well the pussy issue DEFINITELY does not apply to us :o

No more dysfunctional than australia, the us or anywhere else for the matter.

my point earlier

wow looks like all we need is another bozo agreeing, then we will have a jackpot! this has never happened in Australia, USA or any other first world country, do u think that the PAD would last 4 months in the white house of parliament house in Australia.

There are always 2 or 3 types of people in Thailand, 1. people who have issues in other countries, like debts. 2. bitter and twisted, and cant look at things rationally, and degrade their home countries, (maybe they couldnt make it their), or 3. cant get pussy in their home country......

Sorry to disappoint you ozinthailand but I (nor my husband) fit into your profiling of people who live in Thailand... 1) we have no issue of debts in any country including Australia, 2) i don't think we're bitter or twisted - Fact is that Australia COULD BE a great place to live, but instead of whinging how bad things are there, we left and haven't looked back.... and 3) well the pussy issue DEFINITELY does not apply to us :o

so you born and rised in OZ and you admid OZ could be a good place to live why on earth you don't stay there? I was not born in OZ but I lived there for 35 years and I admid it is the best place to live ( I am not knocking Thailand ) and if you paid 48.5% tax it ' s just fair because you must have made

quiet a bit of money. You have health care in OZ? yes,you have health care here? No you don't.You

have protester camping on governments grounds for 6 weeks? Yes you have the aboriginies which no one can touch. Can you kick out the prime minister after a few months in Office? Oh I guess I had my say for tonight.

No more dysfunctional than australia, the us or anywhere else for the matter.

my point earlier

wow looks like all we need is another bozo agreeing, then we will have a jackpot! this has never happened in Australia, USA or any other first world country, do u think that the PAD would last 4 months in the white house of parliament house in Australia.

There are always 2 or 3 types of people in Thailand, 1. people who have issues in other countries, like debts. 2. bitter and twisted, and cant look at things rationally, and degrade their home countries, (maybe they couldnt make it their), or 3. cant get pussy in their home country......

Sorry to disappoint you ozinthailand but I (nor my husband) fit into your profiling of people who live in Thailand... 1) we have no issue of debts in any country including Australia, 2) i don't think we're bitter or twisted - Fact is that Australia COULD BE a great place to live, but instead of whinging how bad things are there, we left and haven't looked back.... and 3) well the pussy issue DEFINITELY does not apply to us :o

so you born and rised in OZ and you admid OZ could be a good place to live why on earth you don't stay there? I was not born in OZ but I lived there for 35 years and I admid it is the best place to live ( I am not knocking Thailand ) and if you paid 48.5% tax it ' s just fair because you must have made

quiet a bit of money. You have health care in OZ? yes,you have health care here? No you don't.You

have protester camping on governments grounds for 6 weeks? Yes you have the aboriginies which no one can touch. Can you kick out the prime minister after a few months in Office? Oh I guess I had my say for tonight.

Fred, Im not too sure who you are talking too, it seems you have a few people mixed up. I don't know if the Aboriginals have only been camping at Parliment house for 6 weeks.....it seems like decades to me. Some people seem to think that its OK to tax people at 48.5% just because they earn it.......perhaps they deserve to earn it, tis called HARD WORK & alot of the people that winge about that & are too lazy to have a go. You mention healthcare, Australia has Medicare & they also have Medicare Levy (tax) and the Medicare Levy Surcharge (tax) even for the people who have their own PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE & dont use medicare(Sounds fair NOT). As for Thailand IT DOES HAVE A HEALTHCARE SCHEME for thais, perhaps you might like to take a look at that before you have a shot at em for not having a system. I will admit that some of the Govt Hosp in thailand are a little run down, just like the ones in NSW & country areas of Aust(so i guess they both must be Developing nations then)....so much for that argument. On that note, it is apparently incorrect to call Developing Nations, 3rd world. As for kicking out the PM of Australia, no need, he will shoot himself in the foot, he is in way over his poor head (and silly lizard looking faces) and Australians will suffer at his hand.

No more dysfunctional than australia, the us or anywhere else for the matter.

my point earlier

wow looks like all we need is another bozo agreeing, then we will have a jackpot! this has never happened in Australia, USA or any other first world country, do u think that the PAD would last 4 months in the white house of parliament house in Australia.

There are always 2 or 3 types of people in Thailand, 1. people who have issues in other countries, like debts. 2. bitter and twisted, and cant look at things rationally, and degrade their home countries, (maybe they couldnt make it their), or 3. cant get pussy in their home country......

Sorry to disappoint you ozinthailand but I (nor my husband) fit into your profiling of people who live in Thailand... 1) we have no issue of debts in any country including Australia, 2) i don't think we're bitter or twisted - Fact is that Australia COULD BE a great place to live, but instead of whinging how bad things are there, we left and haven't looked back.... and 3) well the pussy issue DEFINITELY does not apply to us :o

so you born and rised in OZ and you admid OZ could be a good place to live why on earth you don't stay there? I was not born in OZ but I lived there for 35 years and I admid it is the best place to live ( I am not knocking Thailand ) and if you paid 48.5% tax it ' s just fair because you must have made

quiet a bit of money. You have health care in OZ? yes,you have health care here? No you don't.You

have protester camping on governments grounds for 6 weeks? Yes you have the aboriginies which no one can touch. Can you kick out the prime minister after a few months in Office? Oh I guess I had my say for tonight.

:D I find your post a bit confusing but here goes....

If you read my post, I said Australia COULD BE a GREAT place to live. No where did I say IT IS THE BEST place as I definitely don't think that.

(There is a difference between GREAT and BEST). I've already stated what I think is wrong with Australia and why we don't live there.

TAXES - Never had a problem paying them, even though it did piss me off that the more $$$ we earned the more we had to pay in tax. Why should those that work hard and earn good money have to pay more taxes to support the "dole bludgers". Very annoying but not the worst thing about Australia, and one thing that we pay regardless of where we live.

HEALTH CARE - what health care are you talking about? Medicare? When I lived in Australia, I always had private health insurance and I still have private health care & insurance (yes even in Thailand which covers me wherever I am in the world EXCEPT for USA).

PROTESTERS CAMPING ON GOVERNMENT GROUNDS? What about it? It has nothing to do with me or my life, and I don't live anywhere near Government house or other places where protesters may gather.

ABORIGINES (Sorry, Indigenous Australians) - No comment about them because I have nothing positive to say about them!



For those who wish to whinge about Oz, and tax rates, some facts -

Tax rates 2007-08

$1 – $6,000 Nil

$6,001 – $30,000 15c for each $1 over $6,000

$30,001 – $75,000 $3,600 plus 30c for each $1 over $30,000

$75,001 – $150,000 $17,100 plus 40c for each $1 over $75,000

$150,001 and over $47,100 plus 45c for each $1 over $150,000

Tax rates 2008-09

$0 – $6,000 Nil

$6,001 – $34,000 15c for each $1 over $6,000

$34,001 – $80,000 $4,200 plus 30c for each $1 over $34,000

$80,001 – $180,000 $18,000 plus 40c for each $1 over $80,000

$180,001 and over $58,000 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000

Oh dear! There is no 48.5% ++ rate.

And more oh dear! When that rate did exist, no-one paid it on every dollar they earned.

I also note most of the whingers appear to come from NSW. Following the precedent set by some Americans, who presume the USA is the world, these NSWelshmen seem to think NSW is Australia.

More news - it ain't!

Australian is far from perfect, but it is a lot closer to achieving that aim without the whinging, whining rednecks who have made such a splash on this thread.

As someone once said - empty vessels make the most noise.

For those who wish to whinge about Oz, and tax rates, some facts -
Tax rates 2007-08

$1 – $6,000 Nil

$6,001 – $30,000 15c for each $1 over $6,000

$30,001 – $75,000 $3,600 plus 30c for each $1 over $30,000

$75,001 – $150,000 $17,100 plus 40c for each $1 over $75,000

$150,001 and over $47,100 plus 45c for each $1 over $150,000

Tax rates 2008-09

$0 – $6,000 Nil

$6,001 – $34,000 15c for each $1 over $6,000

$34,001 – $80,000 $4,200 plus 30c for each $1 over $34,000

$80,001 – $180,000 $18,000 plus 40c for each $1 over $80,000

$180,001 and over $58,000 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000

Oh dear! There is no 48.5% ++ rate.

And more oh dear! When that rate did exist, no-one paid it on every dollar they earned.

I also note most of the whingers appear to come from NSW. Following the precedent set by some Americans, who presume the USA is the world, these NSWelshmen seem to think NSW is Australia.

More news - it ain't!

Australian is far from perfect, but it is a lot closer to achieving that aim without the whinging, whining rednecks who have made such a splash on this thread.

As someone once said - empty vessels make the most noise.

Nice, anyone can do a search on the ato site, probably i should explain that a: yes i did make a mistake and the top tax rate is NOW 45 Cents, but you have to add to that both the medicare levy 1.5% and the medicare surcharge levy 1%, so I should have written 47.5%, not 48.5%. You say there are no ++ taxes in Australia, what do you call the GST and all the other taxes from the 3x3 on fuel, stamp duty, fire levy and trust me the list goes on.

I'm not too sure about being an empty vessel.....however if Australia had its way with its taxes it would have tried to empty my vessel :D

You might be the big man on google jackspratt BUT trust me there are plenty of taxes in Australia you have passed over.....nice work tho...BACK IN UR BOX :o


ALSO, forgot to mention that you would only have to go back 1 or 2 years & the top tax rate was 47 cents plus the 1.5, which is where i got the 48.5 from. If you didnt have private health insurance, that would automatically jump up to 49.5%......anyway JACKSPLAT, your most welcome to goto Australia and pay their taxes if you wish.....they not fussy, theyll take cash anyway they can :o

ALSO, forgot to mention that you would only have to go back 1 or 2 years & the top tax rate was 47 cents plus the 1.5, which is where i got the 48.5 from. If you didnt have private health insurance, that would automatically jump up to 49.5%......anyway JACKSPLAT, your most welcome to goto Australia and pay their taxes if you wish.....they not fussy, theyll take cash anyway they can :o

Thank you for confirming the empty vessel theory :D


Well Jacksplatt....if you think I have confirmed that theory for you....good for you, but I don't see how. Right now as I sit and type I virtually make no noise at all, just a little tapping sound on the keyboard....surely not the loudest thing in thailand. Secondly, if you were to look at my profile you would see that I post at a much lesser rate that yourself here on thaivisa...??? So to use your theory....you would be making more noise than me then....crikey, wheres that leave some people ? Then theres the fact that you somehow claim what I have written as to be wrong about tax rates in Aust, but I wasnt......so it makes me wonder exactly what you have proven other than the fact that you are indeed a clever little person who can download some figures from a website.....yet not clever enough to do adequate reseach to see that your claims are incorrect. Jackyboy, you are being a silly :o

Surely, if you conduct a few more enquiries about the various claims I have made here in relation to Australias disfunctional systems, you will see that infact that everything i have said is true.....perhaps you would rather just post dribble or play stupid, afterall thats what you seem good at.

Jackysplatt.....perhaps it is you that is both disfunctional and an empty vessel on this occassion & therefore it is you that has proven your own theory (again). :D


most of the posts dont really have anything to do with the topic does it

plus the topic has nothing to do with the airport.

if you wish to discuss the broader political implications, you can do so here

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