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30-days Border Runs Now Only 15 Days

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abuse immigration procedures....why?

I cannot be a tourist the rest of my life?

Why for some people is so criminal if someone can support himself in different legal way and be a tourist all rest of him life?

Why i must be married or retired or lose money in one company, for spend my money in one country?

I mean why spend money, for have the permit for spend money, take care some people, give work to many people, pay tax everyday?

Ok that is the right way, the legal way and if i dont like i can go away...ok i will go soon.

I live one child an the road, him mother ....yes that is the thai style...i see everyday on the beach road in pattaya....

but that is also the good and right way,so i dont care.now im a criminal, stupid , poor and degenerate man visa runner this is the wrong way.

I must to change and all visa runner must to change.

We are a very BAD BOY.

Good bye.

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It is amazing , the other countries in SEAsia are working on a system For NO VISA REQUIRED FOR PEOPLE IN ASEAN , for some years there has been no visa on arrival by plane or road for Cambodians , they have had to obtain a visa at the embassy in Pnom Penh , most people can get buisness visa on arival and extend for one year AT THE LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT , i wonder why so many people have been coming to Cambodia recently and why i feel many more will follow suit ?

For all you HISO posters , why do you have to put your boot into people when it is absolutely none of you concern as to why people are in Thailand and whether they have visas or work permits or whatever your problem is that is making your ass itch so much you have a problem sitting down . YOU ARE ONLY GUESTS IN THIS COUNTRY THE SAME AS THEM , so quit your constant lambasting people you do not know or have no idea of their situation .You are not the government and have absolutely no say on who does what at any given time . How many pages of your drivel ?

No real knowledge of the Cambodian situation so can't comment but second para is Spot on :o

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It is amazing , the other countries in SEAsia are working on a system For NO VISA REQUIRED FOR PEOPLE IN ASEAN , for some years there has been no visa on arrival by plane or road for Cambodians , they have had to obtain a visa at the embassy in Pnom Penh , most people can get buisness visa on arival and extend for one year AT THE LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT , i wonder why so many people have been coming to Cambodia recently and why i feel many more will follow suit ?

Vietnamese require a visa for Cambodia, although it is available on arrival at Pochentong

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One small change in visa rules yesterday - and what we can see? - 20 pages of worry comments in one day!

It effects me,unfortunatly - I live conviniently near the border.

But I have this comment:

Gentlemen!Do not built palaces on ice!On ice - you can built:an igloo!

I also noticed,that name - John Mark Karr is well remembered here;it explaines this "worry" atmosphere,or

I would call it -panic(?).

This 15 days change - is minor change.Similar rule was practiced in Singapore for years:30 days at the airport,15 days on land border - JohorBahru.

And here I have good news for you - all worried PT's:

starting from last month - you are getting 90 days chop in Singapore!

Have a nice day!Today is Pappa Day!

And Happy Birthday to HM!

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Wondering if this change will be affecting my future border run...

I came in from USA on a 60 day tourist visa obtained in the states, just got my extension yesterday for another 30 days. I plan on staying another 90 days so I am going to Laos for another 60 day visa then another extension. Am I still able to do this or has it changed?

Thanks for the help!

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Wondering if this change will be affecting my future border run...

I came in from USA on a 60 day tourist visa obtained in the states, just got my extension yesterday for another 30 days. I plan on staying another 90 days so I am going to Laos for another 60 day visa then another extension. Am I still able to do this or has it changed?

Thanks for the help!

No changes towards tourist visas, don't worry.

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I don't think it's a great loss for Thailand - big spenders generally don't do visa runs but get proper long term multiple-reentry tourist or non-o visas in their home countries.


how many days are you allowed on one of those

" proper long term multiple-reentry tourist or non-o visas "

and do you need to be a prooper person to apply!!!

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OK, I'm one of those riff-raff that they want to get rid of.

I married a Thai lady 18+ years ago. By virtue of that marriage, she was immediately entitled to live in my home country permanently, and work there; own property, vote, etc. Three years ago we decided to move to Thailand because all of my work was in SE Asia, and it was impractical to keep travelling half way around the world. I was entitled to get an 'O' visa for one year, I am not allowed to work in Thailand and I am not allowed to have a bank account, let alone own property. I have to leave the country to renew my visa every year. The problem is that Thai consulates in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Singapore will not issue mutliple entry 'O' visas. Kuala Lumpur might issue the mutliple entry 'O' visa, but I have to take the risk to go there and hope to meet a sympathetic consular employee.

OK, I have a PhD and earn $150k-$200k per year, but to Thailand I am riff-raff. So what am I supposed to do? I have three choices: 1. Take a risk on Malaysia; 2. Spend ThB80,000+ to go back to my home country every year to apply for a new visa (not counting the cost of accomodation while on the trip); or 3. Leave my wife and two children, who are all Thai citizens, and go live somewhere else.

That's just the sort of situation that the blunt stick of Thai Immigration exacerbates. Granted, Thai Imm can't micro-manage their affairs, but they don't seem to look at the various contingencies with any heart. Folks like Exalll can be of real benefit to Thailand in general - and to his extended Thai family in particular - yet restrictive Thai Imm policies will compel many of such folks to set up shop in other countries.

One small change in visa rules yesterday - and what we can see? - 20 pages of worry comments in one day!

This 15 days change - is minor change.

Some folks' situation is tenable or worry free - good for them. But for the comfy ones to cast aspersions at those who are in a dilemma - is cold indeed. Try a tad bit of compassion.

What Thai Immigration authorities (and their minders) are doing, by bluntly restricting visa requirements, is to make Thailand less appealing to many categories of tourists. Tourism is the life blood of the Thai economy - by far the biggest garnerer of outside revenue. Much of the tens of billions of baht spent here by farang is under the table (dowries, houses built for extended family, entrepreneural endeavors etc.) and 99% is OUTSIDE MONEY. It's particular nuts to enact restrictions for wanderlust travelers - after the very costly debacle of the PAD demonstrations. Thai officials are shooting their golden goose - or at least crippling it with buckshot.

message to Thai Imm policy makers: Don't kick a gifthorse in the mouth.

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OK, I'm one of those riff-raff that they want to get rid of.

I married a Thai lady 18+ years ago. By virtue of that marriage, she was immediately entitled to live in my home country permanently, and work there; own property, vote, etc. Three years ago we decided to move to Thailand because all of my work was in SE Asia, and it was impractical to keep travelling half way around the world. I was entitled to get an 'O' visa for one year, I am not allowed to work in Thailand and I am not allowed to have a bank account, let alone own property. I have to leave the country to renew my visa every year. The problem is that Thai consulates in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Singapore will not issue mutliple entry 'O' visas. Kuala Lumpur might issue the mutliple entry 'O' visa, but I have to take the risk to go there and hope to meet a sympathetic consular employee.

OK, I have a PhD and earn $150k-$200k per year, but to Thailand I am riff-raff. So what am I supposed to do? I have three choices: 1. Take a risk on Malaysia; 2. Spend ThB80,000+ to go back to my home country every year to apply for a new visa (not counting the cost of accomodation while on the trip); or 3. Leave my wife and two children, who are all Thai citizens, and go live somewhere else.

You are badly informed is all that I can say.

You can open a bank account.

You can get a one year extension of your O visa. Just show income of 40,000 baht or 400,000 in the bank.

With that extension you can get work permit if you have a job.

Edit: Go to this topic and open the new rules file and look at 2.14: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Regulations-...ig-t227532.html

Edited by ubonjoe
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OK, I'm one of those riff-raff that they want to get rid of.

I married a Thai lady 18+ years ago. By virtue of that marriage, she was immediately entitled to live in my home country permanently, and work there; own property, vote, etc. Three years ago we decided to move to Thailand because all of my work was in SE Asia, and it was impractical to keep travelling half way around the world. I was entitled to get an 'O' visa for one year, I am not allowed to work in Thailand and I am not allowed to have a bank account, let alone own property. I have to leave the country to renew my visa every year. The problem is that Thai consulates in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Singapore will not issue mutliple entry 'O' visas. Kuala Lumpur might issue the mutliple entry 'O' visa, but I have to take the risk to go there and hope to meet a sympathetic consular employee.

OK, I have a PhD and earn $150k-$200k per year, but to Thailand I am riff-raff. So what am I supposed to do? I have three choices: 1. Take a risk on Malaysia; 2. Spend ThB80,000+ to go back to my home country every year to apply for a new visa (not counting the cost of accomodation while on the trip); or 3. Leave my wife and two children, who are all Thai citizens, and go live somewhere else.

You make enough money to easily qualify for an extension of visa based on marriage to a Thai national...why have you not done that?

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I DID get the 'O' visa when we first came here. The first year I renewed it in London because we happened to be visiting there at the right time. The second year I renewed it in S'pore, no problem. But this year S'pore has decided that it doesn't want to bother with multiple entry 'O' visas - neither does Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. As for the bank account, we went to the local BKK bank. It was very clear - you are not allowed to open a bank account on an 'O' visa (apparently it's all to do with money laundering which, of course, is only conducted by foreigners on 'O' visas; never Thais). My wife said "no problem", I know someone who works in the HQ of BKK bank". So we asked her, but she said "no way".

No no no...what is being suggested is *not* that you "renew your visa" (get a new visa) every year, but that you apply for an extension of visa based on marriage to a Thai national at Immigration inside Thailand.

There are any number of threads on this topic right here at Thai Visa.

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I DID get the 'O' visa when we first came here. The first year I renewed it in London because we happened to be visiting there at the right time. The second year I renewed it in S'pore, no problem. But this year S'pore has decided that it doesn't want to bother with multiple entry 'O' visas - neither does Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. As for the bank account, we went to the local BKK bank. It was very clear - you are not allowed to open a bank account on an 'O' visa (apparently it's all to do with money laundering which, of course, is only conducted by foreigners on 'O' visas; never Thais). My wife said "no problem", I know someone who works in the HQ of BKK bank". So we asked her, but she said "no way".

No no no...what is being suggested is *not* that you "renew your visa" (get a new visa) every year, but that you apply for an extension of visa based on marriage to a Thai national at Immigration inside Thailand.

There are any number of threads on this topic right here at Thai Visa.

Indeed NO, NO, NO. You extend your permission to stay based on your marriage to a Thai national. You do not extend your visa.

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But you must have some visa, surely? Just a stamp in your passport? Are you a special friend of Thaksin :o? Seriously, ... tell me more!

Not sure what it is to be honest as it doesn't say non-immigration O or B etc. It's just a stamp in the passport. Nothing special as pretty much all my married friends have the same thing. Where are you based? If in Phuket, PM me and I can put you in touch with the person that takes care of all my visa stuff.

12 month extension based on marriage.

Thanks for that. I never knew what it was called. Maybe Exall's best bet would be to contact Sunbelt Asia. I'm sure they would be able to explain better than I could.

No need...there are any number of threads here on Thai Visa that explain in detail how to do this particular extension. I did mine a few months ago with a bit of help from some posters here.

Surely someone who is bright enough to earn a PhD can do this one his own.

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I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

well said.

At last thailand is getting rid of the undesirables this can only be a good thing and about time too.

What a sanctimonious lot of hoo haa on here. What is so 'undesirable' about backpackers teaching English to Thai kids? You guys must have forgotten what it was like to travel and pick up odd jobs to support your travel. These kids actually plough their pitances back into the Thai economy. Ease up on them a little and just see this ridiculous law as what it is. They should be opening their doors to people not slamming it. Actually gangsters and low-lifes can more than afford any kind of visa.

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But you must have some visa, surely? Just a stamp in your passport? Are you a special friend of Thaksin :o ? Seriously, ... tell me more!

Not sure what it is to be honest as it doesn't say non-immigration O or B etc. It's just a stamp in the passport. Nothing special as pretty much all my married friends have the same thing. Where are you based? If in Phuket, PM me and I can put you in touch with the person that takes care of all my visa stuff.

12 month extension based on marriage.

Thanks for that. I never knew what it was called. Maybe Exall's best bet would be to contact Sunbelt Asia. I'm sure they would be able to explain better than I could.

Sorry for the delay in replying ... just went out for a moobaan-organized walk in honour of H.M.'s birthday.

When we moved here from Canada, I got a non-immigrant 'O' visa, on the basis of being married to a Thai. I was told at the time that I would have to renew the visa every year, and would have to leave the country to do so. I did that this first year (taking advantage of a holiday in London) and the second year (taking advantage of a business trip to S'pore). This year I called the embassy in S'pore who told me they no longer issue multiple-entry 'O' visas (well, actually they told me that such visas no longer exist, only later did find out that they do, but the S'pore consulate can't be bothered to issue them any more). So, not knowing where to go, and not having any convenient trips to Europe or N. America set up, my visa expired. Since then I have been a "tourist".

So are you telling me that the original information I got in Canada was wrong? If so, I guess that now my visa has expired, I WILL have to go somewhere to renew it!

I would not say the information that you received in Canada was wrong...but they did not explain all options. You have to ask also...perhaps the person who helped you did not understand that your intent was to stay in Thailand for a good portion of the year. Plus, even a couple of years back they were giving the one year Non-O multiple-entry visas much more freely than now, so that was a viable option for long-stayers. Not so now...they seem to be moving the qualified long-stayers towards Extension of Stay, which is not a bad thing for those whose situation fits, as yours seems to.

Here are some threads you can read:




From the sound of things, this is what you should have been doing all along.

It is a bit overwhelming at first...but not impossible certainly.

As you stated, if your visa is expired, you will need to get a new one. Then start the extension process from that visa.

Good luck, and check back here with any questions. There are several here with good knowledge in this area who are more than happy to help.

Edited by mgjackson69
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OK, I'll leave, but I won't come back. I'lljust spend my money elsewhere.

how much was that? $30 per day?

a negligible amount, only enough to pay the wages of about 4 Thais for the day or the schooling of maybe 10 kids, no wonder farang want the rif raf out

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I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

well said.

At last thailand is getting rid of the undesirables this can only be a good thing and about time too.

What a sanctimonious lot of hoo haa on here. What is so 'undesirable' about backpackers teaching English to Thai kids? You guys must have forgotten what it was like to travel and pick up odd jobs to support your travel. These kids actually plough their pitances back into the Thai economy. Ease up on them a little and just see this ridiculous law as what it is. They should be opening their doors to people not slamming it. Actually gangsters and low-lifes can more than afford any kind of visa.

People not qualified as teachers working here without a work permit, not paying taxes.

What could possibly be wrong or undesirable about that??

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I dont know if this has been discussed--But what if I arrive BKK airport and get the 30 day visa--stay a few days-then go into Laos via Nong khai for a few days--then return across the border--will I only get the 15 days-??????


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I dont know if this has been discussed--But what if I arrive BKK airport and get the 30 day visa--stay a few days-then go into Laos via Nong khai for a few days--then return across the border--will I only get the 15 days-??????


If you cross the border by land crossing..you will only get 15 days on return...

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If so, I guess that now my visa has expired, I WILL have to go somewhere to renew it!

If you are on tourist visa you can still do it as long as you have at least 21 days left on your permit to stay.

You will have to go to immigration and do a change of visa status (2000 baht) and at that time they will issue a non-o visa.

You will then extend that permit to stay for a year (1900 baht).

Go to the following website for immigration and click change visa and then "For a family member of a Thai (applicable only parents, spouse or child)".


You can download the forms from the website also.

The new rules change things a bit but not for the change visa except for you can now do the 400,000 in bank option.

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The 30 day rule for countries not bordering thai, and the new 15 day rule for neighbouring countries is fine for true tourists. If your wanting to stay longer get the required visa before arriving there, and again I feel these should only be issued from the travellers own country.

It would make the whole thing simpler if the thai government said your only allowed 1 30 day stamp in your passport per 12 month period as most true tourists only travel once per year.

I spend 1 to 2 weeks in Thailand every 7 weeks, I never obtain a visa. I live and work in Australia, I spend my money in Thailand. If I had to obtain visas every single time I can tell you I wouldnt be going this often. Your statement in bold is ridiculous.

I have to agree with ozfarang81 - I travel frequently between SE Asia and Australia for work. Thailand is basically a travel hub, where I stop for several days up to a few weeks at a time in between visiting other countries in the region. I do not have employment or a business in Thailand - so I could be called a tourist for arguments sake when I enter Thailand each visit. At the very least, I am a legitimate traveller.

I do not have always have the time to get a visa issued before travelling to Thailand - and I am not in my own country (Australia) enough to do so either - actually I have never had to get a visa prior to arriving in Thailand and do not expect this to change in future.

To suggest that the Thai Govt should only issue 1 x 30 day stamp per 12 months is completely ridiculous.

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Here are some threads you can read:




From the sound of things, this is what you should have been doing all along.

It is a bit overwhelming at first...but not impossible certainly.

Good luck, and check back here with any questions. There are several here with good knowledge in this area who are more than happy to help.

Thanks for the advice - also ubonjoe and others

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this sounds interesting. :o

I wonder what directors of some big bi-lingual schools are thinking since a high percentage of their staff are illegal, uneducated, and unqualified.

It's about time this happens.

Will these directors or owners of schools get punished severely for allowing their businesses to manipulate the system and use 'education' 100% for business?

shouldn't the MOE and authorities crack down on these big 'business' operations now.

Parents are being mislead thinking that their child is having a good education all due to the facade and marketing strategies of the school.

Then again, the parents are so stupid and lazy to even inquire about their children's education. :D

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Lets see if I understand this correctly.

When farungs could do a visa run they would get a 30 day stamp back to back, month to month, year in year out.

This was propping up the local economy, visa run business, hotels, bars, food outlets and lots of interstructre related industries involved in supporting the farlung who was living here.

Then, no more back-to-back 30 day visas now only 3 within a 6-month period.

Result: lots of farungs simply took off and left for Cambodia or The Philippine, which has more generous visas rules which encouraged the farlung to live in their country. Result, lots of Visa run business either went out of business or scaled down. And all of the industries involved in supporting the farlung also noticed a drop in trade.

Then the high price of fuel forcing air fares to increase, plus the global financial crises results in a 30% + drop in tourism, then the yellow shirt the International and Domestic airports in BKK for over 1 week resulting in 300,000 + tourists stranded, costing the country millions and millions in lost revenue in all areas of the Thai economy.

The Government gives in to the yellow shirts, Thailands tourism reputation is shattered

Farungs arrive back home state that they will never ever return again.

And then it is announced that a border run over land will now only give you 15 days not 30.

It should be increased not decreased

I feel sorry for the Thai on the street that relies on farungs as a source of income.


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…Singaporean passport used to be the 'riff raff' asians ....... use to do 30days border runs for 9mths now ........... so with this new change can i go to LAOS to get the 1000Baht Tourist Visa for 60 days and extend it 30 days at the immigration. Was planning to get on when this 30days visa exempt end next week.

And one more thing can i continue to buy the 1k visas back to back for a long time (till another enforcement rule comes into play) or i can only get 2 60days visa tourist and after that do border runs for 6 times (used to be 3 when the 30days visa exempt stamps).

Sorry i do not have a good command of english and i simply dun get what the rules say.

Oh ya one more thing. i am planning to get married. What requirements do i need to get married (intention is to get long visas).

Help pls i got 6 days before the stamp expires.........

Yes, you can get a tourist visa in Laos, in Vientiane even a double-entry tourist visa.

Yes, you can do tourist visas back to back. No need to do visa-exempt border runs in between.

Once you are married you can get annual extension according to clause 2.18(6) of Royal Thai Police Order No. 777/2551.



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Can one of the moderators please confirm if the 90 days in 180 days still applies. Both my girlfriend and I have read the new regulations and can find nothing about this relating to the 15 days now for entering by land. It would be nice to know if we are still allowed a total of 90 days. Thanks

777 mentions a 90-day cumulative limit on 30-day stay permits but doesn't mention within what sort of time period. 778 says nothing about it. After fielding the questions of a couple hundred inquisitive foreigners at Suan Phlu, I think Immigration will probably be inspired to publish another document to fill info gaps in the two Nov decrees.

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Can one of the moderators please confirm if the 90 days in 180 days still applies. Both my girlfriend and I have read the new regulations and can find nothing about this relating to the 15 days now for entering by land. It would be nice to know if we are still allowed a total of 90 days. Thanks

777 mentions a 90-day cumulative limit on 30-day stay permits but doesn't mention within what sort of time period. 778 says nothing about it. After fielding the questions of a couple hundred inquisitive foreigners at Suan Phlu, I think Immigration will probably be inspired to publish another document to fill info gaps in the two Nov decrees.

Yes. It does look like an omission on their part.

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I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

Agreed. Good move by Thai authorities.


How about financially secure non working under 50s who are not married to a Thai. The kind of people who want to spend about 100,000 a month and may be interested in opening a business in Thailand or investing money soon or in the future.

How about young travellers who want to come to Thailand as part of their backpacking trip! Many of these are very good natured respectful travellers (unline the older more seedy "resident") and may come back in the future with more money.... after all Ko Samui was founded by "backpackers".

There is NO visa available to allow us to stay in Thailand for more than 60 days + 30 days extension.

Does that make us RIFF RAFF?

Thanks Thailand

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