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30-days Border Runs Now Only 15 Days

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Wow, I am married but still get a feeling of impending doom from this. How long until they choke me out too? I understand why they do it but we never see a better deal for those of us who stay with legitimate reasons. Married or with children... ect, ect. I only see a shrinking gap between their legitimate and illegitimate children. I hope I will see some grey area that I will be able to fall into someday. As I will never have a pension I am sure I am running on borrowed time.

I have no idea why you have this terrible feeling. You state you are married, presumably to a Thai, therefore you are entitled to a Non Imm O visa based on marriage. You will always be able to get a new O visa based on marriage. IF you can prove 40k month income then you can also apply for an extension of stay. So you have 2 easy options for long stay in Thailand.

What "better deal" are you after do you want them to waive the visa fees or perhaps you want some free coconuts? Impending doom??? 555

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May I ask, what is the definition of a "Riff Raff Ferang"? It is a working class person or what? You people obviously think very highly of your own value in the world, just like

our hosts!

You will NEVER get a proper answer from them. All they do is pop their heads up, chant the same thing and then crawl back into their holes.

They remind me of THIS character:



thank you for that (:o)(")

Rich Man 2 was so funny too ^^

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May I ask, what is the definition of a "Riff Raff Ferang"? It is a working class person or what? You people obviously think very highly of your own value in the world, just like

our hosts!

You will NEVER get a proper answer from them. All they do is pop their heads up, chant the same thing and then crawl back into their holes.

They remind me of THIS character:



Though each might have a different definition of it, it's a bit absurd to pretend that Thailand doesn't attract a lot of degenerates.

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Well, I'd expect them to be a bit more accomodating, I was allowed to buy (30 year lease) house for over 5 million baht, bought a car in my name but still am not allowed to live here legally!

Sounds a bit rascist to me.

So I guess I'll have to get married out of conveniece soon, really a step in teh right direction ofr Thailand this is. :o

In retrospect you should have bought a condo, not a house, as that approach is now back in favour.

This practice of moving the goal posts every few years does make life very difficult for those

with permanent roots in Thailand. :D

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I was thinking of doing my first ever visa run, due to delays in flight schedules, a change in my work circumstances (i.e currently no work permit - but i was in the process of arranging one from a prospective business that wanted my services).

An extra 30 days would have seen me through.. but 15 days is a joke.

For 30 days I will now NOT be giving my foreign money to:

a) my thai landlord

:o thai visa run business

c) local thai food stalls

d) thai telecommunications companies

e) laundry services

f) thai water companies

g) thai power companies

h) thai operated taxis (and in turn petrolium companies)

i) my thai girlfriend and her friends ...

j) Thai Alcohol Companies


This will likely kick back on an alredy troubled economy, and for all those that think losing freedoms and privilidges is ok...

you so easily forget what others have had to do to bring you these priviledges in the first instance.

Why no advance notice of the change?

Thanks a lot.

Surely if you were trying to get a work permit then you would either possess, or be applying for, a Non imm visa so this new legislation wouldn't affect you?

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Several people have said it already, so basically I would like to agree with them that the only real weak point in this new regulation is that it is done without prior notice. Realizing that the police wouldn't give prior notice to a raid and expect to catch anyone, but wouldn't it be a good idea to say in three months, starting the 1. Jan 2009...so get yourself a visa. There must be hundreds (thousands?) of tourists on the long-stay circuit from Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, some of whom will show up at a Thai land border and still be expecting to get 30 days in the LOS. They may have a rude awakening when they only have 15 days to visit the beaches, Bangkok and the north. It is super easy to spend a month in Thailand as most of us know. I guess they will have to bite the bullet and return to a Thai Consulate or Embassy in that country and get a visa or shorten their stay appropriately.

Several years ago, I came to Thailand on a 60-day tourist visa, had it extended for 30 days, went to Vietnam for a month and came back and spent another 30 days(on arrival) in South Thailand. Those four months of travel within Thailand opened my eyes to what a great country it is and I made arrangements to move here and have been living happily here since.

I might point out that my first three years here were on the 30 day visas with lots of time traveling in between and no, I did not lift a finger to do any work during those three years! Even then, 13 years ago, everyone knew that the 30-day border run was a visa loophole, technically illegal to use in lieu of a residency visa, although not enforced, but which could be terminated at any time. Well, the loophole stayed open for at least 10 years, time enough to make plans about what would happen today.


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Though each might have a different definition of it, it's a bit absurd to pretend that Thailand doesn't attract a lot of degenerates

Indeed, lets hope that this new rule manages to at least get rid of some of them.

Edited by madjbs
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Several people have said it already, so basically I would like to agree with them that the only real weak point in this new regulation is that it is done without prior notice. Realizing that the police wouldn't give prior notice to a raid and expect to catch anyone, but wouldn't it be a good idea to say in three months, starting the 1. Jan 2009...so get yourself a visa. There must be hundreds (thousands?) of tourists on the long-stay circuit from Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, some of whom will show up at a Thai land border and still be expecting to get 30 days in the LOS. They may have a rude awakening when they only have 15 days to visit the beaches, Bangkok and the north. It is super easy to spend a month in Thailand as most of us know. I guess they will have to bite the bullet and return to a Thai Consulate or Embassy in that country and get a visa or shorten their stay appropriately.

Several years ago, I came to Thailand on a 60-day tourist visa, had it extended for 30 days, went to Vietnam for a month and came back and spent another 30 days(on arrival) in South Thailand. Those four months of travel within Thailand opened my eyes to what a great country it is and I made arrangements to move here and have been living happily here since.

I might point out that my first three years here were on the 30 day visas with lots of time traveling in between and no, I did not lift a finger to do any work during those three years! Even then, 13 years ago, everyone knew that the 30-day border run was a visa loophole, technically illegal to use in lieu of a residency visa, although not enforced, but which could be terminated at any time. Well, the loophole stayed open for at least 10 years, time enough to make plans about what would happen today.


were are you from?

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May I ask, what is the definition of a "Riff Raff Ferang"? It is a working class person or what? You people obviously think very highly of your own value in the world, just like

our hosts!

You will NEVER get a proper answer from them. All they do is pop their heads up, chant the same thing and then crawl back into their holes.

They remind me of THIS character:



Though each might have a different definition of it, it's a bit absurd to pretend that Thailand doesn't attract a lot of degenerates.

You are right...i see every day milions of them, degenerates, walk around innocent ladybar and gogobar, try to find all kind of very bad things....

were are you from?

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I was thinking of doing my first ever visa run, due to delays in flight schedules, a change in my work circumstances (i.e currently no work permit - but i was in the process of arranging one from a prospective business that wanted my services).

An extra 30 days would have seen me through.. but 15 days is a joke.

So what you are saying is that, instead of making a single border run and getting the extra 15 days that would have given you the 30 you needed, you're just going to pack up and leave.

Wow. I didn't realize what a deal breaker that would be.

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Hi George, just wondered if you knew the status for foreigners who live and work in malaysia..? i have my business in malaysia and a holiday house in phuket, i generally drive up and stay for 3 weeks every 2 -3 months.. as a resident in malaysia am i entitled to the 30 day visa ? if not do you know how i can get around this ? cos 15 days only visa will seriously effect me .. many thanks..

also tried to reply 3 times and it kept saying you are not allowed to post URL !!! it was actually the one for thaivisa.com for the reply.. does anyone else hhave this problem?

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May I ask, what is the definition of a "Riff Raff Ferang"? It is a working class person or what? You people obviously think very highly of your own value in the world, just like

our hosts!

You will NEVER get a proper answer from them. All they do is pop their heads up, chant the same thing and then crawl back into their holes.

They remind me of THIS character:



Though each might have a different definition of it, it's a bit absurd to pretend that Thailand doesn't attract a lot of degenerates.

You are right...i see every day milions of them, degenerates, walk around innocent ladybar and gogobar, try to find all kind of very bad things....

were are you from?

Don't worry, nobody wants to shut down Pattaya.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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There is a pool of people (under 50) from western countries who have a pile of money to spend but are going to wait out the global economic downturn by traveling for a few years. Thailand just became even more unattractive to them. Thailand is acting like a prima donna when it would be more rational to be laying out a red carpet.

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Several people have said it already, so basically I would like to agree with them that the only real weak point in this new regulation is that it is done without prior notice. Realizing that the police wouldn't give prior notice to a raid and expect to catch anyone, but wouldn't it be a good idea to say in three months, starting the 1. Jan 2009...so get yourself a visa. There must be hundreds (thousands?) of tourists on the long-stay circuit from Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, some of whom will show up at a Thai land border and still be expecting to get 30 days in the LOS. They may have a rude awakening when they only have 15 days to visit the beaches, Bangkok and the north. It is super easy to spend a month in Thailand as most of us know. I guess they will have to bite the bullet and return to a Thai Consulate or Embassy in that country and get a visa or shorten their stay appropriately.

Several years ago, I came to Thailand on a 60-day tourist visa, had it extended for 30 days, went to Vietnam for a month and came back and spent another 30 days(on arrival) in South Thailand. Those four months of travel within Thailand opened my eyes to what a great country it is and I made arrangements to move here and have been living happily here since.

I might point out that my first three years here were on the 30 day visas with lots of time traveling in between and no, I did not lift a finger to do any work during those three years! Even then, 13 years ago, everyone knew that the 30-day border run was a visa loophole, technically illegal to use in lieu of a residency visa, although not enforced, but which could be terminated at any time. Well, the loophole stayed open for at least 10 years, time enough to make plans about what would happen today.


were are you from?

The USA and I have been living abroad for 30 years.

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May I ask, what is the definition of a "Riff Raff Ferang"? It is a working class person or what? You people obviously think very highly of your own value in the world, just like

our hosts!

You will NEVER get a proper answer from them. All they do is pop their heads up, chant the same thing and then crawl back into their holes.

They remind me of THIS character:



Though each might have a different definition of it, it's a bit absurd to pretend that Thailand doesn't attract a lot of degenerates.

I dont think anyone is trying to "pretend that Thailand doesn't attract a lot of degenerates"

It sure has its fair share of them, but its what demographic they come from thats what people are disagreeing on

The "hate brigade" seem to be saying its the long term stayers trying to duck and dive their way in life with little money that are not flavour of the month this month, when, in my long and varied "career" in Thailand, its the three week millionares that cause most of the problems leading to the knee-jerk reaction seen here today by the Thai authorities.


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Aplogies if this is going over old ground on this thread - I simply don't have time to go through it all. But - it would take a desperate person living from hand-to-mouth to take up the option of doing land runs every 15 days. This seems to me another money making scheme in some way other than the above.

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I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

Well said Sir!

This is a particular beef with me the "border runners" working here illegally.

What is your problem and why the attitude?There are many ex-pats living here legally with a tourist visa that DO NOT WORK.Are these "border runners" depriving you you in any way?If so,please elaborate.

LTGTR,cockneygit is as his name suggests.............a cockney git!

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I was thinking of doing my first ever visa run, due to delays in flight schedules, a change in my work circumstances (i.e currently no work permit - but i was in the process of arranging one from a prospective business that wanted my services).

An extra 30 days would have seen me through.. but 15 days is a joke.

For 30 days I will now NOT be giving my foreign money to:

a) my thai landlord

:o thai visa run business

c) local thai food stalls

d) thai telecommunications companies

e) laundry services

f) thai water companies

g) thai power companies

h) thai operated taxis (and in turn petrolium companies)

i) my thai girlfriend and her friends ...

j) Thai Alcohol Companies


This will likely kick back on an alredy troubled economy, and for all those that think losing freedoms and privilidges is ok...

you so easily forget what others have had to do to bring you these priviledges in the first instance.

Why no advance notice of the change?

Thanks a lot.

Surely if you were trying to get a work permit then you would either possess, or be applying for, a Non imm visa so this new legislation wouldn't affect you?

Yeah i have a Non-Imm B multi entry but it expires soon.. flights are very booked at the moment if you haven't noticed too

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Alot of derisory BS being bandied about from certain ivory towers here.

I am on the last entry of my 3rd consecutive multiple entry non o visa, and was planning to stay a couple of months on visa exempt stamps before returning to the UK in Feb/ March to get a new one.

Does that mean I am currently an acceptable middle class expat, but come next Friday will automatically be demoted to riff-raff? :o

Many people are here in many different situations, some of the generalisations I have read on here are mind boggling. For me this is a little inconvenient, but I will probably just go to Vientienne for a double entry TV, allowing me to delay my trip home until the weather gets a bit warmer

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I do not understand the uproar.

If you wish to spend time in Thailand do so according to the immigration regulations that apply to you and your intentions.

If there are none then do not visit.

If the regulations change, respond accordingly.

Moaning about how much money you may spend, the type of person you are or how this is all bad for Thailand etc. is just moaning.

Non-thais do not have an inalienable right to visit Thailand.

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I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

Well said Sir!

This is a particular beef with me the "border runners" working here illegally.

For sure there are some degenerates, ....some of whom happen to have gobs of money.

I have a safe visa situation and plan to reside in Thailand until I turn to ash - but I feel for the young'uns who give vent to their wanderlust. Some of those lanky & loose young folks who want to see the world on a shoestring - will be the bigger spending desirable tourists in twenty or thirty years. However, with restrictive rules like this 15 day silliness, they may not get to develop a personal connection with Thailand - so they'll take their money somewhere else.

Many of your favorite musicians, writers, and personalities were once footloose travelers in their youth. Traveling on a shoestring was probably one of the things that enabled them to enrich their lives - and tap in to their creativity. Thailand is effectively saying, "we just want big spenders - so if youcan't spend big amounts of money - we don't want you around. "

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I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

Well said Sir!

This is a particular beef with me the "border runners" working here illegally.

I agree!!! Get a Visa!

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OK, I'll leave, but I won't come back. I'lljust spend my money elsewhere.

If you're a tourist, get a tourist visa from your Thai consulate at home for 60-90 days travel.

Not rocket science!!

Alternatively: enroll in one of the Thai language schools, that offer 1 year student visa in the package. You might even end up learning the language, which is what western countries expect expats to their countries to do anyway. Am I wrong?

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Can one of the moderators please confirm if the 90 days in 180 days still applies. Both my girlfriend and I have read the new regulations and can find nothing about this relating to the 15 days now for entering by land. It would be nice to know if we are still allowed a total of 90 days. Thanks

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Alternatively: enroll in one of the Thai language schools, that offer 1 year student visa in the package. You might even end up learning the language, which is what western countries expect expats to their countries to do anyway. Am I wrong?

Interesting "loophole". I wonder how long that will remain an option. How many years, back-to-back, can you get such a visa?

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