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Us Federal Reserve, Bank Of England?

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Dear Percy2,

I would not expect anything less than a lovely " its all rosy in the garden" type of information from the Federal Reserve or the Bank of England websites.

The whole idea of my original post was to inform and instigate debate about the setup secrecy and mis-information that is propogated by the Governments of both the US and the UK about the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England that effect the lives of millions and millions of people.

Once words are connected with "Government" "mis-information" and "secrecy" peoples eyes generally tend to glaze over and it seems to generate knee jerk reactions of conspiracy theory designed to immediately turn people off the topic being or trying to be discussed as though it has no credibility!

However it is a fact that the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are private intitutions created for the sole purpose of maximising profit from every tax Dollar/Pound extracted from the sweat of US and British working populations for the benifit of an unelected secret banking cartel dominated by certain families, and in particular a group from one Edomite Middle Eastern Nation.

If these two intitutions were publically named for example as the US Citigroup Rokkefeller Mellon Bank of New York or the UK Natwest Lloyds Bank of London people would know immedietely they are private commercial banks.......The naming disguise and the Banks are not in the public interest!

The true facts about these two banks and the undue infuence they peddle over millions and millions of peoples lives should be shouted from the highest mountain tops, but alas they are all too powerful and it will not happen as maintaining the staus quo (high percentage of public ignorance) would be of the utmost importance to them.

Exposure could increase public awareness and if politicians werent first recruited into the fold they could put pressure on future elected representatives that in turn could threaten the very existance of the gravy train.

Most of the " sheeple" would be more interested about the latest news of Britney Spears new hairdo, Brad Pitts new moustache and the latest exchange rate than exposing the greatest pick pocketing scam in history and the most powerful people on the planet.

Just watch how fast this topic fades on a ThaiVisa website forum!


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I have Money Masters , very dry but interesting.

You should also add to that list Zeitgeist.

Though I am in favour of educating myself from more than one point of view.

The 12 Federal Reserve Banks are owned by approx 3,400 member banks.


Has somebody been tracking the share ownership of all 3,400 banks.

especially in the last 32 years since http://www.save-a-patriot.org/files/view/whofed.html was published.

EDIT: As of 14/8/08 there were over 7,000 member banks.


The original Zeitgeist was very interesting, especially the banking segment. The latest film, Zeitgeist Addendum, has some good points but it is clear that the makers are trying to use the film to start some kind of cult.

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I would not expect anything less than a lovely " its all rosy in the garden" type of information from the Federal Reserve or the Bank of England websites.

The same information is available from independent sources, current independent sources as shown with the nationalisation of the BoE.

The whole idea of my original post was to inform and instigate debate about the setup secrecy and mis-information that is propogated by the Governments of both the US and the UK about the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England that effect the lives of millions and millions of people.

Its good to have debate and clear up misconceptions.

Once words are connected with "Government" "mis-information" and "secrecy" peoples eyes generally tend to glaze over and it seems to generate knee jerk reactions of conspiracy theory designed to immediately turn people off the topic being or trying to be discussed as though it has no credibility!

There is a lot of truth in this!

However it is a fact that the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are private intitutions created for the sole purpose of maximising profit from every tax Dollar/Pound extracted from the sweat of US and British working populations for the benifit of an unelected secret banking cartel dominated by certain families, and in particular a group from one Edomite Middle Eastern Nation.

Unfortunately this is NOT a fact, even though its underlined.

If these two intitutions were publically named for example as the US Citigroup Rokkefeller Mellon Bank of New York or the UK Natwest Lloyds Bank of London people would know immedietely they are private commercial banks.......The naming disguise and the Banks are not in the public interest!
The true facts about these two banks and the undue infuence they peddle over millions and millions of peoples lives should be shouted from the highest mountain tops, but alas they are all too powerful and it will not happen as maintaining the staus quo (high percentage of public ignorance) would be of the utmost importance to them.

I cannot argue with that!

Exposure could increase public awareness and if politicians werent first recruited into the fold they could put pressure on future elected representatives that in turn could threaten the very existance of the gravy train.

Most of the " sheeple" would be more interested about the latest news of Britney Spears new hairdo, Brad Pitts new moustache and the latest exchange rate than exposing the greatest pick pocketing scam in history and the most powerful people on the planet.

True , but if you shout incorrect facts you become "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"

Just watch how fast this topic fades on a ThaiVisa website forum!



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"True , but if you shout incorrect facts you become "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"

Incorrect facts?

Is it not the case that these two Banks are private commercial Banks?

Perhaps if we didnt have to pay interest back to these secret bankers, normal hard working peoples taxes would not be so high and they would be in a better position to afford to pay back thier mortgages.

The approx ten year cycle of boom and bust is it not an assett grab?.... wealth does not dissapear it gets redistributed.

The truth speaks for itself.

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Why is it that Americans see so many conspiracy theories everywhere - the assassination of JFK, the moon landing (or not), ownership of the Fed and the BOE, the list never seems to stop. I even met someone the other day who in the first five minutes of conversion declared that Bill Gates is paid by the CIA and the internet is owned by them also. I'm truly at a loss to understand it all, it's almost paranoia.

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We dont need a WAR ON TERRORISM ..................look how many young people

have died in vain since 9/11...............

We need a sophisticated and well funded marketing campaign to educate the West

as to what is really going on in the world...................

I hope Obama represents the beginning of such re-education but somehow

I worry he will still be a slave to the Masters at the Fed

Have a look at the BBC documentary "The power of nightmares". 3hrs., 3 parts, but worth it.

Edited by OlRedEyes
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Why is it that Americans see so many conspiracy theories everywhere - ownership of the Fed

I know nothing of the other things you mentioned but.........

The above is a simple fact that the Federal Reserve is not a branch of the Federal Government like so many mistakenly think.

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Why is it that Americans see so many conspiracy theories everywhere - the assassination of JFK, the moon landing (or not), ownership of the Fed and the BOE, the list never seems to stop. I even met someone the other day who in the first five minutes of conversion declared that Bill Gates is paid by the CIA and the internet is owned by them also. I'm truly at a loss to understand it all, it's almost paranoia.

are you happy to be a " sheeple "? :o

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Why is it that Americans see so many conspiracy theories everywhere - the assassination of JFK, the moon landing (or not), ownership of the Fed and the BOE, the list never seems to stop. I even met someone the other day who in the first five minutes of conversion declared that Bill Gates is paid by the CIA and the internet is owned by them also. I'm truly at a loss to understand it all, it's almost paranoia.

This is the problem. ANYTHING that is not reported in the mainstream press gets lumped in with 'conspiracy theories' and is immediately discredited in most people's minds. It is up to each individual to use their discernment and their own analysis when searching for the truth. Some things, such as holographic planes flying into the WTC are clearly ridiculous, but that doesn't mean other things aren't true.

Anyone talking about plans for a world government a year ago would have been labeled a paranoid conspiracy theorist, and therefore discredited. Even now many people will probably think the same thing, even though world leaders such as Brown and Obama are constantly making references to it in speeches and mainstream newspapers are full of articles on the coming New World Order and global governance.

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OK for those on this thread that so easilt and so quickly shout " oh no not more conspiracy theories "

- I only ask you to give me a logical answer to these questions :-

1. " The State of Israel has never made public any details or confirmations of its nuclear capability or arsenal "

please explain why Israel is the ONLY country in the world that is allowed to keep silent on this issue and yet

North Korea isnt ?

2. How does the USA end up that even its own Congress doesnt have enough power to force the Federal

Reserve to divulge to it any information that is requested by Congress ?

I am waiting ? :o

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"True , but if you shout incorrect facts you become "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"

Incorrect facts?

Is it not the case that these two Banks are private commercial Banks?

The Bank of England is not a private bank. The BoE used to be a private bank. The BoE ceased to be a private bank 14th February 1946.


Perhaps if we didnt have to pay interest back to these secret bankers, normal hard working peoples taxes would not be so high and they would be in a better position to afford to pay back thier mortgages.
The approx ten year cycle of boom and bust is it not an assett grab?.... wealth does not dissapear it gets redistributed.

There is a certain amount of truth here.

The truth speaks for itself.

No it doesn't , you are speaking for the truth and making a mess of it.

The sheeple are the people who are led blindly to to the bidding of others.

Whether that is governments , secret societies , fantastically wealthy german jewish families , poorly researched "documentaries" or David Icke.

Come up with some facts that are not posted on conspiracy theory websites.

Your not wrong about everything but the big holes in your statements will lead people to ridicule all the things you say including the bits that are true.


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Why is it that Americans see so many conspiracy theories everywhere - the assassination of JFK, the moon landing (or not), ownership of the Fed and the BOE, the list never seems to stop. I even met someone the other day who in the first five minutes of conversion declared that Bill Gates is paid by the CIA and the internet is owned by them also. I'm truly at a loss to understand it all, it's almost paranoia.

are you happy to be a " sheeple "? :o


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"True , but if you shout incorrect facts you become "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"

Incorrect facts?

Is it not the case that these two Banks are private commercial Banks?

The Bank of England is not a private bank. The BoE used to be a private bank. The BoE ceased to be a private bank 14th February 1946.


Perhaps if we didnt have to pay interest back to these secret bankers, normal hard working peoples taxes would not be so high and they would be in a better position to afford to pay back thier mortgages.
The approx ten year cycle of boom and bust is it not an assett grab?.... wealth does not dissapear it gets redistributed.

There is a certain amount of truth here.

The truth speaks for itself.

No it doesn't , you are speaking for the truth and making a mess of it.

The sheeple are the people who are led blindly to to the bidding of others.

Whether that is governments , secret societies , fantastically wealthy german jewish families , poorly researched "documentaries" or David Icke.

Come up with some facts that are not posted on conspiracy theory websites.

Your not wrong about everything but the big holes in your statements will lead people to ridicule all the things you say including the bits that are true.


The BOE and the Fed are hybrid organisations, partly private and partly federal. Of course they are not going to advertise this fact on their websites and you are not going to hear about it in the mainstream media. But you could try listening to people like Congressman Ron Paul who has first hand knowledge of just how secretive the Fed is.

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Please Google "Money as debt" by Paul Grignon for a very basic explanation of the Fractional Reserve banking system.

The whole system stinks!

Yes, the system stinks--except for all the other systems that stink more.

Seriously, perhaps if you read and understood more about this then just at a very basic level you'd feel a bit better. A good book for you to read might be "The Economics of Money, Banking, and the Financial Markets" by Frederic Mishkin.

Yes, the US Federal Reserve structure is complex--it was designed this way for a reason, but that reason was not secrecy. The reason was to provide a system of checks and balances so that one entity might not have too much control over the economy and the affairs of individual private banks.

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these so called families are actually trusts that the families hide behind.

the idea being that if one family member is hung out to dry it doesnt bring the trust down on the others. ie read taxes, claims etc.

the trust will live on and the members of it will die off and new ones born into it.

My research has shown that JP Morgan (CHase) is integral to the setting up of the FED and beyond. Its no secret and well documented and so cannot be labeled a conspiracy. They did however conspire over the last 100 years to get the world into the mess its in today.

Setting up the FED, changing the laws on the Gold standard, issuing credit default swaps (CDS).

Some of the recently crashed banks were snapped up by Morgan at as low as 10% of their worth.

The one thing i cant put my finger on is how they are going to score on these CDS's as their debt is now and counting over 60 Trillion Dollars.

The FED is bailing companies (2 trillion) out but not even they can print this much money.

We live in interesting times eh :o

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I got so frustrated while trying to inform people about all of these scams.

They laugh at you, ridicule you but in the end they had to admitt I was right after all.

One guy lost about 50% of his money, ignoring my advice to sell all of his stocks somewhere in August.

He is not happy now, but still does not believe it is all a big scam.

Had a chit chat with one of his financial advisors and explained to him the bublle was about to burst.

Reaction I got.

Ha haaaa haaaa, you are not even working in the financial service sector, how can you talk about this.

Had a meet with them last month, this finance guy did not know what to say when I reminded him of what I told.

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The one thing i cant put my finger on is how they are going to score on these CDS's as their debt is now and counting over 60 Trillion Dollars.

"Give me control of a nation's money

and I care not who makes the laws."

[Mayer Amschel Bauer] (1744 -1812), Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel of Europe

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OK for those on this thread that so easilt and so quickly shout " oh no not more conspiracy theories "

- I only ask you to give me a logical answer to these questions :-

1. " The State of Israel has never made public any details or confirmations of its nuclear capability or arsenal "

please explain why Israel is the ONLY country in the world that is allowed to keep silent on this issue and yet

North Korea isnt ?

2. How does the USA end up that even its own Congress doesnt have enough power to force the Federal

Reserve to divulge to it any information that is requested by Congress ?

I am waiting ? :D

don't hold your breath Midas :o

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Received an email from my son-in-law and he had some interesting observations of what he feels is happening in the US at this time.

"Work is going okay so far. We just completed a big round of layoffs. I mentioned that our office let 88 people go a few weeks ago. The rest of the company cut another 2,100 people last week. Hopefully that will be enough belt tightening to carry us through, but you never know for sure. I expect there are several big hits still to come in the economy. The business real estate bubble is about to burst. The credit card bubble should pop soon. There another layer of home adjustable rate mortgage derivatives that are between prime and sub-prime that will encounter balloon payments in 2009. The analysts have been talking about a Treasury bubble, but I don't really understand that one. I just wish they would let the auto companies work things out themselves without federal aid. Too bad they won't. The politicians are too beholden to the unions."

He works for a large frieghtline developing software for tracking etc. In my opinion he is a fairly sharpe individual and if he sees all these bubbles about to burst in the US it will certainly have an impact on the rest of the world including Thailand.

I sent him the website for "Debt for Money" to explain the treasury problem. For those of you who missed Flying posting of the same here it is, well worth watching.


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Try these documentaries as well, they can be heavy going at times but stick with them -

ZEITGEIST - http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?d...&autoplay=1

ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM - http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?d...&autoplay=1

Although very anti-establishment and I dont agree with everything of the film makers content, however they do throw up some very interesting questions.

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People could start complaining about the fact that the Federal Reserve has a website with a .gov domain name. As these are restricted for government bodies, a private structure like the FRB would not be allowed to get it. :o

Read 'The Creature From Jekyll Island' by Edward G Griffin (Jekyll Island being the place where the FED was established) if you want to know the structure of the the FED and how it is a partnership between the government and private sector. Or watch a presentation by the author which covers the same subject.

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"Dec. 12 -- The Federal Reserve refused a request by Bloomberg News to disclose the recipients of more than $2 trillion of emergency loans from U.S. taxpayers and the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Bloomberg filed a law suit Nov. 7 under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act requesting details about the terms of 11 Fed lending programs, most created during the deepest financial crisis since the Great Depression.

The Fed responded Dec. 8, saying it’s allowed to withhold internal memos as well as information about trade secrets and commercial information. The institution confirmed that a records search found 231 pages of documents pertaining to some of the requests.

The Fed stepped into a rescue role that was the original purpose of the Treasury’s $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. The central bank loans don’t have the oversight safeguards that Congress imposed upon the TARP.

Total Fed lending exceeded $2 trillion for the first time Nov. 6. It rose by 138 percent, or $1.23 trillion, in the 12 weeks since Sept. 14.

The Federal Reserve, Secret and in its usual decade cycle of asset grabbing......I dont believe it, its a conspiracy theory!!!! :o

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Below is a link to a transcript of an actual telephone conversation with Mr. Ron Supinski of the Public Information Department of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. I think it explains a lot about the Fed. It may be a coincidence but the only 2 presidents that were looking into scrapping the Fed were both assassinated :o


Courtesey of Geoff Rense where you go to find out what is really happening in the world :D

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