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Not another doom and gloom subject, fuc_k it i might aswell move back to the uk.

What do you expect post to say? Economy set to spiral? Boom times ahead?. Free chicks for everyone?

I like posts like this as it gives the perfect opportunity to write : 'wake up smell the coffee', or in this case the freakin coffee :o

I dont like coffee mate.

And to be honest i prefer to concentrate on the good things in life not negative things that wont affect me :D

"won't affect me"

Ah! Live on the moon Eh? :D

my understanding is that the thai web boards are full of those 'we can only keep you on at a 30-40% cut' stories

I think you're referring to Thai websites which advertise or talk about job opportunities? And they're talking about 30-40 percent wage cuts for people who want to keep their jobs?

Thus far, I have had a 60% pay reduction and had the company car taken away (from what I have been told, it will be liquidated) Now I have to go buy some POS 4th hand car this weekend because there is no way I am going to drop a load of cash on a car in this economic climate.

my understanding is that the thai web boards are full of those 'we can only keep you on at a 30-40% cut' stories

UH! not for the first time Dave, your postings seem to lack cogency. What are you talking about?

what are you talking about? Perhaps put the Chang down?

Been on the Leo as it happens :o

my understanding is that the thai web boards are full of those 'we can only keep you on at a 30-40% cut' stories

I think you're referring to Thai websites which advertise or talk about job opportunities? And they're talking about 30-40 percent wage cuts for people who want to keep their jobs?

Thanks for linking it up as I wondered what on earth he was on (about :o ).

My friend had a run in with one of those tourist survey people outside Robinsons. "FXXX you" she shouted when he refused the survey.


:D:D:D Yes I suppose in another context it would have been quite a normal utterance and an invitation to do business.


welcome to the ups and downs of living.we have all been thru this before,but us oldies havegot thru and reaping the rewards.keep your chins up young uns and the tide will turn one day.


There is a very very big part of me that just wants to stand and laugh at all the stupid people, especially the legions of "I've seen worse" and "it never gets bad in Thailand", I will laugh at you as you lose your business your house and your girlfriend...

I will be laughing for a very long time, and the worse it gets the more I will be laughing. I also will be laughing at all those silly greedy Thai folk who seem to think that every farang is just a walking cash machine sent to them to dispense as much cash as possible. I hope they lose everything as well. Those that have the most to lose will lose it, and I think that's quite right too, as those with nothing to lose will hopefully see themselves in a better light.

my,my,my... what a great way to start the new year!


my,my,my... what a great way to start the new year!


All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...TT avatar.

I can see how you lost them.

There is a very very big part of me that just wants to stand and laugh at all the stupid people, especially the legions of "I've seen worse" and "it never gets bad in Thailand", I will laugh at you as you lose your business your house and your girlfriend...

I will be laughing for a very long time, and the worse it gets the more I will be laughing. I also will be laughing at all those silly greedy Thai folk who seem to think that every farang is just a walking cash machine sent to them to dispense as much cash as possible. I hope they lose everything as well. Those that have the most to lose will lose it, and I think that's quite right too, as those with nothing to lose will hopefully see themselves in a better light.

my,my,my... what a great way to start the new year!


Anybody looking for sympathy from this poster would be best advised not to bother :o



The only places in Thailand that are feeling the pinch are busineses that are foreign dollar dependant.

In the country side it's busines as usual, ask anyone and they will respond..."what credit crisis?"

It's only the speculative "get the money off Falang" type busineses that are failing.

Thailand is largely immune to the global finacial crisis.


The only places in Thailand that are feeling the pinch are busineses that are foreign dollar dependant.

In the country side it's busines as usual, ask anyone and they will respond..."what credit crisis?"

It's only the speculative "get the money off Falang" type busineses that are failing.

Thailand is largely immune to the global finacial crisis.

Hamock still swings, there for, all is good?


The only places in Thailand that are feeling the pinch are busineses that are foreign dollar dependant.

In the country side it's busines as usual, ask anyone and they will respond..."what credit crisis?"

It's only the speculative "get the money off Falang" type busineses that are failing.

Thailand is largely immune to the global finacial crisis.

Hamock still swings, there for, all is good?

well yes...

Not only is it still swinging but it's well oiled too :o

... those Robinsons survey girls who think that everyone who isn't of Oriental appearance is a tourist.


Just another revenue stream, the kids get a few baht a signature, basically it's just a scam to harvest mailing and hotel/address info for solicitations of tours, real estate and other. :o

Good riddance the thai economy needs a good cleaning. Too many small eating establishments, too many of everything for that matter.

Rubbish: in my average village (200 houses I guess) there is only one (1) place where you can sit and have an almost decent meal: too little of nothing really :o and in the amphur at 8kms the only choices are two moo kata tents one next to the other.

Not another doom and gloom subject, fuc_k it i might aswell move back to the uk.

:D I'm not sure what medication your on my friend, but if you seriously think returning to the UK is a viable move, you need to adjust the dosage. :o


I'm on the same medication myself ! :D

The som-tam lady says she heard, due to economic-gloom & government-cutbacks, there may be only 6 days per-week, next year ! :D


Its not all doom and gloom. I opened my business here in April and 8 months on I have a waiting list. In any boom people will go bust and in any recession there will be those who flourish. To flourish requires hard work, planning and more hard work.

As i have said in previous posts, if you have a business that is not the same as everyone else, you work hard and don't spend every penny of profit you can do well here.

Too many people look at what is around, think that if they do the same somehow it will be different and then leave the running of the business to underpaid overwooked staff who don't care. They then continue with their holiday in Thailand expecting the business to fund their holiday lifestyle. This is a path to bankruptcy.


The only places in Thailand that are feeling the pinch are busineses that are foreign dollar dependant.

In the country side it's busines as usual, ask anyone and they will respond..."what credit crisis?"

It's only the speculative "get the money off Falang" type busineses that are failing.

Thailand is largely immune to the global finacial crisis.

Keep dreaming :o


The only places in Thailand that are feeling the pinch are busineses that are foreign dollar dependant.

In the country side it's busines as usual, ask anyone and they will respond..."what credit crisis?"

It's only the speculative "get the money off Falang" type busineses that are failing.

Thailand is largely immune to the global finacial crisis.


Not another doom and gloom subject, fuc_k it i might aswell move back to the uk.

What do you expect post to say? Economy set to spiral? Boom times ahead?. Free chicks for everyone?

I like posts like this as it gives the perfect opportunity to write : 'wake up smell the coffee', or in this case the freakin coffee :o

I dont like coffee mate.

And to be honest i prefer to concentrate on the good things in life not negative things that wont affect me :D

"won't affect me"

Ah! Live on the moon Eh? :D

Well it shouldnt effect me as much as most, Im not in debt.

Anyway i try to think of positives in life, not worry about something that will pass as everything does.

Stop worrying at get yourself a beer.

Good riddance the thai economy needs a good cleaning. Too many small eating establishments, too many of everything for that matter.

Rubbish: in my average village (200 houses I guess) there is only one (1) place where you can sit and have an almost decent meal: too little of nothing really :o and in the amphur at 8kms the only choices are two moo kata tents one next to the other.

May be these will have closed come the end of the month.

Not another doom and gloom subject, fuc_k it i might aswell move back to the uk.

What do you expect post to say? Economy set to spiral? Boom times ahead?. Free chicks for everyone?

I like posts like this as it gives the perfect opportunity to write : 'wake up smell the coffee', or in this case the freakin coffee :o

I dont like coffee mate.

And to be honest i prefer to concentrate on the good things in life not negative things that wont affect me :D

"won't affect me"

Ah! Live on the moon Eh? :D

Well it shouldnt effect me as much as most, Im not in debt.

Anyway i try to think of positives in life, not worry about something that will pass as everything does.

Stop worrying at get yourself a beer.

:D It's a bit early for the happy juice isn't it? Mind you a few beers are on today's must have list.


The only places in Thailand that are feeling the pinch are busineses that are foreign dollar dependant.

In the country side it's busines as usual, ask anyone and they will respond..."what credit crisis?"

It's only the speculative "get the money off Falang" type busineses that are failing.

Thailand is largely immune to the global finacial crisis.

I can see how you think .... Thai way of thinking ... airport closing .. no problem other airport open . Crisis .... what crisis . same same...

Wake up , economics rule the world , even in the rural areas . Companies getting rid of people so no jobs is no money . Farming ... Less export to the rich falang countries etc ... expect a big drop in prices ( if that not happened allready ???) . So even your poor farmer is going to be hit by a serious crisis . That is just the way it is .

"won't affect me"

Ah! Live on the moon Eh? :o

Nope, just a senior official, at the Bank of Thailand, so you know this is all just a farang problem ! :D

"won't affect me"

Ah! Live on the moon Eh? :o

Nope, just a senior official, at the Bank of Thailand, so you know this is all just a farang problem ! :D

Hold on .... i don't know the poster so i cannot say if he is affected or not . If he's got 2 million € in the bank and has no affair in any business at all and does not work anymore the effect on him will be there but it will be minor . He probably loses a littlebit because interest rate dropping but he's got plenty allready 180000 thb a month or 220000 ... not much difference . some places where he goes closing ... not a big problem , just go to other places . etc etc . The effects on people like that are indeed minor or none worth mentioning . Everybody else who still rely on money from work or even government will be effected a lot bigger .


The only places in Thailand that are feeling the pinch are busineses that are foreign dollar dependant.

In the country side it's busines as usual, ask anyone and they will respond..."what credit crisis?"

It's only the speculative "get the money off Falang" type busineses that are failing.

Thailand is largely immune to the global finacial crisis.

I think you are rather mistaken here.

My business is only 10% export, and there, where the dollar is getting stronger and the oil prices fall, we are doing better. It is the 90% of our business which is in Thailand where we are feeling the crunch. Customers who have been with us for 25 years are cancelling this quarter's orders because they have so much product still on hand from last quarter and hence still have our packaging (which they bought last quarter in expectation of moving their products).


Tourist locations such as Phuket are going to be hard-hit. I did the rounds of Patong 4 days ago and again last night. 4 days ago I counted several bars which had already closed. Last night, the number of tourists was akin to a low-season evening. More bars had closed and in Soi Easy (about 20 bars) I counted just one solitary customer.

Maybe you say 'great if these cheap and cheerful bars close'. But that's one reason why many tourists come to Phuket. Take away the bustling Patong nightlife and the tourists won't come. Of course, Phuket also has it's 5-star tourists and resorts. I doubt that that sector will escape unscathed from these problems.

My (ex's) airport hotel is almost fully booked until 3rd January. After that, the bookings fall off a cliff. No-one is booking, even though it is peak season. Usually if people do not book at our transit hotel, it means that they are not booking their 1 or 2-week holidays at the beach resort hotels.

It's akin to Rome burning whilst Nero plays his violin, except that Rome is Phuket, Samui, Bangkok and Pattaya and Nero are the combined idiots of PAD, the weak government, the army, the airport authorities, the police and anyone else that you care to name who has only had their own interests at heart.



Just saw this on the nation -

Auto parts workers block road to demand yearend bonus

Some 800 workers of Yarnapund Plc blocked the inbound King Kaew Road in front of their factory Friday morning to demand five-month yearend bonus.

The protesters also demanded the company to employ workers, who have been working for one month, on full-time employment basis and give them Bt500 salary increase.

The workers sent 15 representatives to negotiate with the management but no agreement has been made yet.

The protest caused traffic congestion near the Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

The Nation

Reminds me of a true story back home about two rival grocery store chains - one group of employees and union leaders went on strike to demand the same wages as the other store was paying its workers.

They essentially closed the store down for a month. The owners then decided to close the store permenently and 300 striking workers out of a job. The Union Reps however, kept theirs.


Looking through the accounts from a couple of non tourist related small businesses in non tourist areas for the past couple of years the downturn hasn’t affected them yet. Taking into account seasonal trends the only negative trend came with the high fuel prices but now returned to normal.

Looking around the area one major player, a motorbike dealership, has been hit and closed shop. The rest of the shops seem to be doing business as usual. As usual there are still the small shops that come and go due to bad planning etc.

Having said that, there are more and more customers and family mentioning somchai might be losing his job in the factory and coming home soon. Give it a few months and we expect to see a downturn in sales.

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