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Pattaya Remand Prison


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It has come to my attention that there is a prison near Pattaya called the Pattaya Remand Prison (PRP). It is located a couple of kilometers off Highway 36, only about 15 km out of town. Here's a google map showing distances and such to the prison:


The information I have so far is this prison, PRP, is for prisoners awaiting trial and those who have prison sentences of less than ten years--those with sentences of more than ten and less than twenty years go to the main Chonburi jail, and those with more than that go to a prison in Bangkok. The conditions in PRP are typical of Thai prisons. Here is a description, apparently from a prisoner. I don't know how accurate it is, though the bias is clear:


At least one, and I assume many more, of the prisoners in PRP are non-Thai, as noted in this thread:


I would like to know if anyone on ThaiVisa knows about this prison. Some of the information I'd like to know:

1. Are there any organizations in Thailand that help prisoners? If so, are they active at PRP and what activities do they do there?

2. Have any ThaiVisa members visited PRP? If so, what experiences did they have?

3. What are the visiting hours?

4. Are visitors allowed to bring gifts for the inmates?

5. Is there a library for the prisoners and if so can donations be made to this library?

6. Are there any estimates to the percentage of non-Thai prisoners? For example, there must be quite a few Burmese, Cambodiians, Laotians, and westerners.

7. How would Thais view volunteer work to help prisoners?

If anyone can give answers to any of the above questions, I'd be grateful.

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I'm no expert on Thai prisons (thankBuddha!), but the one you are referring to is usually just called Nong Palai (or Plalai?) in the newspapers. From what I've read about it, it may not be as bad as Klong Prem or Bang Kwan in Bangkok, but it's not somewhere you would want to overnight.

A few years back I remember reading about a local farang who did charitable work (off his own back rather than for an organisation) in the Soi 9 cells. Every morning he would go along early to see what unfortuante farangs had been banged up overnight, bring them clean bottled water, allow them to use his phone, and get them help if they needed it. I think this guy ran a local Muay Thai academy. Not sure if he's still around.

I can't help with any statistics, or even the name of a volunteer group. One of the expat clubs may know more if you cared to join up. Alternatively, Pattaya One News is run by a guy Howard, I think he's head of the foreign tourist police volunteers in Pattaya. He's friendly enough (watch the local news, you'll see him on it often frequently), I'm sure he will be able to advise you on the volunteer work matters. The office phone number is 038-411115.

I'm never sure what links we are allowed to put up here, but just Google Pattaya One News if this link is removed:

Pattaya One News

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we have a small group of volunteer friends from western countrys, mainly , UK and europe who support prisoners/people in remand in various ways

we help with some visits and collect books- we are not funded and are non religoius

when we learn of alleged misconduct we investigate through official channels

pls send us message if there is someone you would like us to include

good luck

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The Mercy Center visits the prison twice a week with food, water and essentials (www.mercypattaya.com) The Foreign Police Volunteers are run by the other media baron Pattaya People and do not visit the prison as far as I am aware.

Edited by george
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I am no expert but can only comment on what I have seen on the box.

Mainly a documentary on the work of the British Embassy in Bangkok, some guy go locked up for 4 months for non payment of fine for overstaying.

The embassy visited him from time to time with food parcels and reading materials.

You do not explain why you want to know but if it is to visit a friend or family I would contact his (or her's) embassy in the first place and see if they are visiting and if you friend/relation needs anything to start with and hopefully if you get to the right person they probably be able to advise on most of the questions asked.


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Thanks to all for the responses. They have been quite informative.

You do not explain why you want to know but if it is to visit a friend or family I would contact his (or her's) embassy in the first place and see if they are visiting and if you friend/relation needs anything to start with and hopefully if you get to the right person they probably be able to advise on most of the questions asked.

You probably didn't read the links I provided (I understand, time is limited), but the reason my interest was raised was because of Brian Scott Meisenburg's situation as I outlined in the original post here. I would not feel right if I helped only him because he's a fellow American, but I'm interested helping the prison because I like to help when I can. Donations to major charities where I don't know specifically where the money is spent are of less interest to me.

I am essentially wondering if I were able to find reading materials for the prison library for both the Thai prisoners and others, including the westerners, if that would be helpful. If there is already a charity already doing this, I of course would be less interested. In addition, if being generous in this way would somehow make me into an evil figure in the eyes of people in power in Thailand, I would also be very reluctant to do this. I hope this explains better my motivations for my post.

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I am going out there for the first time ,probably this Monday coming, 15th Dec. to see the person you refer to, for the first time, having read the other thread,

if you pm me I will let you know what the score is, as I am going to just turn up and find out from him what the best things to do to help are.

I too am non religious and have no axe to grind about anything, just humanitarian, seems like a small thing to do for someone right up he proverbial creek.

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I am going out there for the first time ,probably this Monday coming, 15th Dec. to see the person you refer to, for the first time, having read the other thread,

if you pm me I will let you know what the score is, as I am going to just turn up and find out from him what the best things to do to help are.

I too am non religious and have no axe to grind about anything, just humanitarian, seems like a small thing to do for someone right up he proverbial creek.

I would like to know how to donate gifts to the Prison.

I have quite a few paperback books (fiction) that I would like to see go to a good home.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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I went out to the prison today, it is really easy to find, just go a little way, maybe a kilometre up 36 from Sukhumvit, and watch out for a sign on the left of the road on the bottom of which, in English is the name of the prison, and a left arrow, I think.

Turn left there and follow the road, you arrive at the jail quite soon, big walls, cannot be missed, park and head for the reception.

Now I had thought from the prisoners help website:


that I could see Brian, but it seems that you need to be a US citizen in order to make a visit, I, being a Brit need to get permission from the US Embassy.

So I dropped some Baht into his account, and I will write to him explaining that I tried to visit, and that I am willing to send some parcels, occasional money,

general moral support stuff.

If any of you Americans are local and feel you could help cheer the guy up a little, you can gain access straight away, Monday to Friday, and you could perhaps then post(on TVisa) the most useful things that Brian wants, according to him, rather than us guessing..of course I imagine even just dropping some Baht into his account makes a big difference.

There might well be other falangs in there, I am sure any donations to the prison library would be most welcome by them all, to get a definitive answer to the poster who offered books I will have to wait until I have heard back from Brian on the best course of action, or perhaps contact the charity that runs the website in the link above.

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I am going out there for the first time ,probably this Monday coming, 15th Dec. to see the person you refer to, for the first time, having read the other thread,

if you pm me I will let you know what the score is, as I am going to just turn up and find out from him what the best things to do to help are.

I too am non religious and have no axe to grind about anything, just humanitarian, seems like a small thing to do for someone right up he proverbial creek.

I would like to know how to donate gifts to the Prison.

I have quite a few paperback books (fiction) that I would like to see go to a good home.

Any advice would be appreciated.


If you are in Pattaya, probably the easiest way would be to drive out there. All magazines and books (in Engrish!) are left for all prisoners so this is a really good gift to the guys and gals unfortunate enough to be there. In particular magazines of popular culture and politics along with major current newspapers are really good...it gives them a feeling of knowing what is going on outside the world.

All gifts are subject to review. However, cartoons of cigarettes are great gifts to individual prisoners, even if they don't smoke. Also, things like Soap, powders, anti-itch creams, non prescription meds. Vitamin and mineral supplements are big time important for these people.

For you non-US citizens, if you write the us embassy and tell them you want to visit prisoners on a humanitarian basis I think they will assist you.

Thanks for your interest in Brian! Someone already left him some money and I have already got word that he was deeply emotionally moved that a complete stranger would reach out and help him.

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I went out to the prison today, it is really easy to find, just go a little way, maybe a kilometre up 36 from Sukhumvit, and watch out for a sign on the left of the road on the bottom of which, in English is the name of the prison, and a left arrow, I think.

Turn left there and follow the road, you arrive at the jail quite soon, big walls, cannot be missed, park and head for the reception.

Now I had thought from the prisoners help website:


that I could see Brian, but it seems that you need to be a US citizen in order to make a visit, I, being a Brit need to get permission from the US Embassy.

So I dropped some Baht into his account, and I will write to him explaining that I tried to visit, and that I am willing to send some parcels, occasional money,

general moral support stuff.

If any of you Americans are local and feel you could help cheer the guy up a little, you can gain access straight away, Monday to Friday, and you could perhaps then post(on TVisa) the most useful things that Brian wants, according to him, rather than us guessing..of course I imagine even just dropping some Baht into his account makes a big difference.

There might well be other falangs in there, I am sure any donations to the prison library would be most welcome by them all, to get a definitive answer to the poster who offered books I will have to wait until I have heard back from Brian on the best course of action, or perhaps contact the charity that runs the website in the link above.

I am sorry you couldn't visit Brian. I hadn't thought of the non-usa citizen angle as being a problem. However, you may able to visit British prisoners held there and assist them.

Thanks for the Baht in his account! Not only will this make his stay easier but it helps him survive the inevitable times when his account gets dangerously low. To all you guys taking interest in Brian and the other prisoners in Pattaya remand prison, you guys are really making me feel better. I am going to be in Pattaya in the near future to visit him and when I do I am going to pm you and buy you guys a beer and have a nice talk. I really really appreciate the efforts and the thoughts, as I am sure prisoners will.

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I am going out there for the first time ,probably this Monday coming, 15th Dec. to see the person you refer to, for the first time, having read the other thread,

if you pm me I will let you know what the score is, as I am going to just turn up and find out from him what the best things to do to help are.

I too am non religious and have no axe to grind about anything, just humanitarian, seems like a small thing to do for someone right up he proverbial creek.

If you could Post here what you find that would be a big help. I am anxiously waiting to hear back what you find...

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I'm no expert on Thai prisons (thankBuddha!), but the one you are referring to is usually just called Nong Palai (or Plalai?) in the newspapers. From what I've read about it, it may not be as bad as Klong Prem or Bang Kwan in Bangkok, but it's not somewhere you would want to overnight.

I think that perception is because of the publicity of the Bangkok prisons as depicted in newspapers, magazines, and mostly popular films and books.

However, the Pattaya remand prison is actually worse on a prisoner because it isn't designed for long term incarceration. The prison was designed for prisoners awaiting trial and as such doesn't have beds for the prisoners but instead sleeping mats which must be purchased. We have actively been trying (we being me via the american embassy) to have Brian transfered to Bangkok hospital prison, which is actually a quite nice,modern facility for a prison and the embassy has made a formal request to Pattaya remand prison for the transfer in accordance with my and Brian's wishes. However, this cannot be done unless and until Brian either drops his appeal and or the appeal is litigated. Prisoners that have shorter prison sentences, are awaiting trial, or are awaiting appeal must stay in a prison facility close to the district that will be hearing his/her case/appeal.

This is why Brian Meisenberg remains in the Pattaya remand prison after his sentencing. If he didn't request an appeal he would have been transfered to another prison more appropriate for a long term sentence that was better able to see to his medical needs.

As far as his appeal, I really don't have any information on his guilt/innocence or his defense for any appeal. I choose to stay out of that and just focus on helping him survive and trying to help grease the wheels of justice. One option will be that after 1/3 of his sentence is served, he will be eligible for a prisoner exchange and serve out the remander of his sentence in a US prison.

The interesting thing about that is sometimes the prisoners refuse this option because the united states makes them serve out the entire sentence with no gain time, and often countries like Thailand with a benevolent King will release the prisoner early on special events such as national holidays, etc.

Edited by gregfl
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Just a thought, it could be that if there is a noticable number of "new" people either visiting, dropping off some money or books and newspapers, and generally taking an interest in the Falang population at the Pattaya prison, it might make the authorities slightly more benevolent towards the inmates.

This may not be more than treating them just with a little more care, but that small difference could make all the difference to those inside there.

Its almost Christmas, could just be party season for you and me, but a parcel, books, or a small cash donation to an inmate would make them feel a whole lot better at a time of year that must be particularly tough for those inside these hellholes.

When I went out there it was very easy to communicate with the staff, who were helpful and spoke enough English, although I did have my Thai wife with me too, so if you are thinking of going there, dont worry, you will be treated with courtesy and respect from the staff there.

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Just a thought, it could be that if there is a noticable number of "new" people either visiting, dropping off some money or books and newspapers, and generally taking an interest in the Falang population at the Pattaya prison, it might make the authorities slightly more benevolent towards the inmates.

This may not be more than treating them just with a little more care, but that small difference could make all the difference to those inside there.

Its almost Christmas, could just be party season for you and me, but a parcel, books, or a small cash donation to an inmate would make them feel a whole lot better at a time of year that must be particularly tough for those inside these hellholes.

When I went out there it was very easy to communicate with the staff, who were helpful and spoke enough English, although I did have my Thai wife with me too, so if you are thinking of going there, dont worry, you will be treated with courtesy and respect from the staff there.

Thank...I will be going on Tuesday morning.

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  • 1 month later...

Well. well, well. Suddenly all the do gooders have come unstuck now that a former prisoner has unveiled the real Brian Meisinburg. Why help these scum that sell destructive drugs, in turn ruining people's lives! He deserves all the treatment he gets in prison. The visits to prisons in Thailand have become a tourist spectacle with bored Eurotrash sex tourists trying to fill in time between visits to the bars. Leave any help required to the professional charities. They are at least more realistic and wont be sucked in as easily as so many others on this thread. If you dont, you'll not only be helping low life drug dealers but possibly also the 'kiddy fiddlers' in the prison. If you really want to make a difference visit the local orphanages or charity groups.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, isn't that special. Someone comes on to log in with one post, types nonsense about being in Jail two years ago (Brian wasn't even there two years ago) and obviously has some personal issue to air out, and people post behind him as if he speaks truth.

fact: I am the guy who wrote the bio for Brian Meisenberg for Foreign prisoners.com. There is zero fiction on that site about Brian. Brian did tell us he was selling investments,and that is what was written. No specific claims have been made about what Brian was doing for employment prior to being arrested. In fact, Brian was totally unemployed at the time.

Fact: I previously requested people visit Brian, but then found out thru someone here that you cannot visit him unless you are on a list and posted that information.

Fact: People came out and tried to rip off Brian's family after he was arrested and then vowed to cause him and the family trouble when their schemes fell apart. The writing style of this post is very similar to the criminals who tried to take advantage of Brian's situation. Perhaps this person who see's fit to post this hate-o-gram is that person? I don't know..I seriously doubt he was in the prison with Brian. The only other German prisoner in the entire place is Brian's best friend and I met with both of them while in Pattaya in January. Incidentially, I met with Brian 5 times in January and for those that are interested he is in pretty good health right now, mentally sharp, and doing his best in the face of hard times. May none reading ever be in the same situation.

I want to thank everyone who has taken an interest in their fellow countrymen who get in trouble in Thailand. Maybe some arrested are stupid, the others naive, and others deserving of what happened to them. Who knows? But they are people, they have families, and no one deserves to be sniped at online by hate-mongers who don't know them, don't have real information on the case or about what is going on. People do get arrested and convicted for charges that they aren't necessarily guilty of in every country, and Thailand isn't excluded from doing this. It is real easy to be a keyboard cowboy and snipe one liners at every story about someone arrested. Miserable s.o.b.s. love to kick others when they are down...they like it when others are brought down to their level.

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Goodluck gregfl with your work, you seem like a genuinely nice person. As long as its nothing to do with kids everyone else deserves to be treated humanly, don't listen to the snipping comments, i know what sort of people they are without even meeting them, sad, miserable sour faced old farts.

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You are of course entitled to your opinion but the nature of the crime is hugely relevent, and I quote you

"my opinion, waxing philosophically about "WHY" someone from one of our homelands ends up in one of these prisons misses the mark by a mile. what is important is to let them know people care."

Would you have the same sympathy for a foreign child rapist? Or someone that killed your nearest and dearest?

Also, (not sure if you posted this or not) it matters not that we think the laws are draconian over here. It is the law and thats the end of the matter. So what if he would only get a couple of years back in the USA? That MISSES the mark by a mile.

Their country, their rules. Like it or lump it.

And staying on-topic about "draconian" laws..............is it not true that in California, USA, you could possibly receive a life sentence for shop-lifting under the "3 strikes and you,re out" rule?

Edited by Phatcharanan
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^Good post phatcharanan.


I personally have no time for "apologists".

You would have to be a total retard to fail to understand that hey.....In Thailand, if you are caught using or dealing drugs you are most likely to be incarcerated in a very rough prison system for a very long time. All the signs and warnings are there, numerous Embassies have websites warning about this, all the forums and blah blah blah.

People have choices.

For me, this is a great country. I live a life I could never have back home in the UK and for a fraction of the cost. Surrounded by beautiful women, great food, a relaxing lifestyle and a warm climate. Too freekin right I ain`t going to be breaking their laws.

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Well, isn't that special. Someone comes on to log in with one post, types nonsense about being in Jail two years ago (Brian wasn't even there two years ago) and obviously has some personal issue to air out, and people post behind him as if he speaks truth.

fact: I am the guy who wrote the bio for Brian Meisenberg for Foreign prisoners.com. There is zero fiction on that site about Brian. Brian did tell us he was selling investments,and that is what was written. No specific claims have been made about what Brian was doing for employment prior to being arrested. In fact, Brian was totally unemployed at the time.

Fact: I previously requested people visit Brian, but then found out thru someone here that you cannot visit him unless you are on a list and posted that information.

Fact: People came out and tried to rip off Brian's family after he was arrested and then vowed to cause him and the family trouble when their schemes fell apart. The writing style of this post is very similar to the criminals who tried to take advantage of Brian's situation. Perhaps this person who see's fit to post this hate-o-gram is that person? I don't know..I seriously doubt he was in the prison with Brian. The only other German prisoner in the entire place is Brian's best friend and I met with both of them while in Pattaya in January. Incidentially, I met with Brian 5 times in January and for those that are interested he is in pretty good health right now, mentally sharp, and doing his best in the face of hard times. May none reading ever be in the same situation.

I want to thank everyone who has taken an interest in their fellow countrymen who get in trouble in Thailand. Maybe some arrested are stupid, the others naive, and others deserving of what happened to them. Who knows? But they are people, they have families, and no one deserves to be sniped at online by hate-mongers who don't know them, don't have real information on the case or about what is going on. People do get arrested and convicted for charges that they aren't necessarily guilty of in every country, and Thailand isn't excluded from doing this. It is real easy to be a keyboard cowboy and snipe one liners at every story about someone arrested. Miserable s.o.b.s. love to kick others when they are down...they like it when others are brought down to their level.

hi i am the guy who wrote before and exposed the fairy tale of brian scott. when i wrote that i was there 2 years ago i was not being specific. i was there with brian and the reason i wrote on this site was because of the bull i was reading. maybe you are genuine and just trying to help an old friend and if the stuff you wrote on the prisoner site was dictated by brian then that explains the bull.he is not held in shackles, the shackles are put on when you leave prison to attend court and taken off when you return.(thats everybody).at the time i was there there were 5 germans including the kid brian wanted to manipulate.as for the people trying scam money from his family its possible, it did happen to another prisoner while i was there and brian knew this also so it sounds like he made this story his own.while i was there i heard brian say many times that he didnt understand why his friend alex didnt come to visit him.when i got out and looked up things on the net i seen that when brian was arrested he tried to claim the drugs in the apartment were belonging to his "friend" alex. kinda explains the non visits. as for the personal issue to air yes i dont like brian and other prisoners didnt like brian and the reason why one prisoner hit brian.the only time i seen 2 foreign prisoners fall out like that and it was his own doing.the foreign prisoners are few among hundreds in nong pla lai and they stick together and generally get along so ask yourself why was brian the only one to really piss others off. if he was not trying to con something from you he was telling stories of his hundreds of thousands in the bank......i could go on

everything i put in these posts are true and i dont want people conned into helping someone who doesnt really deserve it

Edited by soundman
Fixed quote formatting.
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Well, isn't that special. Someone comes on to log in with one post, types nonsense about being in Jail two years ago (Brian wasn't even there two years ago) and obviously has some personal issue to air out, and people post behind him as if he speaks truth.

fact: I am the guy who wrote the bio for Brian Meisenberg for Foreign prisoners.com. There is zero fiction on that site about Brian. Brian did tell us he was selling investments,and that is what was written. No specific claims have been made about what Brian was doing for employment prior to being arrested. In fact, Brian was totally unemployed at the time.

Fact: I previously requested people visit Brian, but then found out thru someone here that you cannot visit him unless you are on a list and posted that information.

Fact: People came out and tried to rip off Brian's family after he was arrested and then vowed to cause him and the family trouble when their schemes fell apart. The writing style of this post is very similar to the criminals who tried to take advantage of Brian's situation. Perhaps this person who see's fit to post this hate-o-gram is that person? I don't know..I seriously doubt he was in the prison with Brian. The only other German prisoner in the entire place is Brian's best friend and I met with both of them while in Pattaya in January. Incidentially, I met with Brian 5 times in January and for those that are interested he is in pretty good health right now, mentally sharp, and doing his best in the face of hard times. May none reading ever be in the same situation.

I want to thank everyone who has taken an interest in their fellow countrymen who get in trouble in Thailand. Maybe some arrested are stupid, the others naive, and others deserving of what happened to them. Who knows? But they are people, they have families, and no one deserves to be sniped at online by hate-mongers who don't know them, don't have real information on the case or about what is going on. People do get arrested and convicted for charges that they aren't necessarily guilty of in every country, and Thailand isn't excluded from doing this. It is real easy to be a keyboard cowboy and snipe one liners at every story about someone arrested. Miserable s.o.b.s. love to kick others when they are down...they like it when others are brought down to their level.

hi i am the guy who wrote before and exposed the fairy tale of brian scott. when i wrote that i was there 2 years ago i was not being specific. i was there with brian and the reason i wrote on this site was because of the bull i was reading. maybe you are genuine and just trying to help an old friend and if the stuff you wrote on the prisoner site was dictated by brian then that explains the bull.he is not held in shackles, the shackles are put on when you leave prison to attend court and taken off when you return.(thats everybody).at the time i was there there were 5 germans including the kid brian wanted to manipulate.as for the people trying scam money from his family its possible, it did happen to another prisoner while i was there and brian knew this also so it sounds like he made this story his own.while i was there i heard brian say many times that he didnt understand why his friend alex didnt come to visit him.when i got out and looked up things on the net i seen that when brian was arrested he tried to claim the drugs in the apartment were belonging to his "friend" alex. kinda explains the non visits. as for the personal issue to air yes i dont like brian and other prisoners didnt like brian and the reason why one prisoner hit brian.the only time i seen 2 foreign prisoners fall out like that and it was his own doing.the foreign prisoners are few among hundreds in nong pla lai and they stick together and generally get along so ask yourself why was brian the only one to really piss others off. if he was not trying to con something from you he was telling stories of his hundreds of thousands in the bank......i could go on

everything i put in these posts are true and i dont want people conned into helping someone who doesnt really deserve it

whats this brian in for ..is he a drug dealer ..........sounds like a nice guy even fighting with fellow farang prisioners

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Well, isn't that special. Someone comes on to log in with one post, types nonsense about being in Jail two years ago (Brian wasn't even there two years ago) and obviously has some personal issue to air out, and people post behind him as if he speaks truth.

fact: I am the guy who wrote the bio for Brian Meisenberg for Foreign prisoners.com. There is zero fiction on that site about Brian. Brian did tell us he was selling investments,and that is what was written. No specific claims have been made about what Brian was doing for employment prior to being arrested. In fact, Brian was totally unemployed at the time.

Fact: I previously requested people visit Brian, but then found out thru someone here that you cannot visit him unless you are on a list and posted that information.

Fact: People came out and tried to rip off Brian's family after he was arrested and then vowed to cause him and the family trouble when their schemes fell apart. The writing style of this post is very similar to the criminals who tried to take advantage of Brian's situation. Perhaps this person who see's fit to post this hate-o-gram is that person? I don't know..I seriously doubt he was in the prison with Brian. The only other German prisoner in the entire place is Brian's best friend and I met with both of them while in Pattaya in January. Incidentially, I met with Brian 5 times in January and for those that are interested he is in pretty good health right now, mentally sharp, and doing his best in the face of hard times. May none reading ever be in the same situation.

I want to thank everyone who has taken an interest in their fellow countrymen who get in trouble in Thailand. Maybe some arrested are stupid, the others naive, and others deserving of what happened to them. Who knows? But they are people, they have families, and no one deserves to be sniped at online by hate-mongers who don't know them, don't have real information on the case or about what is going on. People do get arrested and convicted for charges that they aren't necessarily guilty of in every country, and Thailand isn't excluded from doing this. It is real easy to be a keyboard cowboy and snipe one liners at every story about someone arrested. Miserable s.o.b.s. love to kick others when they are down...they like it when others are brought down to their level.

hi i am the guy who wrote before and exposed the fairy tale of brian scott. when i wrote that i was there 2 years ago i was not being specific. i was there with brian and the reason i wrote on this site was because of the bull i was reading. maybe you are genuine and just trying to help an old friend and if the stuff you wrote on the prisoner site was dictated by brian then that explains the bull.he is not held in shackles, the shackles are put on when you leave prison to attend court and taken off when you return.(thats everybody).at the time i was there there were 5 germans including the kid brian wanted to manipulate.as for the people trying scam money from his family its possible, it did happen to another prisoner while i was there and brian knew this also so it sounds like he made this story his own.while i was there i heard brian say many times that he didnt understand why his friend alex didnt come to visit him.when i got out and looked up things on the net i seen that when brian was arrested he tried to claim the drugs in the apartment were belonging to his "friend" alex. kinda explains the non visits. as for the personal issue to air yes i dont like brian and other prisoners didnt like brian and the reason why one prisoner hit brian.the only time i seen 2 foreign prisoners fall out like that and it was his own doing.the foreign prisoners are few among hundreds in nong pla lai and they stick together and generally get along so ask yourself why was brian the only one to really piss others off. if he was not trying to con something from you he was telling stories of his hundreds of thousands in the bank......i could go on

everything i put in these posts are true and i dont want people conned into helping someone who doesnt really deserve it

Thanks. I have taken the time to match this writing, ahem "style" to the letters I received early in this fiasco, and I know exactly who you are. Way to try to kick someone when he was down, and all because your schemes to defraud the Meisenbergs were stopped by me.

Still in Pattaya? The Embassy still have your passport confiscated ? You want to talk about money sent to Pattaya by people you solicited to "help" Brian after breaking into his yahoo account , and how it never made it past your own pocket?

Good job there buddy. We appreciate all the help, and all the help you continue to give Brian by chasing me around the internet. You must be so proud of yourself.

I will admit to this: Brian sure picked lousy friends while living in Pattaya. You are proof of that.

Edited by gregfl
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, isn't that special. Someone comes on to log in with one post, types nonsense about being in Jail two years ago (Brian wasn't even there two years ago) and obviously has some personal issue to air out, and people post behind him as if he speaks truth.

fact: I am the guy who wrote the bio for Brian Meisenberg for Foreign prisoners.com. There is zero fiction on that site about Brian. Brian did tell us he was selling investments,and that is what was written. No specific claims have been made about what Brian was doing for employment prior to being arrested. In fact, Brian was totally unemployed at the time.

Fact: I previously requested people visit Brian, but then found out thru someone here that you cannot visit him unless you are on a list and posted that information.

Fact: People came out and tried to rip off Brian's family after he was arrested and then vowed to cause him and the family trouble when their schemes fell apart. The writing style of this post is very similar to the criminals who tried to take advantage of Brian's situation. Perhaps this person who see's fit to post this hate-o-gram is that person? I don't know..I seriously doubt he was in the prison with Brian. The only other German prisoner in the entire place is Brian's best friend and I met with both of them while in Pattaya in January. Incidentially, I met with Brian 5 times in January and for those that are interested he is in pretty good health right now, mentally sharp, and doing his best in the face of hard times. May none reading ever be in the same situation.

I want to thank everyone who has taken an interest in their fellow countrymen who get in trouble in Thailand. Maybe some arrested are stupid, the others naive, and others deserving of what happened to them. Who knows? But they are people, they have families, and no one deserves to be sniped at online by hate-mongers who don't know them, don't have real information on the case or about what is going on. People do get arrested and convicted for charges that they aren't necessarily guilty of in every country, and Thailand isn't excluded from doing this. It is real easy to be a keyboard cowboy and snipe one liners at every story about someone arrested. Miserable s.o.b.s. love to kick others when they are down...they like it when others are brought down to their level.

hi i am the guy who wrote before and exposed the fairy tale of brian scott. when i wrote that i was there 2 years ago i was not being specific. i was there with brian and the reason i wrote on this site was because of the bull i was reading. maybe you are genuine and just trying to help an old friend and if the stuff you wrote on the prisoner site was dictated by brian then that explains the bull.he is not held in shackles, the shackles are put on when you leave prison to attend court and taken off when you return.(thats everybody).at the time i was there there were 5 germans including the kid brian wanted to manipulate.as for the people trying scam money from his family its possible, it did happen to another prisoner while i was there and brian knew this also so it sounds like he made this story his own.while i was there i heard brian say many times that he didnt understand why his friend alex didnt come to visit him.when i got out and looked up things on the net i seen that when brian was arrested he tried to claim the drugs in the apartment were belonging to his "friend" alex. kinda explains the non visits. as for the personal issue to air yes i dont like brian and other prisoners didnt like brian and the reason why one prisoner hit brian.the only time i seen 2 foreign prisoners fall out like that and it was his own doing.the foreign prisoners are few among hundreds in nong pla lai and they stick together and generally get along so ask yourself why was brian the only one to really piss others off. if he was not trying to con something from you he was telling stories of his hundreds of thousands in the bank......i could go on

everything i put in these posts are true and i dont want people conned into helping someone who doesnt really deserve it

Thanks. I have taken the time to match this writing, ahem "style" to the letters I received early in this fiasco, and I know exactly who you are. Way to try to kick someone when he was down, and all because your schemes to defraud the Meisenbergs were stopped by me.

Still in Pattaya? The Embassy still have your passport confiscated ? You want to talk about money sent to Pattaya by people you solicited to "help" Brian after breaking into his yahoo account , and how it never made it past your own pocket?

Good job there buddy. We appreciate all the help, and all the help you continue to give Brian by chasing me around the internet. You must be so proud of yourself.

I will admit to this: Brian sure picked lousy friends while living in Pattaya. You are proof of that.

ok gregfl i was giving you the benefit of the doubt seeing as i dont know you but from your post i see you are as fluent in bull as brian(TAKEN TIME TO MATCH THE WRITING STYLE) and can now assume you know exactley the kind of character brian is and are purposfully trying to decieve people on this site, I hope enough people have read my original post that has been removed for some reason and know not to be taken in by you

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my original post has been removed from this site so i would like to refresh peoples memory as to the character of brian scott meisenberg.

1 he tried to stitch up his friend alex for the drugs found when he was arrested

2 hes been involved in a boiler room scam targeting retired peoples savings(from his own mouth)

3 (while i was there)he was frantically trying to make contact with ex thai girlfriend with his kid,hes become very concerned and paternal now hes in shit,didnt seem to need to contact them when he was free.

4 has made up sad story of being in shackles,beaten,and attempted extortion to elicit sympethy and from people on this site

5 is constantly on the con with other prisoners and generally not liked because of this

i have met the guy and you would be hard pressed to find a more sneaky underhand kind of character.

dont be taken in by the sob story

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