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Ex-thai Pm Attempts To Block Govt Led By Opponents


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I was under the impression PAD were paid 200 Bart a day, supplied food, drink, entertainment, bedding, blankets, yellow shirts, clapping hands, 24/7 TV entertainment and coverage and a host of other things for almost 5 months.

UDD got this for 2 rallies at the stadium for 2 phone call from Thaksin. Work out where the cash came from for PAD and the damage they have caused to the country and it has not finished yet as they have stated if they dont get their way they will cause more disturbances. What a bunch of D... Heads.

The national currency is called the Baht, not the Bart, who is annoying cartoon character, sport ! :o

And as many posters have said, over the past several months, when they or their wives visited the PAD protests in Bangkok, they saw no evidence to support your claim of a universal daily stipend, so it was by no means as widespread as you suggest, although I wouldn't claim that nobody ever was offered money. Our 'clappy-hands' were bought not given !

Let's be honest: During the Thaksin 'era' a lot of good things happened.

Yes, Mr. T. was obviously corrupt and onviously he absued his power for his own good, but Thailand went into a lot prosperity and economic growth. Yes or no?

Suppose, you were in his position in a country as Thailand, wouldn't you do the same?

I would!!

I would not, and I suspect that most TV-posters have no great desire, to be owner/dictator of their own country, although I personally wouldn't say "no" to a couple of rai being in my own name, as for example promised initially by Thaksin's brilliant Elite-Card Scheme !

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The handsome Ab- is not qualified to be PM. He didn't join the Army.

Wow ! Breaking News (not).

That will be a surprise to his sponsors, then !!

He was a draft dodger and he was not born in Thailand.

Let me guess: you are American and voted for John McCain, who was born in Panama.

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Most Farangs believe in democracy... PPP won...(Thaksin won) the elections... one man one vote... sounds fair to me...

I am one of those farangs. And I was disgusted by how Thaksin used classic singaporean methods of strangling any oposition, such as suing anyone who criticized him for defamation, using formalities to shut down radio stations etc.

Using ones democratically given majority to put a chokehold on any criticism is not democracy, it is democratically elected dictatorship. I am not a great fan of brownpissing but what he did is the same thing as was done by a quite infamous leader of a certain big central europen country in the 1930s.

Not to mention that Thaksin Chinnawat is a megalomanic, a mass murderer and corruption convicted criminal. He should be sought extradited for crimes against humanity, from any country he set foot in, or convicted in absentia and then sentenced to either life or death.

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20,000 sheep all led by the deviant shepherd Thaksin, the pervert of Thai justice supported of course by his vitriolic mouthpiece supporters on this forum. Still we all now what suits sheep don't we - carved up with mint sauce on a plate. Let's hope that the wiser factions of Thai society do all they can to protect the metaphorical from becoming factual.

Less like sheep and more like paid employees. Thai people turn a blind eye when it suits their own purposes to do so. Just look at how the country, business, government and people suffer and continue to suffer unnecessarily.

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Did someone notice this latest BBC blunder?


The court found his party, the People Power Party (PPP), guilty of fraud during the last election a year ago, and banned it and two other parties in the governing coalition.

They have now regrouped under new names, but the opposition People's Alliance for Democracy says it has won over enough defectors and unaligned MPs to lead the new government.

On the contrary, I think the BBC have got it spot on. The Democrats have allowed themselves to be so associated with PAD that they have created a Sinn Fein/IRA situation. It is obvious that real power lies with PAD and its backers. The Dems are just the puppets, who will pretend to govern with their ungodly coalition of Parliamentary whores and Newin's poodles!

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It can be argued that Thaksin is less than perfect, but that is not sufficient reason to back the right-wing PAD democrat party.

One could say that when it comes to running a country, its better to have someone who is 15% corrupt - but is a good technocrat and leader

...than someone who is totally clean, but doesn't have a clue about how to manage a country.

Countries can absorb a certain level of leakage and still grow for the general good. (Eg Suharto's Indonesia, where he stole a lot, but not enough to derail growth)

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The handsome Ab- is not qualified to be PM. He didn't join the Army.

Wow ! Breaking News (not).

That will be a surprise to his sponsors, then !!

He was a draft dodger and he was not born in Thailand.

Let me guess: you are American and voted for John McCain, who was born in Panama.

McCain was born on an American Military Base. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Paying elected politician 50 million baht to switch sides and vote for Pueh Thai nominees.


bulls_t news.

Still I don't understand why so many farangs love so much Thaksin.

Go Abhisit!!!

Most Farangs believe in democracy... PPP won...(Thaksin won) the elections... one man one vote... sounds fair to me...

I don't think so. I must say people nowadays believe in money more than in GOD. so one man one vote is always claimed as a fair reason.. without considering the facts..

Edited by Delphy
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It can be argued that Thaksin is less than perfect, but that is not sufficient reason to back the right-wing PAD democrat party.

One could say that when it comes to running a country, its better to have someone who is 15% corrupt - but is a good technocrat and leader

...than someone who is totally clean, but doesn't have a clue about how to manage a country.

Countries can absorb a certain level of leakage and still grow for the general good. (Eg Suharto's Indonesia, where he stole a lot, but not enough to derail growth)

Sorry, but they are definitively not playing in the same league. The Suharto were mafia, messing with Tommy or any of his sibling usually lead to an automatic death sentence. When doing business there, it was usually the first thing you were warned off.

Thai politicians are merely "morally challenged" people.

Edited by Pierrot
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Thaksin claims the system isn't working because the courts are unfair, the military is meddling and so on. the opposition claims the system isn't working because the courts are unfair (not having convicted T of electoral fraud and hiding assets) and police meddling. both sides use similar tactics to manipulate the system and make things appear legal. in fact the currently govt changes are entirely legal, on the surface at least.

Thaksin knows how the game is played, he's only pretending otherwise. The only thing T believes in is absolute power.

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It doesn't look like this has been posted here yet. These are some comments by Thaksin tonight in his recorded message to his supporters:


Only 50 000 people attending the meeting, despite huge publicity and organized transport.

50 000 on a population of 62 million. Its about 0,08 % of the population.

I can only conclude that his support by the population is highly overrated

There are football games who have more public.

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I am one of those farangs. And I was disgusted by how Thaksin used classic singaporean methods of strangling any oposition, such as suing anyone who criticized him for defamation, using formalities to shut down radio stations etc.

You can dig this forum back to early 2003. When Thaksin was in charge, you were able to say whatever you want. Later it was not always the case. I let you draw you own conclusion.

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Is it just me, or does this get more pathetic everyday?

I agree. I think it's disgusting that a mob of anti government protestors should be allowed to hold the country to ransom the way they did.

Democracy my a*se! This is no way to behave in a Democratic society. All you yellow shirts should be ashamed of how you have behaved. You behaved like the baby who never got his chocolate!

When a government is voted in Democratically then you should abide by this government and accept that your side lost. Next election time you make a better case for your party and try and win.

Thank god civilized countries don't behave like this. Western countries like the USA and Great Britain would never behave like this, nor would they allow this to happen.

I think I speak for a lot of the democratic countries across the world when I say that we look upon your actions with shame and disgust. There is no glory in the way you have (and are) behaved.

You missed that TRT AND PPP were dissolved for vote buying???

Civilized countries don't have vote buying, so they don't need the PAD.

Your examples USA and Great Britain say it all. Most Europeans don't see the USA as a democracy. You can only select one of two parties with almost the same ideas. That's an even worse democracy than Thailand.

Tell me a country which is not corrupt. They older democracies just hide it a little better. It is just a matter of what degree the corrption is. In Thailand it is very low. The PAD have cost Thailand more with there actions than what Thakasins government have skimmed off. Before retiring to Thailand I am presently living in Canada, which I thought was a good stable country; but in the last week we have sank to the same level as Thai politics. We had an election in November, but now the oposition parties have tried to band together and join with the separist party to bring down the recently elected govenment. But for the intervention of the Queens representative, we would be being governed by people who want to break the country up.

Wake up Thailand and Expats living in Thailand.

There is nothing undemocratic about the Canadian political situation.

The only undemocratic thing is the intervention of the Queens representative.

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Thank god civilized countries don't behave like this. Western countries like the USA and Great Britain would never behave like this, nor would they allow this to happen.

Sorry to inform you but in the last two weeks environmentalists chained themselves to the Stansted runway in England and in Greece protesters stormed an airport.

Oh and they have plans to do it again at Heathrow.

It's laughable that you think "civilised" countries act any different and I hope people like you will stop saying such rubbish in the future.

You are right except for the small point that the protesters at Stansted were arrested quickly and face trial. I do not see many PAD leaders or followers up in front of a judge.

The Greek thing is a riot by mostly non greeks and anarchists, not a protest and again the police were out in force trying to stop them. Again not something that was seen in Thailand.

I am sure of the plans were to go ahead at Heathrow they would again be arrested and face trial.

Oh one other thing. I seriously doubt that the people at Stansted were being paid to protest either.

Yes I congratulate the British armed forces who removed swiftly the terrorists large crowd of........32

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It can be argued that Thaksin is less than perfect, but that is not sufficient reason to back the right-wing PAD democrat party.

One could say that when it comes to running a country, its better to have someone who is 15% corrupt - but is a good technocrat and leader

...than someone who is totally clean, but doesn't have a clue about how to manage a country.

Countries can absorb a certain level of leakage and still grow for the general good. (Eg Suharto's Indonesia, where he stole a lot, but not enough to derail growth)

One can argue the problem is not the level of corruption that matters, but how efficient the system is, regardless of how these results has been achieved.

It's difficult to achieve anything with an unstable political system. The government starts a project, make a study, get his "fees", then a new government gets in place, repeats the same process, then a new government, new "fees" ... and nothing is never done.

A stable government means a one study, maybe some "fees", and we get a new airport!

As a taxpayer, of course the second system is much better. As a politician, the former is more "fair", everybody gets his share of the loot.

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Let's be honest: During the Thaksin 'era' a lot of good things happened.

Yes, Mr. T. was obviously corrupt and onviously he absued his power for his own good, but Thailand went into a lot prosperity and economic growth. Yes or no?

Suppose, you were in his position in a country as Thailand, wouldn't you do the same?

I would!!

I find that a sad and pathetic attitude.

I'd use my elected mandate to benefit the populous, rather than break laws, risk imprisonment and harm millions for my own selfish (and insecure) advancement...

When Mr. T was in charge, the world economy was thriving ... Thailand just followed the trend, .. It is in difficult times that you can test leadership ... in 1997 the democrats put Thailand economy back on track .... lets hope that they do the same again ... but very sceptical this time with the likes of Newin breathing on their neck (in fact this could be a trick from the team Newin/Mr. T to get back in charge sooner rather than later)

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I am surprised that the red shirts did not start their own annoying things after the yellow left the airports & government buildings

Wasn't the brutal murders of PAD by the red shirts enough for you ? shame on you promoting more conflict that is being promoted by Toxin.

You must be colour blind :o:D

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Western countries like the USA and Great Britain would never behave like this, nor would they allow this to happen.

I think I speak for a lot of the democratic countries across the world when I say that we look upon your actions with shame and disgust. There is no glory in the way you have (and are) behaved.


You must be joking, as I clearly remember how Bush stole his first presidency!

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Is it just me, or does this get more pathetic everyday?

I agree. I think it's disgusting that a mob of anti government protestors should be allowed to hold the country to ransom the way they did.

Democracy my a*se! This is no way to behave in a Democratic society. All you yellow shirts should be ashamed of how you have behaved. You behaved like the baby who never got his chocolate!

When a government is voted in Democratically then you should abide by this government and accept that your side lost. Next election time you make a better case for your party and try and win.

Thank god civilized countries don't behave like this. Western countries like the USA and Great Britain would never behave like this, nor would they allow this to happen.

I think I speak for a lot of the democratic countries across the world when I say that we look upon your actions with shame and disgust. There is no glory in the way you have (and are) behaved.

UK government honest. You must be joking they buy votes by promising to give you things they buy with your money.

As for U.S.A George W stole the last election and disfranchised a load of voters to win. Politicians world wide are only there for themselves.

The UK government made themselves employees in the seventies the week before Class 4National Insurance for self employed was made law, and saved themselves a lot of money and then gave themselves a pension for life after being an M.P. for 4 years. Thailand is more Democratic than big brother UK with a CCTV for every 14 people.

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Just back from the rally at the National Stadium and have been watching an endless row of pro-government supporters

streaming in to the facility all day.

A police commander estimated more than 30,000 people were inside the stadium as of an hour ago (5.30pm). There were still many thousands outside and police have had to close off one side of the road due to the high pedestrian traffic.

All of the seating except for the far end of the stadium behind the stage was full, as was the entire playing area.

The turn-out will I'm sure have an affect on those politicians who have joined the Democrats and is an indication that in the event the Democrats do form a coalition government that Thailand's political problems are far from over.

Those attending came from as far as Udon Thani and comprised a broad cross-section of ages and professions.

30,000 at 500Baht per head to show up

plus plus is about 3.7 million baht

a cheap political day out for Thaksin


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So, Thailand will have a right wing military backed "Democratic" party led government after all. Big surprise.

They are doing a great job in Myanmar, let them have a shot at Thailand. What's the fuss?

Funny how your TOTALLY forget Thaksin had MUCH stronger ties to the Myanmar junta...

Forced through a Thai interntational loan to Myanmar, 4 billion was it?

Against Moody's and S & P's risk assessment recommendations.

Which coincidentally was largely used to by Shin Corp products...

Satalite phone hook ups and cellphone relay towers.

Samak even cooked for the guy ( F.M. ) in his own home.

Really TRT and PPP were totally in bed with the Myanmar Junta.

My how the partisan blinkers blind to historic fact.

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Meet the new bosses, same as the old bosses

Bangkok Post Editorial Sunday Dec 14 2008

The People Power, Chart Thai and Matchimathipataya parties _ the three major political parties that made up the last coalition government _ were dissolved by the Constitution Court almost two weeks ago after being found guilty of complicity in electoral fraud.

Constitution Court judges read out the verdicts at the Administrative Court on Chaeng Watthana road after the court building was besieged by government supporters. The nine judges were unanimous in dissolving PPP and Matchimathipataya, with the decision to disband Chart Thai being passed by a count of eight to one.

One hundred and nine executives of the three parties, including 33 members of parliament, were also banned from politics and political activity for five years. All very good. Crimes were committed, those found guilty by the courts were punished and justice was seen to be done.

So how are voters supposed to react when, as seems to have become the norm these days, phoenix-like, from the ashes of the dissolved parties, arose the Puea Thai party, a direct replacement for the People Power party (which was a direct replacement for the Thai Rak Thai party of Thaksin Shinawatra which was also dissolved by a decision from the court), and the Chart Thai Pattana party, the ''new'' Chart Thai party?

The Constitution Court's verdict that led to the disbanding of the three parties did not come as a complete surprise, and the new parties were set up so that the party members could continue their political careers, almost uninterrupted.

Reactions and quotes from some of the leading players involved displayed a deep-rooted cynicism that along with the rapid _ some would say too hasty _ ''resolution'' of long-term fundamental disagreements gave the appearance of vultures anxious not to spend too long away from a rotting corpse, or snouts desperate to get back to the trough.

(article continues: www.bangkokpost.com/141208_News/14Dec2008_news14.php)

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20,000 sheep all led by the deviant shepherd Thaksin, the pervert of Thai justice supported of course by his vitriolic mouthpiece supporters on this forum. Still we all now what suits sheep don't we - carved up with mint sauce on a plate. Let's hope that the wiser factions of Thai society do all they can to protect the metaphorical from becoming factual.

You are right: 20.000 sheep in red shirt and 20.000 stupid sheep in yellow shirt......

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It can be argued that Thaksin is less than perfect, but that is not sufficient reason to back the right-wing PAD democrat party.

One could say that when it comes to running a country, its better to have someone who is 15% corrupt - but is a good technocrat and leader

...than someone who is totally clean, but doesn't have a clue about how to manage a country.

Countries can absorb a certain level of leakage and still grow for the general good. (Eg Suharto's Indonesia, where he stole a lot, but not enough to derail growth)

Sorry, but they are definitively not playing in the same league. The Suharto were mafia, messing with Tommy or any of his sibling usually lead to an automatic death sentence. When doing business there, it was usually the first thing you were warned off.

Thai politicians are merely "morally challenged" people.

One word to you...


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