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Ex-thai Pm Attempts To Block Govt Led By Opponents


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Actually, I suggest we stop referring to Abhisit Vejjajiva as the next prime minister. First it's not yet a done deal and then it will be at best a caretaker.

A prime minister is a political leader. We all know that if Mr Abhisit is handled the job, it's because he has none of the qualities of a political leader.

NO!!!! We don't ALL know.

That's what I like with ThaiVisa, I always learn something.

Not to make sweeping statements, would be one of those things - chai mai ? :o

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lacking no leadership and was under the influence of others

What leadership skills the alternative Pracha Promnok has displayed comparing to Abhisit?

The guy doesn't even want the position, his party members vowed not to vote for him, and he is pushed solely by Snoh.


Yeah, Koo, what about that "naming names" business? He was all so threatening and brave just a few weeks ago. Did his balls shrink in this cold weather?

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Is it just me, or does this get more pathetic everyday?

I agree. I think it's disgusting that a mob of anti government protestors should be allowed to hold the country to ransom the way they did.

Democracy my a*se! This is no way to behave in a Democratic society. All you yellow shirts should be ashamed of how you have behaved. You behaved like the baby who never got his chocolate!

When a government is voted in Democratically then you should abide by this government and accept that your side lost. Next election time you make a better case for your party and try and win.

Thank god civilized countries don't behave like this. Western countries like the USA and Great Britain would never behave like this, nor would they allow this to happen.

I think I speak for a lot of the democratic countries across the world when I say that we look upon your actions with shame and disgust. There is no glory in the way you have (and are) behaved.

You missed that TRT AND PPP were dissolved for vote buying???

Civilized countries don't have vote buying, so they don't need the PAD.

Your examples USA and Great Britain say it all. Most Europeans don't see the USA as a democracy. You can only select one of two parties with almost the same ideas. That's an even worse democracy than Thailand.

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Actually, I suggest we stop referring to Abhisit Vejjajiva as the next prime minister. First it's not yet a done deal and then it will be at best a caretaker.

A prime minister is a political leader. We all know that if Mr Abhisit is handled the job, it's because he has none of the qualities of a political leader.

NO!!!! We don't ALL know.

That's what I like with ThaiVisa, I always learn something.

Not to make sweeping statements, would be one of those things - chai mai ? :D

If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath on this one :wai:

But at least, if we try to stay civil and "respectful" of other people opinion :D ... It's forum, if everybody agree on everywithing it would be really boring :D:D , don't you think ?. :o

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Paying elected politician 50 million baht to switch sides and vote for Pueh Thai nominees.


bulls_t news.

Still I don't understand why so many farangs love so much Thaksin.

Go Abhisit!!!

Most Farangs believe in democracy... PPP won...(Thaksin won) the elections... one man one vote... sounds fair to me...

most farangs also believe in the justice system and abuse of power. Richard Nixon broke the law, got caught, and got impeached. Thaksin embezzled how many million, got caught red handed, convicted, and then fled the country after promising not to. If he is so honest and kind, let him come back, do his three years in jail, and then stand for election again.

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Is it just me, or does this get more pathetic everyday?

I agree. I think it's disgusting that a mob of anti government protestors should be allowed to hold the country to ransom the way they did.

Democracy my a*se! This is no way to behave in a Democratic society. All you yellow shirts should be ashamed of how you have behaved. You behaved like the baby who never got his chocolate!

When a government is voted in Democratically then you should abide by this government and accept that your side lost. Next election time you make a better case for your party and try and win.

Thank god civilized countries don't behave like this. Western countries like the USA and Great Britain would never behave like this, nor would they allow this to happen.

I think I speak for a lot of the democratic countries across the world when I say that we look upon your actions with shame and disgust. There is no glory in the way you have (and are) behaved.

You missed that TRT AND PPP were dissolved for vote buying???

Civilized countries don't have vote buying, so they don't need the PAD.

Your examples USA and Great Britain say it all. Most Europeans don't see the USA as a democracy. You can only select one of two parties with almost the same ideas. That's an even worse democracy than Thailand.

Tell me a country which is not corrupt. They older democracies just hide it a little better. It is just a matter of what degree the corrption is. In Thailand it is very low. The PAD have cost Thailand more with there actions than what Thakasins government have skimmed off. Before retiring to Thailand I am presently living in Canada, which I thought was a good stable country; but in the last week we have sank to the same level as Thai politics. We had an election in November, but now the oposition parties have tried to band together and join with the separist party to bring down the recently elected govenment. But for the intervention of the Queens representative, we would be being governed by people who want to break the country up.

Wake up Thailand and Expats living in Thailand.

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Thaksin denounces former coalition partners as betrayers of people

Yes now try the 'us against them' card,

with everyone that two weeks ago was with you....

Doesn't work as well this way does it.

They moved away and betrayed Thaksin,

they still work for their constituencies.

And likely split Thaksin because they saw him going down fast.

When Newin left the writing was on the wall...

Thaksin doesn't want to read it though.

He's gone through 'Thai Mandela', didn't take,

will he be the 'Thai Dalai Lama' next

or go right to 'cross and stigmata' next...

Oh Newin, why have you forsaken me!

Only his hairdresser knows for sure.

So that leaves the common people to be 'turned into rabble'

since those in the know have bailed on him rather blatantly.

Divide the country another notch 'socialy' when you can't

buy back your former backers. Sinking ship; rats akimbo.

We see the enemy... it's YOUR NEIGHBORS.. go att'em!

NOW! Enrage the Brown Shirts, uh, red shi... heck, little difference,

with low brow rhetoric and send them screaming to the old backer's homes.

Maybe terror in the night will change hearts and calculations

that money couldn't buy out right. But HEY! It's ALL for the people right?

Elba! Oh where for art thou Elba!

Edited by animatic
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don't be so surprised to see all of his "supporters" from all over issarn and the nothern region..... what a deal ... show ur presence, sit down and u get a brand new red shirt and an extra 1500 baht in ur pocket. thats what they're handing out... and free transportation, and if ur lucky enough to be the driver , u get gas money (how ever much that is now.. used to be 2000)

bunch of poor farmers who'd be lucky to get 200 baht per day sweating out all day on someone else'

s farm in the hot THAILAND sun. yeah true supporters.... money talks and we all know who has the money....

hint hint.... starts with a T and rhymes with maksin.

sadly tho this has effected THAI's economy more ways than u can ever imagine...

I was under the impression PAD were paid 200 Bart a day, supplied food, drink, entertainment, bedding, blankets, yellow shirts, clapping hands, 24/7 TV entertainment and coverage and a host of other things for almost 5 months.

UDD got this for 2 rallies at the stadium for 2 phone call from Thaksin. Work out where the cash came from for PAD and the damage they have caused to the country and it has not finished yet as they have stated if they dont get their way they will cause more disturbances. What a bunch of D... Heads.

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Thank god civilized countries don't behave like this. Western countries like the USA and Great Britain would never behave like this, nor would they allow this to happen.

Sorry to inform you but in the last two weeks environmentalists chained themselves to the Stansted runway in England and in Greece protesters stormed an airport.

Oh and they have plans to do it again at Heathrow.

It's laughable that you think "civilised" countries act any different and I hope people like you will stop saying such rubbish in the future.

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I am surprised that the red shirts did not start their own annoying things after the yellow left the airports & government buildings

Wasn't the brutal murders of PAD by the red shirts enough for you ? shame on you promoting more conflict that is being promoted by Toxin.

Would this be the same PAD that when a bomb went off in front of the stage hurting some PAD supporters, they would not let the Forensic Police in to gather evidence until it was all cleaned up. Use your melon they planted the bomb and further to this they PAD murdered one of their own guards at the airport.

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Thank god civilized countries don't behave like this. Western countries like the USA and Great Britain would never behave like this, nor would they allow this to happen.

Sorry to inform you but in the last two weeks environmentalists chained themselves to the Stansted runway in England and in Greece protesters stormed an airport.

Oh and they have plans to do it again at Heathrow.

It's laughable that you think "civilised" countries act any different and I hope people like you will stop saying such rubbish in the future.

Quickly removed though.

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Who has a bigger ego...OSAMA BIN LADEN? O.J. SIMPSON? THAKSIN? All 3 are major psychopaths and have criminal personalities. Doesnt THAKSIN remind you of OSAMA with his recorded statements from an unknown location? He is a cancer to Thailand. The world will be better off without OSAMA...THAKSIN AND BUSH.


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Democracy is nice, but lets start with fair trials for suspected drug dealers, politicians that arent above the law or change the law to suit their personal interests, and speech free enough that you can talk about those in power without facing expensive court proceedings or your media outlet being closed down.

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Not to mention the fact ,that the present Constitution was drawn up under a non elected military govt.

And you forgot to mention that the majority vote for that constitution in the referendum.

Yes, and howmany people read the book the government distributed.

My general read if from page 1 till the last. Her comment? its a mockery.

Did you read it?

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Paying elected politician 50 million baht to switch sides and vote for Pueh Thai nominees.


bulls_t news.

Still I don't understand why so many farangs love so much Thaksin.

Go Abhisit!!!

Most Farangs believe in democracy... PPP won...(Thaksin won) the elections... one man one vote... sounds fair to me...

Indeed most farangs believe in democracy. but most Farangs also believe that Thailand is no democracy. And I would like to ask to all farangs if a man like Thaksin could control politics in their home country like he is doing in Thailand.

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Thank god civilized countries don't behave like this. Western countries like the USA and Great Britain would never behave like this, nor would they allow this to happen.

Sorry to inform you but in the last two weeks environmentalists chained themselves to the Stansted runway in England and in Greece protesters stormed an airport.

Oh and they have plans to do it again at Heathrow.

It's laughable that you think "civilised" countries act any different and I hope people like you will stop saying such rubbish in the future.

You are right except for the small point that the protesters at Stansted were arrested quickly and face trial. I do not see many PAD leaders or followers up in front of a judge.

The Greek thing is a riot by mostly non greeks and anarchists, not a protest and again the police were out in force trying to stop them. Again not something that was seen in Thailand.

I am sure of the plans were to go ahead at Heathrow they would again be arrested and face trial.

Oh one other thing. I seriously doubt that the people at Stansted were being paid to protest either.

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Ex-Thai PM attempts to block govt led by opponents

The Associated Press

Thursday, December 11, 2008

BANGKOK, Thailand: Thailand's exiled former prime minister — still powerful two years after his ouster in a military coup — hopes to head off a new government led by his opponents with a telephone speech to tens of thousands of supporters, politicians said Thursday.

Opposition Democrat Party officials acknowledged that the speech Saturday by ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra could hurt their plans to take power for the first time since Thaksin took office in 2001.

Thailand's Parliament is to meet Monday to elect a new prime minister, lower house Speaker Chai Chidchob announced Thursday, confirming that King Bhumibol Adulyadej had endorsed a request from the Democrats to hold the session.

The Democrats claim they have enlisted enough lawmakers from other parties to form a parliamentary majority and name their leader, Abhisit Vejjajiva, the prime minister of a new government.

"If the voting is held after Thaksin's phone-in, there will be more pressure on defector lawmakers," said Democrat Party Secretary-General Suthep Thuagsuban. "This makes us nervous. It could affect the number of votes we have."

Last week, the Constitutional Court forced Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat to step down and disbanded his People's Power Party for fraud in last year's general elections.

The new leader will be Thailand's fifth prime minister in a little over two years. The country has been deadlocked politically by months of protests by an anti-government alliance that culminated in a weeklong occupation of Bangkok's airports last month that stranded more than 300,000 travelers.

The protesters accused Somchai's government of being a puppet of Thaksin, a former telecommunications billionaire who was ousted by a September 2006 military coup for alleged corruption and abuse of power.

They called off their protests after last week's court decision.

Thaksin is widely seen as continuing to play a major behind-the-scenes role in the country's politics and is still supported by many in the impoverished countryside because of his populist policies while in power from 2001 to 2006.

Tens of thousands of supporters are expected at the rally Saturday at a Bangkok stadium to hear the speech from Thaksin, who has been living in exile in the United Arab Emirates.

Jatuporn Phromphan, a pro-Thaksin lawmaker, said the speech may upset the Democrats' plans to form a government.

"Thaksin is planning to call in to tell his supporters how the other side is using extraconstitutional means to usurp power," Jatuporn said. "After listening to him, his supporters may demand that their parliamentary representatives return to the fold."

Thaksin's supporters have said the army has been pressuring lawmakers to switch sides, an accusation the army has denied.

But a spokesman for the ex-prime minister, Pongthep Thepkanchana, said he was not aware of plans by Thaksin to pressure his former allies.

"He is calling to talk about the current situation. I am not aware of a plan to convince the lawmakers to oppose the Democrat-led coalition," Pongthep said.

Lawmakers already have experienced pressure from both sides. Some found coffins, an unexploded grenade and rowdy but nonviolent protesters in front of their homes after they switched support to the Democrats.

"There are many factors including (offers of) cash and Cabinet seats, and threats, which affect a lawmaker's decision," said Sukhum Nuansakul, a political scientist at Bangkok's Ramkhamhaeng University.

"After Thaksin's call-in, there may be more protests and public pressure on defector lawmakers. There is a lot of maneuvering behind the scenes on both sides but the pressure on the lawmakers might become more public," Sukhum said.

Sukhum predicts the Democrats will continue to have the upper hand in forming a government amid public demands for stability.

"Even if the next government is short-lived, people are scared of the possibility of more protests," Sukhum said.

Editor note: Thaksin is expected to speak to the chorum at 20.00 Bangkok time. The TV channel is NBT (UBC channel 5)

Hail Sparticus

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I am surprised that the red shirts did not start their own annoying things after the yellow left the airports & government buildings

Wasn't the brutal murders of PAD by the red shirts enough for you ? shame on you promoting more conflict that is being promoted by Toxin.

Would this be the same PAD that when a bomb went off in front of the stage hurting some PAD supporters, they would not let the Forensic Police in to gather evidence until it was all cleaned up. Use your melon they planted the bomb and further to this they PAD murdered one of their own guards at the airport.

All speculation do you have any evidence to back it up? Really should the PAD trust the police who allowed their protesters to be attacked in shopping centers while the police stood there with a dumb grin on their faces. Also its getting tiring listening to people say how the PAD were paid. I was at my wife's village when UDD came with stacks of cash hiring villagers to rally in Bangkok. They even offered me 500 Baht when I asked them what a farang protester was worth(jokingly). They had buses ready and also passes to the amusement parks for whoever would join.

I don't support the PAD's actions but remember they were peaceful protesters until they were attacked in Issan by politician backed UDD and again the police did nothing it was even broadcast on the news showing PAD getting beaten by clubs and axes, it was after that incident that they hired their guards.

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Let's be honest: During the Thaksin 'era' a lot of good things happened.

Yes, Mr. T. was obviously corrupt and onviously he absued his power for his own good, but Thailand went into a lot prosperity and economic growth. Yes or no?

Suppose, you were in his position in a country as Thailand, wouldn't you do the same?

I would!!

He gave the poor hope and treated them like real human being and they will never forget it.

The country club boys.. PAD.. STAND FOR ME AND MYSELF AND I. The hel_l with the poor.

Just look what they did the last few month. Completly ruined the Thai economy for years to come.

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Is it just me, or does this get more pathetic everyday?

I agree. I think it's disgusting that a mob of anti government protestors should be allowed to hold the country to ransom the way they did.

Democracy my a*se! This is no way to behave in a Democratic society. All you yellow shirts should be ashamed of how you have behaved. You behaved like the baby who never got his chocolate!

When a government is voted in Democratically then you should abide by this government and accept that your side lost. Next election time you make a better case for your party and try and win.

Thank god civilized countries don't behave like this. Western countries like the USA and Great Britain would never behave like this, nor would they allow this to happen.

I think I speak for a lot of the democratic countries across the world when I say that we look upon your actions with shame and disgust. There is no glory in the way you have (and are) behaved.

You missed that TRT AND PPP were dissolved for vote buying???

Civilized countries don't have vote buying, so they don't need the PAD.

Your examples USA and Great Britain say it all. Most Europeans don't see the USA as a democracy. You can only select one of two parties with almost the same ideas. That's an even worse democracy than Thailand.

well said H90 i think usa bad example just look at florida 2000

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Thaksin's tarnished star is fading. He can't get thru on the phone. He's lashing out: at the courts, at the military, at his long list of enemies (some may recall Nixon also had a secret list of enemies). That's the sort of behavior one would expect from a naughty schoolboy who is mad at his parents, his siblings, his teachers, the crossing guard, ....essentially everyone who thwarts him.

When the courts/military/Newinaites are in his corner, he loves them - when they counter him, he lashes out.

This is the same man who endangered his own children by getting them criminally involved with his tainted biz activities.

Direct quote from this morning's Nation newspaper article, in reference to the red shirt crowd at the stadium;

"The crowd appeared visibly disappointed, and some left in the middle of the pre-recorded speech."

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I said it when was elected in 2001 that Taxin was a real no good ba&ta&d.

My opinion has changed very little over the past eight years other than that it has been confirmed many times over this period of time.

People must remember that he has the blood (of thousands) on his hands (anti drug campaign, extra judicial killings, Muslem seperatists, and likely more that we do not know about)

He is a scourge on the country and a pox on it's future wellbeing and that of it's citizens.

He is now actively fomenting violence on a regular basis.

He would in many countries be hung, shot or beheaded for treason.

Edited by john b good
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So, Thailand will have a right wing military backed "Democratic" party led government after all. Big surprise. They are doing a great job in Myanmar, let them have a shot at Thailand. What's the fuss?

Exactly, they are already best friend and party together

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