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Foreign Ministry Revokes Thaksin's Diplomatic Passport


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Now to be fair....lets look at Thaskins response:

BANGKOK, Thailand: Ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has denied allegations that he condoned extrajudicial killings during his premiership, his lawyer said following complaints by a human rights group that he was not fit to own English Premier League soccer club Manchester City.

"The people who accused him have not been able to come up with any evidence whatsoever to prove that he ordered extrajudicial killings, whether it be in the war on Muslim insurgency or the war on drugs," said Noppadon Pattama, Thaksin's lawyer and de facto spokesman in Thailand.

But then he said this too....(a few years earlier)

Bangkok, Feb. 22: Thaksin lashes out at criticism from rights groups; Kingdom's reputation slides as drug war's body count rises.

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday lashed out at London-based Amnesty International (AI) over its accusation that his government encouraged extra-judicial killings that the group said had resulted in the death of nearly 600 alleged drug dealers.

Thaksin's three-week-old war on drugs has been "a de facto shoot-to-kill policy of anyone believed to be involved in the drugs trade", AI said in a statement yesterday.

Thaksin said the dead were victims of "gangland blood-letting" sparked by his government's crackdown on the illicit drugs trade.

Thaksin shot back sarcastically at AI, asking if "their country permits drug traffickers to shoot at police officers?"

"I would like to know what country they are from. I wonder if their country permits drug dealers to shoot at the police and then say, 'Please don't shoot back and let's go to the court instead'," Thaksin told one of the world's best-known human-rights organisations.

The premier also lashed out at the media, telling them not to get excited over the number of deaths.

The government claims that only 15 of the nearly 600 dead in the past three weeks were killed by security forces; the rest comprised drug dealers shooting one another.

Yep a real Gandhi......

Perhaps.....better described as Thailands Eide Amine....

Edited by old wanderer
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So soon you all forget.....Remember these headlines......a mere 5 years ago, when Thailand own reincarnation of Eide Amine was in power.....

Gandi,,,,,,I think NOT.

THAILAND: Extrajudicial killing, impunity



14 February 2003


UA-08-2003: "War on drugs" death toll rising

THAILAND: Extrajudicial killing, impunity



Since February 1, hundreds of alleged drug dealers have been killed in Thailand's latest "war on drugs", launched by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. While addressing the drug problem in Thailand is a serious matter, the current government is in effect encouraging the police to sidestep judicial procedure and simply execute alleged offenders. This also makes it increasingly easy for the police and other authorities simply to do away with anyone they don't like; indeed, some reports indicate that police have planted drugs and then detained or killed alleged 'suspects'. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has requested that a special representative be allowed to visit Thailand to investigate, but has been refused by the Thai authorities. Readers are urged to write to the Prime Minister protesting his "war", which is part of an ongoing and marked attack on human rights and basic civil liberties in Thailand under his government.


On 1 February 2003 the Thai government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra launched a major crackdown on the drug trade in Thailand, set to last for three months. While a serious effort must be made to address the spiraling drug trade in Thailand, the manner in which the latest campaign has been undertaken is highly problematic. Thousands of people have been arrested and hundreds have been killed under uncertain circumstances. Evidence also suggests that the police have planted evidence in order to carry out arrests and killings.

The Prime Minister is reported to have expressed his satisfaction with the result of the first 10 days of the campaign, during which an estimated 100 people were killed. However, the exact number of casualties is difficult to establish. The Bangkok Post has put the death toll from February 1 to 9 at 183, with 87 of these being drug related. Other media reports cite 144 deaths. NGO sources suggest far higher numbers. But police have accepted responsibility for only about 20 deaths, citing self-defense on their part. Major-General Pongsaphat Pongcharoen alleges that the other deaths were all the result of dealers "killing each other to avoid the risk of betrayal should their accomplices turn themselves in". Prime Minister Thaksin has also defended police, saying, "Do not put the safety of drug dealers above that of police. If the police do not shoot when they fight, they will die." Thailand's Interior Minister, Wan Muhammad Nor Matha has even endorsed the practice of disappearances, by stating that drug dealers should "be put behind bars or even vanish without a trace… Who cares? They are destroying our country."

Apart from those killed, at least 7000 people have been arrested. An additional 70,000 are reported to have turned themselves in, 50,000 of these being drug users afraid of getting hurt or killed either by the police or by their drug dealers.

Police and local officials have been given incentives to carry out as many arrests and killings as possible, including financial bonuses. Many have also been threatened with transfers if they fail to achieve the campaign's objectives.

The actions that the police have been taking in Thailand are in direct violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which Thailand has signed. Article 6(1) of the ICCPR states, "Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life." Article 9 further states, "(1) Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention… (3) Anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or to release."

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has requested that a special envoy visit Thailand to assess the situation, however the government has refused the visit by saying that the appropriate officials were currently unavailable for meetings. The National Human Rights Commission, for its part, will hold talks with the Ministry of Justice and legal experts on February 28.


Please write to the Thai Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, to express your outrage at the recent extrajudicial killings, disappearances and mass arrests in Thailand. A suggested letter follows:


Dear Prime Minister

Re: Human rights abuses arising out of anti-drug campaign

I am greatly concerned by the reports of widening human rights abuses arising out of your ongoing campaign against drug dealers. The manner with which alleged suspects are being arrested and killed appears to fall outside of any fair legal procedure. Your government also seems to be creating a climate within which it is easy for the police to arrest and execute people with impunity, regardless of whether or not they are genuinely guilty of any offence.

Just procedure for arrest, trial and punishment is a cornerstone of the rule of law and democracy. When a government tacitly permits extrajudicial killing, disappearances and mass detention it rapidly leads to the erosion of the very foundation upon which all human rights and democratic values stand. Hence, in light of recent events in Thailand, democracy in your country now faces a very grave threat indeed.

I urge you to immediately reassess the manner in which the current campaign against drugs is being undertaken. I fully understand and support your concern about the negative effects of the drug trade on your society, but believe that the methods you are undertaking to eradicate it will be ineffective in the long term and will only lead to a decline in the rule of law in Thailand. I also urge you to arrange for a visit by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on the situation of human rights defenders at the nearest possible date and request that you communicate regularly and seriously with the National Human Rights Commission regarding this ongoing crisis.

Yours sincerely



Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra

Prime Minister

Government house,

Pitsanulok Road, Dusit District,

Bangkok 10300


Fax: +66 2 282 8631

Email: [email protected]

SALUTATION: Dear Prime Minister


1. Professor Saneh Chamrik


National Human Rights Commission


c/o Mr. Vasan Phanich

PO Box 400

Rongmuang Post Office

Bangkok 10330


Telephone: +66 2 219 2940

Facsimile: +66 2 219 2940

E-mail: [email protected]

SALUTATION: Dear Mr Chairman

2. General Sant Sarutanonda

Chief of Police

Royal Thai Police

Rama I, Patumwan

Bangkok 10330


Fax: 662 251-5956

SALUTATION: Dear General

3. Mr Pongthep Thepkanjana

Minister of Justice

Office of the Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice Building 22nd Floor

Jangwatana Road


Nonthaburi 11120


Fax: 662 502-6699

SALUTATION: Dear Minister

I would like to see the full report by the investigative committe on this released now that the puppet government has gone. HRW claimed that the report released after the Samak government came to power had the names of poltiicans rapidly removed from it. However, none of this is likely to happen. It is amazing that Thailand's biggest human rights abuser in decades is still one of the most popular people in the country.

I wonder where the red shirts were when the democratic rights of so many were being denied by the Thaksin regime. Although I agree with some of what the red shirts say I find that the utter hypocricy of siding with and calling for the return of such a merchant of death undermines any democratic priniciples they claim to have. You cant cherry pick what bits of democracy you like and dont like you either take it all or dont.

Anyway if it is standard procedure to withdraw the passport of a criminal then that is what should happen to Thaksin. He should be allowed the access to the same treatment under the Thai judicial system that he denied so many. He probably has dual nationality anyway.

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Anyway if it is standard procedure to withdraw the passport of a criminal then that is what should happen to Thaksin.

It's also standard procedure to withdraw the Thai National ID card of a criminal when they are incarcerated. That would be extremely apropos for Thaksin....

The first "Smart Card":


Thaksin's card was the first issued

Wrinkles remain in Smart Cards

The first order of Smart ID Cards delivered to the ICT Ministry should have been sent back. Instead, the ministry collaborated in glossing over major defects and accepted substandard solutions. In June 2005, the project to issue Smart ID Cards made headlines after NECTEC was called in to conduct a fact-finding study into the project, which lay in tatters at the time. The ICT Ministry, charged with procuring the cards, and the Ministry of Interior, who were issuing and using them, were blaming each other for technical problems that had resulted in serious delays in the IT mega project.

- Bangkok Post

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So soon you all forget.....Remember these headlines......a mere 5 years ago, when Thailand own reincarnation of Eide Amine was in power.....

Gandi,,,,,,I think NOT.

THAILAND: Extrajudicial killing, impunity



that is all well known and nobody denied that, but what about additional informations, do you have them too?

did you know that Chamlong long time advisor and mentor of thaksin was? and Chamlongs ideology and beliefs one of the reasons are that the government called for the war on drug?

do you know that fun-sucker and moralist Chamlong Srimuang defended the justice minister Purachai Piumsombun during these days?


(amoungst the critics have been dr. death pornthip and her boss somchai wongsawat backed her up.)

did you know that The Nation declared Thaksin to the Man of the Year 2003 sad and strange, despite all the stories of the war on drug, you could read about it in the thai media, almost daily many dead people. but the public liked the war on drug, and there was not so much propaganda to brainwash the people. nobody did like the police anyway. but the war on drug was welcomed.

and did you hear what the ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION recently had said? followed their statements and appeals? i guess not.



the very same people and civil watch groups that collect and published all the material to expose the abuse of human rights that happen under Thaksin in power. is worth to listen what they say now. none of them have a good word for the PAD, the Junta or the Democrats. for this people is PAD the bigger evil. PAD itself have nothing to do with human rights or democracy or honesty.

oddly enough the pro PAD apologists, loving to use the anti-thaksins argument by these thaksin critics.but if the same people say something against PAD they get a heavy bashing and slander and it's worse than it ever was under thaksin. but what you expect from hypocrites.

knowledge about some basic facts in history, ability to deductive reasoning and to see coherences is necessary to understand most of the anti PAD /Democrats arguments here in TVforum or the public media. the majority of that voices can not be labeled as thaksin lovers, as small minded people like to do it. rhey also have nothing to do with 'Newins red shirt thugs'

just do a double check, if you have old material of thaksins criticism. look what those people say now and vice versa, some more educated opinion against PAD / Dem's, independend voices, what have they said during the thaksin era. than you will understand. look into the biography of some PAD comrades and the people behind and what they have done in the 70's.

focus your attention on something what happen right now. after one year training of how to spot the proxy, puppet, nominee it is time to use your skills for the bigger complot.

anyway, next time please bring a link/url to your copypasta actions.

and read a birthday speech of 2003. to get some context.

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Chamlongs ideology and beliefs one of the reasons are that the government called for the war on drug

Where did you get this one from?

At Chamlong's sect they don't kill even animals for food.

Thaksin never mentioned Santi Asoke brand of Buddhism as a reason for the drug war.

Purachai also had nothing to do with it, he was the mastermind behing "social order" campaign that concentrated on drinking and prostitution, not drugs. The campaing didn't kill anyone and had very high approval ranking among Bangkokians. Purachai is still one of the favourite politicians here.

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See Tak Bai.

Didn't like the gathering's ideas, order them

stacked like cordwood in a 100 degree hot truck..

oops dead, sorry, shouldn't have talked against Thasin's decisions.

Actually I did say WHO, just not the family names.

See Post editor fired after being called to jail,

See Post reporter hauled in to jail too then fired

both over airport cracks. Reporter beat the lawsuit.

After Thaksin fell. Editor was still fired.

Both spent time in a cell as far as I know.

I could never pronounce the Thai journos names, from that time,

but he made life tough for any dissenting voices back them.

His old cop buddies hauled in many writers for dissenting opinions in public.

It was one of the first things that turned me off to Dr. T.

You of course bypass the real point,

no comparison to King, Ghandi, Havel or Mandela.

Don't forget the two Western correspondents he tried to have deported, Shawn Crispin and Rodney Tasker.

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So soon you all forget.....Remember these headlines......a mere 5 years ago, when Thailand own reincarnation of Eide Amine was in power.....

Gandi,,,,,,I think NOT.

THAILAND: Extrajudicial killing, impunity



that is all well known and nobody denied that, but what about additional informations, do you have them too?

did you know that Chamlong long time advisor and mentor of thaksin was? and Chamlongs ideology and beliefs one of the reasons are that the government called for the war on drug?

do you know that fun-sucker and moralist Chamlong Srimuang defended the justice minister Purachai Piumsombun during these days?


(amoungst the critics have been dr. death pornthip and her boss somchai wongsawat backed her up.)

did you know that The Nation declared Thaksin to the Man of the Year 2003 sad and strange, despite all the stories of the war on drug, you could read about it in the thai media, almost daily many dead people. but the public liked the war on drug, and there was not so much propaganda to brainwash the people. nobody did like the police anyway. but the war on drug was welcomed.

and did you hear what the ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION recently had said? followed their statements and appeals? i guess not.



the very same people and civil watch groups that collect and published all the material to expose the abuse of human rights that happen under Thaksin in power. is worth to listen what they say now. none of them have a good word for the PAD, the Junta or the Democrats. for this people is PAD the bigger evil. PAD itself have nothing to do with human rights or democracy or honesty.

oddly enough the pro PAD apologists, loving to use the anti-thaksins argument by these thaksin critics.but if the same people say something against PAD they get a heavy bashing and slander and it's worse than it ever was under thaksin. but what you expect from hypocrites.

knowledge about some basic facts in history, ability to deductive reasoning and to see coherences is necessary to understand most of the anti PAD /Democrats arguments here in TVforum or the public media. the majority of that voices can not be labeled as thaksin lovers, as small minded people like to do it. rhey also have nothing to do with 'Newins red shirt thugs'

just do a double check, if you have old material of thaksins criticism. look what those people say now and vice versa, some more educated opinion against PAD / Dem's, independend voices, what have they said during the thaksin era. than you will understand. look into the biography of some PAD comrades and the people behind and what they have done in the 70's.

focus your attention on something what happen right now. after one year training of how to spot the proxy, puppet, nominee it is time to use your skills for the bigger complot.

anyway, next time please bring a link/url to your copypasta actions.

and read a birthday speech of 2003. to get some context.

May I remind some people again that the PAD is no political party and the have no seats in the parliament.

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Winds of change blew first in Foreign Ministry

The Foreign Ministry was the first government office to pick up on the changing political winds, rushing to announce ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's diplomatic passport had been revoked and setting a date for the 14th ASEAN Summit, in line with the goals of an Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.

The ministry said it decided to revoke Thaksin's diplomatic passport last Friday, but went public with the decision only after the House of Representatives on Monday elected Democrat Party Leader Abhisit as the new Prime Minister.

The ministry has the legal authority to revoke any passport held by anyone who has committed a crime or been barred from travelling abroad, without having to wait for orders to that effect.

The ministry never acted on street protesters' demands to revoke Thaksin's passport.

Surayud Chulanont's military-installed government did revoke his diplomatic passport last year, but early this year then-foreign minister Noppadon Pattama issued him a new one. In fact, the last two governments, which had strong connections to Thaksin, secured his passport for him.

The ministry kept silent on its latest decision until a key Democrat leaked the news of the passport's revocation to the media and said a ministry spokesman would make an announcement on Tuesday. Upon learning of the leak, the ministry's Information Department issued a press statement on Monday evening denying it had planned a press conference.

But in fact, the ministry has been consulting the Democrats on several issues since the dissolution of Somchai Wongsawat's government. ASEAN Affairs Department Director-General Vitavas Srivihok met Abhisit last Friday to discuss a new date for the Asean Summit. This was three days before the Democrat Leader was elected as the new Prime Minister.

Abhisit has said since last Friday that the ASEAN Summit would be held in Thailand next February. A special ASEAN ministerial meeting on Monday in Jakarta announced the same schedule.

The Public Relations Department's NBT network learned of the new trend when the plug was pulled on the pro-Thaksin "Truth Today" programme last Thursday.

NBT Director Suriyong Huntasarn said the programme, hosted by Veera Musigapong, Jatuporn Phromphan, and Natthawut Saikua, had been taken off to enable other good programmes to appear.

And the Department of Special Investigation is being closely watched.

The new government may transfer Director-General Thawee Sodsong, due to his decision to drop Thaksin's asset-concealment case.

- The Nation / 2008-12-18

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The ministry has the legal authority to revoke any passport held by anyone who has committed a crime or been barred from travelling abroad, without having to wait for orders to that effect.

Which is what the otherwise honorable Mr. Tej Bunnag should have done. Although he resigned quickly over it, he still should have shown responsibility and done so during his time.

The ministry never acted on street protesters' demands to revoke Thaksin's passport.

Surayud Chulanont's military-installed government did revoke his diplomatic passport last year, but early this year then-foreign minister Noppadon Pattama issued him a new one. In fact, the last two governments, which had strong connections to Thaksin, secured his passport for him.

And Noppadope did so within 10 days of becoming Foreign Minister, focusing on no other task than that one as his first priority. It's taken over 10 months to revoke it.

The Public Relations Department's NBT network learned of the new trend when the plug was pulled on the pro-Thaksin "Truth Today" programme last Thursday.

NBT Director Suriyong Huntasarn said the programme, hosted by Veera Musigapong, Jatuporn Phromphan, and Natthawut Saikua, had been taken off to enable other good programmes to appear.

Thus implying the show was the polar opposite, bad. :D :D

And the Department of Special Investigation is being closely watched.

The new government may transfer Director-General Thawee Sodsong, due to his decision to drop Thaksin's asset-concealment case.

Good to finally get a government to take action on what needs to get done in these different areas. :o

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Foreign Affairs Ministry seeks Council of State’s interpretation on Thaksin’s ordinary passport

The Foreign Affairs Ministry has sought the Council of State’s interpretation of former premier Thaksin Shinawatra’s ordinary passport after his diplomatic passport was revoked earlier this week.

Regarding the ordinary passport in possession of the former Prime Minister, the ministry’s spokesman said on Tuesday (December 16) that the ministry has sought the Council of State’s interpretation on a person’s liberty to travel in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2550 (2007), before further consideration is made.

The Ministry also stated that the diplomatic passport of Thaksin had been revoked. In view of the matter’s legal and political implications, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave the matter careful consideration before submitting recommendations through successive Foreign Ministers to the past three governments until the court ruling against the former Prime Minister was made, a decision that is now final as there was no appeal.

Before reaching the decision to revoke the diplomatic passport, the Ministry had again consulted with the Government. On December 12, the Ministry, as the authority overseeing regulations on this matter, decided to revoke the diplomatic passport.

The Ministry has already sent a letter of notification regarding this decision to the residence of the former Prime Minister in Bangkok.

- ThaiNews / 2008-12-18

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If Thaksin loses his passport, it's not only travelling that is at stake - it's access to banking and financial services, too.

he's gotta stay out of those McDonald's in Dubai or wherever the frick he is now....

Ousted Thaksin applies for a new passport after his suitcase was stolen in Russia

Ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's suitcase which contained passport, cash and camera worth altogether about Bt1.2 million, was stolen as he was dinning at a fast food restaurant in Moscow recently.

Thaksin was in Moscow to receive an honourary degree on science from Prekanov Economic Institute in Russia.

Thai Foreign Ministry's spokesman Tharit Jarungwat confirmed the report, saying that Thaksin was eating a a McDonald restaurant in Moscow when he found that his suitcase was stolen.

Inside there was cash, passport, some documents and a camera, whose values were estimated to be about Bt1.2 million.

Thaksin then went to Thai Embassy in Moscow to apply for a new passport.

-- The Nation 2007-05-24

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If Thaksin loses his passport, it's not only travelling that is at stake - it's access to banking and financial services, too.

Don't worry 'Plus'

His personal driver and maids there should have millions of $$ in their name waiting for the master to ask them to withdraw for his use! :o

Luckily he made some honest mistakes and deposited money into their accounts.

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Gosh, I'm starting to worry about him.

Poor chap is like Thailand's Osama, sending pre-recorded videos from undisclosed locations, admired by the faithful but loathed by the rest.


Not sure if he live in those Caves or the dessert over there??

Maybe he's holed up in a big baklava or perhaps a remote fatayer. :D

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The Public Relations Department's NBT network learned of the new trend when the plug was pulled on the pro-Thaksin "Truth Today" programme last Thursday.

NBT Director Suriyong Huntasarn said the programme, hosted by Veera Musigapong, Jatuporn Phromphan, and Natthawut Saikua, had been taken off to enable other good programmes to appear.

Thus implying the show was the polar opposite, bad. :o:D

Is to enable other good programmes to appear a mistranslation of to enable other, good programmes to appear?

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