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Yingluck To Run In Chiang Mai For A House Seat

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Yingluck got the position because she was Thaksin's sister.

She became the candidate for an MP because she is Thaksin's sister, not because she was a CEO of a company no one on this board even remembers.

All this says only negative things about her leadership and management skills (only alleged at this point).

I would have thought doing the job is a better demonstration of leadership and management skills than getting the job. And as far as I know she is doing fine as CEO, getting rotated for more valuable experience not necessarily shuffled as one poster suggested.

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Yingluck accused of insider trading

For more than a year the public has been waiting for the outcome of the watchdog's investigation.

Yingluck, a sister of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, was AIS president and a large Shin Corp shareholder. AIS is a profitable Shin Corp subsidiary.

Between October 2005 and January 2006 Yingluck sold 370,000 AIS shares at an average price of Bt105 each. This occurred before January 23, 2006 when she sold her Shin Corp stake to Temasek Holdings of Singapore - along with other Shinawatra and Damapong family members.

Did Yingluck benefit from inside information? She did unload her substantial AIS holdings well ahead of the Shin Corp transaction.

The SEC's year-long probe concluded there was no evidence to suggest Yingluck relied on inside information.

The SEC said Yingluck, as AIS president, held no management position at Shin Corp. She sold AIS shares received from employee stock options. Many companies offer shares to executives and employees as incentives. The SEC added Yingluck sold her options immediately after every receipt since 2003.

The SEC statement is almost word-for-word the argument Yingluck used in her defence.

The SEC judgement could set a precedent for any company director or executive to sell options, although in some cases they might do so using inside information.

Yingluck argued she was unaware of the pending negotiations between Shin Corp, Temasek and other Shinawatra and Damapong family members. If she was indeed unaware, or was not informed about the deal, why would she, too, offload her Shin Corp holdings together with her relatives on the morning of January 23, 2006?

Temasek bought 49 per cent of Shin Corp from the Shinawatra and Damapong families for Bt49.25 a share, or a total of Bt73.3 billion.

An argument can be made that insider trading was involved. It is public knowledge that on July 1, 2005 a Shinawatra family representative wrote to the Revenue Department to inquire if the prime minister's son Panthongtae would incur tax liability if he purchased Shin Corp stock from Ample Rich at Bt1 a share.

This was written before Yingluck sold her AIS stocks between October 2005 and January 2006. On January 23, 2006 Temasek made a tender offer for all AIS stock at Bt72.31 a share - significantly below the then trading price and even less than Bt113, the highest Yingluck sold at.

Minority shareholders were entitled to ask questions. Since she was about to pocket Bt982 million from selling 20 million Shin Corp shares to Temasek, why did she not hold on to her AIS stock?

While she was selling AIS paper minority shareholders were in the dark. They suffered by being forced to sell to Temasek at a steep discount.

If AIS told the public about the pending deal its shareholders would have been given an equal chance to sell in advance of its closing.

Those who benefited must have known AIS would fall after any tender offer.

Insider trading laws exist to protect small shareholders and to prevent big stakeholders or management taking advantage of information only they are privy to.

In this instance the SEC has failed the public.

Special to The Nation April 30, 2007

as far as I know she is doing fine as CEO

I don't know, her company (what's its name anyway? Telewiz?) is pretty average. There are thousands of companies like that.

And I don't know about "rotating for experience" within her family - looks like a misfit to me, no one can quite get rid of her, being in family business and all.

as far as I know she is doing fine as CEO

I don't know, her company (what's its name anyway? Telewiz?) is pretty average. There are thousands of companies like that.

And I don't know about "rotating for experience" within her family - looks like a misfit to me, no one can quite get rid of her, being in family business and all.

Currently CEO of SC Asset (family company), which is embroiled in a nasty asset concealment case.

She claims to hold a Master of Public Administration from Kentucky State University. - Suprisingly she is not married to multiple members of Thai Visa.


Who cares about her lesbian tendencies? So what if she soaps up in the company of several other leggy beauties before donning her power suit!

Maybe she swings both ways eh?

You elite in Bangkok have your 'elite' government in place, run that swampy stink of a city. Let the people of Chiang Mai have somebody they like and trust (for what thats worth) looking after their interests, not some henchman from PAD.

Now i know what it might feel like to be Scottish and be governed by a bunch of ivory tower 'elite' English 500km away in London.

OK OK, the sinawatra clan may have had hands in the till, like this government isnt going to 're-distribute' the wealth. We wait and see..

and the best thing is we can write what we like about her because she isnt on the censorship list! ah the joys of free speech!

bad girl, dirty girl, come to me for re-education.

Has she ever been in any position that wasn't controlled by her brother?

And why would that disqualify her from being a suitable candidate? I would suspect most politicians are there as a result of family/friend networks, including our new PM.

The only reason her suitability is being discussed is because of her surname (although she is also fairly pleasing on the eye).

I think her suitability is being discussed because her surname is the only reason she is a candidate.

And why do you assume that? Her surname is probably the only reason we are discussing her at all but I fail to see why that should be the only reason she is a candidate.

Does she meet the eligibility criteria for an MP? If so, then she is a suitable candidate, regardless of her surname.

There are hundreds of thousands of Thais that meet the eligibility for becoming an MP. I simply was hoping we might find something positive that separates her from these multitudes of people. That is rapidly becoming apparent to be very elusive.

Ideally, just meeting the basic criteria is but a starting point for having a good and desirable MP, not it's ending point.

I would say there are millions of Thais who would be better as MP than her. Criminal brother, out of a mafia like family and already under fire for insider trading.

What are her qualifications?

What has she accomplished, on her own, in life?

Why has she never married?

What are her views on the various pressing issues now facing Thailand?

I have no idea as to the answer to any of those questions but I just cannot see the relevance of the 3rd question. Perhaps you could explain why her marital status is of any importance.

Because when she gets banned for 5 years, as many Thai politicians seem to these days, she'll need a close relative to run in her place ?

Bill Gates would be an excellent choice, having given away a large percentage of his/his wife's assets to charity, which is a good example to set other super-rich hi-so people ! :o

Maybe you are a litle bit to gullible about the motives of Bill Gates


and of course there are also tax reasons, and hes convicted by the EU for violating the EU anti trust laws

What are her qualifications?

What has she accomplished, on her own, in life?

Why has she never married?

What are her views on the various pressing issues now facing Thailand?

I have no idea as to the answer to any of those questions but I just cannot see the relevance of the 3rd question. Perhaps you could explain why her marital status is of any importance.

So you don't know the answer to any of the answers, either? Thank you.

Just asked out of curiosity about the 3rd question. It's just that most women her age are or have been married. It was not of much importance at all, mainly just wondering; but I will say it came to mind again after reading this...

Abhisit may be looked down upon for his connections to extreme right-wing factions, but it is good to finally see a homosexual prime minister accepted so freely.

and it just occurred that if that is what explains her life-long single status, then perhaps it'd be good for Thailand to have the first lesbian Prime Minister someday.

But anyway, as I've said, it's not of much importance really. It's a shame no one seems to know much about anything about her, yet it's supposed to be "good news" that's she's running for office.

well its "good news" for me because I support her. I was the topic starter so I can write what I want. Sorry to disappoint you.

As for the lesbian allegation , I doubt it. Why dont you admit you don't know instead of making wild assumptions.

She is first and foremost a business woman who has put her career first. Many career oriented women don't have time for family. I admit I don't know for sure but certainly a more reasonable theory than your melodramatic lesbian accusation.

IMHO Race, gender, social background, sexual preferences or private life should is of no relevance in an discusion about politicians.

Please don't sinck to an National Enquirer level.

Why isn't she married? Can you imagine the amount of sin sod the family would have wanted for her!!

Thats a very reasonable explanation.

The number of eligible men for a single Thai woman decreased dramatically, as ones social status and wealth increase. It does explain why some Thai women in these scenarios get married to a farang (a cultural loophole) One familiy in particular comes to mind but i wont elaborate due to forum rules.

as far as I know she is doing fine as CEO

I don't know, her company (what's its name anyway? Telewiz?) is pretty average. There are thousands of companies like that.

And I don't know about "rotating for experience" within her family - looks like a misfit to me, no one can quite get rid of her, being in family business and all.

Currently CEO of SC Asset (family company), which is embroiled in a nasty asset concealment case.

She claims to hold a Master of Public Administration from Kentucky State University. - Suprisingly she is not married to multiple members of Thai Visa.

Is that correct?

Kentucky State University (KSU, or less commonly, KYSU, to differentiate from Kansas State University) is a four-year institution of higher learning, located in Frankfort, Kentucky, the Commonwealth's capital. The school is an historically black university, which desegregated in 1954.
Kentucky State University is currently divided into three main colleges:

College of Arts, Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies

College of Mathematics, Sciences, Technology and Health

College of Professional Studies

What are her qualifications?

What has she accomplished, on her own, in life?

Why has she never married?

What are her views on the various pressing issues now facing Thailand?

I have no idea as to the answer to any of those questions but I just cannot see the relevance of the 3rd question. Perhaps you could explain why her marital status is of any importance.

So you don't know the answer to any of the answers, either? Thank you.

Just asked out of curiosity about the 3rd question. It's just that most women her age are or have been married. It was not of much importance at all, mainly just wondering; but I will say it came to mind again after reading this...

Abhisit may be looked down upon for his connections to extreme right-wing factions, but it is good to finally see a homosexual prime minister accepted so freely.

and it just occurred that if that is what explains her life-long single status, then perhaps it'd be good for Thailand to have the first lesbian Prime Minister someday.

But anyway, as I've said, it's not of much importance really. It's a shame no one seems to know much about anything about her, yet it's supposed to be "good news" that's she's running for office.

well its "good news" for me because I support her. I was the topic starter so I can write what I want. Sorry to disappoint you.

As for the lesbian allegation , I doubt it. Why dont you admit you don't know instead of making wild assumptions.

She is first and foremost a business woman who has put her career first. Many career oriented women don't have time for family. I admit I don't know for sure but certainly a more reasonable theory than your melodramatic lesbian accusation.

IMHO Race, gender, social background, sexual preferences or private life should is of no relevance in an discusion about politicians.

Please don't sinck to an National Enquirer level.

HA - it's a genuine pleasure to be able to agree with you 100% about this. The member who so gratuitously raised the question about this woman's sexual preferences sinks to a new low and no amount of cleverly-worded wriggling afterwards disguises that. I think the same can apply to the member who raised the parallel question about Abhisit, though I'm inclined to think that example was more a stupid remark rather than a calculated attempt to smear - as this one transparently is.


I would think she may well become party leader quite soon. The PTP need a figure around which they can coalesce and avoid further splintering. It also sends a strong message that Thaksin is not deserting them. No doubt she will come bearing gifts in a late Xmas offering.

It also helps marks out the upper north as the great redoubt of Thaksin supremacy even if Chaing Mai did vote a dem in as mayor. With the movement to Yuth, Yingluck, Thaksin and Somchais missus the upper North has taken pole position over the Isaan in terms of where the power comes from and that is very unlikely to change. The upper half of the Isaan is still in there but at a secondary level as far as decison making goes and the lower Isaan of course includes Newins fiefdoms.

PTP are hunkering down and reequipping for their next offensive when field marshall Thaksin orders it.

Maybe this sort of behaviour makes her 'perfect'...

- Whilst president of AIS, Yingluck Shinawatra sold shares in AIS consistently between October 2005 and January 2006 at an average price of Bt105. She was subsequently a signatory to the sale to Temasek on January 23, 2006. The tender-offer price for minority shareholders of AIS was set at Bt75, and other AIS shareholders never again saw their share price as high as the price sold by Yingluck. The Stock Exchange of Thailand had amazingly said this was not insider trading.

- 'probed' by the Assets Examination Committee over the Bt4 billion 'soft' loan to Burma to the benefit of ShinSat. Shin Corp was the major shareholder in ShinSat, with Yingluck being a major shareholder in Shin Corp.

Perfect - yes for Thaksin. The last couple of nominees have been either weak or disloyal, maybe he will have better luck with this one.

The only thing this women will bring to Thai politics is to perpetuate the divisions that already exist.

Fully agree.

My 4th Question ( which is so obvious ) is why Yingluck contest now?

Her niece ( SomChia's daughter ) is already one MP !

Toxin will pave way for this new puppet once she got elected as a MP. Then she can go on to become a female PM.

Well, that is the 'master' at work.

Why some people just don't manage to see this?

Sucessful businesswoman? Yeah right. Not without Big Brother T behind the scene! :o


SC Asset is not a particularly big, successful and high profile company if you discount their Shinawatra connection, and it's up to ears in charges in the upcoming lawsuit.

So much for her career there.


Yikes, this never stops does it. Round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and and round and round and round and round round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and and round and round and round and round round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round

This post is at least as useful as any other political post in the last few months. Don't dare delete it!!

She's at least pretty.


Can you imagine the PAD reaction if she gets voted in as an MP? never mind even thinking about going for PM........... I think recent past events would pale into insignificance by comparison!




Why does she need to know what PAD's reactions will be? Just a bunch of nonsense protesters ruining the whole Thailand because of one man.

Someone will make PAD disappear soon because they know too many.


IMHO Race, gender, social background, sexual preferences or private life should is of no relevance in an discusion about politicians.

Please don't sinck to an National Enquirer level.

HA - it's a genuine pleasure to be able to agree with you 100% about this. The member who so gratuitously raised the question about this woman's sexual preferences sinks to a new low and no amount of cleverly-worded wriggling afterwards disguises that. I think the same can apply to the member who raised the parallel question about Abhisit, though I'm inclined to think that example was more a stupid remark rather than a calculated attempt to smear - as this one transparently is.

Couldn't agree more with both of you.

The endless villification and hatred with which some posters pursue every member of Thaksin's family never ceases to amaze me, no slur is left unthrown!

as far as I know she is doing fine as CEO

I don't know, her company (what's its name anyway? Telewiz?) is pretty average. There are thousands of companies like that.

And I don't know about "rotating for experience" within her family - looks like a misfit to me, no one can quite get rid of her, being in family business and all.

Currently CEO of SC Asset (family company), which is embroiled in a nasty asset concealment case.

She claims to hold a Master of Public Administration from Kentucky State University. - Suprisingly she is not married to multiple members of Thai Visa.

Is that correct?

Kentucky State University (KSU, or less commonly, KYSU, to differentiate from Kansas State University) is a four-year institution of higher learning, located in Frankfort, Kentucky, the Commonwealth's capital. The school is an historically black university, which desegregated in 1954.
Kentucky State University is currently divided into three main colleges:

College of Arts, Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies

College of Mathematics, Sciences, Technology and Health

College of Professional Studies

From an interview with Somluk Srimalee (The Nation 11/3/08?)

Yingluck talking about her position at SC Asset... "Although I did not graduate in architecture or engineering or learn to manage a property firm, my bachelor's degree in political science from Chiang Mai University and master's in public administration from Kentucky State University taught me how to translate a vision into an operation. That is why I believed that I could manage a real-estate firm if I took the time to learn about the business's philosophy," she said.

I will take this at face value.

Of course, she could be a congenital liar like her elder brother. :o


Why does she need to know what PAD's reactions will be? Just a bunch of nonsense protesters ruining the whole Thailand because of one man.

Someone will make PAD disappear soon because they know too many.

I wasn't asking what "Her" reaction would be, I was asking what the reaction of the PAD would be! i would be interested in who will make the PAD disappear though......



She cried on Monday when Pracha lost to Aphisit.

Mr Pracha has been doing a lot of merit making recently, no doubt because during his time as police chief there were a lot of 'disappearances', especially in the south.


In the next general election (I don't mean the bi-election coming up), all the women will be voting for Aphisit, and all the men will be voting for Yinluck. I know a fair chick when I see one.

If she wins, Swampy & Don Muang will be closed until she steps down.


I am trying to find background info on her. But it is very difficult to find. No real biographies of her anywhere. Only newspaper articles.


Hopefully, the Thais are sexist enough to reject her for PM of the new Thaksin puppetry party. I have no doubt she is going for PM, within months or years at the latest. Very appropriate her major association is called ASSET.

I consider it no advance for women's rights here for a stuffed dress with no political experience to become PM based on being the sister of a dictator. More like the same old, same old, women as appendage of the powerful man.

Hopefully, the Thais are sexist enough to reject her for PM of the new Thaksin puppetry party. I have no doubt she is going for PM, within months or years at the latest. Very appropriate her major association is called ASSET.

I consider it no advance for women's rights here for a stuffed dress with no political experience to become PM based on being the sister of a dictator. More like the same old, same old, women as appendage of the powerful man.

how much political experience did Thaksin have before becoming the most popular Thai politician ever ?

yes she is Thaksins sister but they are 2 completely different people. please leave your prejudice and shinawarta phobia at the door.

Hopefully, the Thais are sexist enough to reject her for PM of the new Thaksin puppetry party. I have no doubt she is going for PM, within months or years at the latest. Very appropriate her major association is called ASSET.

I consider it no advance for women's rights here for a stuffed dress with no political experience to become PM based on being the sister of a dictator. More like the same old, same old, women as appendage of the powerful man.

i agree with your post,,,,,, She is NOT good for Thailand and should just go away and hide like her brother,,,,, Not only was her brother a dictator/ but now he is a crook on the run,,,,,,

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