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Australian Drug Smuggler Arrested At Suvarnabhumi

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Make a law that give every person who is in possession of any illegal drug the death penalty with a a lethal injection you can make this very humain way, doing it in a nice surrounding with good music, comfortable chair with a glass of wine
This law will make an end to a lot of suffering of drug addicts and society. because lets be frankly an drug addict have a life without any future.

hunter s thompson

the beatles

irvine welsh

william buroughs

and queen victoria

Don't forget to add

Charles Manson



ring a bell?

get the point you red neck nazi fascist?

and as you sit down at your computer, which of course you didnt invent perhaps you might like to read this wired

if you ruled the world i am sure we would all be very efficient worker drones but its creativity that created wealth for us westerners :oAre you saying that the creativity of drug addicts created the wealth of the west? I think you need a reality check.

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Draconian Henry, but with a workable logic. Still...

But unless you are Singapore or some such environment

it's political suicide to implement it.

I subscribe to the welded shut box just a LITTLE too small for the person.

You will never stand or lie straight again.

15 years in there; lights 24/7 and no company no conversations,

Maybe a really bad repeating soundtrack you learn to LOATH.

I don't want these people dead for selling poison,

I want then to suffer a long stretch as punishment on the cheap.

Only let them have company every 2 years to record a warning to others

and then weld them back in. No human contact, just food through the slot.

Dracoinian too, but would be as effective.

fap fap fap

that would only satisfy some sicko sado fantasies and Ilse Koch wannabes.

but it would change nothing. effectiveness zero.


The "hang'em high brigade" revels in every opportunity to display their ignorance.

Exactly the mindset we have endured for the last 30+ years, courtesy of the USA.

Prohibition does not work, has never worked, and will never work. Human nature and ingenuity will see to that.

Sickening but not surprising to see the sadistic nature of some on display when they think their fantasies will receive support.


To the ill informed liberals who want to legalize heroin or methamphetamine try to think about your teenage son or daughter not coming down for breakfast one morning so you trudge off to their room again to get them off to work or school. You open the door and find you child with a needle stuck in an arm, foam coming out of the mouth and dead from a drug overdose. Do you say bad luck? Do you get a little upset at yourself for your stance on drugs? Do you get just a little angry at the drug lords, traffickers and pushers? All rhetorical questions. This is real life so we are going to have to deal with it.

If there is a positive to come from news of the stupid Mr Hood's capture, it is the opportunity for members of the TV "hang 'em high" brigade to dust off their barbaric attitudes. :o

And of course for Champaigne Socialists to display their PC credentials to the forum.

Apologists for scum like this are never far away, so come on, lets here all the good things about this man and what you would do with him.

In the west, we give them a nice social worker, protection from the evil courts who may punish them, taxpayers money for alternative therapies, needles to carry on their idiot practices.

What is alway missing from these liberals is that people who do drugs start because they think it is cool! They are too brain dead even before drugs take effect.

Nice to see a county shoot a few thousand of these cretins.

Thank you for so clearly demonstrating my point, pops :D


I have seen enough of the damage from heroin to know it's not worth it.

Much of that is caused by the high prices causing desperate people to do desperate acts.

But I have also seen baby's left un-attended and toddlers unfed, and had shows canceled

because artists either couldn't handle going on stage or OD'd backstage..

Or their go[her was caught and they were more concerned with getting the name of his contact,

than getting him out of jail...

I have had to work with too many heroin junkies over the years to

possibly appreciate it's creative instigations. They are far and few between.

It's more likely already creative people, with personal demons or cyclical depressions,

going for a little numbness in between periods of creativity... nothing more.

I can go on. But won't.

I am for 'strictly controled legalization' to get it out of the profiting hands of the dealers

and drug lords.

Yet, I still think, even with legalization, the smugglers will still do business,

and there will still be many, just as cigarattes are still smuggled.

These guys still need strict lock up,

and it being well known to be very unpleasent.

It's no sadistic fantasy.

Add your own photo to your avatar. Prat!!

And you really look like yours?

Oh, sorry is that a voice from beyond the grave?

I think the point that Mr Daly was making was that Mr MyPhuket life is a fascist like the people in the photo of his avatar, so he should add himself to it, rather than your avatar should look like you.


Before you lable a person, or resort to "name calling" it would be good if you understood the names you where calling them....

Fascist is a person who sympathizes with facism, and fascism is "a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism."

And well my comments not one of them or my views fit into that.... So again before you call out names understand them.

And so does this Australian murderer, that you anti US mob conspired to free -


And precisely who did Mr Hicks murder, spiderman?

In case you missed it at the time, the "conspiracy" to free him was done primarily by John Howard (aka Bush's asslicker), in a belated (and fortunately futile) attempt to recover some ground with the majority of the Australian population, prior to the 2007 election.

Up to that point Howard was happy to see Hicks rot, without charge, in Guantanamo Bay for 5 years. The Australian public wasn't!

A better way is to legalise it and for the government of each country to supply it on prescription. This gives you the oportunity to provide medical support to the user, guarantee the quality of the drug and provide education for harm minimisation. Remember panadol has killed and is killing more people than heroin ever has or will. The cost of Government supplied Morphine is 38 cents an ampule

:o:D:D Source???

A better way is to legalise it and for the government of each country to supply it on prescription. This gives you the oportunity to provide medical support to the user, guarantee the quality of the drug and provide education for harm minimisation. Remember panadol has killed and is killing more people than heroin ever has or will. The cost of Government supplied Morphine is 38 cents an ampule

:D:D:D Source???

I doubt there is a (legitimate) source. :o

From what I've seen, I highly doubt panadol is even remotely close to heroin or most any other hardcore drug.

From one site:

Panadol Side Effects submitted to FDA

Total Panadol reports: 21.

Panadol FDA safety alerts: No.

Reported deaths: 2 Reported hospitalizations: 7.

Wow. 21 total reports (from around the world apparently).

I didn't bother copying it, but another site noted that most adverse reactions to panadol were the result of also using another drug at the same time (i.e. heart medications).

The number 1 adverse effect ? Fatigue.

Not overdose.

Not death.

Not overwhelming desire to do anything to get another fix.

Just tiredness.

Wow. Guess we should jump up and demand that panadol be banned and heroin legalized ! I'd hate to end up feeling tired while trying to get rid of a headache !


Panadol as in paracetamol? Where do these people come up with these stories? Probably spring from the same gene pool as the fools that try to smuggle heroin.

2008 and people still think they can pull off a one shot deal.

As an Australian, who has had a close relative die of an overdose , I am very pis..ed off at fellow country men trying to do something they know is illegal and then try to garner sympathy , as I have said before they are oxygen thieves, just execute them. :o

I don't want to defend drug smuggling, but how many people die from alcohol each year? How many families does it destroy? And it is sold perfectly legal...


Should throw the full brunt of thai law at him. If he did it in Australia he would probably just get 40 hours community work or at the most 1 yr in prison in a luxury cell with swimmings pools, cable T.V internet and get paid for being in there. Hang him I say

To the ill informed liberals who want to legalize heroin or methamphetamine try to think about your teenage son or daughter not coming down for breakfast one morning so you trudge off to their room again to get them off to work or school. You open the door and find you child with a needle stuck in an arm, foam coming out of the mouth and dead from a drug overdose. Do you say bad luck? Do you get a little upset at yourself for your stance on drugs? Do you get just a little angry at the drug lords, traffickers and pushers? All rhetorical questions. This is real life so we are going to have to deal with it.

I will educate my kids not to escape into drugs. What is your excuse?

Since the above scenario is already happening we can safely assume that prohibition isn't working. What is your solution? Harder penalties? Yeah, that'll make it better for those down on their luck.

Should throw the full brunt of thai law at him. If he did it in Australia he would probably just get 40 hours community work or at the most 1 yr in prison in a luxury cell with swimmings pools, cable T.V internet and get paid for being in there. Hang him I say

Why don't you try it then - a quick mule run to Oz :D

Surely the rewards far outweigh the risk, as you have so knowledgeably outlined above :o

warfie, the pedos get dragged into this back on page 2 somewhere, when one of these mindless numbsculls couldnt help himself. :o

and even stranger is the fact its you who keeps mentioning them

ok last comment..

if you re read my post i said 'they should save the life sentence for pedo's rapist and muderers, not some drug mule who is probably gettin a few g chucked his way..is that clear or should i write it in wingdings for you??

OK, Can I have it in wingdings now? As for the Pedos, my little NON ROCKSPIDER MATE 2008Bangkok, I agree that they should get the very worse for that crime....its just while someone is busy putting a round in a rock spiders head, he could easily reload and smoke the drug dealers, as well.

I don't just hate drug dealers......I hate all shitbags....why feed criminals, just eliminate them! :D ps: petty crime should just involve PUBLIC Floggings & no 2008Bangkok, that isnt the type of flogging you usual do :D




Australian Andrew Hoods, 36, arrives at Bangkok's Criminal Court December 19, 2008. Hoods was arrested at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi international airport on Wednesday with 3 kilograms (about 7 pounds) of heroin strapped to his body.


what a foolish drug smuggler. customs must have it in page 2 of their playbook to scrutinize people with excessive tattoos. bet ya 10 baht if he wore pants, we would not be reading this thread

This is typical TV fashion ust put the guy down to hel_l and call him all the names under the sun..

Yes the guy is stupid and he will really regret this for the rest of his life but npobody knows the circumstances on why he did this, maybe the guy was on his arse and in so much desperation that he thought it was the only was to do this, or there again maybe not..

I recon a fair few of the slag emm off characters have probably had a dabble in their time so it doesnt really make them any better whether the dealer or taker.

This guys life is effectivly gone now, it isnt law that after a few you get a pardon...

I for one dont like to see the drug dealers get life it just aint right, life should be saved for the pedos, rapist and murderers not some poor mule who was probably gonna get a few g for his cut..

good luck mate, and i mean that

I second that.

Governments, who are the biggest drug dealers, haven't gotten busted.

wow- someone with sense on TV!

you are 1000% correct Sir

what a foolish drug smuggler. customs must have it in page 2 of their playbook to scrutinize people with excessive tattoos. bet ya 10 baht if he wore pants, we would not be reading this thread

So, are you saying that if a person has "excessive of tattoo's they must be a drug smuggler?

I have many tattoo's but cant stand heroine etc or the effects that it has on users/families etc.


Give the moron some rudimentary nursing training and make him work every day for the next 40 years in the medical ward of the prison. At least then he would do something useful. His daughter might even be proud of him when she hears that he is washing up vomit and wiping shit from the HIV sufferes in prison with him.

Then give him the injection when he gets too old to be useful any more.

Me, extreme, never.

which moron are we talking? the one in the picture on the left?

is that his daughter? how do you know this? they look different race to me

he look's okay to me, getting on a bit, but why give him the jab now...?


stop being so cruel and harsh, the finger you point can be directed straight back to you

what a foolish drug smuggler. customs must have it in page 2 of their playbook to scrutinize people with excessive tattoos. bet ya 10 baht if he wore pants, we would not be reading this thread

So, are you saying that if a person has "excessive of tattoo's they must be a drug smuggler?

I have many tattoo's but cant stand heroine etc or the effects that it has on users/families etc.


of course not, but its about the percentages and you know they dont lie.


He'll do about 5 years in the Hilton then he'll be shipped off back home. Lucky he didn't take it through Singapore or he would be dead for sure.

what a foolish drug smuggler. customs must have it in page 2 of their playbook to scrutinize people with excessive tattoos. bet ya 10 baht if he wore pants, we would not be reading this thread

So, are you saying that if a person has "excessive of tattoo's they must be a drug smuggler?

I have many tattoo's but cant stand heroine etc or the effects that it has on users/families etc.


of course not, but its about the percentages and you know they dont lie.

I believe that in recent years, alot of "mules" are old aged pensioners, at one time no one would look twice, but now they are allegedly high up the suspect list.


Make a law that give every person who is in possession of any illegal drug the death penalty with a a lethal injection you can make this very humain way, doing it in a nice surrounding with good music, comfortable chair with a glass of wine
This law will make an end to a lot of suffering of drug addicts and society. because lets be frankly an drug addict have a life without any future.

hunter s thompson

the beatles

irvine welsh

william buroughs

and queen victoria

Don't forget to add

Charles Manson



ring a bell?

get the point you red neck nazi fascist?

and as you sit down at your computer, which of course you didnt invent perhaps you might like to read this wired

if you ruled the world i am sure we would all be very efficient worker drones but its creativity that created wealth for us westerners :oAre you saying that the creativity of drug addicts created the wealth of the west? I think you need a reality check.

Let's not forget Timothy Leary, Bill Clinton, and just about every rock-n-roll band ever.....

what a foolish drug smuggler. customs must have it in page 2 of their playbook to scrutinize people with excessive tattoos. bet ya 10 baht if he wore pants, we would not be reading this thread

So, are you saying that if a person has "excessive of tattoo's they must be a drug smuggler?

I have many tattoo's but cant stand heroine etc or the effects that it has on users/families etc.


I think it was the Tattoo on his forehead that said,"SHITBAG" that gave him away. If he didnt get stopped at Suvarnabhumi, he would have been looked at by the Australian blokes.....amazing how many people strut around with the big neon sign flashing...PICK ME PICK ME!

I would suggest it would be a combination of the tough stickers, the oversized earing, the crappy little goatee beard, the track marks, the uncontrollable shaking, bad body odour, poor dental hygiene and that 'I havent had a hit this morning' OR 'I've just had a hit this morning' look and finally his crappy attitude that gave him away.

If I was a half switched on bobby, I would certainly take a look at him, wouldnt you?

what a foolish drug smuggler. customs must have it in page 2 of their playbook to scrutinize people with excessive tattoos. bet ya 10 baht if he wore pants, we would not be reading this thread

So, are you saying that if a person has "excessive of tattoo's they must be a drug smuggler?

I have many tattoo's but cant stand heroine etc or the effects that it has on users/families etc.


I think it was the Tattoo on his forehead that said,"SHITBAG" that gave him away. If he didnt get stopped at Suvarnabhumi, he would have been looked at by the Australian blokes.....amazing how many people strut around with the big neon sign flashing...PICK ME PICK ME!

I would suggest it would be a combination of the tough stickers, the oversized earing, the crappy little goatee beard, the track marks, the uncontrollable shaking, bad body odour, poor dental hygiene and that 'I havent had a hit this morning' OR 'I've just had a hit this morning' look and finally his crappy attitude that gave him away.

If I was a half switched on bobby, I would certainly take a look at him, wouldnt you?

If i saw him displaying ALL of the above, then maybe i would look twice, but then i'm not a customs officer!


This is typical TV fashion ust put the guy down to hel_l and call him all the names under the sun..

Yes the guy is stupid and he will really regret this for the rest of his life but npobody knows the circumstances on why he did this, maybe the guy was on his arse and in so much desperation that he thought it was the only was to do this, or there again maybe not..

I recon a fair few of the slag emm off characters have probably had a dabble in their time so it doesnt really make them any better whether the dealer or taker.

This guys life is effectivly gone now, it isnt law that after a few you get a pardon...

I for one dont like to see the drug dealers get life it just aint right, life should be saved for the pedos, rapist and murderers not some poor mule who was probably gonna get a few g for his cut..

good luck mate, and i mean that

I second that.

Governments, who are the biggest drug dealers, haven't gotten busted.

wow- someone with sense on TV!

you are 1000% correct Sir

I whole heartily agree with you and your comments. After our arrest, I was found guilty and hanged by TV members, before my wife and I were even in court. Fortunately, the court here in Thailand, was a little more fair minded then some of our members. We were found not guilty because we were innocent. While I don't agree with drug smuggling, I also don't agree with the attitude of some of our members here! They are too ready to shoot people down, before they know all the facts, as you quite rightly point out! Too many people here on Thai Visa, use the unfortunate circumstances of people like this guy, to vent their own anger and frustrations. To make it like a personal vendetta. This guy was obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer, or he would have realized how small his chances were, of going through the Aussie customs, let alone going out this side. I feel sorry for his family and daughter, and after my own experience of what its like in a Thai prison, I even feel sorry for the guy himself. Even with amnesties, he will do a minimum of 20 years here. Believe me, after 20 years of the delights of a Thai prison, his life is over. I for one, know exactly how he must be feeling right now, and what he is going through. I think he deserves a little pity, not the vilification of TV!!

I whole heartily agree with you and your comments. After our arrest, I was found guilty and hanged by TV members, before my wife and I were even in court. Fortunately, the court here in Thailand, was a little more fair minded then some of our members. We were found not guilty because we were innocent. While I don't agree with drug smuggling, I also don't agree with the attitude of some of our members here! They are too ready to shoot people down, before they know all the facts, as you quite rightly point out! Too many people here on Thai Visa, use the unfortunate circumstances of people like this guy, to vent their own anger and frustrations. To make it like a personal vendetta. This guy was obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer, or he would have realized how small his chances were, of going through the Aussie customs, let alone going out this side. I feel sorry for his family and daughter, and after my own experience of what its like in a Thai prison, I even feel sorry for the guy himself. Even with amnesties, he will do a minimum of 20 years here. Believe me, after 20 years of the delights of a Thai prison, his life is over. I for one, know exactly how he must be feeling right now, and what he is going through. I think he deserves a little pity, not the vilification of TV!!

The guy got caught with a load of heroine strapped to his body, he knew he was breaking the law, he got caught!

Game over



I think it was the Tattoo on his forehead that said,"SHITBAG" that gave him away. If he didnt get stopped at Suvarnabhumi, he would have been looked at by the Australian blokes.....amazing how many people strut around with the big neon sign flashing...PICK ME PICK ME!

I would suggest it would be a combination of the tough stickers, the oversized earing, the crappy little goatee beard, the track marks, the uncontrollable shaking, bad body odour, poor dental hygiene and that 'I havent had a hit this morning' OR 'I've just had a hit this morning' look and finally his crappy attitude that gave him away.

If I was a half switched on bobby, I would certainly take a look at him, wouldnt you?

If i saw him displaying ALL of the above, then maybe i would look twice, but then i'm not a customs officer!


Neither is neverdie - and given his lack of intellect, based on the stereotypes he portrays above, unlikely to ever become one.

Mind you, he still qualifies as a paid up member and cheerleader of the (unfortunately not) exclusive "TV Hang 'Em High Club".


After our arrest, I was found guilty and hanged by TV members, before my wife and I were even in court. Fortunately, the court here in Thailand, was a little more fair minded then some of our members. We were found not guilty because we were innocent.

I take it then, you weren't caught red-handed with 3 kilos of heroin taped to your body, like this guy was ?

You think maybe he might be innocent, and didn't know it was heroin in the bags when he taped them to his body ?

Maybe he though it was icing sugar ?

Or maybe, just maybe, it was a one-armed man that got him drunk, and when he passed out the one-armed villan secretly taped the bags to his body, and the poor, poor, unsuspecting victim innocently strolled into the airport, without realizing he had miraculously put on 3 kilos of weight in awkward places ?

I would have a really hard time believing any court in the world would be likely to find this guy innocent. Had the drugs been in a bag, or unlocked suitcase, he may possibly have been able to argue "set up".

But when they open your shirt and there are 3 kilos taped to your body ?

Mule or not. Set up or not. This guy knew he was smuggling drugs. No "ifs", "ands" or "buts".

He knew if he got caught, he would be facing serious consequences.

He did the crime, now he'll do the time.

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