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Cannabis Smokers At Risk Of Personality Disorder Syndrome


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Not directly Thailand related but interesting:

Cannabis smokers at risk of personality disorder syndrome: study

Stuttgart, Germany: -- Cannabis users between 17 and 30 years are at greater risk of developing multiple types of personality disorders than non-smokers in the same age group, a German study found Cannabis also effects women differently than men, the study published in the German psychiatric journal Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie found.

Researchers at the Protestant Bethanien Clinic in Greifswald discovered that young men tended to become anti-social or develop borderline personality disorders while women who smoked cannabis often become depressed and insecure.

Of the 99 cannabis users examined, 90 per cent later developed an anti-social personality disorder.

Symptoms included disregard for social norms, reduced or non-existent empathy for other people and an inability to change behaviour despite negative experiences.

One third of the participants in the study had three or more personality disorders.

However, the study could not determine whether using cannabis was responsible for any initial change in their personalities.

-- dpa/tmn 2008-12-22

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This may explain something. I have a pretty dire situation brewing with the ball-and-chain. Things are not good. I think this may well have something to do with it.

Personally I hate the stuff and have seen it destroy many friends in the west. I have tried so hard to get her to stop. But now this menace threatens my family. TBH, I'm on the edge right now, despair doesn't really describe the emotion.

We have been happy for six years, she had everything, more than people (farang) in the west could hope for after a lifetimes hard work. But I can see it all falling apart now.

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MJP it’s impossible for someone to give up Hooch unless they want to, it’s not physically addictive but unless you want to give up you never will, Australia has just finished a similar study and that rates of schizophrenia increase something like 4 fold for dope smokers. For a person that used to partake in this, I feel lucky that I had no lasting effects from it.

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

I think it killed the brain cells that control capital letters. :o

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I have smoked cannabis off and on for years for medicinal purposes. Best painkiller I have ever had, apart from morphine derivatives, but I feel they are far more addictive and they have caused me more problems even though prescribed for pain in various derivative forms.

Doctors and specialist know about my cannabis useage and both have said that certain races - namely coloured people - are more prone to schizophrenia when they use cannabis regularly. Also advised to take it in moderation, not to stop taking it. Though now I am in Thailand I have used it rarely due to the penalties here.

Though I do not agree such a high percentage are prone to personality disorders, I do believe there is an inherent risk associated with taking cannabis regularly over long periods. You'd have to be a fool not to realise there have to be risks in taking any drug.

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I agree with girlx. This is such a ridiculous article. I worked For the Department of Psychiatry in the States for many years. There is absolutely no link between borderline personality and cannabis use.

Chronic cannabis use can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia ,but by no means causes it.

Just another ridiculous, and baseless "study". :o:D:D

Edited by mizzi39
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Personally I think the effects from alcohol are much more severe then cannabis.

At least with alcohol it's more easy to find out your own limit due to the fixed alcohol content in beer, wine or whatever.

With cannabis it's often a hit and miss situation since there's so much variety in THC content.

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For those who have a natural susceptibility for mental disorders, cannabis can induce problems and these people should stay away from it. But the vast majority who don't have a tendency for mental illness smoking won't cause any development of problems.

Cannabis may not be totally risk free but it is clearly a lot less damaging than alcohol or cigarettes.

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For those who have a natural susceptibility for mental disorders, cannabis can induce problems and these people should stay away from it. But the vast majority who don't have a tendency for mental illness smoking won't cause any development of problems.

Cannabis may not be totally risk free but it is clearly a lot less damaging than alcohol or cigarettes.

Most women then?

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Personally I think the effects from alcohol are much more severe then cannabis.
Most would be in agreement with this as stonies very seldom start bar brawls by smashing beer bottles over someone's head.

But yes still some serious side affects,

1. Holding up the line at Baskin Robbins, :D

2. Long rambling dissertations only to forget the point trying to be made, :o

3. and yes, the horror of bong breath, ... the horror ... :D

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Personally I think the effects from alcohol are much more severe then cannabis.
Most would be in agreement with this as stonies very seldom start bar brawls by smashing beer bottles over someone's head.

But yes still some serious side affects,

1. Holding up the line at Baskin Robbins, :D

2. Long rambling dissertations only to forget the point trying to be made, :o

3. and yes, the horror of bong breath, ... the horror ... :D

4. Forgetting where you hid your stash. :D

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The thing is that the relationship may not be exactly cause and effect. Many, many people who get into substance abuse are 'self-medicating' themselves. The personality disorder is alrady there and they are looking for chemicals that will make them better. It might not be accurate to say that it is the substance that causes the personality disorders.

Personally, the only thing it ever caused for me was the munchies!

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the only problem with smoking too mcuh weed is you stop to care about alot of things, theres something in weed called <deleted> it.....

I believe pepole who smoke weed can not hold a relationship longer then straight people...you just don`t give a <deleted>*k!

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Would be interesting to know how many of the study sample were also taking other drugs.

I used to smoke at least an oz of skunk a week for 7 years whilst doing very well at a highly paid job in the city of London.

Had no problem stopping as soon as i moved to Thailand. A hefty prison sentence versus a slap on the wrist was a major factor.

Whilst in the Uk two friends got into serious mental problems but to be honest i've always put that down to them frying their brains with ecstasy rather than dope.

No doubt dope effects you but having now substituted booze for dope my personal opinion is that booze is far worse for you.

If booze had only been discovered recently it would be a class A controlled drug. It's only legal because the human race has been getting pissed since the first caveman ate fermented fruit.

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true true....

But how many people have over dosed on weed? and how many alcohol related deaths are there?

weed might make ya loose skills but alcohol kills......

Over dosed is a bit to much but I've seen several occassions where people fell unconscious from their bar stool after puffing hashish in this case which was much stronger than they're used to.

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I'm not sure, but it seems that Canabis use gives rise to an inability to discuss the negative aspects of the weed without launching into a discussion of the negative aspects of alcohol.

If we can disscuss Canabis without discussing alcohol we might get an understanding of the topic under discusion rather than wandering off into what ought to be the basis of another thread.

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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

I am sorry, but do you really think your anecdotal evidence indicates anything real?

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As a young teen, I smoked pot all day, every day, for five years while being a top rated honor student. Then I realized I didn't really like it one day because it made me super paranoid without much pleasure, and stopped. Personality disorder? You be the judge. I think it is a psychologically addictive drug. Not physically addictive.

Edited by Jingthing
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this is a ridiculous article. i smoked pot for years with no adverse effects whatsoever, in fact it helped me quite a lot with anxiety. it has never stopped me progrssing in my career, social relationships, or other areas. i also stopped very easily (in thailand). i know very successful, well adjusted people who smoke regularly. i know a couple of freaks who smoke too, but it's my feeling that they had personality disorders to begin with and weed just exacerbates them. some people can't handle it, just like some people can't hold their alcohol. but overall, marijuana is a benign drug, if done in moderation.

Absolute nonsense. This sh*t affects vunerable people with latent personality disorders - fact. Any nut who thinks weed is benign is a danger to society and should be - in my opinion - removed. I have seen so many lifes ruined by this sh*t. Ofcourse alchohol is worse in the wrong hands but that does not make weed benign as you so ignorantly assert!

Ignorance, the purest form of evil - Plato

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