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Wheelchair Access In Thailand


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(Posting in the general section for best response...)

I recently carried out a survery of the popular Bangla Road (Phuket) area to ascertain which areas were accessible for wheelchair users. It was heartening to find wheelchair/pushchair ramps at each side road, as well as reasonable acccess to the adjacent bar sois.

However, I was very surprised to find that the recently opened Starbucks and McDonalds premises in Bangla Road were totally inaccessible for wheelchair users, due to high access steps and lack of ramps.

I Googled on relevant laws and found a statement 'A new law that ensures new buildings are constructed with facilities for the disabled. A ministerial regulation ensuring this has been in effect since September 2, 2005'

Can anyone point me to a website that details this regulation?

I'm not a wheelchair user myself, nor am I some sort of wheelchair activist! But I am very surprised to find that although the Starbucks and McDonalds premises were constructed only a few months ago, no provision seems to have been made by these international brands to provide ramp access for wheel chair (or pushchair) users.

I do hope to 'embarrass' both companies by pointing out these access problems. Phuket needs all the tourists it can get. If the small beer-sois can manage to provide wheelchair access, then these international brands should also meet their responsibilities.


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(Posting in the general section for best response...)

I recently carried out a survery of the popular Bangla Road (Phuket) area to ascertain which areas were accessible for wheelchair users. It was heartening to find wheelchair/pushchair ramps at each side road, as well as reasonable acccess to the adjacent bar sois.

However, I was very surprised to find that the recently opened Starbucks and McDonalds premises in Bangla Road were totally inaccessible for wheelchair users, due to high access steps and lack of ramps.

I Googled on relevant laws and found a statement 'A new law that ensures new buildings are constructed with facilities for the disabled. A ministerial regulation ensuring this has been in effect since September 2, 2005'

Can anyone point me to a website that details this regulation?

I'm not a wheelchair user myself, nor am I some sort of wheelchair activist! But I am very surprised to find that although the Starbucks and McDonalds premises were constructed only a few months ago, no provision seems to have been made by these international brands to provide ramp access for wheel chair (or pushchair) users.

I do hope to 'embarrass' both companies by pointing out these access problems. Phuket needs all the tourists it can get. If the small beer-sois can manage to provide wheelchair access, then these international brands should also meet their responsibilities.


Just be careful who's buttons you start pushing Simon around here or you might need a wheelchair yourself :o . Most of these stores you talk about are franchises I believe with individual owners.

If you want to start down this route though, I suggest you go to the bts and ask them about wheelchair access at all of its stations. None at Nana from what I have seen. or go to the BMA and ask them about the sidewalks in the city - most are barely walkable - nevermind in a wheelchair.

Edited by bkkjames
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Yep I understand that many people in LoS don't give a flying <deleted> about disabled access. Perhaps an anonymous email to Starbucks & McDonalds executive board might 'prod' them into quizzing the franchisee about this matter.


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Yep I understand that many people in LoS don't give a flying <deleted> about disabled access. Perhaps an anonymous email to Starbucks & McDonalds executive board might 'prod' them into quizzing the franchisee about this matter.


while you are at it, can you drop in a line to ask Starbuck's how business has been since they imposed their non-smoking outdoors regulation. I have nothing against making smokers having to sit outside in the heat, but do they honestly believe non-smokers will put up with the heat / sun / traffic / noise when aircon is available? Now nobody sits outside and I suspect smokers just moved to another cafe for their caffiene and nicotine injection.

been into the Starbuck's at Luang Suan and near the Hyatt a few times since they imposed this and both have been deserted. They both used to be very full with both non smokers and smokers (sitting outside of course).

better stop now before the anti-smoking brigade chimes in with the usual. :o

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Yep I understand that many people in LoS don't give a flying <deleted> about disabled access. Perhaps an anonymous email to Starbucks & McDonalds executive board might 'prod' them into quizzing the franchisee about this matter.


while you are at it, can you drop in a line to ask Starbuck's how business has been since they imposed their non-smoking outdoors regulation. I have nothing against making smokers having to sit outside in the heat, but do they honestly believe non-smokers will put up with the heat / sun / traffic / noise when aircon is available? Now nobody sits outside and I suspect smokers just moved to another cafe for their caffiene and nicotine injection.

been into the Starbuck's at Luang Suan and near the Hyatt a few times since they imposed this and both have been deserted. They both used to be very full with both non smokers and smokers (sitting outside of course).

better stop now before the anti-smoking brigade chimes in with the usual. :o

 Well, since non-smokers have, according to your post, seemingly abandoned these places as well, I doubt very much that the lack of business has anything to do with any smoking policies which have been put into effect.  Whatever is the reason for the drop in business might be interesting, though.

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Yep I understand that many people in LoS don't give a flying <deleted> about disabled access. Perhaps an anonymous email to Starbucks & McDonalds executive board might 'prod' them into quizzing the franchisee about this matter.


while you are at it, can you drop in a line to ask Starbuck's how business has been since they imposed their non-smoking outdoors regulation. I have nothing against making smokers having to sit outside in the heat, but do they honestly believe non-smokers will put up with the heat / sun / traffic / noise when aircon is available? Now nobody sits outside and I suspect smokers just moved to another cafe for their caffiene and nicotine injection.

been into the Starbuck's at Luang Suan and near the Hyatt a few times since they imposed this and both have been deserted. They both used to be very full with both non smokers and smokers (sitting outside of course).

better stop now before the anti-smoking brigade chimes in with the usual. :o

 Well, since non-smokers have, according to your post, seemingly abandoned these places as well, I doubt very much that the lack of business has anything to do with any smoking policies which have been put into effect.  Whatever is the reason for the drop in business might be interesting, though.

not so quick bono...like nightclubs (where a larger percentage of clientelle than average are smokers), the cafe lifestyle if you will, has flourished because it was a place where all types of people would gather - a focal point if you will. Take away a large proportion of this atmosphere (say 50% of the clientelle) and the place as a whole becomes less attractive. It becomes sterile - unfashionable - boring.

People want to be where the action is, where it is 'cool' to be seen. Ever been to a nightclub full of non smokers, exciting - not. And for those places where people go outside to smoke, more oft than not, it's one of the busiest places in the bar / club.

Anyways, this is going way off topic.

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Yep I understand that many people in LoS don't give a flying <deleted> about disabled access. Perhaps an anonymous email to Starbucks & McDonalds executive board might 'prod' them into quizzing the franchisee about this matter.


while you are at it, can you drop in a line to ask Starbuck's how business has been since they imposed their non-smoking outdoors regulation. I have nothing against making smokers having to sit outside in the heat, but do they honestly believe non-smokers will put up with the heat / sun / traffic / noise when aircon is available? Now nobody sits outside and I suspect smokers just moved to another cafe for their caffiene and nicotine injection.

been into the Starbuck's at Luang Suan and near the Hyatt a few times since they imposed this and both have been deserted. They both used to be very full with both non smokers and smokers (sitting outside of course).

better stop now before the anti-smoking brigade chimes in with the usual. :o

 Well, since non-smokers have, according to your post, seemingly abandoned these places as well, I doubt very much that the lack of business has anything to do with any smoking policies which have been put into effect.  Whatever is the reason for the drop in business might be interesting, though.

not so quick bono...like nightclubs (where a larger percentage of clientelle than average are smokers), the cafe lifestyle if you will, has flourished because it was a place where all types of people would gather - a focal point if you will. Take away a large proportion of this atmosphere (say 50% of the clientelle) and the place as a whole becomes less attractive. It becomes sterile - unfashionable - boring.

People want to be where the action is, where it is 'cool' to be seen. Ever been to a nightclub full of non smokers, exciting - not. And for those places where people go outside to smoke, more oft than not, it's one of the busiest places in the bar / club.

Anyways, this is going way off topic.

But your post indicated that before, the smokers were outside and the non-smokers were inside, so there was some degree of segregation anyways, and the mixing was not as great. (I really don't know as I am not a coffee drinker and am not very familiar with coffee houses.)

But to bring this a little back on topic, if Starbucks in Thailand is PC-enough or business-minded-enough (take your pick) to ban smokers, then it seems surprising that they would not be wheelchair accessible.  As you point out, going smoke-free indoors might drive away some smokers from being customers. But I hardly think that having customers in wheelchairs would offend anyone, and it might bring in non-disabled customers who just happen to like corporate civil-mindedness. Starbucks in the US is noted for being a very PC-minded company, so I am quite surprised that they have no wheelchair ramps here in Thailand.

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have you ever seen a wheel chair ramp at any restaurant or store here? if you have I can assure you that it was put in for shopping carts or shipping trolly purposes only - it just so happens they are wheelchair friendly as well :o

Maybe so.  As I don't need a wheelchair, I guess I haven't noticed nor considered it myself until the OP's post.

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I hope if I ever become incapacitated by accident or disease that I'm still able to get around to a variety of places in whatever godforsaken contraption I'm doomed to use other than my own legs. Simple consideration- it could be any of us.

Anyway, Simon, you should know how things work around here- there are laws for EVERYTHING- but they go in and out of fashion. If it doesn't pay to have them enforced, they won't be enforced.

I figure we'll see grounded power outlets before we see universal handicapped access.

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