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Would You Like To See Thailand Progess Into A First World Country?


Would you like to see Thailand progess into a First World Country?  

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I would like it to stay just as it is which, as I view it, is a country with a great combination of both 1st world and 3rd world characteristics. I would however also like it to to go back to the old name 'Siam' which is IMHO much more exotic sounding than a mundane name like Thailand. :o

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Sure, I would like to see it progress to a so called 1st world status. But not so much like a WESTERN country, I would like to see it evolve while maintaining its own identity. More like a Dubai or Hong Kong (minus the foreign market domination)

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Sure, I would like to see it progress to a so called 1st world status. But not so much like a WESTERN country, I would like to see it evolve while maintaining its own identity. More like a Dubai or Hong Kong (minus the foreign market domination)

If you look at Dubai, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, etc., all "first world" non-Western countries, they are all very different from one another. Even the US and the UK are fairly different from each other, although their greater degree of similarity is likely due to their shared cultural heritage. I imagine that if Thailand were to become a more developed country, it would also be different from each of them. I don't think there is any more risk of it becoming another US or UK than those other countries.

I would just be happy if there were a bit more of a culture of holding politicians (and people in general) accountable for their actions, and less a culture of bribing officials to get anything significant done.

In spite of it all, I love Thailand and will continue to visit up to the day when I am ready to retire there.

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Thailand is changing, and generally towards the model of the Western Developed nations.

But that is not to say it is going to become the USA or any other particular Western Nation. The people of Thailand (not just the Thais) will stumble upon their own new definition of Thailand. Just like the rest of the world develops that way.

Those worried about the change to the cost of Thailand..... enjoy it while you can.

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Thailand is changing, and generally towards the model of the Western Developed nations.


The veener of modernity is too thin to hide that the most of the country is centuries backwards and the elite is nothing better than PAD.

PAD thugs + military have their own reactionary vision that is more likely to descend the country into a feudal type of state rather than democracy. Just see how (PAD) losers, repeatedly defeated in elections, took it all.

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I love Thailand the way it is and loved it even more 5-6 years ago. I live here because of the cost/people/travel availablity the only thing that bothers me is when farangs want to change the culture to their own needs such as malls/resturants/laws and on and on. If you decided to live here whenever, then just leave it alone, we all moved here for our own needs why try to change it, leave the western method of living where it belongs "BACK IN UK/USA/GERMANY ECT ECT."

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Yes if it included less materialistic rush, more simplicity , but at the same time living with higher quality, I.e. better environment ,safety, health standards, etc.

Then again, it is just a handful First world Countries they can use as role model.

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Do you mean would I like Thailand to be the same as UK, or USA ?


Well you are clearly projecting here as that is not what I said. Why don't you tell us what you don't like about the first world aspect of those countries. There are many first world Asian countries too you know.

Why you think we moved to Thailand.

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Of course it would be good to be 1st world.

Waht are you guys talking about ? You think that easily available sex-tourism equates only to chaotic corrupt 2nd world? Never been to to Singapore?

I've been to Singapore more times than your post count on this forum.

And if you have any experience at all there you will know that it is not Singaporian Chinese girls working there in the main, it's Filipinos, Thai's, mainland Chinese, Burmese, Malays, and a smattering of white women from 1st world countries and Eastern Europe.

And if you are gonna use Singapore as an example........

Never been to Tokyo ? :o:D

Singapore girls/ Singapore. Ah, I can but dream.

No way I can afford to live there, though.

And isn't the cost of living why most of us choose Thailand over Japan and Singapore .

No.. Cost of living is far less important that the fact I would need to live in an urban sprawl in one and dont feel I would find enjoyment in non urban Japan.

But if the issue is would I like to see Thailand improve economically of course.. Better roads, hospitals, facilities.. Real rule of law, increased safety, more structured development codes, less corruption, etc etc etc.. I cant imagine why not.. Do I want to see Thailand absorbed into big mac westernism no of course not !! I dont think economic advancement and westernising are the same thing.

Sadly tho it seems the very opposite is happening.. Thailand is becoming manically consumerist, rushing to the big mac westernisation while remaining firmly mired in corrupt governance, no development rules (that cant be bought) they are basically taking the worst path of all.

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A good thread, it almost made two pages of replies before a PAD basher skewed it to suit a quick rant. :o

Do I want to see Thailand progress into a 1st world country?

I thought it is 1st world, have I missed something? I always thought there is only one world so I guess all that stuff about a parallel universe must be true.

Anyhow judging by all the gloom and doom merchants it won't be so much Thailand progressing to 1st world status but the current batch of 1st worlders regressing back to join them.

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they'd still need teachers wouldn't they?

Yes, but those teachers would need the same qualifications that they would need to Teach in their own countries.

So 99% of the Farang teachers in Thailand wouldn't make the grade would they, else why do they work for peanuts in Thailand when they could be making very good money in a 1st world country ? :o

I would not work for the wage of a teacher in the US or in Thailand.

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I love Thailand the way it is and loved it even more 5-6 years ago. I live here because of the cost/people/travel availablity the only thing that bothers me is when farangs want to change the culture to their own needs such as malls/resturants/laws and on and on. If you decided to live here whenever, then just leave it alone, we all moved here for our own needs why try to change it, leave the western method of living where it belongs "BACK IN UK/USA/GERMANY ECT ECT."

I'll admit, I do have a fondness for toilet paper.

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Um the price of rice............................... To understand Thailand one must look at the price of rice, a farmer HAS to sell it to the government for 14000B per ton, government sells on open market 34000B plus.

Value to government in a year aprox 314 billionB. Follow the money, is it used for the people? Who is getting rich from this? No answers here only questions...........................

Are things going to change? Is Thailand going to go the way of Korea (most people are not blind enough not to see the answers to these questions)? When are the Thais going to host the Olympics (the unofficial party for joining the 1st world)?

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At first you find it amusing, then you want to change things, then you are frustrated because nothing changes, then you absolutely do not want to change anything, then you find it amusing ... but of course it takes a long time to realise it !

To me thailand is a first world country as it is the country i have been living for a quarter century !

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Even if I wanted Thailand to change it would never, so best to accept things as they are and watch life go by as I imbibe a few pints. :D

Brit, how can you watch the world go by from behind the curtained windows of a Soi 6 Bar ? :rolleyes:

proves how out of touch you are there Mr Go 6. for your information they are located on soi 8 and the windows have blinds now :o

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I'd like to see the country improve, but not being westernised (if that makes sence)

Meaning better healthcare, education, infrastructure,....

but like my Thai wife sais, it won't happen because it's to hard to teach Thais something as most think they know it better :o

Right. You gave me the answer I was looking for.

But I think it is 'westernised' already. The demand for materialism is probably stronger in Thailand than it is in the West. I get castigated for my taste in make-do-and-mend cars, clothes etc, lack of interest in shiny useless things because . . . 'you are a falang'.

I'd love to see the place develop into a 1st rate country, with medicare, good education, balanced economy, well adjusted equitable society . . . but it'll just be like the rest of the world . . . credit bubbles, over-priced housing and pointless fancy cars.


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If I can be permitted some off post musing:

I'd like Thailand to be run like Singapore back in the 70s: clean, efficient, more or less uncorrupt, great life style.

The girls would look like Singapore girls, and behave like Japanese girls on dodgy web sites.

All the places like Patpong, Nana, Cowboy, Patong and Pattaya ( with traffic lights to be able to cross the street ) would be the same.

The cost of living, and the important stuff that we come to Thailand for would be the same as in the '90s.

Forex would be same as late '97- 91 baht to the £.

Beaches would be the same as in the 90s too.

I can dream, can't I

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they'd still need teachers wouldn't they?

Yes, but those teachers would need the same qualifications that they would need to Teach in their own countries.

So 99% of the Farang teachers in Thailand wouldn't make the grade would they, else why do they work for peanuts in Thailand when they could be making very good money in a 1st world country ? :o

No, they still wouldn't need the same qualifications as back home. All you need to teach English ANYWHERE in Asia is a college degree, in any subject. That includes rich countries like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc. No actual training is required anywhere.

And 1st/2nd/3rd worlds are not very useful terms these days. But for the sake of the poll, I'd love for it to become first world. I love Japan and its one of the most expensive places on earth.

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Even if I wanted Thailand to change it would never, so best to accept things as they are and watch life go by as I imbibe a few pints. :D

Brit, how can you watch the world go by from behind the curtained windows of a Soi 6 Bar ? :rolleyes:

proves how out of touch you are there Mr Go 6. for your information they are located on soi 8 and the windows have blinds now :o

Must have changed since I was in Soi 6 ten Days ago, I'll let you know when I am there again in 3 days time......

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OMG I can't believe it!!

When I voted, I asumed that the over whelming majority of posters would have voted "yes"

I am shocked that the majority voted they would like to see Thailand stay impoverished.

You know...these guys are the ones that suport PAD that want to keep the "lower class" country people in poverty.

That way they have...

1) Cheap sex

2) Cheap love (as long as they keep paying)

3) Well actually there is no 3...

How disgusting, Sometimes I feel ashamed to be a Farang in this country. :o

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Some want red, some want yellow but MOST probably want a GREEN light as in go forward Thailand (finally)

well if maigo and jingthing are correct that a high perecent of the farang here would be squeezed out then i would imagine the oppposite - that many are hoping the red and yellow keep fightin and drive the country down!

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Most of us are here for the weather, the beaches, the food and some for the girls. This package is also so attractive because its relatively cheap. I would wish that the Thai government would focus their efforts on improving the education system dramatically as this is the only chance Thailand can really improve and step up to the competition from other Asian countries.

I don't see this happening anytime soon but if this would happen and as a result the cost of living would increase I would be fine with that. If Thailand gets all the laws and regulations most first world countries have it would s#ck. I enjoy living in a bit more unregulated country to a certain degree.

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Some want red, some want yellow but MOST probably want a GREEN light as in go forward Thailand (finally)

well if maigo and jingthing are correct that a high perecent of the farang here would be squeezed out then i would imagine the oppposite - that many are hoping the red and yellow keep fightin and drive the country down!

That isn't exactly true. I think almost all expats and most Thais for that matter want POLITICAL STABILITY in Thailand. That is not the same things as wanting Thailand to be just like Singapore, Japan, or the US. We didn't leave the west to come to Thailand for that kind of environment. People who did and want to leave the west go to those kinds of places.

BTW, most of us are NOT on the path to be permanent residents or Thai citizens. Many more of us would be if Thai regulations allowed for that. So given that reality, why the shock and horror that the self interest of most expats does not exactly mirror the self interest of most Thais?

Edited by Jingthing
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If Thailand became a 1st world country , at least that would rid the realm of the sex tourists.


I mean, you dont get many sex tourists in Tokyo do you ?

Yet prostitution runs rampant there as it does in every other Asian country. What's your point?

I don't believe in any of the 1st world, 3rd world classification nonsense. Of course these types of conditions exist, but there are 3rd world conditions in some parts of America and other quote unquote advanced countries, although 1st world conditions are predominant. Contrarily, there are 1st world conditions in African tin-pot dictatorships, while the 3rd world conditions predominate.

Personally, I would just like to see Thailand have the opportunity to progress in its own time, in its own way. It is what it is and few if any of us are ever going to be in a position to impact these kinds of changes. There are always going to be very rich and very poor, with many steps on the societal pecking order in between. By far what is more important is that food and medical care are abundant, and people aren't starving or dying of treatable afflictions. If I were to really wish for change, it would be in the immigration laws.

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