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Have The 'impartial' Fa Blundered Again?


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I've just read that the Chairman of the 'independant' panel that gave Patrice Evra his seemingly excessive four match ban was an ARSENAL SEASON TICKET HOLDER.

No wonder the panel chose to say all Man Utd players/staff lied while they believed the Chelsea groundstaff. They could ban Evra while banning the groundstaff

would achieve nothing.

Maybe the FA should continue this impartiality by having;

A Tottenham supporter chairing all Arsenal hearings.

Maybe a Newcastle supporter should chair all Sunderland/Middlesborough hearings.

And I'm sure all Sheffield United supporters would give their eye teeth to chair West Ham hearings (they could form the whole committee if it involved the 'Tevez' affair).

But I think the best would be to ask SAF to chair ANYTHING that involved Benitez/Liverpool :o:D :D

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I've often thought the same sort of thing about Refs..

They're Humans after all, more than a passing interest in Football obviously so it's only natural that they must have followed certain Club's as Kids/Adults, surely ??

They are humans, getting paid a relative pittance of, I believe, around 500 pounds per game. With all the money in the game, that is a ridiculous low amount.

What worries me is the gambling effects.

Look at 'bookings'. Over/under is normally the equivalent of 4-5 bookings per game. Referee earning 500 per game is offered 50000 pounds to ensure equivalent of 5 bookings per game. Possible? Likely?

I believe that this is happening in the game right now, no proof, but gut feeling.

They should make referees, highly paid, highly accountable individuals. Subject to scrutiny and criticism. Pay them a large enough amount, they will put up with the scrutiny and criticism.

There is already talk in the UK about investigations into match fixing, although not involving Premiership games, its only a matter of time. Look what happened in Italy.

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I've often thought the same sort of thing about Refs..

They're Humans after all, more than a passing interest in Football obviously so it's only natural that they must have followed certain Club's as Kids/Adults, surely ??

They are humans, getting paid a relative pittance of, I believe, around 500 pounds per game. With all the money in the game, that is a ridiculous low amount.

What worries me is the gambling effects.

Look at 'bookings'. Over/under is normally the equivalent of 4-5 bookings per game. Referee earning 500 per game is offered 50000 pounds to ensure equivalent of 5 bookings per game. Possible? Likely?

I believe that this is happening in the game right now, no proof, but gut feeling.

They should make referees, highly paid, highly accountable individuals. Subject to scrutiny and criticism. Pay them a large enough amount, they will put up with the scrutiny and criticism.

There is already talk in the UK about investigations into match fixing, although not involving Premiership games, its only a matter of time. Look what happened in Italy.

Yep, agree sadly...

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There is already talk in the UK about investigations into match fixing, although not involving Premiership games, its only a matter of time. Look what happened in Italy.

Well if Swindon Town are involved at all in match fixing, I wish that they'd fix it so that we win a bloody game or two.

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I've often thought the same sort of thing about Refs..

They're Humans after all, more than a passing interest in Football obviously so it's only natural that they must have followed certain Club's as Kids/Adults, surely ??

They are humans, getting paid a relative pittance of, I believe, around 500 pounds per game. With all the money in the game, that is a ridiculous low amount.

What worries me is the gambling effects.

Look at 'bookings'. Over/under is normally the equivalent of 4-5 bookings per game. Referee earning 500 per game is offered 50000 pounds to ensure equivalent of 5 bookings per game. Possible? Likely?

I believe that this is happening in the game right now, no proof, but gut feeling.

They should make referees, highly paid, highly accountable individuals. Subject to scrutiny and criticism. Pay them a large enough amount, they will put up with the scrutiny and criticism.

There is already talk in the UK about investigations into match fixing, although not involving Premiership games, its only a matter of time. Look what happened in Italy.

I am not sure what the FA is trying to prove. Firstly, they are loaded. The EPL is the best league with many of the best players - why can't we 'buy' the best refs.

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There is already talk in the UK about investigations into match fixing, although not involving Premiership games, its only a matter of time. Look what happened in Italy.

Well if Swindon Town are involved at all in match fixing, I wish that they'd fix it so that we win a bloody game or two.

Cough cough Lou Macari cough cough..

& they say Football Fans have short memories !!! :o

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I've often thought the same sort of thing about Refs..

They're Humans after all, more than a passing interest in Football obviously so it's only natural that they must have followed certain Club's as Kids/Adults, surely ??

They are humans, getting paid a relative pittance of, I believe, around 500 pounds per game. With all the money in the game, that is a ridiculous low amount.

What worries me is the gambling effects.

Look at 'bookings'. Over/under is normally the equivalent of 4-5 bookings per game. Referee earning 500 per game is offered 50000 pounds to ensure equivalent of 5 bookings per game. Possible? Likely?

I believe that this is happening in the game right now, no proof, but gut feeling.

They should make referees, highly paid, highly accountable individuals. Subject to scrutiny and criticism. Pay them a large enough amount, they will put up with the scrutiny and criticism.

There is already talk in the UK about investigations into match fixing, although not involving Premiership games, its only a matter of time. Look what happened in Italy.

The EPL refs are on a lot more than 500 quid a game, they were on 50k a year going back 8 or 9 years ago, as one of mt cricket team mates back in the UK was a premiership ref.

I don't doubt though, that there are refs abusing their position. I understand one of the reasons why Caltennburg was suspended, was becasue of these fears, along with his dodgy business practices.

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The EPL refs are on a lot more than 500 quid a game, they were on 50k a year going back 8 or 9 years ago, as one of mt cricket team mates back in the UK was a premiership ref.

I don't doubt though, that there are refs abusing their position. I understand one of the reasons why Caltennburg was suspended, was becasue of these fears, along with his dodgy business practices.

Is that right about Clattenburg is it Toady ??

I was completely unaware of that & thought he was one of thebetter Refs to be honest..

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The EPL refs are on a lot more than 500 quid a game, they were on 50k a year going back 8 or 9 years ago, as one of mt cricket team mates back in the UK was a premiership ref.

I don't doubt though, that there are refs abusing their position. I understand one of the reasons why Caltennburg was suspended, was becasue of these fears, along with his dodgy business practices.

Is that right about Clattenburg is it Toady ??

I was completely unaware of that & thought he was one of thebetter Refs to be honest..

Yeah, mate. He was involved in soome pretty dodgy business transactions, which was not good for PR, but one of the other reason was because they felt that he would be vulnerable to bribes considering his large debts. I guess it's no different than when you apply to work in certain jobs, where financial insecurity could make you a risk. Certainly when I got seconded to HMPS :o from the NHS :D , the first thing they wanted were all my financial details, history etc, I don't doubt that they did a bloody good check of it as well.

Here's a link


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The EPL refs are on a lot more than 500 quid a game, they were on 50k a year going back 8 or 9 years ago, as one of mt cricket team mates back in the UK was a premiership ref.

I don't doubt though, that there are refs abusing their position. I understand one of the reasons why Caltennburg was suspended, was becasue of these fears, along with his dodgy business practices.

Is that right about Clattenburg is it Toady ??

I was completely unaware of that & thought he was one of thebetter Refs to be honest..

Definately what you would call a dodgy geezer.

Had a legal dispute with his business partner, supposedly ran up personal debts of 200k. Then stupidly sent an e mail to his business partner, threatening his family if he pursued him through the courts.

His business partner then sent the e mail to the FA along with other allegations (these have not been made public)

Interestingly, a computer that Clattenberg used for his electrical business, was examined and found to show several visits to betting sites :o

Clattenberg denies everything, but it appears as though he will NOT be reinstated by the FA.

No smoke without fire, as they say

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The EPL refs are on a lot more than 500 quid a game, they were on 50k a year going back 8 or 9 years ago, as one of mt cricket team mates back in the UK was a premiership ref.

I don't doubt though, that there are refs abusing their position. I understand one of the reasons why Caltennburg was suspended, was becasue of these fears, along with his dodgy business practices.

Is that right about Clattenburg is it Toady ??

I was completely unaware of that & thought he was one of thebetter Refs to be honest..

Definately what you would call a dodgy geezer.

Had a legal dispute with his business partner, supposedly ran up personal debts of 200k. Then stupidly sent an e mail to his business partner, threatening his family if he pursued him through the courts.

His business partner then sent the e mail to the FA along with other allegations (these have not been made public)

Interestingly, a computer that Clattenberg used for his electrical business, was examined and found to show several visits to betting sites :o

Clattenberg denies everything, but it appears as though he will NOT be reinstated by the FA.

No smoke without fire, as they say

Oh well, thanks for clarifying Chaps, you learn something new every day..

He was one of the better Refs though & teh standard especially when the standard of Referreeing at home is so bad currently..

What a soppy Northern Idiot !! :D

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