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Swedish Couple Sentenced To 15 Month In Jail.


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15 months in prison for stealing two t-shirts? Pretty harsh, IMHO.

Why not let the punishment fit the crime, make these two idiots do 30 days of community service (picking up trash, scrubbing sidewalks...) then deport them.

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Good, they also should be horsewhipped for good measure.

What a bunch of tools.

You assume they are guilty

Do you actually live in Thailand? Do you integrate with Thais? Can you discuss things with Thais in their own language? Your response indicates not

You are obviously not very good at spotting humour. Anyway, what difference does it make if he lives in Thailand, integrates with Thais or can discuss things with Thais? Two people have been very stupid and have received somewhat disproportionate sentences indicating the imbalance of what goes down as the judicial system in Thailand.

The comment was aimed as much at the courts as at the offenders who were a pair of tools

Do you in your "life" in Thailand fully integrated with Thais discussing major events like this have any opinion yourself?

You response indicates a lack of life. I suggest you go get one, your local Walmart should be able to help.

Absolutely Phil.

And for the benefit of southerndown and i hope Toady doesn't mind MY answering for him but yes, Toady does live and work in Thailand :o

he may live and work in thailand, i was merely asking because his point was naive.

but wherever le lives and works he is still naive and obviously does not like any one having an opinion different from him. as i said, flaming gives away the fact that he has lost his argument

i've corrected your english for you too, since this seems to be pantomime season and you like wind-ups

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Sounds like there must have been abit more to this. but they were probably drunk, took some shit t-shirts because they thought it would be fun and now they are screwed. what's the saying, don't play with fire if you don't want to be burnt.... by the way i am new, not that it matters or you guys probably give a shit but still, hi.


and welcome

so long as you can put up with the flaming and don't assume everyone knows what they are talking about just enjoy.

for serious stuff get some close thai friends and get chatting. you get very different perspectives than the average farang who can't get rid of his western attitudes and mind set

if this were a thai forum with thai posters i guess a high percntage would take the view that thism was a police stitch up. but yes they could have been drunk with a misplaced sense of fun

welcome, again and enjoy

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Sounds like there must have been abit more to this. but they were probably drunk, took some shit t-shirts because they thought it would be fun and now they are screwed. what's the saying, don't play with fire if you don't want to be burnt.... by the way i am new, not that it matters or you guys probably give a shit but still, hi.


and welcome

so long as you can put up with the flaming and don't assume everyone knows what they are talking about just enjoy.

for serious stuff get some close thai friends and get chatting. you get very different perspectives than the average farang who can't get rid of his western attitudes and mind set

if this were a thai forum with thai posters i guess a high percntage would take the view that thism was a police stitch up. but yes they could have been drunk with a misplaced sense of fun

welcome, again and enjoy

Aww, you do have a superiority complex don't you?

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While on the topic of correcting English, let's have a closer look at what you have written.

but wherever l (h) e lives and works he is still naive and obviously does not like any(no space)one having an opinion different from him (his own). as i said, flaming gives away the fact that he has lost his argument

As for the Swedish couple, they won't see 15 days nevermind 15 years. The connections between the two countries are at the highest level possible ( :o ) and this story is not good for either one of them.

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15 months in prison for stealing two t-shirts? Pretty harsh, IMHO.

Why not let the punishment fit the crime, make these two idiots do 30 days of community service (picking up trash, scrubbing sidewalks...) then deport them.

Because of all the stuff that they stole that they did not get caught for. :o

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A better punishment, send them back to Sweden in January, and make them wear the t-shirts they stole, and ONLY the t-shirts. Brrrrrr.

Their sentence is ridiculous but I remember when people getting caught with a pot joint in Texas got 30 years, so its hard be judgmental. Don't steal t-shirts I guess that's the take home here.

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I don't have much sympathy for shoplifters but 15 months seems harsh.

I also wonder how much it will cost to keep them in prison.

Is there a system in Thailand where they can send foreigners back to their own country to serve a sentence?

hawkup... thank you for the translation.

One part did make me chuckle...

"Since the arrest the woman has been sharing cell in Phuket with 150 criminal women. The man had a similar situation."

I'm not sure if the bloke being in with 150 criminal women has it for better or worse.

Worse, I think. Worse.

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While on the topic of correcting English, let's have a closer look at what you have written.

but wherever l (h) e lives and works he is still naive and obviously does not like any(no space)one having an opinion different from him (his own). as i said, flaming gives away the fact that he has lost his argument

As for the Swedish couple, they won't see 15 days nevermind 15 years. The connections between the two countries are at the highest level possible ( :D ) and this story is not good for either one of them.

:o A good spot, but couldn't be bothered to get involved in the grammar war.

People in glass houses, eh James?

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I don't have much sympathy for shoplifters but 15 months seems harsh.

I know a lot of Thai merchants who have tried to prosecute farangs who they know have been stealing from their stores regularly. When they catch then redhanded, the police don't want tp prosecute because it is too much work. People who travel and steal to finance their trips deserve to suffer for it.

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Who among us has not done some very stupid things when we were/are young? No sympathy? When did your hearts get so cold?

Its a funny world. Bernie Madoff is luxuriating in his 7 million dollar Manhattan penthouse for stealing 50 billion dollars, but these young Swedes are rotting in a third world prison for basically nothing. Yes, 2 t shirts is nothing.

Edited by Jingthing
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Good, they also should be horsewhipped for good measure.

What a bunch of tools.

You assume they are guilty

Do you actually live in Thailand? Do you integrate with Thais? Can you discuss things with Thais in their own language? Your response indicates not

You are obviously not very good at spotting humour. Anyway, what difference does it make if he lives in Thailand, integrates with Thais or can discuss things with Thais? Two people have been very stupid and have received somewhat disproportionate sentences indicating the imbalance of what goes down as the judicial system in Thailand.

The comment was aimed as much at the courts as at the offenders who were a pair of tools

Do you in your "life" in Thailand fully integrated with Thais discussing major events like this have any opinion yourself?

You response indicates a lack of life. I suggest you go get one, your local Walmart should be able to help.

Absolutely Phil.

And for the benefit of southerndown and i hope Toady doesn't mind MY answering for him but yes, Toady does live and work in Thailand :o

he may live and work in thailand, i was merely asking because his point was naive.

but wherever le lives and works he is still naive and obviously does not like any one having an opinion different from him. as i said, flaming gives away the fact that he has lost his argument

i've corrected your english for you too, since this seems to be pantomime season and you like wind-ups

Leave ME English alone. I did not ask you to correct it and i do not wish you to correct it. If i wish to speed type and post in haste, that is my prerogative and not yours to question or to correct.

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Good, they also should be horsewhipped for good measure.

What a bunch of tools.

You assume they are guilty

Do you actually live in Thailand? Do you integrate with Thais? Can you discuss things with Thais in their own language? Your response indicates not

You are obviously not very good at spotting humour. Anyway, what difference does it make if he lives in Thailand, integrates with Thais or can discuss things with Thais? Two people have been very stupid and have received somewhat disproportionate sentences indicating the imbalance of what goes down as the judicial system in Thailand.

The comment was aimed as much at the courts as at the offenders who were a pair of tools

Do you in your "life" in Thailand fully integrated with Thais discussing major events like this have any opinion yourself?

You response indicates a lack of life. I suggest you go get one, your local Walmart should be able to help.

firstly, i do not think it was intended as humour - just a stupid tv remark typical of many but not all on here -

second, i can't see how a couple being in jail is humourous, but againn this is tv

third, yes i have an opinion. i said - though you missed it - "you assume they are guilty" and you could have gathered from that what my opinion was. other posters have commented in a similar vein but then their brain was in gear before moving off the starting blocks of flaming replies.

fourth, i grinned at your final sentence but i could have made it much funnier. your comic talent is not that great isn it?


Keep on posting, this could turn into an interesting thread.

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Who among us has not done some very stupid things when we were/are young? No sympathy? When did your hearts get so cold?

When I started a business that is a lot of work and only makes a small profit and garbage like this started stealing from me. :o

Yes, I understand why retailers would be pissed off. But you are biased. They are just dumb kids. And they are not garbage if being shirt lifters is the extent of their high crimes.

Edited by Jingthing
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Who among us has not done some very stupid things when we were/are young? No sympathy? When did your hearts get so cold?

When I started a business that is a lot of work and only makes a small profit and garbage like this started stealing from me. :o

Yes, I understand why retailers would be pissed off. But you are biased. They are just dumb kids. And they are not garbage if being shirt lifters is the extent of their high crimes.

had they been caught with a joint the same people who cry excess would be rallying to have them lynched.

the "you do the crime, do the time" crew seems to have a double standard.

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Who among us has not done some very stupid things when we were/are young? No sympathy? When did your hearts get so cold?

When I started a business that is a lot of work and only makes a small profit and garbage like this started stealing from me. :o

Yes, I understand why retailers would be pissed off. But you are biased. They are just dumb kids. And they are not garbage if being shirt lifters is the extent of their high crimes.

I am friends with a lot of Thai retailers and, as I said before, there are a number of farangs who come here and steal constantly to pay for their trips. I have had to throw them out of my stores permanantly (you have to catch them outside the store with the item to prosecute) and I have seen Thais catch them with expensive items in their pants and when the police arrived they refused to arrest them.

I'm sorry, but these scum deserve no special considerations for being stupid enough to steal in a foreign country where you should be on your best behavior.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Good, they also should be horsewhipped for good measure.

What a bunch of tools.

You sound like a miserable men mr.Toad

Was said in Jest. See another thread. :o

Do the crime, do the time. I'm consistent on that.

Edited by mrtoad
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Ulysses G.>> You think they stole 2 t-shirts to finance their, pre-paid, trip? :D

No, I think that they stole stuff pretty much every day to cut down on costs or trade or re-sell, and I have seen travelers doing this regularly in Chiang Mai and often the shopkeepers can not get the police to get involved until they get a bunch of complaints about the same person. Not many shoplifters get caught the first time that they do it. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Sounds like there must have been abit more to this. but they were probably drunk, took some shit t-shirts because they thought it would be fun and now they are screwed. what's the saying, don't play with fire if you don't want to be burnt.... by the way i am new, not that it matters or you guys probably give a shit but still, hi.


and welcome

so long as you can put up with the flaming and don't assume everyone knows what they are talking about just enjoy.

for serious stuff get some close thai friends and get chatting. you get very different perspectives than the average farang who can't get rid of his western attitudes and mind set

if this were a thai forum with thai posters i guess a high percntage would take the view that thism was a police stitch up. but yes they could have been drunk with a misplaced sense of fun

welcome, again and enjoy

Aww, you do have a superiority complex don't you?

no: i have an opinion and i respect other people's opinions

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Ulysses G.>> You think they stole 2 t-shirts to finance their, pre-paid, trip? :D

No, I think that they stole stuff pretty much every day to cut down on costs or trade or re-sell, and I have seen travelers doing this regularly in Chiang Mai and often the shopkeepers can not get the police to get involved until they get a bunch of complaints about the same person. Not many shoplifters get caught the first time that they do it. :o

Ofcourse you have nothing to support this theory of yours?

Sounded more like the guy did a stupid thing while being drunk, not completely uncommon for brats on vacations even if it's more common in gangs of guys and going to Ibiza or other party places...

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Good, they also should be horsewhipped for good measure.

What a bunch of tools.

You assume they are guilty

Do you actually live in Thailand? Do you integrate with Thais? Can you discuss things with Thais in their own language? Your response indicates not

You are obviously not very good at spotting humour. Anyway, what difference does it make if he lives in Thailand, integrates with Thais or can discuss things with Thais? Two people have been very stupid and have received somewhat disproportionate sentences indicating the imbalance of what goes down as the judicial system in Thailand.

The comment was aimed as much at the courts as at the offenders who were a pair of tools

Do you in your "life" in Thailand fully integrated with Thais discussing major events like this have any opinion yourself?

You response indicates a lack of life. I suggest you go get one, your local Walmart should be able to help.

Absolutely Phil.

And for the benefit of southerndown and i hope Toady doesn't mind MY answering for him but yes, Toady does live and work in Thailand :o

he may live and work in thailand, i was merely asking because his point was naive.

but wherever le lives and works he is still naive and obviously does not like any one having an opinion different from him. as i said, flaming gives away the fact that he has lost his argument

i've corrected your english for you too, since this seems to be pantomime season and you like wind-ups

Leave ME English alone. I did not ask you to correct it and i do not wish you to correct it. If i wish to speed type and post in haste, that is my prerogative and not yours to question or to correct.

I'm only winding you up because of the naive way you are approaching this thread. What was it that was said in an earlier post "get a life"

What about Madoff's sentence and the sentence to be given to the owners of the Bangkok nightclub!! Let's get this in perpective.

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no: i have an opinion and i respect other people's opinions

That's a bit of a contradiction, considering some of the assumptions that you have made, and changing peoples posts.

I have no problem with your opinion, nothing wrong with it, but if you start making unbased assumptions then people are going to challenge you.

Have a good day, I certainly am. :o

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