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Forgot My 90 Day Reporting...

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I have tried searching the forum for this as I am sure has been asked before but could not find anything under ''90 day reporting.''

I was meant to do my 90 day reporting in December 09 but the slip had disappeared from inside the front of my passport and I forgot to enter the date in my diary. Nevertheless I extended my 1 year Non immigrant B visa until Jan next year a few weeks ago and nothing was mentioned or checked as regards not doing my 90 day reporting of address.

Where do I stand please. A trip to Immigration, an apology and a fine...?

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I have tried searching the forum for this as I am sure has been asked before but could not find anything under ''90 day reporting.''

I was meant to do my 90 day reporting in December 09 but the slip had disappeared from inside the front of my passport and I forgot to enter the date in my diary. Nevertheless I extended my 1 year Non immigrant B visa until Jan next year a few weeks ago and nothing was mentioned or checked as regards not doing my 90 day reporting of address.

Where do I stand please. A trip to Immigration, an apology and a fine...?

2,000 Baht fine. They will catch up with you eventually, so better to get it over with.

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2,000 Baht fine. They will catch up with you eventually, so better to get it over with.

Yes, it's almost always a good idea to correct your mistakes in a timely manner and keep things tidy.

However, if by chance you are planning a trip in the near future, departing Thailand by air, it is unlikely that you will be fined at the airport, and your 90 day cycle will be re-started upon your return.

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It is easy to get the days wrong. I forgot. Sent the TM to Immigration. No reply. Sent again. No reply. Have posting receipts. Went to get a Visa extension. Official 1: Overstay 7 Days 3500Baht. Not overstay..My visa in order. Visa extension issued. Official 2. Oh Never Mind. Just count 90 days from date of new Visa. True! never had anyone ask for 90 Day notification at airport......Helps to have 4 year old child in arms!

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But don't you think that they at the immigration offices they actually record your show up and when you will need to show up for your next 90 day check in? How much is it each day or as stated in another post, is it really only a 2000 baht slap on the wallet? Technically speaking, if you don't show up, it is an overstay, but then again, I haven't fouled up yet.


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I have tried searching the forum for this as I am sure has been asked before but could not find anything under ''90 day reporting.''

I was meant to do my 90 day reporting in December 09 but the slip had disappeared from inside the front of my passport and I forgot to enter the date in my diary. Nevertheless I extended my 1 year Non immigrant B visa until Jan next year a few weeks ago and nothing was mentioned or checked as regards not doing my 90 day reporting of address.

Where do I stand please. A trip to Immigration, an apology and a fine...?

I think you mean December 08! :o:D:D

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I was meant to do my 90 day reporting in December 09 but the slip had disappeared from inside the front of my passport and I forgot to enter the date in my diary. Nevertheless I extended my 1 year Non immigrant B visa until Jan next year a few weeks ago and nothing was mentioned or checked as regards not doing my 90 day reporting of address.

Your situation is similar to mine, except I was supposed to report in Oct and forgot, so I let it go to see what would happen if when I went for the year visa.

Isn't the extension considered as reporting, as your address is on the forms? What happens if you go to a different immigration office than where you've reported before? Seen as you only get a paper receipt, I'm not sure if all this goes in the computer.

This rule has been around for a long time, but for the first few years I was here they didn't enforce it. The in about '97 they started enforcing retrospectively, which provided a nice windfall.

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The going fine might be 2,000 baht, but as I pointed out earlier, the law states differently.

Maybe one day they do start to enforce the law and the fines going with that (5,000 baht + 200 baht per day).

Better take this seriously.

Edited by sniffdog
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The going fine might be 2,000 baht, but as I pointed out earlier, the law states differently.

Maybe one day they do start to enforce the law and the fines going with that (5,000 baht + 200 baht per day).

Read the law again:

Section 37 : An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the following :

5. If the alien stays in the Kingdom longer than ninety days, such alien must notify the competent official at the Immigration Division , in writing , concerning his place of stay , as soon as possible upon expiration of ninety days. The alien is required to do so every ninety days. Where there is an Immigration Office , the alien may notify a competent Immigration Official of that office.

Section 76 : Any alien, alien, who fails to comply with the provisions of Section 37(2),(3),(4)or(5) shall be punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht and with and additional fine not exceeding 200 Baht for each day which passes until the law is complied with.

Section 84 : In all offenses under this Act, except the provisions of Section 62 Para.1 Section 63 , 64, 71 and 82 Para.2. The settlement Commission ,consisting of the Police Department’s Director General or Representative, the Public Prosecution Department’s Director General or Representative, and the Immigration Division’s Commander or Representative, as the, members shall have the authority to assign duty of settlement to the Inquiry Official or the competent official by fixing a settlement rule or any conditions as the Settlement Commission my deem proper.

When the offender has paid the fine as stipulate, the case shall be deemed settled under the

Criminal Procedure Code.

Look at the words “not exceeding” and reflect upon them. The law sates that the fine is 0 Baht or 5,000 Baht or anything in between, plus 0 Baht or 200 Baht or anything in between per day, starting from the day you receive the order to pay the fine, until the fine is paid.

So who decides the amount of the fine? Basically, it is a court of law, but so that not each individual case has to go automatically to court a competent authority, in this case the Settlement Commission, has made a list of what I call “summary fines”. In the current list, the summary fine for late submission of the 90-day address report is 2,000 Baht. If you pay this, your case is settled for good. If you prefer, you can have your case brought to court and the judge will make an individual decision in your case.

This is how this particular penalty clause of the Immigration Act works. The law is already now being enforced correctly.



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I posted my TM47 off for the 90 day reporting. Two weeks later I still hadn't received the acceptance slip that they send back. My wife phoned and they said they hadn't received my TM47 notification. Not a problem they said "just resend, putting all the original dates on the TM47 form". The acceptance slip was returned a week later with no fine or penalty.

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