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Progressive Glasses


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I have previously bought multifocal glasses here in pattaya, but now they are rather scratched, i would like to get another pair.

I have heard in other countries we can get a scratch protective coating (sillicone dipped) on you new glasses, but when i ask here they (the girls in the optical shop) just look at you with a blank stare.

Anyhow also i have been to a couple of shops that offer free test and when the result is given to you they are no where the same, so one would ask why the disrepency.

also the price varies a fair bit, so would perfer some thing resonabilily priced.

I had one lady tell me my old lenses are very good quality,(made in Germany) and the replacement price would be 16,500 baht.

well in fact my lenses are made in hong Kong and they cost less that 6000b, so need less to say i just walk straight out.

so if any one can advise me where i can get a proper service, dont mind to travel a little ways, ie rayong or SirAcha, if need be.

please only quote the prices and experience you had purchasing your multifocal glasses that darken in the sunlight.

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I've been using varifocal lenses for years. I first had them made at Top Charon in Mikes Mall. They worked well for a while until they became scratched so I went back to order new ones. The girl in there suggested hard coating so I went with that and they worked well for a couple of years until the frames broke. Cost of the lenses back then around B4000.

A couple of years back I moved to Jomtien so went to the Top Charon shop there, bought new varifocal glassess with hard lenses but after a short while they scratched badly simply from the action of cleaning them with a proper cleaning cloth and putting them in a case. Went back. They said I had mistreated them. OK bought a new pair in November last year, hard coated and all for the price around 4k. Three weeks back I had trouble looking at the computer screen and the TV. Guess what they are badly scratched from cleaning them with their cloth and putting them in their case. Went back, same story, the girl said I had been mistreating them, My GF said they are new hard coated lenses and should not scratch in a few weeks use therefore are not suitable for the purpose for which they were sold and could we have the number of head office as we believe these are sub standard lenses. The girl refused to give us the number of the head office and threatened to call the police if we did not leave. We left, never to return. Maybe they are using a sub standard supplier or maybe the people in the shop are using there own supplier and selling it on, or maybe I am not being given hard coated as I paid for, whatever, bad experience though with them.

Back to the present. Went into the shop at Lotus. Better Vision I think is the name. Oh yes says the guy in the shop, maybe not so good lens but anyway why don't you have glass lens? Cannot scratch. So I ordered up the glass lenses and paid a deposit. The total cost of the lens only as of yesterday was B5200 plus a frame for B1500. A little heavier than plastic and take a little longer to make but can't scratch.

Plastic lenses are a little more expensive than glass apparently.

I found the staff at Better Vision great, knowledgeble and helpful. I believe they do the actual fitting of the lens on the premises.

Edited by Rimmer
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I'm just here to shamelessly piggy back on Chris's request. I have bifocals, with coated, plastic, "Transitions" (adjust to light automatically) lenses. My lenses are very thick, so glass lenses are out of the question. (I'd need a sling to keep them on my face!)

I bought these lenses in the USA. They are now more than 3 years old, and one of them is scratched from a fall I took a couple of years ago. It's not in my direct line of vision, so I can deal with it. But it is time for a change.

I hope somebody has a good experience to pass along to Chris and me, with regard to both a highly qualified optometrist, and a reliable source for lenses, whether the same person/shop or not.

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I just bought a pair of glasses at Beautiful Optical on jomtien beach road. Supposedly German Glass lenses and a tungstun frame. I paid 10,000 baht. They are supposed to be scratch coated, but I have only had them for a few days so I don't know if they are or not. I have not had good luck with plastic lenses. I bought a pair in the states and after a year, they seemed out of focus like the lenses had warped or something. My older glass lenses still were good for far distance but the reading portion needed to be updated. They still work better than the plastic lenses.

I got a vision test where they put on a set of "glasses" and substituted different lenses until you saw the best. All for 10,000 baht.

Edited by rmicheald
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Someone on another TV thread recommended Euro Optic opposite Royal Garden Plaza And Marriot Resort on Pattaya 2nd road. Specialize in progressive lenses.

Did price comparison and they were substantially more expensive than my usual choice Pattaya Optical on N. side of Klang above 2nd Rd.


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The first pair of glasses (bi-focals) that I bought at Top Charon in Jomtien got scratched after a few months, using their cleaning cloth. The second pair (progressives) lasted about six months before becoming too scratched to use. Finally a friend told me to clean them only at the sink, running water and gently rubbing with dish washing detergent, then drying with a soft cloth.

Voila! This pair has been just fine for over 18 months now. The folks in the store seem to be just fine and I am happy with the glasses. I paid 5,900 baht with an anti-scratch coating and the photo gray lenses (I supplied the frames).

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Against Scratches:

I clean my glasses under fluent water with sunlight (dishwashing soap). After that i use "Lady Scott" Tissues, but DON'T wipe the glasses. Dip the waterdrops away only, so you don't scratch them.

Hmm! That's what my optician advises me to do to prevent scratches. It works!!!


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I am using hard coated lenses for years and they scratch easy and look horrible after about 6 months.Purchased several sets from different shops over the years and mostly they advice Hoya as the best.Last time,about 8 months ago,I got my latest lenses from beautiful optical on pattaya klang and they had Essilor lenses at a price better then Hoya.As of today they are still scratch free.

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Best way is to check the prices out of the lens yourself in different shops. Note there are different qualities of lens ranging from the cheapest thick ones at about 3500 - 4500 baht, normal thin at about 5500 - 8000 and super thin (made in Germany?) over 10,000.

I once had a pair of the cheap thick ones made but found that the side-vision was too out-of-focus for my liking. I had to have a new pair of the thinner (Hoya, made in Thailand) ones made instead.

PS my prices are Bangkok prices and for my eyes.

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  • 1 year later...

Someone on another TV thread recommended Euro Optic opposite Royal Garden Plaza And Marriot Resort on Pattaya 2nd road. Specialize in progressive lenses.

I'd just like to say i used this forum for recommendations and visited Euro Optic and got the best service from a shop that I have ever experienced here in Thailand.

I even had a slight problem that they remidied promptly and free of charge too.

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