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So, that's it. I've now reached the point where I am ready to join up.

Bring on the revolution. I have had enough of

Politicians - who were given the trust and responsibility to represent and protect us, paying themselves millions in the process.

Bankers - who accepted our money and gamboled it away, paying themselves billions in the process.

I have been through

- the denial phase (surely it will be over soon)

- the logical phase (move money around looking for somewhere safe)

- jesus phase (is it really now this bad?)

- acceptance phase (yes is dam_n well is)

so now I am in the Kill The Responsible phase.

Really, I am very angry about this.

These governments have presided over populations who they know are not always going to make the right personal decisions. That is why we have laws and politicians to make them, codes of conduct, FSA's to prevent your average George, Joe or John from himself. So what happened? They have FAILED.

Now I am one of the most passive people I know. But I am now very angry that my trust has been proven to be misplaced, and I have been let down.

If I now feel this way, then, once the immensity of what is about to hit the UK in particular, including all the 1,000,000 ex pat pensioners and their families, where will it lead to? The Icelandic government is besieged, in Greece there have been riots. The Brits can take a lot, but once they get riled then the fighting becomes very bitter.

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Gotta be bad when the opposition is stating that the mess is so big they wouldn't know the depth of it until they are elected.....then not following up with 'elect us' plea!!!!! :o

If I now feel this way, then, once the immensity of what is about to hit the UK in particular, including all the 1,000,000 ex pat pensioners and their families, where will it lead to? The Icelandic government is besieged, in Greece there have been riots. The Brits can take a lot, but once they get riled then the fighting becomes very bitter.

Do you really think that the people have kept their sense, and ability to revolt ? Good for you, it leaves some hope. As for myself, I don't.

General De Gaulle was right. Speaking about the french people he says : "The french are... veals". I know, not very nice, but so true.

People are passive, with a liquefied brain.

Panem et circenses.

Why they made a revolution in 1789 ? Because no bread... But today ? Even with a very deep crisis, they will keep their pint of beer, some KFC or McDonald, and some TV show or football matches... Largely enough to keep them quiet.


Pint of IPA is down to 99 pence...and could go lower .......wot do you want FREE Beer...maybe tomorrow... :o

Pint of IPA is down to 99 pence...and could go lower .......wot do you want FREE Beer...maybe tomorrow... :o

They should pay you to drink IPA :D


I'm mostly pissed about the bailout. It was paraded before us just like the Iraq war with the government saying we had to rush to action or the end of the world was neigh. Well the thing passed and what happens? Bankers redecorated their offices and gave themselves bonuses. That was the biggest scam of a lifetime and I have to unwillingly pay for it. All that will happen at the end of this is the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. CEOs and bankers are not suffering just the chumpy office bots like I used to be. It's amazing the people who made this problem with their greed and incompetence are being richly rewarded. However personally I like watching Wall Street crash and hope it goes lower because corporations deserve to be making less. I doubt a revolution is coming but if the big guy might suffer just a little bit it will be worth it though I doubt they will suffer as long as we keep throwing them a bone and enabling this crap. I do think the economic collapse is real but a bunch of opportunist vultures seized on it as a means to widen the economic divide as they pout that they can't get 5 million bonuses every quarter and need more billions to keep the scam going.

So, that's it. I've now reached the point where I am ready to join up.

Bring on the revolution. I have had enough of

so now I am in the Kill The Responsible phase.

Really, I am very angry about this.

You know it is amazing as you read & talk with others how many are reaching a boiling point. It is also obvious the governments are also hearing these things.

There is much talk of troops being called home & told they will be asked to help.

Who knows for sure which way it is really going.

But like you so many are so mad. The best thing the govt can do is keep the confusion going because if folks ever get a clear cut direction from where this all sprang............. :o I swear if anyone says Let them eat cake they would be dismantled

Was this link form this site? I am not sure but it is similar in that folks were fed up at that time too.


But I do not think a sword slap would do it this time. I think folks would be very hard to control this time around & they will not let themselves get to that tent city type point.

I'm mostly pissed about the bailout. It was paraded before us just like the Iraq war with the government saying we had to rush to action or the end of the world was neigh. Well the thing passed and what happens?

Exactly my beef from the start. I saw it & yelled & yelled &wrote mails. It failed the 1st time then our representation got scared into passing it.

That was the biggest scam of a lifetime and I have to unwillingly pay for it. All that will happen at the end of this is the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer.

See this is where I think your wrong. We do not have to pay it. By refusing to pay it we will in fact collapse/change the whole worthless system. Fiat currency is only backed by *our* promise/taxes/sweat.

It will not be painless but it will taste so much better than the alternative you give.



That is pretty bad reading I will agree!

Hey how about this.......

Prime Minister Geir Haarde shocked the country on Friday when he said he would not seek re-election and called for a general election on May 9.

No Sheet Sherlock :D

Have you seen this?

Not sure about it as I just saw it & have not really read it yet



Expats Brits are feeling this quicker than most brits with the Currency exchange. I think its starting to hit home slowly, My sister finds out wether she's got a Job still this week. Slowly but surely the pains comming. Granted it takes a lot to pull our Sick nation away from its Soccer , Bingo and Soap Opera's but be pulled away they will for sure. They'll need to pull the troops back , not a bad thing. After the Riots and Lynchings have subdued we'll have to start minding our own F***ing Business and develop some self interest and realise we are not a World Power anymore. A Bit of protectionism not unlike the Thais use wouldn't go a miss too.

Angry ? Me ? Too ******* Right.

Slowly but surely the pains comming. Granted it takes a lot to pull our Sick nation away from its Soccer ,

Angry ? Me ? Too ******* Right.

You know the best part of those 2 articles 12 drinks posted? For me it was reading the comments at the bottom. Click on View more & read some. Wow

The Iceland story was filled with folks saying this is what we need to stand up & tell Brown get out.

PS : Hey just so you dont think we have it easy here check this next week we have in store....



You'll have to spell it out to me Flying.

Its still early in the day and .......... we'll I'm Thick.

As for Brown, He's now spouting about a 'New World Order' AGAIN ! coming out of this. maybe he's Illuminazi as well. waste of good breathing Air. Where's that other useless Bar steward Prescott when we desperately need someone to despise. ;-)

You'll have to spell it out to me Flying.

Its still early in the day and .......... we'll I'm Thick.

As for Brown, He's now spouting about a 'New World Order' AGAIN ! coming out of this. maybe he's Illuminazi as well. waste of good breathing Air. Where's that other useless Bar steward Prescott when we desperately need someone to despise. ;-)

Sorry jubby

I meant at the bottom of the iceland story there were 126 comments


When I clicked on view more I saw them all & most were complaints like this one... Similar to how the US takes too much from our govt & it takes something like Iceland for the folks to say enough is enough

I wish we could have daily protests and demonstrations and put our own useless mob of secret expenses quaffing political pigs out on the cobbles. Oh, dear God, how I wish the British people would get some stiffening in their spines and give the lions roar that I know they are capable of.

Old Olly Cromwell would have known how to handle a corrupt rump parliament like this bunch of miscreants. It burns me to think that the Chief Nincompoop gets to say when we can vote him and his crew out of office. And believe me Georgie Brown, you are going down in flames. In the last few local elections that have been held recently even the BNP were able to get a bigger vote than Labour. And how come the press don't have anything to say about that?


Thanks Flying. People are pissed aren't they.

Not sure the other 'party' would have done any better. Decent Politicians are rarer than Earthquakes in Blighty I'm afraid.

After the Riots and Lynchings have subdued we'll have to start minding our own F***ing Business and develop some self interest and realise we are not a World Power anymore. A Bit of protectionism not unlike the Thais use wouldn't go a miss too.

Angry ? Me ? Too ******* Right.

Isolationism, appeasement and navel gazing didn't serve England too well when Chamberlain tried that route. Maybe the UK isn't a world power but it is in its economic and social interests to ensure that lunatics do not operate terrorist bases in Afghanistan and that it's energy suppliers in the middle east are not interfered with. As well, moral values are worth something. I wouldn't be too hard on the UK because it did the right thing at the time.

Protectionism? Bit too late for that. The house isn't just on fire, it burnt down in the 70's under Labour rule and the embers are cold. The British people gave up on their manufacturing industries years ago when they like everyone else in the west embraced the crappy but cheap goods that flowed out of asian and latin american sweatshops. I remember when I was a kid, my grandfather getting me a pair of oxfords and telling me that when he was a boy he had them and that the British made the best shoes in the world. Are there any shoe manufacturers left to protect now? I still have a woolen RAF scarf one of my family members used in WWII. Little bit worn and shrunk, but I doubt a chinese manufactured scarf would have lasted 65 years or so.

Thanks Flying. People are pissed aren't they.

Not sure the other 'party' would have done any better. Decent Politicians are rarer than Earthquakes in Blighty I'm afraid.

They sure are jubby

Look at 12DrinkMore usually the laid back dude ... Now wants a AK :D

Decent Politicians? Now there's a Oxymoron :o


I wasn't suggesting any appeasement or Navel gazing Geri'.

We have a lot of work to do, its Sensible IMO for a country to be have a deal of self-reliance if possible . UK can be self sufficient almost in Food and Energy .

As for 'Lunatics' , why are they Lunatics in the first place, nothing to do with us trying to put it up e'm for the last several hundred years I suppose.

Middle east problems, Gaza, palestine, nothing to do with us I suppose.

anyway, off topic , my appologies ;-)


Well, people are starting to wake up to the impending disaster (not just in the UK either) and although what is coming is going to be very painful, I am optimistic that something good can come out of all of this. E.G. a fair monetary system and a nation populated by people NOT sheeple.


As I became older, traveled more and eventually lived abroad, it became clear that the rich controlled the world. A very small percentage of the people at that. They have no interest in giving up their control or making everyone else rich. Go here for an example of worldwide wealth distribution.


You can Google a 1000 such articles so I won't waste time and space posting links. My opinion is just this: There are greedy people who will do anything to get or stay rich and to hel_l with everybody else. Given the wealth distribution in the world, I don't know why more people like the OP aren't being heard from. But a quick look at some of the conflicts around the world seem to be between the haves and the have nots. I don't think this system can survive.

Just for fun here are some glimpses of the wealthy.


And this http://thinkprogress.org/2009/01/25/limbaugh-obama-stimulus/ Sure wouldn't lose power!!!! :o

And before someone flames me. I was, when I retired, in that top 1%. I am not anymore after spreading some around but I feel like I did some good for others. :D I am happy living a simple life.



Looks like he was right again!

Nostradamus predicted all of this....the end of the world is near! :o

Goodie, front row seats & normally I miss all the exciting world events.


Prophecies of Nostradamus:

During the time of troubles the assassination of world leaders will

become extremely common, so much that the population will not even

keep track of who is the current leader, thinking it a futile

exercise because they are assassinated so frequently. With the

warfare going on, a great danger will exist to anyone who has

ambitions for leadership, except for the Antichrist, who will be

actually orchestrating most of the assassinations himself.

Its not you is it 12? The Antichrist?

After the Riots and Lynchings have subdued we'll have to start minding our own F***ing Business and develop some self interest and realise we are not a World Power anymore. A Bit of protectionism not unlike the Thais use wouldn't go a miss too.

Angry ? Me ? Too ******* Right.

Isolationism, appeasement and navel gazing didn't serve England too well when Chamberlain tried that route. Maybe the UK isn't a world power but it is in its economic and social interests to ensure that lunatics do not operate terrorist bases in Afghanistan and that it's energy suppliers in the middle east are not interfered with. As well, moral values are worth something. I wouldn't be too hard on the UK because it did the right thing at the time.

Protectionism? Bit too late for that. The house isn't just on fire, it burnt down in the 70's under Labour rule and the embers are cold. The British people gave up on their manufacturing industries years ago when they like everyone else in the west embraced the crappy but cheap goods that flowed out of asian and latin american sweatshops. I remember when I was a kid, my grandfather getting me a pair of oxfords and telling me that when he was a boy he had them and that the British made the best shoes in the world. Are there any shoe manufacturers left to protect now? I still have a woolen RAF scarf one of my family members used in WWII. Little bit worn and shrunk, but I doubt a chinese manufactured scarf would have lasted 65 years or so.

Chamberlain screwed up when he went to war too early against Germany, but isolationism did work prior to getting pally with the UN in Victoria's day. Britains gone downhill ever since.

Anybody who says Britain can't stand on its own two feet without Europe is either a traitor or misguided.

The Nowegians have managed it, so can Britain. It just takes a politician / leader with iron balls and vision. Which seems lacking in both parties.

The Thais can do it, and they have hardly any fuel reserves (gas aside)!!!

Britain can restart its manufacturing industry, its not like the switch stays turned off. One thing that we could start looking into is the hi-tech manufacturing industry - Medical equipment, precision parts etc.

There is a lot of opportunity but it needs bold deeds and actions. Not the bs same-old from the PTB.


I am thrilled about the US bailout. It was the one good thing W Bush ever did. If the bailout hadn't happened, rushed and messy as it was, the stock market would already be 50 percent lower than the current low levels.


I'm with you Jimsknight, unfortunately weve got more wet lettuces than Iron Balls at least where Politicians are concerned.

Is Thatcher still alive and Kicking ?

Talking of 'Alive and Kicking' I think we've Found "Lord Lucan' Alive and Kicking in Thailand. Come on Lordofdelusion admit it ;-)


One comment that came out of this mess that I must admit, never occurred to me was made by Paulson. He said something to the effect that these $200,000 a year congressmen are way out matched by the $20,000,000 a year CEOs and Bankers. He has to be right on this one. Look what has happened thus far. It was said during the hearings with the US auto makers in front of a congressional committee.


Did you see this though.............it makes me sick :o

Merrill CEO spends $87,000 on rug, $1M+ on office furniture

As Merrill Lynch faced a financial crisis, CEO John Thain spent $87,000 on an area rug, and over $1.22 million (now taxpayers money) on hiring celebrity designer Michael Smith and furniture.

While Thain slashed expenses and shed thousands of jobs, he personally approved the follow items for his Lower Manhattan office:

$87,000 for an area rug in Thain’s conference room

another area rug for $44,000

a “mahogany pedestal table” for $25,000

a “19th Century Credenza” in Thain’s office for $68,000

a sofa for $15,000

our pairs of curtains for $28,000

a pair of guest chairs for $87,000

a “George IV Desk” for $18,000

six wall sconces for $2,700

six chairs in his private dining room for $37,000

a mirror in his private dining room for $5,000

a chandelier in the private dining room for $13,000

fabric for a “Roman Shade” for $11,000

a “custom coffee table” for $16,000

something called a “commode on legs” for $35,000

a “Regency Chairs” for $24,000

40 yards of fabric for wall panels for $5,000

and a “parchment waste can” for $1,400

That’s right. A trash bin for $1,400.

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