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Equivalent to a 15% price rise.

This tactic has been going on for years. In Thailand too.

Look at the size of musli, cornflakes, etc etc


15% huh.png less contents in a "Mars" bar? this is worse than Lehman 2008! w00t.gif

When I was in school I was taught 1/5th = 20%whistling.gif

I lazy reading to day; not engaged brain.


15% huh.png less contents in a "Mars" bar? this is worse than Lehman 2008! w00t.gif

When I was in school I was taught 1/5th = 20%whistling.gif

where you in school scared sh1tless as you are now, pray tell? huh.png

the Mars bar in the thread "Financial Crisis" = cheesy.gif


15% huh.png less contents in a "Mars" bar? this is worse than Lehman 2008! w00t.gif

When I was in school I was taught 1/5th = 20%whistling.gif

where you in school scared sh1tless as you are now, pray tell? huh.png

the Mars bar in the thread "Financial Crisis" = cheesy.gif

The surreptitious cheating and denial of the true state of inflation which this illustrates is far more relevant to this thread than you posting a picture of a baked swan


new economic term of the day - ‘Shrinkflation’sad.png

( the concept where companies reduce the weight or size of an item without increasing its price )

Hasn t that allegedly been going on in the Thailand bar scene for some time now?

Rule of 4 I believe: 4 inches. 4 minutes. 4 thousand.

Where certain young ladies allegedly prefer certain nationalities that have shorter "apendages" and for a shorter time.



15% huh.png less contents in a "Mars" bar? this is worse than Lehman 2008! w00t.gif

When I was in school I was taught 1/5th = 20%whistling.gif

where you in school scared sh1tless as you are now, pray tell? huh.png

the Mars bar in the thread "Financial Crisis" = cheesy.gif




Klingon = Mars Bar Head

That 15% decrease in Mars bars puts a whole new perspective on the universe.



i was told the four hairdressers on the road leading to my moo baan increased their prices for a haircut from 60 to 70 baht = inflation and financial crisis!



i was told the four hairdressers on the road leading to my moo baan increased their prices for a haircut from 60 to 70 baht = inflation and financial crisis!


To know that you'd need hair in the first place.

tongue.png.pagespeed.ce.JwCxzAWj6x.png Sorry Naam.


The fines are just a cost of business. Another tax to pay in their minds. As long as they are kept in biz and "too big to fail" or " jail" . Will not change.

i can only agree with you. but unfortunately the monsters can't be controlled because they control those who are supposed to control the banks. they slapped fines of hundreds of millions and increased the fines to billions. all to no avail bah.gif

The reason why these fines don't work is because the fines are paid by the banks, while the felonies are committed by managers.

I would fine (and/or jail) the responsible managers, not the companies, it's kinda unfair for the investors who had no say in how the company is managed.


Mccw, Thailand house is always run like that with bulk buying and a large stock room regardless of pending tinfoilhattery. 1. It saves money and 2. I hate shopping.


Mccw, Thailand house is always run like that with bulk buying and a large stock room regardless of pending tinfoilhattery. 1. It saves money and 2. I hate shopping.

Good good

UK the place one would need it most though; since Thailand has relatively local produced verity of food compared to the western mass production and just in time deliveries across huge networks.

My parents always kept a fully stocked larda as their parents did (and so forth); only recent times people stopped to take care with any sort of supply's apparently. Nothing foil hat about being prepared. Snowed in; flooded in/ cut off; normal turns of events to be ready for; now everyone's like holy Molly a flood why didn't the government come save us in x amount of time; obviously because there's a thousand + other people need saving too some times. If your ready yourself then much less suffering. The amount of money involved would be a minor for most people.


Mccw, Thailand house is always run like that with bulk buying and a large stock room regardless of pending tinfoilhattery. 1. It saves money and 2. I hate shopping.

Good good

UK the place one would need it most though; since Thailand has relatively local produced verity of food compared to the western mass production and just in time deliveries across huge networks.

My parents always kept a fully stocked larda as their parents did (and so forth); only recent times people stopped to take care with any sort of supply's apparently. Nothing foil hat about being prepared. Snowed in; flooded in/ cut off; normal turns of events to be ready for; now everyone's like holy Molly a flood why didn't the government come save us in x amount of time; obviously because there's a thousand + other people need saving too some times. If your ready yourself then much less suffering. The amount of money involved would be a minor for most people.

Oh, there's, ther'e's a um . . . four pack of low sugar reduced salt baked beans around somewhere. That's enough.


more warnings on Chinasad.png

'Clear and present danger': Australia to be hit as Chinese economy starts unravelling

Speaking at a conference on Thursday, the federal government's former top resources forecaster Quentin Grafton said the iron ore price was unlikely to recover quickly, leading to a painful downturn in the Australian economy in 2015.

"This isn't about doom and gloom, it's about looking at the risk and numbers. It's a clear and present danger," Mr Grafton said.



cheapskate banksters using pathetic scare tactics bah.gif

Revealed: the banks using 'pseudo' solicitor firms to make debtors pay up

Britain's high-street banks are routinely issuing legal demands from what appear to be independent firms of solicitors designed to make struggling borrowers pay up. Yet the firms are not regulated by the legal profession's watchdog, and are simply names used by banks' in-house lawyers.



Yes I guess that s what happens when people artificially interfere in the market on such wide scales.

Only a matter of time for bonds to fall. If you havent locked in yields and are holding to maturity expect losses.

US equities overvalued. Expect a correction at some point.

USD long term decline and slowly losing its position as the reserve currency. Not helped by geopolitics and the way US alienates people. Perhaps still a temporary flight to there but not a lasting solution.

Neither is gold. Think that also benefited from the crisis and has been inflated too even after small corrections. A lot of people hold it now who never used to. eg posters on TV in the last couple of years got into it for first time and still hoping. Further losses and could be more of a washout. Also a beneficiary of liquidity sloshing around.

Cash risks you losing out in real terms... but as people dont know how long before the next correction no one wants too much there either.

So need to be watchful. Diversify and look for value in the various asset classes.


Fletch :)


A glimpse of the future maybe.

Permanent money printing basically.

Sure it won't be inflationary and governments will be totally responsible ;)


A glimpse of the future maybe.

Permanent money printing basically.

Sure it won't be inflationary and governments will be totally responsible wink.png

I think so. Fractional reserve reached its mathematic terminus and you just don't know what to do other than print and kick the can.


Yes I guess that s what happens when people artificially interfere in the market on such wide scales.

Only a matter of time for bonds to fall. If you havent locked in yields and are holding to maturity expect losses.

US equities overvalued. Expect a correction at some point.

USD long term decline and slowly losing its position as the reserve currency. Not helped by geopolitics and the way US alienates people. Perhaps still a temporary flight to there but not a lasting solution.

Neither is gold. Think that also benefited from the crisis and has been inflated too even after small corrections. A lot of people hold it now who never used to. eg posters on TV in the last couple of years got into it for first time and still hoping. Further losses and could be more of a washout. Also a beneficiary of liquidity sloshing around.

Cash risks you losing out in real terms... but as people dont know how long before the next correction no one wants too much there either.

So need to be watchful. Diversify and look for value in the various asset classes.


Fletch smile.png

easier said than done ermm.gif


Yes I guess that s what happens when people artificially interfere in the market on such wide scales.

Only a matter of time for bonds to fall. If you havent locked in yields and are holding to maturity expect losses.

US equities overvalued. Expect a correction at some point.

USD long term decline and slowly losing its position as the reserve currency. Not helped by geopolitics and the way US alienates people. Perhaps still a temporary flight to there but not a lasting solution.

Neither is gold. Think that also benefited from the crisis and has been inflated too even after small corrections. A lot of people hold it now who never used to. eg posters on TV in the last couple of years got into it for first time and still hoping. Further losses and could be more of a washout. Also a beneficiary of liquidity sloshing around.

Cash risks you losing out in real terms... but as people dont know how long before the next correction no one wants too much there either.

So need to be watchful. Diversify and look for value in the various asset classes.


Fletch :)

If buying in today; Where do you see value presently fletch?



surely this is the key issue and this cant be solved then how can there be a " recovery " ?

World Bank warns of global jobs crisis

The world is facing a global jobs crisis that is hurting the chances of reigniting economic growth and there is no magic bullet to solve the problem, the World Bank warned on Tuesday.The World Bank said an extra 600 million jobs needed to be created worldwide by 2030 just to cope with the expanding population.



The jobs crises could be solved easily.

Full employment like a war economy; but rather than for war purpose it could be to build a green energy network; build homes or what ever else.

The real problem is if having full employment world wide then inflation would rocket.

Also; It would threaten the status quo power structures.


Inflation being the respondent tight supply compared to the money in peoples hands/ life style spending, rather than hoarded in paper "investments" like today's majority of money creation going on. They can't let the masses have too much of the paper- just a little bit and look how home prices exploded- how agricultural prices exploded (in relative terms worse across the Middle East and Asia.)

Imagine how it would be if all people on the planet were given jobs and money; all wanting to eat more, meat and dairy, let alone the gadgets and houses.

So really the key problem is the worlds population size to available physical resources ! No?


Inflation being the respondent tight supply compared to the money in peoples hands/ life style spending, rather than hoarded in paper "investments" like today's majority of money creation going on. They can't let the masses have too much of the paper- just a little bit and look how home prices exploded- how agricultural prices exploded (in relative terms worse across the Middle East and Asia.)

Imagine how it would be if all people on the planet were given jobs and money; all wanting to eat more, meat and dairy, let alone the gadgets and houses.

So really the key problem is the worlds population size to available physical resources ! No?

" So really the key problem is the worlds population size to available physical resources ! No? "

Yes! I have thought this for a long time.

How come you even have to have a licence for your dog, but there are controls on people breeding. even unemployed people are allowed to breed indiscriminately and will hardly set a good example regarding work ethic to their children. But those in power are only look upon this as extra consumers.

And all these do-gooders who say the world isn't overpopulated mention nothing about the ever-increasing scarcity of water and food (that is not genetically modified)


Of huge significance to Thailand. Story in yesterday's financial Times

Majority in China expect war with Japan

China and Japan are heading towards military conflict, according to a majority of Chinese surveyed on ties between the Asian powers in a Sino-Japanese poll.

The Genron/China Daily survey found that 53 per cent of Chinese respondents – and 29 per cent of the Japanese polled – expect their nations to go to war. The poll was released ahead of the second anniversary of Japan’s move to nationalise some of the contested Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.


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